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Liberty Navy Rank Adjustment Billboard [Primary Fleet] - Printable Version

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RE: Liberty Navy Rank Adjustment Billboard [Primary Fleet] - Arbs - 04-17-2016

17th April, 823 A.S.

Cadet Olivec MacLeod flying under the supervision of vice Admiral Jones has proven his capabilities and is hereby promoted to Ensign. Good job out there.

Cadet Avery Reeves has proved his capabilities in serving and as such is promoted to Ensign. With a bit more work we'll work out on getting you some experience. Well done.

Excellent work everyone.

~ Fleet Admiral Harriet Fieldson.

RE: Liberty Navy Rank Adjustment Billboard [Primary Fleet] - Arbs - 04-30-2016

30th April, 823 A.S.

Ensign Avery Reeves has presented himself so far through his service record so far that he is a capable member of the Liberty Navy and is promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. We expect the best from you now Reeves. Keep up the work, Lieutenant.

Ensign Oliver MacLeod has proven to be a reliable addition to the first fleet and his capabilities have been noticed. The High Command is pleased with your service so far and as such has promoted you to the rank of Lieutenant.. Good job out there and good luck on your future duties.

Ensign Ray McCoy coming as a substitute for one of our lost pilots has well earned his position within the Liberty Navy and is now given the rank of Lieutenant.. Simply a good job out there.

Congratulations everyone.

~ Fleet Admiral Harriet Fieldson.

RE: Liberty Navy Rank Adjustment Billboard [Primary Fleet] - Liberty Navy - 05-06-2016

5th May, 823 A.S.

Liberty Navy Rank Adjustment Billboard
[LN] First Fleet Members


Cadet Reed Icarus has completed the requisite training period successfully, and now finds himself within the Liberty Navy as a proper Ensign. I've noted you've taken to flying on the wing of Lieutenant Reeves - keep up the good work, you two, and you'll go far.

Cadet Jason Hirlerman has also completed the requisite training period, and is likewise promoted to the position of Ensign. As an aside, we would like to make special mention that Cadet Hirlerman managed to nearly surpass the flight-time record for a Cadet, set by retired Fleet Admiral Teerin in his own cadet tests at thirty-two hours. Hirlerman himself managed to eke out approximately twenty-eight. Good work, Ensign - but try to pace yourself.


Effective immediately, GySgt Edgar Callaghan, 1st Recon Btn. (Marines) has been transferred to the First Fleet, Liberty Navy as a Marine liaison and assistant to the Quartermaster, at the naval rating of Captain. We expect him to serve as a great asset to our illustrious Navy.

Keep up the good work, everyone.

~ Rank Adjustment Office

RE: Liberty Navy Rank Adjustment Billboard [Primary Fleet] - Arbs - 05-08-2016

8th May, 823 A.S.

Greetings everyone,

Captain Alexis Hunter under the title of Commodore has proven herself over and over again as one of the most capable members of the first fleet. Her hard work has not gone unnoticed and as such is now granted a position within the High Command with the rank of Vice Admiral. We now expect only the best from you.

Commander Andy Henderson during his service in the selection office has also volunteered on several cases for the logistics corps and as such is promoted to Captain, baring the title of Logistics Executive Commander. You have served in the Navy for quite a while now Henderson. Please Continue Jones' hard working tradition for the Logistics Corps.

Now, last but not least, we're having yet another change within the High Command. Vice Admiral Alan Jones has been chosen by the High Command under my recommendation, as the next Fleet Admiral of the Liberty Navy. Looking back at his service record, Vice Admiral Jones has shown valor much like that the best of our officers have displayed in the past. I believe Admiral Jones will be capable of handling such an important position and continue the prosperity in the Navy. I have chosen to move on to the Naval War Academy aboard West Point, however I will retain the rank of Admiral in an advisory role for the first month of Admiral Jones taking charge of the First Fleet. This notice will be effective on 15th of May, 823 A.S. at 12:00pm noon, Sirius Standard time.

Congratulations to everyone and keep up the ever great work.

~ Fleet Admiral Harriet Fieldson.

RE: Liberty Navy Rank Adjustment Billboard [Primary Fleet] - Arbs - 05-16-2016

16th May, 823 A.S.

Greetings everyone,

With the Gallics on the door the Navy is in need of more officers to step up on the front.

Ensign Reed Icarus has shown his capabilities in the recent Gallic incursion and as such is promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. That's some quite valor you've shown out there.

Lieutenant Ray McCoy is promoted to Lieutenant Commander for showing valor and proving his capabilities in the field.

Ensign Jason Hirlerman while still one of our newest officers has shown that what he may lack in fighters he doesn't lack it in spirit. Hirlerman is hereby given the rank of Lieutenant. It's time to step it up now Lieutenant.

And last is Lieutenant Avery Reeves who has shown consistency and a simply great job out there. You are now given the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Take this as a test to your leading and organizational capabilities Reeves, either way good job out there..

Congratulations to everyone and keep up the good work. We're going to need everything we can get.

~ Fleet Admiral Alan Jones.

RE: Liberty Navy Rank Adjustment Billboard [Primary Fleet] - Arbs - 07-04-2016

4th July, 823 A.S.

