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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Renoktu_Ree - 07-06-2011

[Image: Rene.png] <div align="right] Tuesday:05-07
Sir , Ma´am

I started my second patroll at Tuesday.

All seems to be quiet,i had make some cargo controlls.
Nothing spezial these day.

Later in the day i found a lonely Outcast who cross my way.
I told him to stop all engines,and he follow to my orders.
I asked him whats the reason for him´s visit in bretonia space,
he want to fly through in a other system,and i told him i will escort him to the exit.

Well we fly through combridge,an he dont like that i was folow him,
he was a bit angry but no since that he want to attack me.
He say its him´s personality.

We go diferent ways at the trade lane to tou systems,
couse my scanners show me new targets on screen.
Some Rheinland Millitary units.

I dont knoe the reason why they was in our system,but it seems they spy some routes.
I want to stop them but they wont folow any orders...we get in a fight.
This fight was hard i need to defense me against three Rheinland Millitary.

Soon i saw i got no chances to keep alive if i stay longer in that fight.
I needed to dock on station.

Later in the day we got some orders to find a ship named, Harbinger.
This ship is a BS class IFF taged by BAF, but not official allowerd
to fly this ship in the name of BAF.

I got order to meet Capt.Evyn near new london.
We noticed some Rheinland activity at the omega 3 system
and want to check the frontlines.

Second priority was to find this harbinger ship,and sudenly we found this ship.
Capt.Evyn told the Harbinger, they need to change the tag and the ship.
But the Harbinger dont listen to our orders and escaped from us.

Capt.Evyn and i go for a patrol to the gste of omega 3.
All was quiet.
Capt.Evyn duty was in the end.
I go to my routine patrol back.

At the evening my scanner detected a enemie unit,Rheinland transporter in leeds.
I folow him through two systems then i lost signal and started the search systems.

In that times between searching for the Rheinland transporter i got under attack by a
Mercanary named SILVER REAVER.

One time she help us at new london an defended BAF ships from Mollys.
And this time i was the target...

She destroyed my ship, all what i just can do was whaiting for the rescue team who picked me up and bring me back to new london.
The repair officier freaks out if he saw my ship,almost like a wrak.

But he say angry,he will repair it.

BAF|Ens.R.Ree end...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Matthews - 07-07-2011

== Discovered Signal ==

== Opening Message ==

[font=AR Julian][color=#33CCFF]Pilot ID: [color=#6666CC]Jonathan Sinclair

Location: Battleship Norfolk, Cambridge
Subject: Report, Leeds

G'day Ladies and Gentlemen
My patrol today started as alwaysx from the Battleship Norfolk. I turned my transponder on found an other active one. It was Ensign Ree who was in Dublin. I made my path past New London controling the part of the lanes which the pirates love the most. They were empty, if that was luck or badluck I can't say *smiles*.
Short after that I arrived in Dublin where Ensign Ree was busy shooting some Corsair rookies who attacked him. While I had my fun with 'em and getting my aiming skills warm I recieved a message from an other Bretonia Armed Forces Officer who was at Hood. He reported one Gaian Gunboat and three Molly fighters. When I got there they already shot each other. I have to say I was impressed with what efficiency the Mollys took out that boat, although most of them aren't military trained.
I was watching them and thinkin 'Better let them shoot each other and clean up after' as my comms showed a weird signal. There was a Sail speaking over the system chanal and short after the Battleship Essex reported a sight of two of their fighters. The BAF officer and me flew there right away leaving the Mollys alone playing with themselfs.
We finally stopped them and they attacked right away. I managed to destroy their Very Heavy Fighter called 'Titan'. But as they always do, they brought more people. I had no chance after that. In my last turn I nearly felt the destroying shot come and ejected right before it hit.
This message is now two hours late because the Search and Rescue unit was too lazy from my point of view.

I think I heard the Sails screaming over the comms as they were turned down and brought to justice. But I'm not sure, maybe it was only malfunction. But it would look like them.

[font=Kunstler Script]Yours, Ensign Jonathan Sinclair

[color=#000099][font=AR Julian]== Message terminated ==

== Signal lost ==

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - stardust47 - 07-07-2011


Sender ID: James Barett
To: BAF Command

I recently assisted in the recent Coalition attack on Leeds. More details will be forthcoming.
I would also like to announce my marriage to Catherine Herstal, a Libertonian woman whom I have been engaged to for some time before now. Although we spend much time apart, I hope I can make it work.
Barett out.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Mychalitzo - 07-07-2011

...Incoming Transmission...
...Sender ID: Commander Michael Clay...
...Subject: Action and prisoner exchange report...

