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Order of Roaring Piratz - Printable Version

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Order of Roaring Piratz - El Nino - 06-14-2008

Aye, Where do i Join?...

Seriusly, i was supprised this thing is still going on, April 1st was two months ago +

Order of Roaring Piratz - Ion - 06-14-2008

' Wrote:Darkwolf, seriously. If you have a problem, take it to the administrators via PM. Stop trying to boost your post count by posting useless posts.

better yet, take it to us by PM. I would be happy to talk this through with you if you truly feel as though we have cheated you in any way.

I'd prefer not to aee anyone actually disgruntled by what is nothing more then a prank, meant in fun.

Order of Roaring Piratz - Darkwolf475 - 06-14-2008

Ok I'll just keep my mouth shut. That way there won't be any more "attempts to boost my post count with useless posts." I thought this was a forum. You guys all got to express how much fun this was and how cool it was, but I guess I'm not allowed to express how I think it was bad. I'm sorry to everyone for making them read my useless posts. I didn't realize that this was a veterans only forum where new comers aren't allowed to respond to posts about themselves or show opinions contrary to older members.

FYI: I was actually less angry about the event itself than how you guys defended it.

And before someone else comes on here and tells me how this is just another useless post I want to say that you won't have to worry about that anymore because I'm done with the forums. I'll just play as a loner indie from now on.

(Yes I'm overreacting but still.....)

Order of Roaring Piratz - Jazz - 07-09-2008

*sends in a perfectly written IRP application that could have even gotten him into the Keepers*

May I join, sah?

Order of Roaring Piratz - AdamantineFist - 07-09-2008


What in the.... impossible! We never get this... how big a ship do you have/pilot, then? Have you a propensity for "lol"ing "lulz", or otherwise ROFLcopterish activities? How capable are you at "pwnzoring"?

Order of Roaring Piratz - Walker - 07-09-2008

As current Chief of Staff in the 522nd...

the Order of Roaring Piratz is hereby awarded the Gold Star of Valor, Honor, and lolwutz.

xD Boss you guys actually did it... *Sniff* priceless

Order of Roaring Piratz - Cynic - 07-09-2008

They'll try to be in RP, which is to be OORP, but then they're not in RP, and if they try to be in RP they're OORP.

And then the universe would collapse in on itself.

Order of Roaring Piratz - Walker - 07-09-2008

Its a genious superweapon...

I call for plan name "Operation: CHUCK NORRIS"

Order of Roaring Piratz - DarthCloakedGuy - 07-09-2008

You guys are SO lucky I'm no Admin. If I were, {OoRP} characters would be deleted instantaneously, and recurring offenses in this manner would probably result in an account ban.

Order of Roaring Piratz - Boss - 07-09-2008

Prepare to strike. We ride at 5:30-7:00-ish, depends on schedules!