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White Cells and Faction Permissions - Hexx - 06-14-2011

I wanted to cite an example.

Once upon a time, I had a mercenary. She was of Cretan descent, but something traumatic happened to her early in her life as a Corsair pilot. As such, she never fit into the military. She was too unstable, didn't take well to discipline, etc. As such, as she got older, she decided to fly as a mercenary.

Her family was always had a strong presence in Cretan politics. While her father was very protective, he was against this. Against his wishes, she did indeed leave. What did she fly in? A Sabre (which a neutral ID like the merc ID may fly)? No, obviously not. A civilian ship? No, those aren't built on Crete.

She flew a Praetorian, as dictated by her story, her character, and her RP. All this aside, she was fiercely loyal to her home. More often than not, she didn't run off taking in bounties. In fact, she never strayed far from home at all, and frequently worked with the military (in her RP, and in game) against threats to Crete. She never requested payment for defending her home, it was her home.

Now I don't cite this character's example so that someone can say how it's wrong, because if you believe so, that's your opinion. I put a great deal of effort and heart into her story, and it is not yours, nor anyone's right to judge it on that level.

Point is, with the current system and Corsair decree, even this would be out of the question. ONLY Corsairs are using Corsair tech, period. And if you don't like it, "Too bad.".

I have no desire to bring this character back, as I hardly played her even when I did have her active (too much PvP for my taste with her personality), I'm just citing it as an example.

White Cells and Faction Permissions - SnakThree - 06-14-2011

So this pilot is a Corsair. Your point?

White Cells and Faction Permissions - Daedric - 06-14-2011

I'd deny your request if that was submitted to me.

You could fulfill that role play with a Corsair ID and not have to ask for permission.

White Cells and Faction Permissions - Zelot - 06-14-2011

' Wrote:I wanted to cite an example.

Once upon a time, I had a mercenary. She was of Cretan descent, but something traumatic happened to her early in her life as a Corsair pilot. As such, she never fit into the military. She was too unstable, didn't take well to discipline, etc. As such, as she got older, she decided to fly as a mercenary.

Her family was always had a strong presence in Cretan politics. While her father was very protective, he was against this. Against his wishes, she did indeed leave. What did she fly in? A Sabre (which a neutral ID like the merc ID may fly)? No, obviously not. A civilian ship? No, those aren't built on Crete.

She flew a Praetorian, as dictated by her story, her character, and her RP. All this aside, she was fiercely loyal to her home. More often than not, she didn't run off taking in bounties. In fact, she never strayed far from home at all, and frequently worked with the military (in her RP, and in game) against threats to Crete. She never requested payment for defending her home, it was her home.

Now I don't cite this character's example so that someone can say how it's wrong, because if you believe so, that's your opinion. I put a great deal of effort and heart into her story, and it is not yours, nor anyone's right to judge it on that level.

Point is, with the current system and Corsair decree, even this would be out of the question. ONLY Corsairs are using Corsair tech, period. And if you don't like it, "Too bad.".

And how would you have reacted if that character that you had put so much work and heart into had been denied the ship? You would be very disappointed, possibly upset, and I would most likely be the one that would have to deal with it.

Everyone thinks their character, their story, their rp is worthy. So long as someone is asked to determining if they are or not, people are going to have hurt feelings and arguments. We have taken most of that out of the mix. There is nothing that says we have to give out our tech.

White Cells and Faction Permissions - Primitive - 06-14-2011

So she couldn't fit into military but she could fly in combat and kill enemies ? Why didn't she joined non military corsair organizations ? Why didn't she buy that preatorian and went to space with it ? Why did she became a merc if she is a corsair, living on crete, working for corsairs etc.

Sorry, your example is showing me an obvious corsair character.

Quote:Point is, with the current system and Corsair decree, even this would be out of the question. ONLY Corsairs are using Corsair tech, period. And if you don't like it, "Too bad.".

Its a bad example, but yes I can't see a problem with it. They did give their tech si ? Then this bad mercs backstabbed them si ? Then they learned their lesson si ? Do you want corsair tech si ? Play as corsair ?

What I can't figure out is, why would people want to get corsair ship with pirate ID/merc ID to play in corsair zoi (many people do that).

When you can pirate with sair ID, when you can do bounties with sair ID.

EDIT : alot of ninjas

White Cells and Faction Permissions - Hexx - 06-14-2011

' Wrote:Hexx, are you ignoring any inquiries coming from me and say you wish to have civil discussion?
You're a troll, and the few valid points you've brought up have been addressed by others or by things I've said.

' Wrote:No, they haven't. They've merely said that they aren't handing them out willy nilly in role play. They've yet to receive a request from someone who has proven themselves a worthy non Corsair. What I mean by this is, no one has taken the time to build a in role play relationship with the Corsair factions before asking. Instead people just log on the forums and ask. This is why so many factions are now just rejecting requests; because there is very little role play behind them.