Good evening Gentlemen,
I am reporting to you about an action in Dublin, which included several Molly ships who were mostly defeated, before they were reinforced by a SCRA battlecruiser. We took some losses due to the arrival of somewhat tough opponent, but HMS Endeavour came just in the nick of the time to save the day from defeat. She took out the SCRA capital, along with a SCRA gunboat, after which the fight was over.
Participants on our side were besides myself, captain John Clay, cadet Stacker, reservists Kain Highwind, Roman Alexson and Black.Watch. Mr Highwind has shown some good fighting skills, so he was invited into our recruiting programme. Cadet Stacker participated at my responsibility in a Challenger, which took some major damage, but cadet Stacker was saved. We also got assisted by a BHG ship Vulcan in the first stage, while dealing with Mollies, when there were not much of our forces in the space yet. I was also told to report that James Phinney was found to be piloting a Molly gunboat.

The second report is about one of the recent prisoner exchanges with Kusarians I was tasked to fill paperwork about. We received twenty-three pilots for five gunboat captains and ten pilots. All of them were taken to hospital for a check-up, all of them showing good results will be able to return to duty after a good nourishing diet. I would take note that we got pilot Thomas Eliot back home, primary fleet pilot missing in action for some time.

On the route near New London my patrol encountered a lone Molly transport showing some weird behaviour, he was not trying to escape at all. When we approached closed and tuned our radios to its frequency, we heard a laughter while an ejection pod tumbled out of the vessel. Scans show the ship was loaded with contraband, so we destroyed it and tractored the pod, while still hearing a hysterical laughter. We delivered the Molly to the New London Main Prison, where he was examined with some minor trouble, as he tried to bite the doctor. He calls himself "Auric Goldfinger" and the psychatric report says he is not completely sane. Prison psychiatrists suggest that he should be moved to Bethlehem Hospital for mentally ill people as soon as possible.

//OOC Notice: I have permission from Elven to deal with his characters (Thomas Eliot, Auric Goldfinger).

That would be all, have a nice rest of the day.
Cdr. Michael Clay

...End of Transmission...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Renoktu_Ree - 07-07-2011

[Image: Rene.png]

SALUTED* <div align="right] Tuesday:05-07

Sir´s , Ma´am

I was at the canteen, when my pager calls me.
*Mission Briefing, BAF Admirality.*

Fast as i can,i went to the Mission Briefing room.

*Fianly you are there Ensign! Shut up and sit down!*
Orderd me the BAF Commander.

I ask quitly my Ensign kamarad.
*whats going on!?*

The Ensign:
*War my friend its WAR!*

I listen the commander he give us datails about enemy activity around the omega 3 sector.
Rheinland millitary was located near freeport one.
A few to much for just a little patrol.
He give the order that the fleet need to form, at Battleship Norfolk.

We where invite in groups, i was in the group of Phantom Queen.
She lead the fighters, our first order was to check the positions of Rheinland Military at Omega 3.

We patrol and the rest of fleet was waiting at Jumpgate Combridge for our report.
We fly around at freeport one with save distance 15k.
All was Quiet,to quiet!

Soon i got a lone Rheinland ship on my scanner.
We follow him, but we dont have the order to attack him.
Our lead gave order that we fly back.

The RM follow us,but he got no chance against four fighters.
Suddenly,my scanner freaking out,much activity,very much activity was on scanner!
My scanner show me now nine RM units!

It was a ambush!
Now we four had to fight against ten RM units class VHF.
Our Battleship came for help us under the command of HMS Sherwood Forest.

We fight hard,but soon i got four enemy krauts on my back,it was to much for my ship.
Atlest we got the order to retreat...

BAF|Ens.R.Ree End...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Renoktu_Ree - 07-07-2011

[Image: Rene.png]
SALUTED* <div align="right] Wednesday:06-07

Sir , Ma´am!

I had check my ship and the systems.
Weapon control was ok,the hull all seems ready for a new day.
The rapair officer had done a good work.

When i was checking the last systems i noticed a noise from my comm channel.
It was the emergency channel.
In the message i read that some Mollys ,Cosairs,and Avange attack some bases and civil ships.

Some BAF units are under attack and need assistence.
That was my order.
I start my engines,loaded the weapon system on stand by.

I flew to Leeds where the fight was,i got report that some Cosairs were seen there.
I arived at leeds and my scanner show me that the reports was right.
Cosairs at Bretonia!

I attacked them and soon some Alliance units assisted me in that fight.
My ship got much damaged,but my target is destroyed,i got one Cosairs down.
Later in the fight i was against two enemy ships one of them was a super heavy fighter.

I had almost destroyed him,but the assistent from him was still on my back.
My ship was heavy demaged now, my systems shut down,no energie on my engines...

The resque shutle had help me later to arived save at the base,where are angry repair officier was whaiting for me...

