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The future of mining? - Printable Version

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The future of mining? - Dart - 03-02-2011

how about lower the frequency?

The future of mining? - Adam_Spire - 03-02-2011

My friend and I are looking over this and figured it would happen soon enough.

' Wrote:[*] Official factions must adhere to a high standard of RP and rule adherence. Official factions are responsible for keeping a good image and removing "bad players" if needed.

[*] specific rules be made about mining. There are plenty of miners that drop ore in space, f1, then come back in, uncloaking with their trader char, which is completely OORP. This should somehow be made impossible, or with some serious penalty.

[*] severely increase prices, reduce mining yield. make it clear in a new rule 0.1 that stealing a full load of ore is fully justifiable iRP and that Miners should be responsible for hiring protection

the first bullet on this one should reduce traffic demand, making it rare for an indy to be able to get ore.
the idea here would be to make mining much more difficult for unofficial folks and to make official factions more respected, also having more power

I also suggest that Official factions be required for simple, full RP guidelines on how to play their faction. I can PM you an example of what i made so far cannon. Just ask me and ill deliver.
that being said Factions shouldn't make it difficult to join.

thoughts please?

What we'€™re really surprised Dart that you completely forgot WHY people F1

How about when traders and miners who get their ore, land, then switch to their pirate character to freaking attack everyone?

You get people who F1 at the sight of a pirate ship, yes that is unacceptable and should be penalized. But the pirates use the damn chat screen to know when someone'€™s in the system! But you can'€™t prove that other than the fleet of pirates that just '€œhappened'€ to be passing through. If people would just stop doing that then there wouldnt he half the mining issues people complain about. I'€™ve heard enough times where miners who get upset with other miners, land and all the sudden there is an Indian raid or SCRA raid or Nomads and Mollys come in mass to attack

This is just so frustrating to go through this again.

If everyone, EVERYONE balanced their time on Freelancer, followed the rules and not try every conceivable way to work around then EVERY single rule will be in affect and function fine. But thats not going to happen. What I'm seeing people doing is just the opposite. They see people that just appear out of no where and arrive in gangs to pirate them at just the right time. This caused them to do what ever they can to '€œget back.'€ So it doesn'€™t end and the mining gets turned off because people cant pirate with good RP and miners feel cheated.

It takes me 15 minutes to mine 4800, don'€™t believe me? Time me one day. I do the f1 switch all the time, but if I'€™m in my trade ship and get caught, I negotiate or make a run for it. If I'€™m in my miner and get caught, I actually try to mine for them, RP something or fight. But I don'€™t check the Chat screen to find out if I'€™m about to be ganked so I never know! I'€™ve had fantastic RP with '€˜some'€™ pirates and some even paid me when they took my ore. It'€™s not impossible to do this. But above all its just a damn game people! So you lose 30 minutes mining ore or have to pay some insane fee not to get attacked or pirated, that'€™s the nature of the game. But its how we'€™re going about dealing with it that'€™s causing this huge screw up. It'€™s the same thing that happened in tau 23 when we dropped 25-40 per shot and were getting gang banged by the Outcasts who may have been people doing the crap I talked about. So how is this going to end? We'€™re all not just going to start playing fair, we cant make trade ships into battleships, and if we nerf mining yields or prices then when miners and traders are pirated, it hits them even harder. It that happened we would work like mad to make 20mil when we made 48 mill before. It would take twice as long and a pirate still either demands 20 mill or just blows us up. Again making Discovery into a Pirates-life-for-me club.

I say turn the mining off, we can't agree on this. I think the devs and anyone just willing to try has tried and tried and tried. Find trading lanes and group up until people just settle down.

The future of mining? - Clyde - 03-02-2011


i just discussed that with David, and to you as well as to him the suggestion as follows.

just thought about posting nothing as i regard it futile, but the idea in short just in case this is read unexpectedly

do not change anything statically
make the players change their own reality
adjust the mining drops and prices regarding the players mining it it over months, do it over hours or only one.
then the players will spread through out the systems.
i mean, most players only know 3 mining locations,.... while i mean... you can mine so much .... just make them travel around and search for their personal spot.

i just downloaded the sourcecode of flhook, thinking about it it would be not so difficult to change the miningblabla.ini according to the players in system from outside flhook,... but ... erm... i assume it can be done much easier within flhook, while i don't know your functions and classes and all
so maybe you have hacked that in within an hour.... probably you just have to adjust the current system to be more vital.

