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where are the pirates? - Printable Version

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where are the pirates? - alance - 11-23-2007

' Wrote:Pirating in pairs or groups is the easy part. Getting the traders to actually pay over dieing is the much harder part, regardless of whether you've swarmed him or not. Running the risk of having your whole faction bountied is the part that I don't want to go through again.
Pirates can now use Transports for piracy. Team with a friend, put a CD on the transport and actually harvest the commodities that drop from these traders who would rather die than pay.

where are the pirates? - Archelon - 11-23-2007

@ Mjolnir: I look forward to your next post about how you have to rely on your trader to make money for your new pirate. On a good day, I'll make a grand 10 mil in a 24 hour period off piracy. And that's from 5 or 6 traders. That's quite a difference from actually being a trader that makes 10 mil in 10 minutes.

@ UnknownObject: I think you have an idea here. If a trader dies while being pirated, his trader is done trading for 24 hours. If he goes back to trading before the 24 hour cool down period is over, it would be considered a re-engagement.

@ Fellow Hoodlum: Um ... note Unselie is complaining about the "lack" of pirates? With a decline in piracy, its a bit difficult to find someone to team-up with. Also, with traders saying, "I'd rather die than pay" there's really no success in piracy whether its done alone or as a team.

@ Unselie: I don't mind the bounties. Most Bounty Hunters generally shoot at us pirates whether there's a bounty on us or not. So bounties really don't make a difference (ahem - bounty hunters might actually seek out bounties instead of acting like police and the military). So us being KOS with bounty hunters makes your bounties pointless. Mercs are neutral (or should be neutral) toward pirates and everyone. I hire mercs from time to time to protect me while I pirate traders. Since my goal is to get a trader, I don't want to have to watch my back for the police and military ... so hiring mercs helps keep my backside safe (so long as mercs recognize they can work for either side). With all that said, I like your idea about carrying credit cards in your holds to drop (or if you're destroyed they drop). This would make us pirates work even harder since we'd have to dock and cash them in or risk losing it if we got destroyed by someone else.

@ Morrigan: I don't think you're allowed to actually pirate in a transport. All the IDs allow you to do now is have a Liberty Rogue ID (or other unlawful faction ID) on a transport. Note the IDs actually allow you to trade as that faction. It doesn't actually allow you to pirate from them. And I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but when you destroy a trader carrying 3500 units of lets say Diamonds, the most that drop when you kill them is 180 units. I know because I've actually destroyed traders and that's the most that has ever dropped. So your idea of using a transport to pirate another transport for snatching up the goods that drop is pointless. Maybe if say 2000 units (or 80% of all cargo) dropped, this would help you in your argument. But as it stands now, 180 units of diamonds (or whatever the cargo is) isn't worth what we pirates are demanding in cash.

where are the pirates? - bluntpencil2001 - 11-23-2007

Yeah, I think that something which we are all guilty of is relying on our trader characters to fund our fighters in a very poor RP manner.

The Corsairs should only get money from Artifact smuggling and theft. The Outcasts should only get money from drug-smuggling and theft. Red Hessians, Unioners, Blood Dragons, Rogues et al? Theft alone. I guess Mollies could mine Gold. To me, this makes sense. It would limit the ships and funds available to smaller pirate factions, with the richer Outcasts and Corsairs being the only ones with real revenue.

Also, Bounty Hunters should get their funds for their battleships from collecting bounties.

Likewise, traders shouldn't pour all of their money into House Militaries either. The term 'taxation' annoys me when pirates use it. 'Taxing' is what governments do, not thieves! But... the governments don't fund the militaries and don't tax traders.

where are the pirates? - Archelon - 11-23-2007

Blunt's got a point here. House militaries and police should be actually charging traders docking fees for landing on their planets and bases. Pirates don't tax, they pirate (or loot).

However, I wouldn't pigeonhole what factions trade so much. Rogues don't earn their keep from simple theft. Buffalo Base pays the best for Cardamine. If you take a look around Sirius, smuggling runs between unlawful bases pay as much (if not more) than legitimate trade. 3500 units of Cardamine from Ibiza (in Omicron Alpha) to Buffalo Base (in New York) brings in a little more than 9 million credits. And 3500 units of Counterfeit Software from Rochester Base (in New York) to Arranmore Base (in Dublin) brings in a little over 6 million credits. I would not expect to see a Trader ID running exclusively between unlawful bases to make money. Now, the generic Pirate ID ... yeah, that would be the one that relies on theft (piracy) alone.

