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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Printable Version

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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - nunchakus - 12-18-2010

Comm ID: Ibrahim Malikk, OSI-Srivijaya
Location: Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Subject: Virulian Enclave Contract Report


Today I made some deliveries for the Virulian Enclave, here are the trade manifest.

Niobium Shipment 1: Dropoff
Niobium Shipment 2: Dropoff

Total Shipment: 10,000 units

Until next time, peace be upon you.

Ibrahim Malikk, OSI-Srivijaya

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - alphadog - 12-19-2010

:: Incoming transmission :: Source: Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49 :: ID: Nathan Hunt, OSI-Atlantis ::
[Image: huntw.png]

My sincere apologies for the delay of my delivery report. I went on a small hiking trip on Gran Canaria, but it took several days longer then expected.

Shipment #3 & #4: 3580 units of Quantum Multiplexors each ::
[Image:] [Image:]

Shipment #5 - #7: 3578 units of Plutonium each ::
[Image:] [Image:] [Image:]

I did some more runs, but I have an appointment to see a doctor now. Who knows what I've caught up in the woods. I'll hopefully finish my report within 48 hours.

Hunt out.

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - SigCorps - 12-20-2010

**Incoming Transmission**

CommID: Daren Cumberland, OSI-Coleridge

Message reads:

Well made a food run for Crete today here are the manifests
Pick up Delivery

Grabbed some Nanocapcitors for the trip back to Gran C.

Daren out.

**End of Message**

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - nunchakus - 12-21-2010

[Image: nunchakus_trans.png]

Comm ID: Ibrahim Malikk, OSI-Srivijaya
Location: Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49
Subject: Virulian Enclave Contract Report


Today I made some more deliveries for the Virulian Enclave, here are the trade manifest.

Niobium Shipment 1: Dropoff
Niobium Shipment 2: Dropoff

Total Shipment: 10,000 units

Until next time, peace be upon you.

Ibrahim Malikk, OSI-Srivijaya

[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Daedric - 12-22-2010

[Image: crosstransls.png]
The crew and I have been doing some work for the GMG, hence the lack of reports from the Penumbra. We did haul some niobium down to Canaria for the Virulian Enclave and then some food rations to Crete. The crew and I will be taking some down time on Canaria. I'll be in room 263 at the Canaria Inn & Suites in the Grey District.

Virulian Enclave Niobium Shipment Shipment Total: 3600

Crete Food Ration Shipments Shipment Total: 7200
[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Daedric - 12-22-2010

[Image: crosstrans.png]
To: Lloyd Sienar

Sorry to stop your vacation before it begins Sienar but I have a few shipments I need you to fill for the company. You should be receiving the details with this transmission. Please fill this as quick as you can.

Attachment: ShipmentManifest.pdf
[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Daedric - 12-24-2010

[Image: crosstransls.png]
I've filled the order as requested. The crew and I are going to take some down time on Curacao unless the board has more orders for us. I've transmitted the manifests directly to the board as requested. Good day.
[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Daedric - 12-30-2010

[Image: crosstransls.png]
I brought some H-Fuel to Canaria for the Enclave. As I was moored the crew and I noticed a Ahoudori sporting a full load out of Zoner turrets. We thought nothing of it, seeing as it had just came up from the surface. Once all the fuel was transported to the surface and a load of deuterium hauled up to us we began our run to Crete.

Upon entering Omega-47 the very Ahoudori we noticed leaving Canaria disabled our cruise engines and demanded we pay him a sum of 1 million credits. We made it clear that pirating our vessel having just left Canaria's hospitality was a rude thing to do. He claimed he didn't care, that he didn't have a need for every using a Freeport or any other Zoner place again. I inquired as to how he was going to get the weapons repaired, that only served to anger him. We paid the requested sum to ensure the shipment got to Crete.

I have data logs of the incident if required.
[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - nunchakus - 01-04-2011

[Image: nunchakus_trans.png]

To start the month off, me and my crew decided to deliver the alien organisms needed by the SCRA to Zhukovsky Station. I must say I was pretty nervous going into their territory for the first time but all in all the transaction went well without any interruption. The trade manifest are as followed;

SCRA: Alien Organisms Delivery

Batch 1: Dropoff
Batch 2: Dropoff
Batch 3: Dropoff
Batch 4: Dropoff

Total Delivery: 19983 Units

[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Dourden4 - 01-04-2011

[Image: dourden_trans.png]

I took the Calimshan out for a bit of work today, and hauled in some of those Alien Organisms for the SCRA. Omega 52 is really a sight to behold. Manifests follow:

Shipment 1
Shipment 2

I encountered no problems on either of these runs. Just a few oddities. One was a Conference Gunboat with ZG papers, but my scanners read a Corsair transponder on it. Not sure what he was up to around Freeport 9, but as I left he seemed to have done something to piss off the station, as it was taking shots at him.

The other oddity was I actually saw a Liberty Rogue in Omega-41. Seemed a strange place to find one of them boys. But he left me be, so I left him be.

But geez these little buggers are fragile! Lost a few along the way, guess a ships containment areas just arent as gentle or effective as a stations.

So I totaled out at 10,000 purchased, and 9,991 offloaded to the SCRA scientists. I'll be making some more runs soon.

[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]