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Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - farmerman - 03-03-2010

' Wrote:Not to get into a "NO U" battle, the lawfuls have been getting totally ganked lately too. The other day one dessie and a fighter got attacked by 3 bombers, 3 fighters, 1 mafic, and a gunboat.

Getting away from the itchy ordeal, I wanted to mention something about this. That's not quite what happened, but somewhat. The CS brought 2-3 bombers and a Mafic against what we knew as a Destroyer and Gunboat (the Kempeitai one). The assorted Dragon indies, Kusari Gunboat, and KNF fighter weren't actually known at the time, as far as I'm aware, and as soon as we shot those targets we pulled back.

In fact, the exactly same thing happened in reverse the day before that.

There certainly can be issues in Kusari with overpowering, but I don't think that either of the ones I was witness to were so.

Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - Exsiled_one - 03-03-2010

Dunno what to say.
were you guys online at the moment Emperor's convoy spawned or did you all login at the moment Zelot posted Emperor's movements in the tactical communications.
Again, this can be countered by saying that Aoi have infiltrators in high ranked positions, and they could have been tipped off easily.

Moving from this to the whole ID / Guns thing.
I must say that I was waiting for the moment to meet one of you guys, sadly I havent. I figured you always just use KNF loadout and Wilde ID.

I don't think I can swallow guns. Sure, on one of you, me as non KNF member, or non KSP member. Your story being about some testing etc.
But KNF can easily doublecheck those informations.
If it says "classified" it means it exists. But I dont think any KNF uses nomad guns.

Do [KNF] high ranked members mount the nomad guns?

About entire lawful - unlawful balance. I have no idea.. I often find Honshu empty and clear of all lawful forces. But unlawfuls as well. Just miners with uncut diamonds

Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - Exile - 03-03-2010

I spoke with Zelot about this and we agreed on the following :

[21:41:04] Mike Oerlemans (Exile): Though, concerning the guns, I'm not dropping them for the whole faction. People can use them or not ; their choice. Though, I'd appreciate if you let it slip through the fingers on occasion too. 'Huh, didn't hear about it.' 'sekret' 'Alright then, guess that's all I godda know' I can understand if a truly high ranking officier who's supposed to know all about that **** goes OMWTFGHAX KANNOT BE.
[21:42:08] Michael (Zelot): yea, well problem is it keeps happening with Connor, who in rp is basicly the Emperors right hand and #2 or 3 in the KNF high command.
[21:42:59] Michael (Zelot): But yea, it just has to come from both sides, if your guys dont do better than "You cant know about it" or "It's secret" the guys in the KNF are going to have a hard time with letting it go.
[21:45:42] Mike Oerlemans (Exile): Well, there's really not much more that can be said than a fleshed out version of 'It's experimental' or 'It's from a classified project over at kansai'. Which is why I agree on that it has to come from both sides.
[21:46:07] Mike Oerlemans (Exile): I don't want this. I have to go run around the place fixing things, you have to spend your afternoon arguing disco politic ****s with me.
[21:46:55] Mike Oerlemans (Exile): How about both sides just take a breather, I'm having mine take one, fixing some things right now. Showing some man stone and all. And your side takes a calm pill too and shrugs once or twice over the guns.
[21:47:06] Mike Oerlemans (Exile): Emperor's right hand I can understand perfectly. But not John Doe
[21:48:40] Michael (Zelot): sounds good to me.
[21:48:48] Mike Oerlemans (Exile): Cool beans.:)
[21:48:52] Michael (Zelot): indeed.

TL ; DR ? KNF will shrug on the guns once or twice, and I'll get my lot to act more sensible. Not bringing a GC along and such. For details chuck me a PM. The chat with AI leadership and KNF council sounds like a good idea, though.

Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - casero - 03-03-2010

' Wrote:Getting away from the itchy ordeal, I wanted to mention something about this. That's not quite what happened, but somewhat. The CS brought 2-3 bombers and a Mafic against what we knew as a Destroyer and Gunboat (the Kempeitai one). The assorted Dragon indies, Kusari Gunboat, and KNF fighter weren't actually known at the time, as far as I'm aware, and as soon as we shot those targets we pulled back.

In fact, the exactly same thing happened in reverse the day before that.

There certainly can be issues in Kusari with overpowering, but I don't think that either of the ones I was witness to were so.

3 Bombers and Maffic (With SNAC), 1 BD Fighter, 1 BD Gunboat Vs 1 KNF dessie and 1 KNF Fighter. Oh and the Hessian gunship that started to help you, and did help you for a bit, until you realized the OORP on that.

The kempetai Gunboat came after the battle started, and oh well, his awesome armor (Mk4 or 8 in the worst of cases) shouldn't be a problem against not even 1 Fighter and 1 Bomber, hell even 1 bomber could have killed that one.

The KNF Gunboat came after all that matter, and how many bombers you had shooting at it? (although he did great).