Either way you look at it though, there's going to be a decline in pirates on this server if traders don't start acting like traders. There's absolutely ZERO RP for "I'd rather die than pay." They cannot justify dieing and taking 3500 passengers with them. And I'm tired of hearing, "I'm saving up for my battleship license, so I can't afford to pay you" ... and then they dock and swap to some other character somewhere else until you leave the system ... when you're gone they jump right back to their trading.

where are the pirates? - bluntpencil2001 - 11-23-2007

Yeah, Archelon's right, there are smuggling runs I'm not personally familiar with, really.

I'm just throwing ideas around here now, so excuse any oddball ones... but how about saying that factions should only receive money from their own tagged traders, unless it is a lawful organisation which would be supplied by lawful traders? Bounty hunters would need to collect bounties, I'm afraid...

Also, the lack of logic for dying rather than paying annoys me, not just the poor RP. You lose more from dying than you do if you pay! That's WHY you pay! <Expletives removed>

where are the pirates? - mjolnir - 11-23-2007

' Wrote:@ Mjolnir: I look forward to your next post about how you have to rely on your trader to make money for your new pirate. On a good day, I'll make a grand 10 mil in a 24 hour period off piracy. And that's from 5 or 6 traders. That's quite a difference from actually being a trader that makes 10 mil in 10 minutes.

Don't really get it... I have quite a few fighter/bomber characters around... and 2 mil can keep one running for more than a week (using it 2-4 hours every day). Don't really see the money problem.

Off course you use a gunboat..

where are the pirates? - alance - 11-23-2007

' Wrote:@ Morrigan: I don't think you're allowed to actually pirate in a transport. All the IDs allow you to do now is have a Liberty Rogue ID (or other unlawful faction ID) on a transport. Note the IDs actually allow you to trade as that faction. It doesn't actually allow you to pirate from them. And I'm not sure if you are aware of this, but when you destroy a trader carrying 3500 units of lets say Diamonds, the most that drop when you kill them is 180 units. I know because I've actually destroyed traders and that's the most that has ever dropped. So your idea of using a transport to pirate another transport for snatching up the goods that drop is pointless. Maybe if say 2000 units (or 80% of all cargo) dropped, this would help you in your argument. But as it stands now, 180 units of diamonds (or whatever the cargo is) isn't worth what we pirates are demanding in cash.
1) Sure you can use a transport to pirate; what part of gameplay is broken by pirating in a transport?

2) Well the 180 cargo limit sucks. I wonder if that is a setting that can be adjusted. While I think your 80% salvage is over the top, 50% would be reasonable.

where are the pirates? - Rogue63 - 11-23-2007

There are some of us still pirating. Rogue81/Troll , our bud DCKilla we recently brought in the Discovery fold, and myself/Grinch. If you see us togather in a group you can bet we looking to lighten the money bags of traders or even some non-traders (level 40+ or possibly higher depending on ship/loadout, we generally do not to mess with ppl setting up there ships). For the most part you will see us in Liberty, but on occaision we will be in other areas. As far as people paying goes, that is there choice they are given that option at the first contact via chat. I have personally chased some people 1/2 way across the Sirus universe, dont mind really I take it as a challenge and part of the game. Some were really memorable, with the RP chat going on during the chase, especially the couple times I chased the slippery and elusive Yoda. One of these days I will catch the prized Yoda's ship:). Pirates are still alive and out there.

where are the pirates? - Drake - 11-23-2007

Only way to effectively pirate solo is in a bomber (with a CD) or a gunboat (with a CD). Might not be the best RP for every pirate to be flying around in one of those, but it's the only way that works unless you have a buddy.

Back when I actually got pirated, I made a point to never pay any pirate who didn't RP beyond "2mil or die". Be polite, or be menacing (politeness works better, though it's not fitting for all pirates), but don't just say "2mil or die".

where are the pirates? - globalplayer-svk - 11-23-2007

now fresh answer.i was on visit in sigma13 try to tax someone.but only 2 traders was in freighter escape me.and the other in firefly.he undock from base,i wait until he has control of the ship and then i type that i will tax.what he make?try to escape trough tradelane.nice.i disrupt the trade lane and ask again that i will answer so i open fire,destroy his shield and little damage hull.then i stop fire and ask 3rd time for answer so i open fire again.and the trader?fire little back with his 4 weak guns and then dock and good bye pirate.i was waiting 10 minutes,but no,still where are pirates?i thing when i try trading with the gb i make more money as when i try taxing.
and yes i know that i have right to kill him when he not answer or fire back,but i always try give a chance to pay when trader see that he has no chance.