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Order| tech chart change request. - SMGSterlin - 10-08-2011

' Wrote:Your to secure your zoner family as secondary priority according lore. That you already also do by engaging Nomads and Wild but now we learn ]bd[ is also a treat for zoners.

You can choose if you actively engage ]bd[ or not but you can never allie. That would be like adopting the guy that killed your father into your family.

(oorp// btw. I play order characters also. If you allie ]bd[ i will be working and prepare for a order coup d'etat first chance i see. I also not agree with HC policy towards corsair and i know allot of order payers are with me in that regard. You make that alliance with ]bd[ real you better get yourself a BIG and VERY reliable bodyguard army around you everywhere you go. One that can take out couple of Veteran Osirises fast. Yes, thats a threat.)
Hammerstein, let me address a few issues about you.

1. You're telling the Order what they can and can't do, you are a Zoner, they can do as they want, they can choose to shoot Zoners if they have valid RP reasons behind it.

This is RP, they can RP whatever they like, even if it means you have to get pirated, deal with it.

2. Your constant Q_Q and crying only makes you look pathetic, and makes people want to attack you even more. Stop, before you dig your grave even deeper.

3. You're threatening to do actions in-game because of OORP hate and occurances. This is called metagaming, and it's not allowed here, as in against the rules. It's also just poor form that makes you look bad, and like someone no one wants to have anything to do with... Except for pirating you and blowing you up of course.

So I advise you, in a completely neutral manner, to stop your crying and get on about the game. As long as you are driving a Barge, you will be a target, either stop piloting a Barge and get a smaller ship, or keep flying your Barge and deal with it, deal with the consequences of it.

Good day siЯ.

Order| tech chart change request. - jammi - 10-08-2011

' Wrote:Also, they are humans.


Humans - Polar Bears
Outcasts - Grizzly Bears*

Its the same difference. As the Outcasts (most of then) believe the Nomads are dieties.

Comparison is copyright of Jammi, October 2011. Infringment of this copyright will result in massive Clydesdale/Anki spam, and probably a few more spams as well.
My point was, the Outcasts have speciated, but are probably still capable of breeding with normal humans. That makes them a bridge-specie between humans and something else. Just like grizzlies and polar bears. They're technically separate species, but can still produce viable offspring (which is a massive pain for biologists, who are having to redefine the concept of what a specie is due to this).

In any case, no, they're not fully human any more. Possibly not even at all human. 800 years of nomming on DNA-warping alien LSD will do that to a race. Yeah, Cardimine was intended for the Nomads. I do take the idea of Outcasts worshipping Nomads with a pinch of salt, however. Well, the idea that they worship them knowing what they are anyway.

In any case, with the current <strike>stupid</strike> unusual RP the Outcasts are following, there's a very good chance there's an extremely high proliferation of Nomads throughout Outcast society. The Nomads would have to be bloody stupid to pass up an opportunity like that - a small, easily infected society of highly influential humans who have already been genetically altered to be more suitable as hosts.

Furthermore, Outcasts possess basically unlimited supplies of Cardimine (which is an evolution-accelerating super drug for Nomads). Even more to their benefit, is the Cardimine smuggling operation - contacts all across Sirius in all of the houses' underworlds to sink their wily purple tentacles into. Of course, while this is logical, Igiss write the storyline. So no, the thought wouldn't even have occurred to him.

Order| tech chart change request. - Kharon - 10-08-2011

Bosses change theyr RP to some goal is ok but they have to RP consistent then.
Consistent means Dragons can not officialy attack Zoner and ally with Order same time.

Pointing out that some victim in server RP is indy anyway and so he should stfu is completely unfair. Indy are bound to official Faction RP by rules includes they are official seen as participants in that RP. They participate by serverrules so as official Faction you cannot act as if they wouldnt if they actualy do in real.

If official faction Blood Dragons messed up RP as evidence shows, they should fix it in a way acceptable to the related RP. Until then you cannot go on here as if some evidently real "official faction RP™" had never happend or is not happening.:unsure:

If you think you may ignoring real server RP, nomatter indy or yourown, because you are the Factiongod, your RP is real bad and your a real bad factionleader.

Order| tech chart change request. - McNeo - 10-08-2011

' Wrote:Bosses change theyr RP to some goal is ok but they have to RP consistent then.
Consistent means Dragons can not officialy attack Zoner and ally with Order same time.

Wow, not really.

If the Dragons attack the Zoners but are allied to the Order, the Zoners should pressure the Order to pressure the Dragons to stop attacking them.

Ever wonder how important people running your nation conduct foreign relations? No? I suppose not, but that's how it goes.

Order| tech chart change request. - Kharon - 10-08-2011

' Wrote:Wow, not really.

If the Dragons attack the Zoners but are allied to the Order, the Zoners should pressure the Order to pressure the Dragons to stop attacking them.

Ever wonder how important people running your nation conduct foreign relations? No? I suppose not, but that's how it goes.
' Wrote:If official faction Blood Dragons messed up RP as evidence shows, they should fix it in a way acceptable to the related RP.
Please read what i write completely befor you cite just a part and then blame me for "some point" i am missing that is not missing actualy.:)

Order| tech chart change request. - McNeo - 10-08-2011

I read your entire post.

What you highlighted changes nothing. At all.

In fact, the Dragons could theoretically use their new alliance to weaken the one with the Order and the Zoners. Then the Order would be forced to choose between allies. I really doubt this would happen, but it's a possibility that would happen via an RP mechanism, not some arbitrary one as you would have happen.

Order| tech chart change request. - Kharon - 10-08-2011

' Wrote:I read your entire post.

What you highlighted changes nothing. At all.
Whats your point?
Official Faction doing bad RP so let them get away with it cheap cause noone cares about RP anyway?
You may be right but then there remain just the RP like the RP-faction(leader)s responsible. Bad examples.

Order| tech chart change request. - McNeo - 10-08-2011

What you or I think is really quite irrelevant, since neither of us lead the Blood Dragons. The RP may be bad or it may not be, but again, neither you nor I are really in a position to judge it.

Do you know as much about the Blood Dragons as Ryummel?

Order| tech chart change request. - Friday - 10-08-2011

Just to get some clarity, what is the 'bad RP' we are talking about here?

That the Dragons want to ally with the Order (again), or that the Dragons shot up Zoners?

Order| tech chart change request. - Jeremy Hunter - 10-08-2011

' Wrote:Just to get some clarity, what is the 'bad RP' we are talking about here?

That the Dragons want to ally with the Order (again), or that the Dragons shot up Zoners?
Dragons shot up Zoners.