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Enlistment Office [Recruitment] - Printable Version

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Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - MrSns - 03-11-2009

Incoming transmission


To: Kusari Naval Forces Enrollment office
From: Roku Shintaro
Subject: Application for the Kusari Naval Forces

To whom it may concern.

My name is Roku Shintaro. i was born in the kasuri nation on a small station that unfortunatly dose not exist anymore due to Blood Dragon attacks. After my home was destroyed i moved to honshu and started up a Tea shop there. I have a gentle spirit and wish to regain my honnor. after i let my perants die the scar on my face has haunted me for many years. I have striped my self of all material posestions to find a better life, a more fullfilling life in the Navy. I wish to serve and protect my nation. Although i do know how to fly a ship i have not yet been in combat so i may need some training.

Thank you for takeing the time to read my story.

Yours Hopefuly


Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Hawkwings - 03-13-2009

=Incoming Transmission=
=From: Private Net Terminal, Planet New Tokyo, ID "K.Terada"=
=To: <encrypted>=
=Subject: awaiting assignment=


My name is Kato Terada, and I come from a distinguished lineage of samurai, many of which have been honored for their service in the defense of Kusari. I've always known that I would follow in their footsteps, and so I have prepared throughout my childhood, learning what I could and practicing the skills necessary, the most important of which was patience. In my earlier years, I was impatient and anxious to join the fight and make a difference as soon as possible, but I have learned since then that a great warrior must wait for the proper time to strike, and prepare himself to do so when that opportunity comes. That time for me is now. I have graduated from the Naval Academy, served out my training tour, and am now ready to bring the battle to the doorstep of the enemy.

I humbly await your orders,
Kato Terada

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - LoTeK_ - 03-13-2009

...From: Taishō Sulu, KNF High Command
...To: Roku Shintaro, Kato Terada
...Subject: Joining the Kusari Naval Forces

both applications has been reviewed and accepted.
When ready, present yourselves to the nearest KNF Dojo to pick up your passcodes and start training.


Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - MrSns - 03-13-2009

...From: Roku Shintaro
...To: Taishō Sulu, KNF High Command
...Subject: Joining the Kusari Naval Forces

I have received you communication and em glad that i have made it. Maybe one day my honor will be restored. Once again thanks. I have reported in and have received pass codes, just awaiting conformation.


Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Dejavu - 03-31-2009


From: Tadao Saga
Location: Planet Honshu
To: KNF Recruitment


Today my father was killed by the Bretonian Armed Forces, this has darkened my family, I have therefore decided to join our great nations Naval Forces to brighten my family and fight with honour. I will avenge his death and gain respect along side my comrades, they will become by brothers and sisters. I am ready to fight for the cause of our nation.
My father's spirit will live on in my guns.

Tadao Saga


Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - LoTeK_ - 04-01-2009

...From: Taishō Sulu, KNF High Command
...To: Tadao Saga
...Subject: Joining the Kusari Naval Forces

your application has been reviewed and accepted.
When ready, present yourself to the nearest KNF Dojo to pick up your passcodes and start training.


Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - douglas_brad - 04-01-2009

...From: Kei Hayashi
...To: Kusari Naval Forces High Command

Honorable Taisho Sulu,

It is with a heavy heart I announce here today. Due to constraining circumstances I am forced to withdraw my sword from the Emperor's service. I ask it to be returned to Him so it may still bear the honor of striking down all who oppose Him. I ask this so I may continue to live out my days in a manner of peace on Kyushu, bringing life to the economy rather than death.

To my good friends Machi Touken and Kiyoshi Raidon, I wish you well in your continuing struggle for a peaceful Kusari.

Farewell and following skies,
Kei Hayashi

...Cease Transmission...

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - kirachinmoku - 04-02-2009

FROM: KiraChinmoku
SUBJECT: Application to Join KNF

Honered Pilots of the KNF,

My name is Kira Chinmoku, i come from a small village on Planet New Tokyo. I have since moved to the big city. I am currently a pilot with a Kusari State Police ID and am interested in joining the elite ranks of the KNF.

My current ship is a Chimera and the fixings are as follows:

2 * Hornviper Mk II (Class 9)
2 * JADE (Class 10)
1 * BLOODSTONE (Class 10)
1 * Buckshot (Class 9)

External Equipment:
Adv. Protector H.F. Sheild (Class 8)
Heavy Thruster

Internal Equipment:
Cargo Scanner
Kusari State Police ID
Armor/Hull Upgrade Mk 1


Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - kirachinmoku - 04-06-2009


Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Alex135 - 04-06-2009

TO: KiraChinmoku
FROM: Chusa Alex Sasaki
SUBJECT: Re:Application to Join KNF

As Flight evaluation instructor and 2nd in command of the VHF wing, it is my duty to let you know that you cannot be part of the KNF with that load out.
Two KNF weapons are required and you shouldn't use any from other houses. The codes can stay although are not recommended for those who are not experienced pilots.
Hornvipers and Buckshots must be gotten rid of. I would recomend replacing them with Disinfector 3's and/or Imp. Debilitators.
In the event that you are accepted please contact me ASAP so we may get your ship setup properly and begin training exercises.

Best of luck to you,
-Chusa Alex Sasaki