BAF|Ens.R.Ree End...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Renoktu_Ree - 07-07-2011

[Image: Rene.png]
SALUTED* <div align="right]Thursday:07-07

Sir´s , Ma´am

Today i start my patrol at Dublin.
I had make some Missions Orderd by Battleship Commander of Essex.
I was almost done with the mission when my scanner show me new targets on my screen.


I located the position from one Gaian ship and flew to him with a save distance of 6k.
I told him that he need to leave the Space around the Battleship Essex of 15k distance.

Soon arived a second Gaian ship,it seems he was the commander from the first one,
we spoke kindly together.
Atleast he follow my order to leave the space with distance of 15k.
Soon he disapeard from my scanner and i lost signal.

But the other one dont knoe what he shuld do now,attack me or leave.
He provocated me,but i was the peace in person.
But soon he told me he go now and pirated some civils near BS Essex.

Thats was my Order.
I start my engines to Hyperspeed,i follow him and shoot in flying one salve and hit him.
I just told him this was a warning shoot.
The Gaian wont fight me anymore and leave now the system.

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I went back to my mission...

I was shooting some Corsair rookies ,then i got a message on my comm link.
It was Ensign Jonathan Sinclair who want some action too.
He joined my group and we shoot down the cosairs together.
It was alot of fun to fly with him,hope soon again.

BAF|Ens.R.Ree End...[

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Elven - 07-08-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: Leeds spaceport, military hospital #4]
[CommID: Lieutenaunt-commander Tomas Eliot]

This is lieutenaunt-commander Tomas Eliot, reporting in. I'm fit for service after inspection for medicians on duty.

Report for period from 12th of February untill 6th of July follows:

12th of February, I was in hospital on MacDuff, having light injuires. Emergency sirenas woke me up and commander Prentice entered my room just as I woke up, asking me to launch in space, as we were low on fighters. I complied and launched with 23% of fuel in storage of my fighter.

In space I was met by Lt.-Cmdr. James Willows, Ens. Margaret Winchester and a wing civilian volunteers defending MacDuff from 2 wings of Kusari fighters. I immediatly joined fight, however my engine was blown off quite fast and I myself escaped further explosion of ship by ejecting rapidly. I don't know what was later, but I found myself surrounded by Kusari doctors. I've got no idea what they were talking about, as I'm not familiar with language. Soon I was transfered to one of planeetary prisons, where I met some of our privateers, who explained me I'm on Kyushu.

I've spent in prison from (presumably) 16th of February untill 4th of July, on status of war prisoner.

At 4th of July I was picked up by large group of Kusari military officers, who then transfered me to one of prison ships heading for Seto, their name for Leeds, as I learnt.
At 6th of July I was transfered alongside with 22 more personnel of BAF from 8th fleet mostly to commander Michael Clay. Upon delivery to planet Leeds I was transfered to 4th military hospital for inspection and health status.

End of report.
[End Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Rasa - 07-08-2011

...Incoming Transmission...
... Sender ID: Ens.I.Cox...
....Subject: After Action Report...

This AAR concerns the period of 2100 to 0100, 07/07

After outfitting my Templar and renewing my contacts with the BAF and BPA factions, I joined a patrol consisting of Ensign Hastings (CO) and Ensign Ree in the Leeds system.
After a report of an engagement between reavers and Armed Forces, and a short search action later we stumbled upon a standoff between a few of our Allies and some reavers.


The fight had already escalated and we engaged Silver.Reaver. Unfortunately, it was soon made clear to us that they were engaged in a training exercise, and after an apology we disengaged and cleared the system.

We patrolled through the newcastle system, where we engaged a few Molly scrubs. Taking the jumphole through Cortez, continuing our route through New Californian space we arrived in Magellan.


A junker and a Rogue (if I recall correctly) were spotted on the perifery of our sensors, and after heading into the most likely direction, Mactan Base, we made contact with them. They were currently not engaging in any illegal activity, although they looked ready to pirate some unsuspecting trailer. After adressing these pilots, I left the group and stationed myself at Freeport 2.


Ensign Isaac Cox

.... End Tranmission...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Denime - 07-08-2011

~~~~~~ Incoming transmission ~~~~~~
~~~~~~ Encryption: High ~~~~~~
~~~~~~ Source Ship ID: Denime ~~~~~~
~~~~~~ Destination: Bretonian Armed Forces DIS~~~~~~

Yesterday I was called to the Leeds system to assist in fending off some [Avenger] tagged ships who seemed to be hanging around the Stokes Mining station. Whilst we were preparing ourselves a Molly ship came out of nowhere. We engaged the target - which was a great team effort - and made short work of him, in order to move on the the [Avenger]s.

Attached file is proof of Molly destruction.

The [Avenger]s retreated into the Taus, whereupon I came to the conclusion they wouldn't be back anytime soon and went about my business.

Ensign Thomas "Denime" Aitkenhead.
~~~~~~ Transmission terminated ~~~~~~