Ensign Ryan Dagino one of our newest pilots, courageous in many combat situations is promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Keep it up Lieutenant.

Lieutenant Jason Hirlerman after devoted service and proving of his capabilities is promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. High Command is more than pleased with your service.

Lieutenant Commander Alexander Kingston. Your lengthy service has not gone unnoticed by the High Command. Such devotion to duty has made us all pleased in the High Command. Hereby you have earned the rank of Commander. Simply amazing job out there.

Lieutenant Commander Avery Reeves is promoted to the rank of Commander. Your service to the Navy has been noted. You are now considered as pertinent personnel of the ESRD.

As part of a rework and update of our division focuses and leaders, the High Command announces the following:

Following the transfer of Admiral Rohj Teerin to the Navy Reserve, Admiral Natalie Reaser is given the position of Commanding Officer (CO) of the Papa Squadron and the Nevada. Admiral Reaser has shown that her tactical prowess in command of Capital ships are more than fitting for this kind of operations.

Following her long-term service in former special operations and intelligence branches Captain Elisabeth DeGrange is given the position of Commanding Officer (CO) of the External Security and Research Division. And the Special Forces lead.

Captain William Jensen is given the position of Executive Officer (XO) of the External Security and Research Division.

With Admiral Jones stepping up to the rank of Fleet Admiral, the Logistics duty has been passed on to Captain Andy Henderson and as such he is given the position of Commanding Officer (CO) of the Logistics Division

For devoted and dedicated service to the Logistics Crops, Lieutenant Commander Jason Hirlerman is given the position of Executive Officer (XO) of the Logistics Division

That will be all for now, more changes will follow in the coming weeks. On another note the High Command is working on the awarding of military decorations and the awards will be announced soon, in the following days. Excellent work everyone, I am proud to be your commander and you have proven yourselves to be the finest fighting force out there.

~ Fleet Admiral Alan Jones.

RE: Liberty Navy Rank Adjustment Billboard [Primary Fleet] - Apollon - 07-15-2016

15th July, 823 A.S.

Cadet Victor Krum has completed the requisite training period successfully, and with such he is hereby promoted to the rank of Ensign and considered a fully-fledged Liberty Navy member. I am certain that you will be a great addition to the fighter wing of the Liberty Navy, keep up the good work.

Cadet Charlyn Beston has failed to meet their four-hour activity requirement, and is discharged from the service.

~ Admiral Natalie A. Reaser

RE: Liberty Navy Rank Adjustment Billboard [Primary Fleet] - Apollon - 08-01-2016

1st August, 823 A.S.

Due to his fine achievements and outstanding flight skills during hir service in the First Fleet,Commander Barney Ross has been selected to head up the Fleet Division as Combat Training Instructor. We hope to continue to see a fine improvement under commander Ross' instruction.

Commander Catherine Raven has been selected to serve under Commander Ross as an Executive Officer of the Fleet Division, and thus, she assumes the rank of Commander. She's proven himself as a capable pilot and an effective instructor. Good luck out there.

Captain Ceres Valentine has been promoted to the rank of Vice Admiral, for her determination and continuous efforts for the Navy. Liberty is in trouble, and we expect a lot from you in these troubled times.

Vice Admiral Alexis hunter has been declared Missing-in-Action due to the recent incident in Virginia where the Vice Admiral was captured by infected forces. And effective immediately, Vice Admiral Valentine will take over her position in the Virginia defense fleet.

Gentlemen, Liberty is in crisis and times of trouble and we are the only ones who can restore the order and peace to the republic. The Navy and the people expect a lot from you, do not disappoint.

~ Admiral Natalie A. Reaser

RE: Liberty Navy Rank Adjustment Billboard [Primary Fleet] - Arbs - 08-20-2016

20th April, 823 A.S.

Commander Avery Reeves has been moved down to the rank of Lieutenant Commander following misconduct of orders against enemies of the Republic. Think of it as a second chance Lieutenant Commander, don't want to see something like that again.

Lieutenant John McZgonn has earned the rank of Lieutenant Commander after continued service and combat experiences. Step it up now Lieutenant Commander.

~ Fleet Admiral Alan Jones

RE: Liberty Navy Rank Adjustment Billboard [Primary Fleet] - Arbs - 09-16-2016

16th September, 823 A.S.

Our newest pilot, Cadet Lizbeth Briggs is now a proud full member of the First Fleetgaining the rank of Ensign. Simply good work out there.

Lieutenant Commander Anna Brown, ever since she has been back to active service from injuries she sustained three years ago, has shown to be indeed a valuable member of the first fleet and as such is given the rank of Commander

Commander Marisa Marshall following her return from the LSF after the recent crisis, proved once more to be a more than capable and and excellent officer of the First Fleet. As such she is given the rank of Captain. Good luck out there and give it your best.

Last but not least, Lieutenant Commander Jason Hirlerman after continuous dedicated and devoted service to the First Fleet is promoted to the rank of Commander Your work in the Logistics Corps has not gone unnoticed. Good work out there.

Congratulations to everyone. If you think one of your names should be up there too do the the High Command know, and of course keep up the good work.

- Fleet Admiral Alan Jones