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Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Chico - 07-13-2008

Comm ID: Chico Benitez
Re: recent un-corsair like action in Gamma

Thankyou for this report Ryoken. I will be looking into this as yours is now not the first such report.

Col.Chetsky was witnessed demanding a small tax to land on Crete.

Castlemanno SVK was also reported as one of two, party to requiring taxes from food importers/artifact exporters.

I look forward to discussing it with them.

Chico out.

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Carlos_Benitez - 08-10-2008

-----------------------------Incoming Transmission-------------------------------------
To: The Benitez Familia
cc: The Corsair Nation
Comm ID: Commandante of Benitez Forces, Senor Carlos Benitez
Source: Tripoli Shipyard, overseeing the re-construction of the Tartarus.

Re: Rescue of Pepe Benitez

A glorious day for the Corsairs!
After returning from my holiday on Gran Canaria with my youngest daughter, we immediately went to work notifying our forces of the coming raid on Newgate. To protect the secrecy of the mission, most forces where not informed until a few hours before our raiding fleet set off for the infamous Bretonian prison in Manchester.
Sneaking through Cambridge, we where detected by a Bretonian patrol, who assumabley notified the admiralty.
As we approached Newgate, we discovered it was swarming with LSF.
The Tartarus, under my command, took down the Base's shield and sent across our brave marines, who discovered the base had already been evacuated of prisoners. It became apparent that the Bretonians had received warning of our approach, and had contacted the LSF to set a trap.
Our pilots clashed with the Libertonians outside the empty base, but thanks to advanced tractor beams fitted on our ships, we where able to rescue all our downed comrades. After the remaining LSF forces fell back to the base, our remaining ships fell back to Leeds and rendezvoused with [\JG/]Skysurfer, captaining a carrier vessel where our ships where repaired and our pilots where able to board new vessels.
We then made our way through Cambridge, where we discovered the LSF and Bretonians had set another trap for us at the Omega-5 hole. Scans confirmed Pepe Benitez was in fact on the Bretonian battleship blocking the hole. After disabling the battleship, my marines lifted Pepe and a number of other prisoners from the warship, which then re-animated. We destroyed the vessel and the Tartarus took Pepe back to Cadiz.
Though we lost many ships, all pilots where rescued and our fleet will be back at full readiness in a matter of weeks. I'm told Pepe is recovering well, and should be flying with us again soon.
I'd like to thank our brave allies Miguel Rodriguez, M.Martinez(TBH), Grimly (Titan), (OPG)Poison and others, many of whom sacrificed their ships to ensure the success of the operation.
[Image: r9edft.jpg]
The glory of the battles was difficult to sum up in words, but Elder Chico Benitez did a fairly good job of trying in his personal log, which I will now quote.

Quote:Personal Log of Elder Chico Benitez

The day had come upon us suddenly. All the waiting and intelligence gathering had seemed to drag on for ever. Then, with less than 24hrs notice, the word went out. It was on!

Some of the family were away in other systems. They had no chance of getting back. We mustered what we could 9k from Crete. A small flotilla aided by a couple of family friends joined us on the assault. Grimly and Martinez TBH. The attack on Bretonia was starting, right into it's very heart. The assault on Newgate prison was on. Pepe was being extracted.

We took a route past Cadiz and through Cambridge where it appears we were spotted by some of the Bretonian military. They didn't have the numbers to challenge us directly though but unknown to us had called in a favor. That favor would be waiting for us at Newgate.

As we closed in on the prison through the minefields, my scanners lit up like a Christmas tree. LSF and lots of them. We engaged them while Carlos sent marines aboard to snatch Pepe.
The fight wore on. Poor Grimly was an early casualty, but was picked up. They certainly had him on their hit list. All of them targeted him.
He evaded well. Long enough for me to get =LSF=Carzor.Stelatis to eject.
Meanwhile, the boarding party had found an empty cell. The Bertonians had moved Pepe.
The battle raged on regardless. Jose bagged one but then called for back up. The BPA had joined the fight and were all over him. I came in behind some pilot 'Chubby' or something in a light fighter. Two passes and he was debris. Thats when =LSF=Evangelion got revenge. I had engaged Fluid who was proving to be a VERY hard target. I was fighting hard when I ran into one of his mines. 'POOF' no shield. Next thing I know is Evangelion who was somewhere behind me opens me up like a ripe tomato. At least Jose had the presence of mind to pick me up. Whilst all this was going on Truenos was having a field day in his bomber. With a super nova and spamming mines, he got at least two. Rosendo was having a time of it as well. He bagged one as well before we disengaged.