I would not have minded, I don't actually, but that's me, the player on that destroyer is free to feel different from me, same for the one on the KNF gunboat.


Again, discussing about the A.I. here is not right, take it to another thread, take it to PMs or take it to skype please.

Also, remember the first A.I. around, they used to shoot at KNF ships, so, I don't think we are so wrong in shooting at you too.

Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - farmerman - 03-03-2010

The two BD were separate from us. I know I didn't know they were there - if so, I would've come on the other side or at least not in a bomber.

The Hessian was really weird. Any clue why he was even there? Because I know we were telling him to get lost.

And I think we had 2 bombers shooting at the Gunboat for part of it. We (or at least, me and Watsas, I don't recall who the third bomber was and I was more paying attention to Watsas anyway) were staying back from the Planet and only engaging when it left orbit for most of the fight. And most importantly, I'm generally so horrible in a Falcata that I don't think I count as a full combatant. :laugh:

But yeah, I think there are far more miscommunications than vicious attacks like people (on both sides) seem to insinuate.

Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - Shagohad - 03-04-2010

I've had some good and bad encounters with the KNF on my Aoi. A few engagements, sessions of RP, and even some metagaming.

Sometimes, people meta us before we even get the chance to RP. I caught Zeke as he was exiting Tau-23. I decided to have a friendly chat. He immediately told me that I was under tabs and that he would not listen to types 'such as me'. That was really disappointing. He could have just said, "No. I don't want to RP with you" and it may have been better to say.

I'm glad that Zelot and Exile talked it over, but I still think you need to beat it into the heads of some of your members that metagaming is just another of way denying RP to both parties.

Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - McNeo - 03-04-2010

I'll have a li'l chat with Jamez about that if I see him, Shagohad.

Quote:I'm glad that Zelot and Exile talked it over, but I still think you need to beat it into the heads of some of your members that metagaming is just another of way denying RP to both parties.

Now I can see a lot of people 'metagaming' your ID and IFF (which are both meant to be visible for the purposes of roleplay) ... and as I said before, the connection with that particular ID to its IFF is not currently fixable. However, if you had 'unidentified technology', I can see why you'd get a blunted response. It's not metagaming to use your scanners after all.

As I said however, I'll have a chat with him about it if I see him.

And what's all this about AI's?:mellow:

Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - Akura - 03-04-2010

' Wrote:And what's all this about AI's?:mellow:

For the record.

We say AI as in Aoi Iseijin. Not robots xD

Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - casero - 03-05-2010

' Wrote:I've had some good and bad encounters with the KNF on my Aoi. A few engagements, sessions of RP, and even some metagaming.

Sometimes, people meta us before we even get the chance to RP. I caught Zeke as he was exiting Tau-23. I decided to have a friendly chat. He immediately told me that I was under tabs and that he would not listen to types 'such as me'. That was really disappointing. He could have just said, "No. I don't want to RP with you" and it may have been better to say.

I'm glad that Zelot and Exile talked it over, but I still think you need to beat it into the heads of some of your members that metagaming is just another of way denying RP to both parties.

There is a reason why people use IFF and ID to determinate what the hell are you.
For example there was a GC ID'd and IFF'd Bomber saying it was an ind. trader, one [KNF] told him to leave the area before something bad happens to him, would you say the [KNF] was wrong in saying that? I'd say no. why? because if we have to listen to every player that says he's one thing and turn out to be another, every pirate in kusari would be claiming to be a citizen and that he has done nothing wrong.

If your IFF and ID are "wilde", you can't expect that everysingle player in the server knows that you are not a wilde (which is what your IFF and ID say you are), instead you are a KNF. I know you can't change it, we can't change it neither, you are Wilde, if a new player, or a new member of our faction finds you, and he doesn't know what you are trying to play, then don't blame us because of that, there is a game limitation to what you are trying to do, it's not our fault.

Now, when you meet a high ranked player, as me, and you tell me that, the information about your group or squadron, is highly secured and I'm not allowed to know about it, I'd call you a lier (it's just an example), and then you will be in this thread saying that I don't want to follow your Role Play, when you are ignoring [KNF] role play, that I'm High Command, and such a group shouldn't exist without my knowledge.

The whole IFF + ID thing is a problem (not even mentioning the guns), that you should though before in jumping in, or at least, not blaming us for doing what is meant to be done.

NOTE: I do try to do something more than shooting your group, in fact, I just ignore people telling me that there is a nomad, or infested pilot around, but you can't expect everyone doing the same, just because you say you are not wild, get it done with Lotek, and even more, try to get something done with the dev. team and Admins.

Kusari Naval Forces Faction Information & Feedback - beunt - 03-18-2010

As a BAF I am satisfied with the KNF : good RP, fair battles, real concern for OORP planning, agreement and respect etc. This is what makes the KNF a worthy and valuable part of our (ie, baffie) RP and gameplay.

In short, keep up the good job chaps !