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Who are the good guys? - Luka - 03-11-2012

' Wrote:There is no good & evil in both real life and freelancer. Your actions regardless of intentions may have unforseen consequences which may be quite opposite to what you wanted.


Order & RNC-Donau
Outcasts & Cardamine

yes there is, the consequense part is pretty easy too:D

it all depends on what you're doing, how are you doing it and why are you doing it, that mean you may do something to achieve a good thing without using bad means, but then a bad end happens, the you try to fix it. There's the Atoner too, that could have done something so bad he's on a quest to fix both it and himself.;)

Order vs Donau:; Order are white, but nobody knew that
Outcasts and Cardamine: Blue and Orange Morality at it's bests, need to know more about it to know wtf is that.

Who are the good guys? - discozodiak - 03-11-2012

This thread is so full of bullocks and superficial knowledge, it's gut-twisting..

I won't even bother going into detail, but perhaps you should look up the meaning of 'objective', 'subjective', 'deluded', 'sick', 'philosophy' and 'convention'.
All of which can help not to talk about apples and oranges at the same time (i.e. some ppl talk about their 'subjective' view while others talk about 'conventions' while others talk about half-arsed pseudo-philosophical rubbish).

Who are the good guys? - Enoch - 03-11-2012

' Wrote:but I'm searching for THE good guys so I can have better RP.

Who are the good guys? - Luka - 03-11-2012

' Wrote:I think the point is that if you ask the farmers, no way would they agree that Synth Food is "neutral" - they would be perceived as pure evil. It's all in the eyes of the beholder.

That's where they get the gray area, farmers think they're evil, their intentions are neutral (just profit) but they give lots of food to people (and that's good), now if they found a way to make farmers happy they would shift a LOT to the good alignment. It's more about thinking than that.

' Wrote:Also it all begs the question of "laws" - are the Corsairs "lawful" seeing that they adhere to Corsair Laws?


' Wrote:And what about Vanilla freelancer? Had the Rheinland Chancellor Florian Gustav Niemann (who was under Nomad control) passed laws to benefit the Nomads, would people adhering to these laws be considered "Lawful" even though they might be working against the interests of humanity itself?

That's a bit strange there, I don't know even the mess up that happened there, so I would call of blue and orange morality until I'm able to figure out that kind of mess:wacko:

though I still don't get if nomads wanted to control or destroy

Who are the good guys? - Luka - 03-11-2012

' Wrote:This thread is so full of bullocks and superficial knowledge, it's gut-twisting..

I won't even bother going into detail, but perhaps you should look up the meaning of 'objective', 'subjective', 'deluded', 'sick', 'philosophy' and 'convention'.
All of which can help not to talk about apples and oranges at the same time (i.e. some ppl talk about their 'subjective' view while others talk about 'conventions' while others talk about half-arsed pseudo-philosophical rubbish).


Who are the good guys? - Mímir - 03-11-2012

Ok, imagine this scenario:

An RM officer (which is "Lawful-Good", I guess) ventures into Corsair Space - is he then suddenly "unlawful-evil", seeing that he doesn't adhere to Corsair Laws and that he actively combats everything the Corsairs stand for?

Who are the good guys? - Luka - 03-11-2012

' Wrote:Ok, imagine this scenario:

An RM officer (which is "Lawful-Good", I guess) ventures into Corsair Space - is he then suddenly "unlawful-evil", seeing that he doesn't adhere to Corsair Laws and that he actively combats everything the Corsairs stand for?

He's still lawfull-good, since he's following his home's laws
lawful depends on the character's home laws, there can even be lawful rebels, who want to take down an empire with rules to establish a nation with more fair rules.

Who are the good guys? - Jeremy Hunter - 03-11-2012

' Wrote:Wait
Gallic: blue and white (WTF they're using standard "good" colors on an "Evil" faction????. Villain with good publicity?)
SCRA: black and red

Black is the Mandalorian color of Justice:sleep:

' Wrote:Order is the good guys?

visit MU with any IFF/ID other then order, freelancer, zoner and BD and YOU WILL BE SHOT AT SIGHT. There is no Order within the Order because indies has zero respect for the official faction.

Indies usually are docile, and Mu is Area 51 - we nees it a secret or another Toledo will happen. If it means using extreme force, we will. 1 million dead. We won't let that happen again.

' Wrote:Not really. Mu is currently closed to any non-Order ships. They're either 'gtfo or dai' (most likely dai) according to one of there messages done by Erik.
And this.

Now, on topic...

Good and Evil in Disco is a matter in perspective. In Vanilla, Order was good, and the Nomads evil. No doubt. BUT, once we get to Disco, everything is twisted to a matter of PERSPECTIVE. The Order think they are the good guys, as they are trying to defend Sirius from the Nomads. Nomads think they are good for defending their home.

The Liberty Navy thinks they are good for attacking Rheinland, and Rheinland good because they are defending from Invaders. Not Zim sadly.

The SCRA sees themselves as good, because they fight to bring a better life to people. Questionable means, like the Order, and thus the same perspective: Can't make an omlette without breaking a few eggs.

Again. Perspective. It's all about which side of the line you stand on, believe in, and fight for. If you believe the Order is good, then to you they are good. If you believe that the SCRA is good, then in your eyes, they are.


That's all it is.

Who are the good guys? - Silver - 03-11-2012

' Wrote:--I know! my main's a 15 years old Ne--
' Wrote:--15 years old--

' Wrote:--15 years old--
' Wrote:--15 years old--

Who are the good guys? - Luka - 03-11-2012

' Wrote:Now, on topic...

Good and Evil in Disco is a matter in perspective. In Vanilla, Order was good, and the Nomads evil. No doubt. BUT, once we get to Disco, everything is twisted to a matter of PERSPECTIVE. The Order think they are the good guys, as they are trying to defend Sirius from the Nomads. Nomads think they are good for defending their home.

The Liberty Navy thinks they are good for attacking Rheinland, and Rheinland good because they are defending from Invaders. Not Zim sadly.

The SCRA sees themselves as good, because they fight to bring a better life to people. Questionable means, like the Order, and thus the same perspective: Can't make an omlette without breaking a few eggs.

Again. Perspective. It's all about which side of the line you stand on, believe in, and fight for. If you believe the Order is good, then to you they are good. If you believe that the SCRA is good, then in your eyes, they are.


That's all it is.

Yeah I know, that's why when I made the Character alignment post it was specifically for Characters and not factions, since I can think of even Lawful-good nomads that are just protecting their home and want to get back what their creators left them, and think it's unfair that some random organism of the Homo genus appear from nowhere and take it all.

So yeah It can be subjective at times, at others it's really easy to know, like when you put a cop against a murderer that murders just because he can.

It depends on what the characters are doing, why and how, the ends of it and how they react to it. Of course, there's cases of good vs good, good vs neutral, neutral vs neutral, neutral vs evil and evil vs evil. It depends on scale of law and unlawful too, but my main's RP is focused on Good vs Evil way more then law vs chaos.

...what?! I have a 14 years old crusader in a RP in Giant In the Playground too! what's wrong with it?