A couple of us had lost our rides in that bruising encounter but we had made plans. A member of the JG in a supply vessel was waiting for us in Leeds. Re-equiping and re-arming we left for Cadiz.

Jumping to Cambridge, intel informed us of a prison transport, the Bretonian BB 'Pendragon'. Pepe was definately aboard.

We engaged and easily disabled the battleship. Carlos' boarding parties were unleashed. Outside, all hell was breaking loose. The four remaining LSF had managed to come through the TL's and meet up with an already assembled fleet of Queens own.
I engaged a bomber. I sought to stop it attacking Carlos' ship which had to remain alongside the BB while boarding was taking place.
We fought and I managed to damage him but at almost everypass he was hitting me with something big. It was either his torpedo one time, or his super nova the next. I kept dodging until Carlos was in the clear. Then we all attacked the Pendragon. She was left a burning hulk. I then turned my attention back to the bomber who had my life hell. It was not over for him however. Sadly, despite my earlier victories, my day ended abruptly when this time, rather than dodging it, I caught the Nova with no shields up.

Not really sure what happened thereafter. I do know that Truenos picked me up. I was an early casualty. I do know that I was joined in that tiny cargo space by several other corsair pilots.

Having got back to Crete some hours later, a party was being held for the safe return of our pilot, Pepe Benitez.
Carlos and he came over and shook our hands personally, thanking us for a great job well done. Ship losses were high but all our pilots got home. That was what was important.

Again, a big thank you to the brave pilots who assisted us in retrieving our lost comrade.

Viva Los Benitez, Viva Los Corsairs.

-------------------------Transmission Ends----------------------------------------------------

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Gentle - 08-11-2008

To- the Benitez familia
From Elder Gentle of the OPG

Hola senors. I praise and thank you Carlos for your intervention between certain independants and the newly acquired JulioSalvada. I am forced to make each of you aware that we have in our midst a young man who has been
most unfortunate in life. Born an outcast but with an allergy to their cardamine. The boy spent hi life in oxygen tents and then space. He came to me some days ago chased down and hunted by the people who raised him. He was hunted by the outcasts and in time he turned against them for they saw him as a freak as some kind of corsair they couldnt trust because they couldnt control him with cardamine. I have verified he is completely clear of cardamine and I have decided it is the lesser of two evils to have him among us where we can learn much about the outcasts than to have him roaming free among our people. I have given him OPG status to help people to understand that he is now a corsair. He is honour bound to stand by us now amigos and I hope that you will all offer him the hospitality of the corsairs and take what we can from this young man. Therte are certain elements of the indy populace who do not seem to respect the [OPG] flags on a ship and they will be dealt with accordingly. I leave this message for the benitez out of respect for your familia so that we may avoid any further complications arising from the ship that this amigo flies. I have allowed on this one occasion for this amigo to maintain his current ship which is a sabre. This is the only deviation the OPG will allow from our normal ship scheme and while unusual i hope you can see there was exceptional circumstances that brought this boy to us.

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Carlos_Benitez - 08-15-2008

------------------------Incoming Transmission-----------------------------
Comm ID: Commandante of Benitez forces, Don Carlos Benitez
To: All loyal Corsairs
Source: The Corsair Gunboat Tartarus, in orbit of Planet Crete

After a quiet few days, it seems figurative exrement has hit the fan. A number of incidents have taken place, that all Corsairs need to be notified about.

On defence duty of the Cretian docking ring, we detected a Zoner transport "Arctic Bolt" headed in to land. He hailed and requested docking permission. We requested he stop for scans, to then discover he was carrying thousands of passengers.
We blocked the mooring platform, but he headed for Tripoli. We attempted to prevent him docking there, when he doubled back and landed without permission on Planet Crete. I can only assume he offloaded the passengers who may be usurping the food supplies as we speak. The captain of the ship was informed of the consiquences of these actions, and was asked to undock immediately with all the passengers. He did not do so. ((//and then logged off))
Possibly equally as worrying as that, was that this captain claimed to be doing these runs under the instruction of a Brotherhood member, and believed he was bringing "new recruits" to Crete for the Brotherhood.
I would hope that this was not the case, and that the Brotherhood are not betraying their own people by supporting the transport of Libertonian Tourists to Crete. Furthermore, I would hope that the Brotherhood had enough respect for their own blood to recognise that men are born Corsairs, and are not "recruited".
Even those who are adopted into our nation where born with Corsair hearts. We have no use for Libertonian scum.