It isn't their role play that has caused the Corsair Elders to make this decision. It was the in role play actions of a group they once trusted. It isn't about validation, it is about role play.

ooRP exists as some people would never have a chance at getting some technology in role play. IE, stealing technology, traitor role play, etc etc. Those types of permission are ooRP. I'm not referring to permissions that are given because of friendships, those are frowned upon but do exist.
Willy nilly? Read the notice, they've locked it down completely. And requests with little RP behind them would be denied anyways. It requires little more than a simple "No.".

If it's not completely locked down, it should make that clear.

' Wrote:Lane Hackers have almost a closed tech request as well.

Xeno have only one granted request.

Is it because they're elitists ? Or do they have an RP justification, as Corsairs do.
In part, yes. If an independant player's RP reasonably dictates that they should use someone's tech, then they should. It is elitist to say that your RP is better than another's, or that their RP is invalid if it's within reasonable RP standards.

I'm not saying that anyone should be able to ask for anything and get it. I'm saying that ignoring other's RP is wrong. Everything should be considered.

White Cells and Faction Permissions - Korimito - 06-14-2011

Hexx, you don't seem to be understanding what you're saying. You're advocating a powerful and player-driven iRP environment, yet you're neutering any iRP authority or power someone might be able to get. As player factions, these groups are essentially the head-honchos of their NPC counterparts. They call the shots and can act upon their influence if they so wish. The Corsairs, for the moment, have effectively closed their borders because of a completely iRP interior incident, which is something I would expect from most real world governments today. I'm sure the white cell lockdown won't last forever (though, if it did, I would have to agree that the action is abusive... ish) as no country closes their borders for long.

Just let it go for a while. Complain about it in a week, but not here; to an admin. The only thing that's happening here is mindless arguing. I'm not going to call it debate because I think that for an argument to qualify as a debate all sides have to be somewhat openminded, or at the very least open to listening to each other's points. As it stands right now it's Hexx against the world, everyone's arguments are old, reused, and stagnant, and no one's budging on their opinion. Pointless discussion that will soon enough decay into a flamewar.

EDIT... ish: Gah, your RP ninja'd me. Well, to quickly shoot that down, it doesn't matter. What you seem to have a hard time grasping is that a government may or may not give weapons to a citizen. It is their choice, completely, and it is entirely possible and realistic that, for a while after an internal incident, the government's weapons would be for their military/citizens only. It's iRP, just like pirating, and for someone to say "if you don't like it, too bad", is completely legitimate. You've gotten the RP reasoning (as well as plenty of ooRP in this thread) for the ban on weapons, yet you're still crying abuse. PM an admin, and stop.

EDIT 2: Good RP is fine and dandy. No one's dissing the quality of your story. Unfortunately it's not about how well written or acted or passionate your RP is; if a gov't doesn't want to give you tech because you're not a citizen then they have the right.

White Cells and Faction Permissions - Daedric - 06-14-2011

' Wrote:If it's not completely locked down, it should make that clear.

They aren't going to say, "Oh, we aren't giving Corsair tech to non Corsairs anymore. Period. Well maybe if you have a good reason." If they said that, everyone would claim they have a good reason.

Go role play with the Corsair factions. Build up a name for yourself among the Corsairs. Make yourself invaluable to them. Prove your worth. Perhaps once you've shown the Elders you would make a damn fine Corsair if it wasn't for your place of birth, they'll let you fly a Titan.

Do note when I say you in the above statement, I don't mean you as a player. I mean you as in your character.

White Cells and Faction Permissions - Primitive - 06-14-2011

Quote:In part, yes. If an independant player's RP reasonably dictates that they should use someone's tech, then they should

I can make reasonable story for 15 different factions to grant me their toys. But my story doesn't have to appeal to them. That is the thing.

I can make perfect logical story about a lot of things, but month later we would have the most unique and bizarre galaxy that ever existed. Suddenly all the people meeting each other in space would be darn unique and special.

White Cells and Faction Permissions - Hexx - 06-14-2011

' Wrote:I'd deny your request if that was submitted to me.

You could fulfill that role play with a Corsair ID and not have to ask for permission.
It wouldn't have fit her RP. She also travelled around Sirius, she was a mercenary, not a Corsair military pilot.

' Wrote:And how would you have reacted if that character that you had put so much work and heart into had been denied the ship? You would be very disappointed, possibly upset, and I would most likely be the one that would have to deal with it.

Everyone thinks their character, their story, their rp is worthy. So long as someone is asked to determining if they are or not, people are going to have hurt feelings and arguments. We have taken most of that out of the mix. There is nothing that says we have to give out our tech.
That's like saying no child should have the abilty to eat candy, because when they can't have it, they'll be sad. That's a bit depressing.

Basically you've just killed a part of unique RP within in the server.

' Wrote:So she couldn't fit into military but she could fly in combat and kill enemies ? Why didn't she joined non military corsair organizations ? Why didn't she buy that preatorian and went to space with it ? Why did she became a merc if she is a corsair, living on crete, working for corsairs etc.

Sorry, your example is showing me an obvious corsair character.
If you knew the character, you'd understand why she doesn't work well with anyone. The merc ID is the only ID that would ever, ever fit her character and story.

Your view is flawed, because you don't fully understand the character. I'm sorry. Also, I'm not going to debate the validity of my past RP. That's off topic. This was just an example.