The future of mining? - mwerte - 03-02-2011

' Wrote:If you are just trying to grind to get a lolcap, you will now trade instead.

So if we nerf it a bit, the powerminers dissappear, and the powertraders appear, but at least they are spread all over Sirius.
That's what was said the last time mining was nerfed. And the time before that. People are going to get lolcaps. People are going to F1 out of piracy. We have rules and admins that punish them when they do.

As a pirate, I prefer when I meet a trader with ore as opposed to a trader with normal goods. I have not yet met a trader with ore who says "kill me it's cheaper". Traders with ore are much more likely to accept demands and have a RP insultfest, whereas a trader with normal goods has less to lose and will simply attempt to get away.

I'm not saying traders with ore are fantastic, but I prefer meeting them over a regular cargo'd ship, and not just because I can extort them for more credits.

I would also like to use this time to ask if the copper field in Munich could be buffed, with a sell point in Bretonia and not just Liberty. Just make sure the same ID doesn't get a Copper/Gold bonus.

' Wrote:Get out of the house and start interacting with other people instead of sitting in a damn field and shooting rocks all day while running to Essex whenever a pirate comes. All your RP comes from hugging Essex and calling the pirates cowards because they don't come closer
wow, bitter much?

' Wrote:Then create one. Adapt instead of Q_Q'ing.
That is kind of hard when the vanilla and discovery lore for your faction is set to be one thing, and that thing only. We play roles, not "whatever I can <strike>think up</strike> import from another SciFi"

' Wrote:nope...

less capitals

less people who do stuff with caps they should not do
Less people to do stuff with caps that they should do.

And this won't effect the capital ships that already exist.

The future of mining? - Dart - 03-02-2011

' Wrote:My friend and I are looking over this and figured it would happen soon enough.
What we'€™re really surprised Dart that you completely forgot WHY people F1

How about when traders and miners who get their ore, land, then switch to their pirate character to freaking attack everyone?

You get people who F1 at the sight of a pirate ship, yes that is unacceptable and should be penalized. But the pirates use the damn chat screen to know when someone'€™s in the system! But you can'€™t prove that other than the fleet of pirates that just '€œhappened'€ to be passing through. If people would just stop doing that then there wouldnt he half the mining issues people complain about. I'€™ve heard enough times where miners who get upset with other miners, land and all the sudden there is an Indian raid or SCRA raid or Nomads and Mollys come in mass to attack

This is just so frustrating to go through this again.

If everyone, EVERYONE balanced their time on Freelancer, followed the rules and not try every conceivable way to work around then EVERY single rule will be in affect and function fine. But thats not going to happen. What I'm seeing people doing is just the opposite. They see people that just appear out of no where and arrive in gangs to pirate them at just the right time. This caused them to do what ever they can to '€œget back.'€ So it doesn'€™t end and the mining gets turned off because people cant pirate with good RP and miners feel cheated.

It takes me 15 minutes to mine 4800, don'€™t believe me? Time me one day. I do the f1 switch all the time, but if I'€™m in my trade ship and get caught, I negotiate or make a run for it. If I'€™m in my miner and get caught, I actually try to mine for them, RP something or fight. But I don'€™t check the Chat screen to find out if I'€™m about to be ganked so I never know! I'€™ve had fantastic RP with '€˜some'€™ pirates and some even paid me when they took my ore. It'€™s not impossible to do this. But above all its just a damn game people! So you lose 30 minutes mining ore or have to pay some insane fee not to get attacked or pirated, that'€™s the nature of the game. But its how we'€™re going about dealing with it that'€™s causing this huge screw up. It'€™s the same thing that happened in tau 23 when we dropped 25-40 per shot and were getting gang banged by the Outcasts who may have been people doing the crap I talked about. So how is this going to end? We'€™re all not just going to start playing fair, we cant make trade ships into battleships, and if we nerf mining yields or prices then when miners and traders are pirated, it hits them even harder. It that happened we would work like mad to make 20mil when we made 48 mill before. It would take twice as long and a pirate still either demands 20 mill or just blows us up. Again making Discovery into a Pirates-life-for-me club.
I say turn the mining off, we can't agree on this. I think the devs and anyone just willing to try has tried and tried and tried. Find trading lanes and group up until people just settle down.
plenty of folks F1 When tradtin as well.
get pirated in your heg? why didnt you have security with you?
get pirated in your power trader? why did you have security with you? sounds like the same story to me,
I'm not saying piracy should be fair. piracy should be BRUTAL that's why companies need to invest so much in securities.
[color=#FF9900]they say that being evil is a whole lot easier than being good. why should this be otherwise in Disco?