The second incident took place disturblingly soon after. A number of Jupiter Guild vessels entered Gamma and demanded that a Corsair Vessel; Teal'c, stop and explain himself. The Corsair Gunboat Teal'c ran to Crete with a number of Jupiter Guild gunboats on his tail.
The Jupiter Guild captains where informed that the matter was now under Corsair jurisdiction, and complied with our demands.
It was learned that the Teal'c had been actively hunting Zoners in Omicron Theta, and had destroyed a number of Zoner vessels in surprise attacks within the Freeport-9 safe zone. This included one vulnerable Jupiter Guild vessel.
The captain did not defend himself from the allegations, and did not make any attempt to explain himself. He did, however, shout "HELP" repeatedly.
It became clear to a number of corsairs in Crete's orbit that Teal'c must have been guilty of the aforementioned crimes, who assisted the Jupiter Guild in destroying the vessel after it undocked from Crete and began firing on the Jupiter Guild ships.
After the vessel was destroyed, the Jupiter Guild Gunboats where asked to leave so as not to incite panic on Crete's surface. They complied.

If the captain's escape pod reached the surface safely and the captain is still alive, I would recommend that he be found, and exiled from Corsair space for numerous counts of murder, endangerment of our diplomatic status with the Zoners, and endangerment of the supply of food to our people.
This is my reccomendation, though I expect the matter will be discussed thoroughly.

Carlos Out.

---------------------Transmission Ends-------------------------------

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Shimmer - 08-16-2008

Incoming Transmission
To: The Benitez
Subject: Matters in Corsair Space

Message reads: Greetings Hermanos,

It is with regret that I must bring up this most disturbing matter as my first contact with you as the new JG diplomat. As Senior Carlos' post reads above, three JG Gunboats were forced to enter Corsair territory yesterday to admit justice to a man by the name of Teal'c.

It seems we scared him into submission so bad, that he could only say "HELP!" repetitively whilst we chased the scum. I would just like to take this opportunity to say thank you for letting us deal our own brand of justice on this cretin. A man who pillages Freeports so close to Corsair space, and then has the guts to murder Zoners in their home AND attack JG vessels should not be associated with the respectable Corsair faction.

If there are any matters which we must sort out, please contact me to do so.

Kind regards,


Transmission ends

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Jinx - 08-21-2008

from: Persephone -II-
to: open channel

this is a detailed copy of the freeport 11 rules. - these rules only concern freeport 11. - other freeport rules might vary or be non existant. it is posted to clear up any misunderstandings

Freeport 11 laws
Omicron-delta is a remote system far, far away from any easy supplies. those that chose it as their home rely on both, a steady supply from the core or from other stations and a good understanding with their neighbors.
Furthermore, the station is used as the omicron base of operations for the bounty hunters fleet and as a place to study the ever increasing nomad activity with the long range sensor array near the minor jumphole.

To ensure at least the minimum of safety, zoners have installed the following laws to enable the station to welcome any visitor as a guest.

-Firearms are to be locked away before setting foot on the station, no personal fights or brawls are allowed and will result in the immediate disband of the culprits. They will politely be escorted to their ships.
-If any ship holds prisoners, the crew is *advised* to release those in the process of staying on the station. however, we understand the special affairs of the order, so the order is not asked to release their prisoners, cause we are certain that they are treated in a humane way. all other ships should release the hostages, as it could cause uproar with all the different factions we have on the station.
-Nomad samples have to be held in special security containers and should be left on the ships. we try not to contaminate the station with such samples. if samples are found floating in space near the station, they are to be tractored and either destroyed or secured for further processing.
-Due to the heavy damage inflicted in the past to the station, - a safety zone was installed. its radius measures 5000 clicks and we do not tolerate any hostile actions within this radius. especially warship guns must not be fired within this area, as accidental shots can just so easily damage the stations hull or endanger our convoys, which are vital for the stations survival.
-A high security defense perimeter was installed which measures 4000 clicks ( scanner range ). If any enemy of the zoners enters this zone, it can be engaged, but should the enemy retreat, - it should not be chased unless the destruction of this enemy is certain. Defense is our mission, not offense.

When is the law of the safety zone void?

-Any ship is allowed to act in self defense when fired upon ( no need for a 50% shield drain rule if someone fires on another ship, the other ship can defend itself no matter how much damage was done [within the official rules, naturally] )
-If any hostile act was commited earlier the safety zone can be ignored. we do provide a safety zone for peaceful visitors, but we do not enforce a shelter for wartorn vessels that will cause a siege on the station! however, we do ask the participants not to target any civilian vessel or any vessel that is not participating in that combat. Of course firing on the station when an enemy vessel has docked with the mooring fixture is not allowed and will not be tolerated.
-A hostile act is an act of warfare for that matter ( in terms of RP, it should be some serious offence that endangers the faction. a simple taunt will not do it, please )

What steps will the zoners take if these laws are ignored?
-Those that violate the laws are being warned, in serious cases ( when they fire on the station or civilians ) docking rights are taken from this vessel until reparations are payed.
- If a faction violates the laws, it will be taken before the faction leaders to discuss the matter and possibly before the council in case it is a serious breach of the zoners neutrality.
- If the violating ship is not part of a faction, a bounty might be placed on the culprits head and docking rights might be taken away from the person for a reasonable time. ( only concerns this Freeport ) in any case, the council will be informed about this individuals actions.
- If weaponfire is directed at the station and if zoners are targeted intentionally as a hostile act, we will strike back with whatever force is required to repell or destroy the attacker.

