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The Bear's Cave - Sedona Station, Baffin (Formerly Freeport 14, Yukon) - Printable Version

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The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - DarthBindo - 02-26-2011

[Image: gsggf.png]
Ian strode into the bar. He had reluctantly left his sidearm in his cabin after having had it rudely repossessed by the owner the previous night.
He sat at the bar, right in front of the smoking man, taking his credit chit from his wallet.
"Eh mate, 'ow ye doin'? Name's Holmes. I'll take a bottle o yer finest Vodka an' a pack of smokes."
Ian paused for a second, and then leaned across the bar.
"Oy, an'... dae ye know where i could foind a weapons dealer round 'ere? I'm looking fer a rifle, preferably some military-grade black hardware. Know anybody what deals in the black market? Need it tae dae some assassinatin', see."
His gaze focused on Lev.

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Dancing Bears - 02-26-2011

Lev stared at the man for a moment, then quietly turned around, picked up a pack of cigarettes, then reached down and picked up two bottles. He turned back around to the man putting a bottle of clear liquor and a bottle of brown liquor on the bar. He silently tossed the small pack across the bar to the man.

"Do you generally ask questions like that of people you don't know?"

While he waited for the reply he grabbed two glasses and poured the brown liquor into both. He pushed on of the glasses over to the other man, and took one for himself.

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Blighter - 02-26-2011

She walked the same way she had walked last night. Up from the hangar deck, taking the flights of stairs slowly. Nearly lost her balance once from the exhaustion. She couldn't sleep, couldn't stop thinking, her mind racing, her synapses on the verge of failure as she tried to comprehend everything that had been going on for the past two days in her brain.

[font=Palatino Linotype][color=#FFFFFF]"Hold it right there."

She hadn't even noticed that she was right at the bar's entry already and the guard's brash tone flicked her out of her trance.

[font=Palatino Linotype][color=#FF9944]"I've... no weapons. Sorry, nothing."

[font=Palatino Linotype][color=#FFFFFF]"Mhmm, you better not have anything."

The guard shrugged and let her through. She looked around in the bar, but didn't really pay that much attention to her surroundings. A man was sitting at the bar with comrade Holmes, both eying the other, talking a little. Some waitresses were walking around, cleaning tables. Alissa however just made straight for the dark corner from last night, sitting down and leaning back to stare at the ceiling at first, then searching her pockets for the pack of cigarettes she had gotten from the barman.

[font=Palatino Linotype][color=#FFFFFF]"What will it be sugar?"

Lack of sleep and her wandering mind made her susceptible to people sneaking up on her. Reality kind of tends to fade when you're suffering from extreme stress.

[font=Palatino Linotype][color=#FF9944]"That Vodka, the good one, the barman, he had some really nice Vodka for me last night. And cigarettes. Pack... no make that two. Two is good."

And until now she had forgotten that she had ran out of smokes five or so hours ago already.

[font=Palatino Linotype][color=#FFFFFF]"You sure you want that sugar?"

With a concerned waitress being the last thing she wanted to think about right now, Alissa just gave her a nod. Having a concerned waitress on her mind would've been healthier for her than thinking about what she was thinking right now.

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - DarthBindo - 02-26-2011

Ian took the prooffered glass and drained it, dropping the credit chit on the bar.
"Sah, that's hardly the strangest question ai've asked o strangers. Soides, 'tis a freeport. Zoners tend tae be a bit acceptin' bout things loike that, specially when the nasty bits dunnae happen on their stations."
He picked up the pack, his right hand fishing a cigarette out whilst his left mechanically removed a lighter and flick it open, the dark flame setting embers into the paper roll.
Not tha' ai hae'en done tha' afore, moind ye, but tends tae get a bit messy when yer on the run."

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Dancing Bears - 02-26-2011

Lev began to laugh. He gulped down the drink and poured two more.

"Ah friend, you really dont know me. Sorry to laugh you know, but you are probably the first person to call me a zoner since the council disbanded. But yea, I dont do the guns. My religion is pacifism, and I am orthodox in that. Thats why I am so strict about the rules in here. This place, well I dont usually get attached to places, you know, always better to just move on down the road than to try and fight it out. At least thats how I see it... but this place, and it's not even really the place, just the atmosphere. I could pick it up and move on tomorrow and set up somewhere else. It's how it goes, round and round, the cycle over and over. As predictable as the seasons you know. G'ah, I guess I am rambling a bit, wake and bakes always make me talky. Anyways, you couldnt have picked a worse person to ask your little question of."

He pushed another drink in front of the other man, and threw back his own.

"So Mr. Holmes, you one of them revolutionaries?"

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Blighter - 02-26-2011

As the waitress came back to bring her that Vodka and the cigarettes she'd asked for, she heard the man at the bar ask the question.

[font=Palatino Linotype][color=#FF9944]"We all are. All the ones here last night, we all are Revolutionaries. Coalition Revolutionary Army. At least the part that isn't turning the world upside-down."

Staring at the wall as she said it, she poured herself her first glass of that ice-cold, translucent and tasteless liquid that would hopefully keep her from going crazy. It went down in one go a second later.

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - DarthBindo - 02-26-2011

Holmes listened attentively as the barman gave his speech.
"Weel, ye've got part of a right idea there sah. No place is worth shedding blood for.....but some ideas are."
Ian paused pensively.
"I fight fer the revolution, but that dont make me a revolutionary. Just a ramblin' rover, a gypsy makin' his way in the world. But even old men need a cause. Ya know, i used tae be a lawman. Oh, sure, i fought onnae Rheinland front fer Liberty and chased pirates and Hackers and Rogues through countless kilometres o space. Still got my papers, in fact. But then i saw the truth. Tell me, sah, dae ye know the first rule of warfare? The one rule tha' has held constant through all o recorded history, the one rule e'ery military e'er to exist has followed?"

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Blighter - 02-26-2011

Listening to comrade Holmes talk made her chuckle. It didn't make him a revolutionary, he said. Guess that didn't make her a revolutionary either. "Makes me wonder what I am.", she thought to herself, not hearing what Ian said afterwards. Downing the next glass of Vodka, the answer came. Stupid and simple.

[font=Palatino Linotype][color=#FF9944]"Hopefully drunk soon."

A whisper to herself while phasing out, just staring into space.

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Dancing Bears - 02-26-2011

"Ha, if ya think there is one foremost rule of warfare, you aint done enough reading my new friend. A wise man once said, " Victory is the main object in war. If this is long delayed, weapons are blunted and moral depressed. When troops attack cities all their strength with be exhausted." He claims that a quick victory is the most important thing in a war. Another wise old man says that "War has three main objects; (a) To conquer and destroy the armed power of the enemy; (b) To take possession of his material and other sources of strength, and © To gain public opinion." This one talks of the focus of war, and these to wise old men represent the most ancient of military wisdom and could be identified as the "Eastern" and the "Western" view on combat.

But do tell, what is the rule you are thinking of?

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Switchback - 02-26-2011

Andrew Walked into the bar, Nodding at the sentry, and walked over to the bar.

hey barkeep, strongest thing ya got that is beer. Dont care what it is, the damned crap the xeno's brew is

glancing around the room, Andrew noticed quite a few battle hardened faces, and assumed he had the
right base. The Barkeeper handed Andrew his drink, and before the barkeep could walk away Andrew asked:

This the place where the Coalition is holed up? They needed a hand with some repairs...