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Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Official Player Factions (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=60) +---- Forum: Liberty (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=71) +----- Forum: XA- (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=512) +----- Thread: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) (/showthread.php?tid=7195) |
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Markam - 09-19-2008 [Incomming transmission] [Comm ID: Ron.Fraiser] ey boys, making a little report on a little engagement around West point this night, we were hanging 'round colorado as usual, when ole' winder suggested we got russtle up some shootings in New york, the DW have been a pest lately, and they're banned from NY. So we RV'd after a short scout by myself, spotted an IMG battlecruiser but he didnt want to play today I dont think. after flying almost into the sun we approchedwest point, battle began quite sharpish, but not with the lawfuls, right at their base too. a couple'o hackers.. or outcasts.. cant tell the difference. 'fraid the battle didnt start so well, winder had a bit o' poor luck and ran into his own mine or something, too much to drink the night previous i think. then up comes two stinkin rogue gunboats from nowhere! not even lawfuls in sight yet. unfortunately for them there gunboats, they got a few supernovas from Caleb and Tyler, I think these boys were all grouped up, they started coming thick'nfast sabres, falcatas.. the works. I wasnt much use im 'fraid, all i could do was provide the boys with intel on the enemy ships, including this one coward, kept taking pot shots at this little hawk, null.sector i thinks he called himself, I think he was sour he lost so many chums, he was there from the start, and was doing poorly.. wanting himself a cheap destruction so it seems. at this point things were getting a bit hot, LN showed up finaly, but unfortunate for this little scout, ole null.sector saw his chance when my left engine malfunctioned and he landed a few hits on the ole hull and i had to eject. memory is a tad fuzzy after that, I think Tyler lost his ship to some weapons.. i dun remember what they calls it, Caleb like usual flew about for a while before runnin' into a few cruisers an pulling off. [End of transmission] Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Rudo - 09-19-2008 ...hack.initiated...decryption.in.progress... ...**TRACE FAILED**...transmission.encrypted... ...uploading data... You know me now as Null.Sector. You interrupted my operation as I was attempting to siphon vital data from West Point Academy. You engaged me with lethal force. I activated my flight recorder and responded in kind. Callsign Sidewinder had fired a missile salvo as we passed each other. I had let loose with a torpedo after training pulse weaponry on his bow shields. There wasn't an atom between us when everything hit. The result was cataclysmic and sent my ship into a tailspin after collapsing my shields. I saw dots and the g-forces were nearly insurmountable. I survived simply due to having my shields intact when it all hit. I recovered and after watching Outcast after Outcast fall to your weaponry, found a target that had strafed me several times. Even the most frail craft is potentially dangerous. It could have gone for help, or activated an antimatter warhead in the vicinity of my craft. It had to be neutralized. The battle raged on once the lawfuls arrived. More craft fell to my weaponry, but they brought in artillery boats and scattered what was left of our force. I played cat-and-mouse with the mobile missile platform LNS Las Vegas while attempting to take down an LSF craft that refused to fight and only flew in evasive patterns, trying to draw me into flying back into the Vegas' range. A second wave arrived. The Gafwmn, the LSF fighter ace 'Fluid' and another bomber arrived. More Outcast Syndicate craft arrived to challenge this show of force and both sides took heavy losses. I eventually took critical damage and had to abandon ship upon several mines in the vicinity collapsing my shields and near-instantly tearing my ship to shreds. But the data I recorded from this battle was astounding. Well worth the price of a ship. Excellent intel on all fronts. The moral of the story? If you see Null tapping into databases, leave him be. I can either be very nice or very, very nasty. ...encryption.in.progress...hack terminated... Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Jihadjoe - 09-20-2008 ****INCOMMING TRANSMISSION**** COMM ID: Jack 'Sidewinder' Tar SUBJECT: Dem' recent things. LOCATION: Ouray Base, Colorado. Well, what in tarnation was dat durned hacker doin' spoutin' his junk all over our comms. I'll be durned if I'm gunna be lettin' that happen no more. Durnit, I know you geeks can be a-hearin' dis so I gunna say it straight. We dun' like you, an' we dun be likin yer hispanic allies neither. Dem be bringin' dat dirty drug an' forcin it on dem true libertonian youth, an' dat be wrong YA HEARS ME! Anyways. I dun be makin' many o' these ol' broadcasts much lately, an' I though' it'd be a durned good time t' be a-doin' it. We only gun foun' oursel's a whole bunch o' new zeener pilots, dem Xeno Guard boys be pretty durned talanted... Anyways, just givin' dem a lil' hello. Now today we had oursel's a right lil' ol' ruckus in California. Well we turned up dere only cus some Bretonian liner wat we was supposed to be hijackin' never durned turned up. So we foun' oursel's at a bit o' a loose end. I rallied up dem boys an' took dem all out fer a bit o' fun shootin' at dem windows on Ol' Willard research station. Soon enough dem Navy Flyboys showed demsel's an we spanked 'em righ tha way back to dem mothers. I gots maself three of dem wid ma own guns. Anyway. If I sees dat durned hacker comin' on ma screen agin, I'm gunna hunt down his durned pityful self, an' gut him like a lil' fish. Sidewinder out ****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED**** Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Chucc - 09-21-2008 ****INCOMMING TRANSMISSION**** COMM ID: Rand 'Moccasin' Y'Bashtahd SUBJECT: I gots me a job! LOCATION: Ouray Base, Colorado. Hey there fella's. Rand here. Well, ya know we all been fightin' cause we couldn't get work? Well, I done hooked up with an old buddy, ya remember me saying I'd done been to college and all. Well, he's gotten me a good offer with a new Engineering firm, here in Colorado. All local boys and gals, working on new guns and fighter designs. We gonna make us a big company of our own, well once we get buildin'. When we get there, it'll be a good day for us local families. If we gonna really get our voices heard, we need something to put a face to it. I'll still have my gear, and might have time to get out and do the work I have come to enjoy. However, I will be working long hours and be unable to attend many of our sorteys. It's been good to fly with ya. Heh, it's time to retire my Nova's anyway. I seem to be getting sloppy. I will be in contact and support the cause from other means for a bit. Until next time, Rand signing off. Out. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Kontrazec (Somni) - 09-23-2008 *skittering sounds in the background* We are....the Phobia........ We are......Xeno...... We despise......we inspire..... We are Fear...... Do you Fear......? No,you shouldn't Fear.......... All but Xeno Fears........ Xeno have no Fear.......................... Phobia..........not hate......Xeno...... Phobia........hate.......all....other.......... *skittering sounds slowly fade away* Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Capt. Henry Morgan - 09-30-2008 =====Begin Transmission===== Source: Ouray Base, Colorado System Comm ID: XA-Falcon (Glenn Thacker) Subject: Status Report I haven't been logging much flight time lately, thanks to administrative duties, but I decided that I've had enough of paperwork and datapads for a while, and bumped my name to the top of the patrol roster. I undocked, and headed towards Pueblo to give Aegira a little Xeno hospitality. There must have been something big going on there,. When I arrived, I found a very large Navy force, consisting of a dreadnaught, two cruisers, and an entire squadron of fighters holding station outside Pueblo. I took a few shots at the dreadnaught, but not being suicidal, I decided to head back towards Ouray and come up with a new plan. It seems that the Navy had plans of their own, though. One of their elite pilots, id'd as [LN]-David.Hastings broke off from the main group and pursued me. He wasn't much of an elite, it seems, as after I fired a supernova in his direction, he decided to run. I let him and got back on course towards Ouray. After I entered cruise, I noticed that Mr. Hastings wasn't getting any further away from me, so I take a look at the rear-view. Yep, he had second thoughts and had taken up pursuit. Since I had no interest in taking him all the way to Ouray, I dropped cruise. As I did that, I dropped several mines, hoping to get lucky with one. It wasn't meant to be, however. He also dropped cruise, and I immediately engaged. After a couple passes with my Black Widows, he decided to run again. I smelled blood in the water, though, and disrupted his cruise this time. As he was trying to recover from my cruise disruptor, I let fly with another round of Black Widows, and was treated to a satisfying fireworks show. After that, I returned to Ouray to let the maintainance techs buff the scratches off my hull. =====End Transmission===== Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Sand_Spider - 10-18-2008 **Transmission Incoming..