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Base related sanction discussion and rules. - Printable Version

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Base related sanction discussion and rules. - Govedo13 - 05-20-2012

' Wrote:1st Cloaking ships supplying the base using shieldmod off and camping the base quick dock- abusing of the system made by Cannon- as admitted in the first quote.
2st Undocking transports from same quickdock trying to die in order to fill sanction report or waiting for the attacking party to stop shooting and distracting them on the quickdock in order to resupply the base again with cloaked ships. Before the resupply the base was on 39% and was loosing 1% health each 2 minutes and it would be killed without resupply.
Geckon,Closed Party, Jammi:
My first post quote again- the shema is really clever one hence not so easy to understand the whole thing have nothing to do with the RP before engagement or leaving the system rule:
The undocking transports were not supplying- it should not be possible to supply base under siege with shield on- that's is the idea provided by Cannon and the base stats system combined with it.

Their abuse supply schema again:
You have 2 people- A docked in base in transport, B cloaked waiting on the docking point in transport, both are syncing person A shut the shield off and undocks while at the same time B tries to dock with the cloaked ship in order to supply base under siege by 20-30 enemy ships.
So the only option of the attackers was to concentrate all the firepower on the docking point- the result was this sanction - clever indeed.
The undocking transports undocked to die in order to provide "live shield" so the cloaked transport can dock and supply alive.

After the base got supplied( it was on 39% and if they hadn't abused the system the base should be dead) by the abusive schema they started to collect sanction material- 3 in one- keeping the base alive, abusing the system and sanction the attackers.

I guess if it was up to me I would delete the base together with all ships involved- attackers and attacked, because I saw later some pictures showing that attackers as well shot transports that managed to get away from the dead zone near the base. Such kind of behaviour should be punished.

I hope it is clear now and discussed enough. I hope that the devs would close the loophole, I also does not expect the base owners to be punished- admins clearly stated that abusing dev-based loopholes is not versus the rules because all parties can do it.
I guess there is nothing more to discuss here and it could be locked as well before the next guy comes to spill some hate without even understanding what he is talking about.

Base related sanction discussion and rules. - Curios - 05-20-2012

The weak point of sanction is:

Transports that were undocking from the base were trying to stop the fire of the docking point abusing the rules in order to influence the siege result by giving a non-fire window for the cloaked supply ships to enter the base.

Thus they did part took in the battle and were a fair target.

Same as when transport is going off the system under the protection of same rules and passing bots to one of the sides on the way thus influencing the result of the battle. If so = fair target.

Base related sanction discussion and rules. - Govedo13 - 05-20-2012
Actually not- here is the tiny rule lawyering that make non-sense at all:
Quote:If the player respawns in the same system, he/she must leave the system within 10 minutes of his destruction without attacking anyone, except in self-defense. Other players are not allowed to attack one who is leaving.

People got sanctioned not because the transps were not combat targets but because they were "leaving" the system and got killed again and again. No logic, no sense- just rules. I am also not sayin that the attackers were not guilty at all- I saw pictures of ships attacking transports leaving the dead zone- but it was mess anyway.I am sayin that the said defenders deserve a punishment for their abusive behaviour as well.
Now lock it please- no need of more hate -Omega/Rheinland population already hate themselves enough for nothing.

Base related sanction discussion and rules. - Slartibartfast - 05-20-2012

EDIT: meh, forget about it

Base related sanction discussion and rules. - Curios - 05-20-2012

Ye, but if the ship, which is leaving the system, is somehow influencing the battle income - passed bots to someone, got itself on the line of fire of another ship to protect the ship of it's side, did anything except leaving then it's engagement so it's a fair game to waste it out.

You said it yourself, they were trying to use this rule to make a window of no fire to allow the cloaked ships to dock with the station. Thus they were taking part in the battle because their actions are effectively influenced the overall outcome.

Base related sanction discussion and rules. - Belanglos - 05-20-2012

Only one question:
Tradeship come to support the base. Base have shield on.
So trader can't dock.
How can he turn the Shield off if he's not in the base?

Base related sanction discussion and rules. - Knjaz - 05-20-2012

' Wrote:Only one question:
Tradeship come to support the base. Base have shield on.
So trader can't dock.
How can he turn the Shield off if he's not in the base?

You require second guy on the base.

Basically, under current system, to dock with a base that is under siege, you need to
1) Have another guy with admin rights in the base
2) Get into less then half-second window, when he types /base shieldmod off and presses enter.
Basically, it's near impossible to do without non-verbal communication.

If you will just stay there and spam F3 (I can do it 3-5 times per second), this will not be enough to get into that window. Only if by sheer luck - we've been doing it for 4-5 minutes and I've managed to get into the window just once - but then I found out my ship wasn't added to docking exception, khehe. So we had to coordinate, instead.

Your coordination should be absolutely ideal.

Base related sanction discussion and rules. - Calico - 05-24-2012

' Wrote:You know what? Your right. I do not understand broken english, and jibberish very well. I do how ever fully understand the rules the way they are written, and fully understand you want an advantage over bases so you can pew them.
Not to derail the topic too much, but is that ryoken guy always this belligerent? I find that attacking someone who is speaking or writing in a non-native language for not being perfect at that language to be very petty and ignorant. This is especially so in the case of Govedo, whom so far as I can tell has been completely understandable, making ryoken'€™s remark just unnecessary vitriol. Ironically, ryoken'€™s grammar and punctuation is actually atrocious for a native Anglophone, made all the more difficult to read by his look-at-me-I'€™m-so-awesome text-colouration.

Base related sanction discussion and rules. - Prysin - 05-29-2012

first of all; Rule 0.0 is a myth

It will never be enforced ever, and has never been..... This server NEVER punishes people who intentionally grief others, this is how it is, deal with it.

Second of all; Any action taken in the pursuit of intentionally getting someone sanctioned is considered malicious reporting and open to a §1.2 sanction...

Base related sanction discussion and rules. - massdriver - 05-29-2012

' Wrote:You require second guy on the base.

Basically, under current system, to dock with a base that is under siege, you need to
1) Have another guy with admin rights in the base
2) Get into less then half-second window, when he types /base shieldmod off and presses enter.
Basically, it's near impossible to do without non-verbal communication.

If you will just stay there and spam F3 (I can do it 3-5 times per second), this will not be enough to get into that window. Only if by sheer luck - we've been doing it for 4-5 minutes and I've managed to get into the window just once - but then I found out my ship wasn't added to docking exception, khehe. So we had to coordinate, instead.

Your coordination should be absolutely ideal.

so basically your intentions were to dock at base(instead of leaving) while it was under siege and you knew that you would be hit by fire?