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posible limit in Conn - Printable Version

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posible limit in Conn - dodike - 12-08-2010

By the same logic we should start deleting systems one by one. Not a bad idea considering the current player cap and number of systems.

posible limit in Conn - Akura - 12-08-2010

That person shouldn't be an Admin if they're kicking people out of Conn.

posible limit in Conn - Cosmos - 12-08-2010

People go to conn because if They're caught killing each other over and over by some indie that's out for blood, The indie would likely report them, Conn rarely has over 15 players MAX the rest of the 200 people are online roleplaying.

Stop Raeging and play the game.

posible limit in Conn - schlurbi - 12-08-2010

Too many People are bored. It has never been a Problem that there were People in Connecticut. I've seen more than only 12 People sitting there and having Fun.

posible limit in Conn - Aoyagi - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:coloured text does not a worthy opinion make.
/beam commands would be abused by people escaping pirates/police.

closing conn when population = amount... this kind of coding possible?
In over two years, i have only been in Connecticut once, and that was to try my mammoth out against a fighter. it died, and it taught me a valuable lesson: don't get caught by pirates or police.

this is an rp server, and i like to RP with mah lazors!
Does colored text make it not worthy? If you don't like it, I hear you can set the colors to default. I'm not doing it because of you or anyone else, except for myself and unless someone with the authority tells me to cut it, it's not going to change any time soon. Deal with it.

/beam could be used only when docked, I forgot to point that out.

Well, I assume there is population variable somewhere in the code and a conditions mechanism as well, but you'd have to ask the mods about that.

RPing with guns is widely accepted and there is no need to point that out.

posible limit in Conn - Lucas_Fernandez - 12-08-2010

no limit :cool:

posible limit in Conn - Diabolicus - 12-09-2010

Say what now? You guys were serious?

posible limit in Conn - Backo - 12-09-2010

Knew it, just knew it... I finally decided to use Connie and they want to lock it. *sighs*