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Is Sirius too big? - Vredes - 03-19-2012

A lot of factions dont have enought players like:
Bounty Hunters Guild are getting replaced by freelancers and mercs. Remove the Merc ID and remove the "Can fulfill bounty contract" part from the Freelancer ID.
Bundschuh(Ex-Rheinland Scientists looking to ovethrow the goverment etc.), Unioners(Ex-Shippers) and LWB(Ex-Farmers) why not combine them with the Red Hessians(Ex-Miners) that have a decent member count. They fight for the same cause and are all part of the Rheinland Revolution Army on my opinion. Same for the Gallic Unlawfuls. Remove the Pirate ID(there is no such thing as an Independent Pirate)
80% of the shipping companies for the same reason as the Rheinland revolutional factions. Combine the house shippers/miners to 1-2 shipping/mining company per House.

RP is dying fast because you can play 1-2 days without encountering anyone(except for the NPCs). The reason is the same as the topic name...Too many star systems. Just cut some of the guard systems(mabye all) or just make 1-2 guard systems per House one for the Military forces and the other could be for pirates/terrorists(I liked this idea from one of the previous posts). I noticed there are 2-3 almost empty Omicron, Omega and even Tau systems. Cut half the systems from Gallia, there are a lot of unnecessary systems(mabye remove the whole gallic house).

That is all for now. Sorry for my bad English.

Is Sirius too big? - Adam_Spire - 03-19-2012

Don't forget, many of the vets came here because of the original Freelancer and even StarLancer (remember that?) game. The mind set of being Independent was, for some, difficult to translate into groups, or factions. To change your character to fit the faction, not demand the faction fit you, (In Russia....) We found out that cliques rather gangs of players who found, together, they can blow a lot of people up. With poorly organized "factions", these gangs can be as close to the faction without fully adhearing to what many expected or what was demanded of a faction. It was their way of staying closer to the draw of Freelancer, in temrs of being free to do what you want with few things holding you back.

Very few people like the losing part. This is not single player. You cannot try and try the same combat sequence or scenario until you get it right. Every pvp in game has different elements that make the outcome, unknown.

In single player, you had some control over the fate of your character. I'm sure Bretiona didnt like it one day when Disco said, "You're at war with Kusari and you're losing." Then "You got invaded by Gallic and you cant win." Kusari doesnt like. "You had a huge massive fleet but its gone now, the Gallic killed it all." Liberty -may- not like being in the center of all the houses, where every pirate comes to strut their stuff. Rheinland doenst like being so close to WWII Nazi germany that there is an auto hate built into it.

All beyond their control, unchangable, and un affected by what we do in the game. I mean, I really want something to come of my Munich RP, but will it? Maybe. I hope to find some common ground with rheinalnd factions. Most likely not, but I keep trying.

When the single player game was over you could start again, try different things but you knew what was coming next. You had a level of control on the game you played. -That- is what I hear over and over. "What difference does it make what I do, the game will just....." add your ending here.

Take into account, the game is still free. 90% of us dont contribute to the game development (patches and updates), and for as long as I've been here, there has always been game lows and highs. Just how it is.

The new systems, well, I've never even managed to explore all the other systems before 4.83 and now there are even more. My Main RP is in Rheinland, and its pretty active there all the time. Having any fewer orr more systems doesnt affect that. On the other hand, placing a new system in betweek Hamburg and Stuttgart did open up a lot of options. Its a joint venture between Kruger and ALG, which I think has a lot of RP potential.

From my point of view, if the CR were still around, would that change the RP? Less Gallics on I think, few to no Outcasts? I still think there will be a rebound. I feel the key to that is having, in some way, the players affect the Disco story lore. Id feel discouraged too if after playing my heart and soul for a faction or group, it all comes to nothing because the Lore just says, "Game over man."

We're not too far spread out. We by nature, eventually go to where other people are and then we either choose to accept the fate of that encounter or F1. It comes down to as much personal choice as it does, game development.

Is Sirius too big? - Oorn - 03-19-2012

Spire's Seven, even though your post is loosely related to the topic discussed, I totally share your opinion on player actions not having effect on storyline.
THIS is probably the main reason why people become disappointed in discovery RP. Clearly, your opinion deserves separate thread.

Returning to topic, every new system will make average player count in, for example New Berlin, lower and lower.
Even though every new system creates new RP possibilities, it diverts them from central systems, where main RP must take place. Although, it actually makes all distances larger, as you have to spend more time traveling between RP spots.

Is Sirius too big? - Lonely_Ghost - 03-20-2012

Quote:Returning to topic, every new system will make average player count in, for example New Berlin, lower and lower.
Activity in New Berlin not so low, and bigger than in some others systems. Yesterday we had 2 pirates with gallian ships and then hessian battleship. Its only matter of time.
Yes indeed, we got to many useless systems, which realy made a barrier in players interaction.
Really, we had enough space in 85, just few more systems like Koeln could be added.

Is Sirius too big? - Benjamin - 03-20-2012

Idk, I think you have to be mindful of how systems connect and what that changes, rather than just being concerned about a number. There are a bunch of guard systems yeah, and imo they don't need to exist at all (fun as they are for the owner), but that doesn't really matter. Fact is, it's not everyone hanging out in guard systems that means interaction is down. They're huge (read: slow) and rarely contain anything of interest to the wider world, so ultimately they don't really affect that stuff that much. I mean how often do you guys spend in them?

Whereas say, the barrier pass is two innocuous little systems, yet it pulls a pretty large amount of traders out of house space, where they'd be meeting pirates+lawfuls and doin all that.

There is definitely some sort of "long tail" style thing though; and if you have 40 guard systems there will inevitably be a guy or two in there.

Is Sirius too big? - Vredes - 03-21-2012

Keep it Going, Dont kill the topic yet. We need some serious changes.

Is Sirius too big? - Lonely_Ghost - 03-21-2012

' Wrote:Keep it Going, Dont kill the topic yet. We need some serious changes.

Hmm, take 85 version, take 86 version.... extrackt some ships models from 86 to 85... some systems also...
Owercharge your braiz, and make new plot about actions, in "new 86" like real Nomad war.... OCs VS CR, Sairs VS Nomads... LN vs RM hardly (blood :crazy::crazy:more caps fight, more system in war zones, more debris of killed ships )..... Sairs expansion to Bretonia.... Threat from Tohoku to Kusari. Take Gallia, open trash bin, throw gallia there, clouse trash bin, feel proud.
P.S. Sry players who play Gallia, nothing personal.
Actualy, could help.