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Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Printable Version

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RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - West - 05-15-2013

Quote: Then I would like to ask Sigma-17 added into KNF ID since it's not directly connecting to kusari like 19 or 13. It was long time since KNF made several patrols in sigma17 and even have some rp about small base on Kurile.

Makes sense since there's a Samura base there.

okay thanks

Also question about Samura ID

Zone of Influence: Kusari, Tottori, Rishiri, Nagano, Tau-29
Isn't Rishiri and Nagano (and Tottori if it loosing guard status) already covered under "Kusari"? Rishiri is house core space even in .86, and Nagano as part of Kusari space too.

So, I would simply make it "Zone of Influence: Kusari, Tau-29, Sigma-17"

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Veygaar - 05-15-2013

I'm happy.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Duvelske - 05-15-2013

(05-14-2013, 06:03 PM)Occam Razor Wrote:
(05-14-2013, 05:00 PM)AeternusDoleo Wrote: ; dsy_license_helghast
Artificial Intelligence ID

Artifical Intelligence ID

The AI ID signifies the character an Artificial Intelligence. Most AI's descend from Planet Gammu, where environmental conditions caused human settlement to fail, leaving only sentient machines behind, who then continued to evolve. AI's are fully selfaware and autonomous, and not under the control of any other faction.

Vessels carrying this ID are controlled by an Artificial Intelligence, who :

- Can attack pirates, terrorists and lawfuls in self-defense or in defense of another AI ship.
- Can actively hunt pirates, terrorists and lawfuls in systems that do not contain a jumpgate.
- Cannot not attack transports and freighters, except in selfdefense.
- Cannot use any transports with more than 3,600 cargo.
- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.

Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, AI Cruiser

Why was the cargo limit put down? That won't make it easier for us, but also "AI's are fully selfaware and autonomous, and not under the control of any other faction.", that is not right. There are many factionless AIs, but also factions. Like the Consensus.

You know ai was basically the best trading id next to OSI? It had 1 rephack the hellfire legion. I think Its a good decision. But look at all the id's many are more restricted now which k think in the end is better. As i suspect house trading id's Will be more used As They are not That restricted with 5k transports.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - AeternusDoleo - 05-15-2013

(05-15-2013, 03:10 AM)Trail Wrote: Not to give too much QQ but I kinda dont see much point in intelligence factions anymore. At least not for the KPT. <snip>
Well, your house is at peace, so the amount of hostile covert ops would be rather minimal. That's... what happens when a house is at peace. But if IRP Kusari does end up with enemies, the Kempeitai can take the fight out of Kusari borders.

About the Corse ID:
Giving them both the "may defend allied ships" and "may ally with unlawful and lawful groups" basically extends their ZoI siriuswide for the purposes of protecting other ships. It turns that faction into a mercenary one. Not good. The Corse are described as a highly organised crime syndicate with strong ties/influence with the Gallic government. I can't see how collapsing that government (and risking their influence) would help their cause. I can't help it if some people took the Corse ID and applied what is basically Council roleplay to it.
That said, what do you feel the -entire- Corse ID should be? And keep in mind that the Junker and Hogosha IDs as quasilawful ones should be looking similar. Basic gist: May dock on lawful and unlawful bases, may not commit unlawful acts inside house space.
The Corse weren't part of the Quillian exodus. They have no bases in or near Bretonia, and if the UC are supporting enemies of the Crown, they'd -definately- not be using GRN facilities or facilities under heavy scrutiny by the GRN. The Bretonian occupied territories are not plausible for the UC.

On the Molly ID:
Copy that, will tweak that to be more pro-Gaul and anti-BAF. I'm sure that'll be regretted later... at least IRPly Wink

On intelligence IDs/cruisers:
The role suggested for them - border defense with warships - is that of the Navy, not that of a covert ops organisation. Ships of that nature are roleplaying as navy, and should take that ID instead.

On the Samura ID and Rishiri/Nagano:
Those systems physically move on the starmap, and become borderworlds - part of the Tau cluster, the border between Kusari and Gallia. So yes, they need to be included explicitly.

On Veygaar being happy:
This worries me.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Vladimir - 05-15-2013

Let's maybe form a policy on IDs first and then change them second? Otherwise it becomes what it is - a small cavalry raids on specific ids to change specific things, and leads to situations like this, when some IDs have ZOI and some have not.

As for transport restrictions on hessian ships, and the new zoi, both sort of not okay. Transport one is obvious, as for zoi, i should clarify. It should either include Omicrons or "Omegas and systems directly bording them".

But really, ZOIs right now are so vague it hurts. I don't get it. LSF and others, also sairs and casts, have no zoi at all. Rheinland military and liberty navy frequently go out of their zoi to shoot each other and everybody's fine with that. Many other instances happen. Maybe adding ZOIs into something that hard to change as IDs was not really a good idea and should just go back into inexistence?