All in all it is preferred to solve problems in a diplomatic way. should the violation happen repeatedly and should there be an utter disrespect of the laws though, the council will decide to deny a whole group the rights to dock with the station, and maybe other stations, too depending on the severity of the violation and the number of them.
the influence of the zoners ends 5k from the station at which point zoners provide no protection, nor have any reason to take up any side - in other words, a anthing outside the 5k is a free game for everyone.

thank you for your attention, Elizabeth "Jinx" Tate."

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Tequilla.Sunrise - 08-27-2008

Incoming Transmission
Sender: Tequila Sunrise

Subject: JG vessels

I had one JG trader claim Benitez and OPG protection, wanted to double-check that with you before I blindly believe anything, si? Here's the claim:

[Image: JG.bmp-1195682.jpg]

Waiting for a response.

End Transmission

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Chico - 09-04-2008

Comm ID: Chico Benitez

Subject: Passengers to Gamma

Hermanos, we have had unprecedented levels of people traffic into Gamma lately. Passengers have become a regular commodity. Some passenger smugglers appear to be actively supporting and supported by other corsairs. Today, I saw Centurion Globalo stop one such smuggler. Yesterday, Elder Shepardi had to stop one. Then, when I was on patrol with Julius, 'Punkmeout', a passenger smuggler came through from Kappa. We had been warned by an enterprising artifact smuggler that he was on his way but he got through the Kappa JH before we could get there. Despite our challenges, he refused to stop and was able to stay out of range all the way in to Tripoli where he docked and then proceeded to mock the corsairs and their laws, along with a new found friend, (Hs)Zerox{-D-} who was then joined by (Hs)Firestormer{*C*}. I am not sure what to make of this. I thought the HS were corsairs, but I am obviously mistaken.

From now on, 'PunkMeOut' is KoS until further notice.

Chico Benitez

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Laowai - 09-04-2008

' Wrote:Comm ID: Chico Benitez

Subject: Passengers to Gamma

Hermanos, we have had unprecedented levels of people traffic into Gamma lately. Passengers have become a regular commodity. Some passenger smugglers appear to be actively supporting and supported by other corsairs. Today, I saw Centurion Globalo stop one such smuggler. Yesterday, Elder Shepardi had to stop one. Then, when I was on patrol with Julius, 'Punkmeout', a passenger smuggler came through from Kappa. We had been warned by an enterprising artifact smuggler that he was on his way but he got through the Kappa JH before we could get there. Despite our challenges, he refused to stop and was able to stay out of range all the way in to Tripoli where he docked and then proceeded to mock the corsairs and their laws, along with a new found friend, (Hs)Zerox{-D-} who was then joined by (Hs)Firestormer{*C*}. I am not sure what to make of this. I thought the HS were corsairs, but I am obviously mistaken.

From now on, 'PunkMeOut' is KoS until further notice.

Chico Benitez

Greetings my Benitez Brothers.

I noted this transmission with interest and i hope you do not mind my using your channel to comment on it. Two things; i have noticed the increase in attempts and passenger trafficking more recently myself. Only a few days ago i intercepted 2 advance train class vessels laden to the brim with passengers from lord knows where - i cannot fathom what 2000 or more people would want to do on tripoli shipyard. Though we all know that security there has been lax for a while owing to the high volume of traffic from our allies.
I informed these vessels of the prohibition on this cargo and they had the good sense to turn around and leave.
They did state though, that they were not aware of the law. I am going to propose that the council restate this law publicly and amongst various Sirious wide comm channels to make it known.

The HS are another issue, i have encountered them at various times over the last week. The are Corsairs, perhaps a new fringe organisation of the like that are often springing up - breaking Corsair law openly however should not and will not be sanctioned, again this shall be raised in chambers.
I ask the Benitez to keep a watchful eye on both these matters, lest further action need to be taken.

Ben Laowai

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Satori - 09-05-2008

*Incomming Message*

Thankyou Amigo's for clarification, "safe passage" is what I meant...
"Crete control Dionysus inbound with supplies"