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Memorial thread - NixOlympica - 11-08-2010

' Wrote:Too many people to mention.
I will metnion one though.
I miss n00bl3t. I hope he comes back one day.

Nooblet is here pretty much. Sometimes too much:DAlso:

Sprolf, Clayph, Pieguy, Kaze, Ben (NEXUS), Quorg, Captain Morgan, Jaime, Lenakov, Santiago, Tic, Yoda ...

Memorial thread - Marko111 - 11-08-2010

Will someone miss me if I go mad and erase all my characters (6 right now) and forum account?
I guess no...

Memorial thread - n00bl3t - 11-08-2010

' Wrote:Will someone miss me if I go mad and erase all my characters (6 right now) and forum account?
I guess no...

Not mad, rather a little sad.

Memorial thread - Stygian - 11-08-2010

Have to mention SigCorps. He taught me to always look out for the new guys. Something I will always do. He is a great guy and I never would have made it without him.

Even though he isn't technically gone, I miss Hack. Never seen anyone else as passionate about a faction as he was. He is also one of the best leaders I have ever met and he is just a great guy all round.

Memorial thread - Denelo - 11-08-2010

Missed this somehow. D:

Righty. Obviously I have to put Tanktarget, as he's the guy who actually taught me about RP and brought me into HF in the first place. Great guy, even if he never did quite get past the Dab-following ways of his AW days.

Then there's Zepphos (aka Axe). He and Terry (Razr) turned the Southern Alliance ([SA], fools) from a bunch of total lolwuts (ala LNS) into the great, upstanding, (usually) decent faction it is today (that is, the Liberty Navy - yes, the one Joe runs).

Harlequinn. Heh, where to begin. First two words that come to mind are "absolutely stupendous". Our resident cannibal/Empress of Kusari helped write some of the best forums stories of their time, especially considering the next best was ego-filled "my character has more superpowers than your character" material. She also managed to be sarcastic and snarky, not in a rude, annoying sort of way like many people these days, but in a way that always left me, at any rate, chuckling. Last I heard of her, though, she was in the hospital with a blood-swollen stomach. I hope she's alright, then; I'd hate to think Harly had died. Regardless, it's a real shame she's not around in this community anymore, especially with all the angst that's going around these days.

I miss Heathen, too. One of the best members HF has ever had; a real diamond in the rough. Sadly, he had some serious time issues, and ended up leaving eventually. If he hadn't, I'd guess he'd have been or would currently be Lord Commander.

And though I'm going to be tied up and burned at the stake for saying this, I also miss Tony (BulldogNK, people). Wow, he was a great guy. One of the few admins who actually took this game for what it is: a game. Up until his wife died, this guy was the kind of guy that made everyone around him feel great and just enjoy themselves.

Costi was another great one, too. Most of you don't know who Costi is, but it's really better off that way, to be honest. Hoodlum might remember him, as he had a bit of a grudge against Hood. If you could get over the slight admin conspiracy mentality he had, Costi was a stupendous guy, and is sorely missed.

Memorial thread - Jihadjoe - 11-08-2010

' Wrote:Then there's Zepphos (aka Axe). He and Terry (Razr) turned the Southern Alliance ([SA], fools) from a bunch of total lolwuts (ala LNS) into the great, upstanding, (usually) decent faction it is today (that is, the Liberty Navy - yes, the one Joe runs).

That was Titan and Razr who were the people involved in the change. Zepphos wasn't around during the switch. I was ranked roughly Lt. Cmdr at the time I think...

Memorial thread - Denelo - 11-08-2010

' Wrote:That was Titan and Razr who were the people involved in the change. Zepphos wasn't around during the switch. I was ranked roughly Lt. Cmdr at the time I think...

Uh. Maybe you weren't around at the time, but Zepphos started the switch. And a good job he did of it, too, up until he went Phantom with that character. Razr took over after he left. Don't know about Titan.

Memorial thread - Laowai - 11-08-2010

I like this thread.

A few come to mind for me:

Del - Great Role player, writer, disco'ite and Admin, we collaborated on some stuff, never got finished but it was enjoyable.

Zavier Benitez - we had a lot of good RP back in the day, good Role player and good bloke.

Tinkerbell - already mentioned, but we had some good Rp there for a while and it was a pleasure.

Gentle - ' Nuff said, and the Rp we had was a lot of fun.

Lucend - Also good on the Rp, one of the first Corsair players I interacted with a lot in game.

There's probably more i've missed off the list... been here a while:P

Memorial thread - mwerte - 11-08-2010

' Wrote:I also miss Tony (BulldogNK, people). Wow, he was a great guy. One of the few admins who actually took this game for what it is: a game. Up until his wife died, this guy was the kind of guy that made everyone around him feel great and just enjoy themselves.
I agree. He did a lot of the grunt work with sanctions and such. Fun to talk with too.

Memorial thread - Jansen - 11-08-2010

Not sure if someone mentioned Kuraine already, talking to him was enjoyable all the time...