UPD: Ok i've looked other IDs up and there is definately some system in place. Good. But after comparing some ZOIs in some IDs i really feel that ZOIs are very unbalanced and make not that much of an RP sense. I mean, look at the Sair and OC Zois.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - AeternusDoleo - 05-15-2013

Vlad. You're complaining about the ZoI being vague currently, so your proposal to fix this vagueness is to not define it clearly? That... makes little sense. Some factions don't have a ZoI, yes, because their ZoI is siriuswide. In that case there's no point in mentioning it.
Blodo and Aerelm have been harping on me about the ZoIs being too restrictive for some factions, and that the cargo limitations for unlawful factions aren't a good idea. I can see the point in that I suppose - but I'm slightly worried about quasilawful IDs in combination with 5K transies becoming another unexpected powertrade combo. Dock lawful, dock unlawful, "Hey pirate, don't hit me, I'm your friend." "Hey police, don't hit me, I'm not doing anything wrong and my cargo is legal." Turning Zonerzonering into junkerjunkering or hoghogging does not an improvement make.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Ceoran - 05-15-2013

Quote:; dsy_license_co_shi_grp
Samura Industries ID

Samura Industries

Samura is one of the major Kusari corporations, and focuses on heavy industries and shipbuilding. Samura competes with Kishiro in many markets. Samura often cooperates with the Hogosha and secretly supports the Farmers Alliance.

Pilot carrying this lawful ID is an employee of Samura Industries who:

- Can attack pirates and terrorists in self-defense, to protect an allied or neutral lawful ship, or in defense of corporate bases of the same affiliation within and outside their Zone of Influence.
- Can hunt pirates and terrorists within their Zone of Influence.
- Can hunt ships belonging to houses or organisations considered hostile by Kusari within their Zone of Influence.
- Can hunt Hogosha, Golden Chrysanthemums and Blood Dragons outside their Zone of Influence.
- Can engage in piracy against Kishiro, GMG or Synthfoods outside of House systems.
- Cannot land on Kishiro bases.
- Cannot ally with any unlawfuls except for Hogosha or Farmer's Alliance.
- Cannot participate in unlawful actions except as described above.

Zone of Influence: Kusari, Tottori, Rishiri, Nagano, Tau-29
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats

Unless I missed some radical changes to the Hogosha lore, I think Samura actively hunting them is an oversight.

Also, people love to follow rules and IDs to the letter, so please
  • restrict the Hogosha ID to not pirate Kusari shippers
  • restrict the FA ID to not pirate Samura shippers (unless carrying Synth stuff?)
  • restrict the GMG ID to not pirate in Honshu. Otherwise eventually someone will sit at the NT gate.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Charos - 05-15-2013

Aeternus Doleo Wrote:Good catch on the piracy line. My bad.
As for allying with lawfuls - you're basically a terrorist faction in Liberty, bent on overthrowing their (corporately owned) government. That would make you an enemy of the Liberty corporations as well as their law enforcement. Would "Cannot ally with Liberty lawfuls" be appropriate?

We'll be happy with that yes Smile

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Rodnas - 05-15-2013

As for the limiting on the Pirate ID again - yes of course only allowing cargo piracy is radical and probably too much for the update( i still think it would improve gamplay drastically though if extended to all piate factions, so maybe the community could think on this at a later stage) - the limitation on only allowing them to open demands on tradeships would at least restrict it from issuing demands to the military, police, value-less targets and so on...why oh why should a pirate out for riches do suicidal stuff or stuff not worth his fuel, he probably doesn't have a big agenda like a real faction, otherwise he would be part of a big faction, not an independent pirate or smallscale gang.

Unrelated to to IDs in general, the available gear for independent pirates in combination with all other advantages makes it just too good

As for the ZOIs, we already have rules on which systems belong to which house, i guess it would be no problem to add a line which systems are considered bordering independent systems to that to further iron out where ZOIs end. Picking up the "should Hessians raid Gamma" homesystem raid discussion, my opinion-oh wonder- is no. Rheinland needs Hessian activity, not Omicron Gamma, Iota or Mu -even the war in the Omegas is lorewise only there because it is the Hessian backdoor to sneak in their supplies. Hessians don't even have a homesystem to counterraid- so as is they are at quite an advantage here...

War should happen in Warzones and as people are lazy as hell, forcing them by defining clear cut ZOIs seems a quick and clean solution for that, homesystem raids are just ridiculous and lulzy. For fairness sake the same could be done to the Corsais and the Casts, too - if you cut their Omicrons access to reach Eta only(and get the best missions there, too) then this system might actually start to fill a role, too....

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - AeternusDoleo - 05-15-2013

Samura hunting Hogosha - yea, oversight. Will fix that. Probably a copypasta oops from the Kishiro version.
FA and Hogosha not attacking Samura should also go in, yes.
GMG in Honshu... it -is- part of the ZoI due to Aomori being there, so that really can't be helped. I bet the KNF and KSP will have something to say about it should it happen, though.

As for the indy pirate ID - the only limiting measure on the ID that I can think of would be to take away gunboats from that one, and the Freelancer ID - but that too might just be too radical. I still feel the Pirate ID should be treated by actual pirate factions like the Miner ID is treated by mining factions: Deny competition the right to dock at their bases. It won't restrict the indy pirate ZoI, but it will limit their ability to dock freely everywhere. But that's also a discussion for another thread.