As for excess credits. its the fault of the system of the lack of good money sinks. I personally only have a single GB. and its a molly one i bought, and rarely use (I don't even use it for PvP). most of my expenses are to my faction.

I don't care why people F1. the fact of the matter is that they do it and will continue to do it regardless of the circumstances. having a system which hampers it, in theory should make the situation better at the least.

The future of mining? - Hastings - 03-02-2011

We could always restrict caps to official factions. /sets up the flame shield.

Anyway, either nerf mining or increase the number of mining zones/drop points. Preferably both, we need to distribute the number of lolwuts.

The future of mining? - Rubber_Duck - 03-02-2011

I'll hang on the people that dropped some words before I did.

The situation my be solved by making trade profits 25% higher or mining profits 25% less, and i say, MAY be solved.

People like mining, and in my opinion, it would be a loss for the server if it remains disabled. (Even if I myself never mined, personally)



The future of mining? - mwerte - 03-02-2011

' Wrote:We could always restrict caps to official factions. /sets up the flame shield.
[12:51:42 AM] Mwerte says: disco should be factions only except for IDs like the Merc/FL/Indy trader ID
[12:52:29 AM] Duke Nukem says: You should be forced to marry an ugly old hag

The future of mining? - Gemini893 - 03-02-2011

' Wrote:Mining never was the problem. I started back in 4.84, when all there was was trading. People were idiots then, and they are now. All mining does is condense it into a few places.

Near as I can tell, the Admins are just trying to make a point.

Yeah, traders and miners are the only idiots on the server... lol

The entire community is to blame, including the pirates. Personally, if I'd already been pirated 5 times in the last hour I'd avoid the next pirate coming my way too. That is part of the role play, you know. Just because some trader or miner outwitted you and escaped your attempt at piracy doesn't make them a bad player, it makes them a savvy one.

As for the F1 and switch to trader ship thing, that's easy. up the timer for coming back into the server from F1 to 5 minutes. Not much can be done if they're switching accounts but it would be nice if SS could lead to a sanctionable offense for OORP. Where I normally play the admins will jail / ban for suicide trading. Couldn't this be a similar issue?

FYI I voted to just turn it back on. Turns out an overwhelming majority agrees with me.

The future of mining? - Altejago - 03-02-2011

What, the [expletive removed] ?!

This better bloody be a temporary thing. I didn't play and become an integral part of this gamings community, daily playing and interaction, ass kissing and newb helping, to have our companies [expletive removed] main source of income removed due to some dickheads screwing it up for the rest of us. Since when did scrap [expletive removed] metal become an issue? The Junkers rely on it, we rely on it, it is also an integral part of our RP in Texas as DSE.

I don't care how you do it, but fix it.

This game has become our lively hood, we play it every moment we can, and to have you effectively shut down our primary operations just proves that this is more then just trying to teach some prats a lesson, but merely the absolute shut down for many new players in Pennsylvania, the lively hood of the Molly lot, and the constant wars in the Taus, not too mention other areas just to make your job easier. We've offered our time and skills and attributes to help and only get a blind eye for it.

You really want to kill this game off?

If so, gimme the word now, and I'll start playing Runescape or something far more pathetic, and sell off my shares in our very large company and donate my cash to the lousiest, loudest, non-english, most rule breaking PVP whore for his very own cap ship just to give you yet another 'job' too look at.

Oh, and if ya'll find my 'words' inappropriate, I believe there are over 200 other very angry people who feel exactly the same way I do. So go ahead and ban me for expressing my anger to you for [expletive removed] up our relaxation time. There are 6 other servers with a far better ping and less [expletive removed]. Good one, guys, I thought you were were competent, thoughtful administrators.

Apologies to Cannon himself, I did aim this at you, but now after some thought, you are the messenger in-lou and not too blame entirely