** Source: Ouray Base, Colorado System Comm ID: XA-Pygmy (Sam Willis) Subject: Raid report. A very successful Raid near West point today. At first, it was just me and Sidewinder, but as time dragged on, more members of the Xenos joined the Fray, like Black Nova, Danny Devito, and Frank.. Something.. These are not the only Xenos there, but they are the names I remember, so forgive me if you do not see your name here and you took action in the raid. While other Xenos made a few kills, Sidewinder made four confirmed kills, whilst I made five. http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm213/A...e/screen135.jpg All in all, I estimate we made a confirmed kill count of 12, with no losses on our side even! I managed to escape into the badlands with a Junker pursuing me, but he eventually called a draw, and broke off. We even complemented on how well the other side fought, and decided the next encounter would be more decisive. In due time, we shall see about that.. For those who just noticed, yes I am back. I've been, how you say, doing some undercover work as of late, which required me to avoid keeping contact with the Xeno Alliance. This is Sam, signing off.. **Transmission feed ends..** Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Jihadjoe - 10-18-2008 ****INCOMMING TRANSMISSION**** COMM ID: Jack 'Sidewinder' Tar SUBJECT: Dat raid. LOCATION: Ouray Base, Colorado. Well Ol' sammy boy, I'm might proud o' you boy, we dun show dem lawdawgs, an' Junkers, and dem bounty hunters what we can be a-doin'. Dems was all feelin' th' hurt from our supernovas today boys. But we got's to be a-watchin' fer dat .:j:.Alexandros, him be prudy durned good in dat ol' heap o' crud dem junkers call a ship, but him dun' get none of us. Ah reckons we dun in 'bout 15 o' dem, an' none o' us got blowed up. Well done boys, I'm a-proud o' yous all. Jack 'Sidewinder' Tar out ****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED**** Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - e3jeremey - 10-22-2008 ...TRANSMISSION SEQUENCE STARTED... ...SIGNAL FAILURE... ...REAQUIRING SIGNAL... ...BEGIN TRANSMISSION... Source: Ouray Base, Colorado System Comm ID: XA-Tobias.Vaughn Subject: Status Report [color=#ffffff]I have to say how utterly amazed I am at the lengths my former employer is willing to go to silence me now that I have joined the Xeno Alliance. After receiving confirmation today that my application was approved I met up with one of the few friends I had left that I trusted who had secured me a Hawk light fighter vessel. Attempting to making my way to Ouray base the first time this morning I was denied access and told I did not belong. Rather confused and unable to find any commanding officers online I headed over to Ames station where I met with a man who was able to "clear up" the situation for me. However upon my return to the Colorado System and no more than 40,000 kilometers from Ouray I found myself being ambushed by a small flight from the bounty hunters guild. After taking some pot shots at my ship they broke their silence and claimed that I was wanted by Liberty and they were taking me in for the reward. Unfortunatley for them I was not in the mood to play today. Quickly engaging thrusters I ran for the nearest large asteroid tossing down a volley of mines which struck two of their vessels. As the tried to circle around the asteroid, I went over the top cutting them off with my missiles and opening a barrage of fire with my tarrantualas. I can easily say that all 6 craft were dispatched in less than 15 minutes. <http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/e3j...tsh/screen1.jpg> As of right now I am finally docked in Ouray base getting some dents and scratches worked on by the engineers and awaiting further assignments. Vaughn out. ...TRANSMISSION ENDED... Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - alpha3 - 10-25-2008 ...Incoming Transmission... To: Xeno Alliance Comm ID: Victor Harms Subject: Status Well I learned the life of the Xenos. I know it's impossible because only who can learn it who born to a Xeno, so I rather say know the life of the Xenos. I met with a lot of friendly people here and I really like them. From now I don't feel myself as a policeman rather a Xeno. Of course I was in some great fights in which Xenos always won against Liberty.I get more experiecne and I was in fight alone too. It was a Rouge called Rowland who came to close to Ouray but then he ran away from me. Unfortunately my black box didn't get the picture of him, but I think it's don't important because he couldn't conquer Ouray. I know I lost but I had some things which I had to clear in myself. Now I'm back and you can count me in every battle against Liberty. -Victor Harms ...End of Transmission... |