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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 12-19-2008

Transmission to: All SCRA
Comm ID: Grand Admiral McIntosh
Subject: Limited Engagement of Zoners

Comrades, the time has come to show those Zoners who pushed this break with us what it means to oppose the Coalition. Effective immediatly, all WDR, Jupiter Guild, and Asgard Warrior (If any still live after the last time) vessels are to be terminated as soon as the avaliable force is mustered. Ignore any TAZ or indipendant Zoners, they're not our true enemies, merely unwilling dupes, made to go along by the others.

Priority shall go to the WDR, their rampant smuggling through our space, and disregard for the Lawful Orders of Commander Thorvaldsson is the true reason for this conflict, and the terrible deaths of thousands of our civilians. Don't rest until those fools are reduced to background radiation. Remember comrades, even the largest beats often go down to the smallest predators. We are those predators, our command of snubfighters and bombers is the best in the known galaxy, use that skill with all the courage you have, and force them to their knees.

For the Coalition! For a Red Dawn! McIntosh out.

Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 12-19-2008

Transmission to: SCRA Fighter Command
Comm ID: Commander Weise

Comrades, as soon as I heard the orders from the Grand Admiral, I was heading to the rack, to get some sleep in before tomorrow's no-doubt planned offensive, when I was alerted to intruders in the system. Launching immediately, I discovered a WDR Raven's Talon, the [WDR]Fedai-III, and a Zoner Destroyer, the Flyin'Brick. I immediately caught and engaged the WDR near the Omega 50 Jumphole. Shortly after, we were joined by Lieutenant Guang Jie, also in his fighter. The WDR pilot, although outclassed and outgunned, managed to hit me with a salvo of mines and missles in quick succession, knocking out my fire control systems. I launched a pattern of mines, my only remaining effective weapon, and departed for the base, allowing Lieutenant Jie to finish off the intruder.

On my way back, the Flyin'Brick offered to intervene on the WDR's behalf. I informed him of the consequences of engaging the Coalition, and he quickly changed his story. After the WDR pilot was disabled, the destroyer picked up his lifepod, and accelerated out of the system. I believe this is a clear indicator of the effectiveness of singling out the true aggressors from the rest of the common Zoners.

In addition, I believe Lieutenant Jie should be commended for his bravery today, in facing down a pilot who had already semi-disabled an experienced ace. The skill and valour he showed saved me from an unfortunate torpedo up the arse, and no doubt a painful experience being eaten somewhere on Crete.

For the Coalition! Weise out.

Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Zeltak - 12-20-2008

Entering code sequence... Permission Granted...
Please verify identification: Lt. Zarevo Kaputski
Transmission initiated... Loading... Loading...

My Comrades!

Today... was a glorious and magnificent day for the Coalition. What we accomplished... my comrades, shall be remembered forever!

By the orders of Commodore Ares, we initiated a tactical strike at Bretonia's law enforcements. Plotting our rally point near the entrance of the Cambridge system, Bretonia intelligence seemed to predict our attack and decided to setup a defensive position at the New London system. Commodore Ares was still confident that our troops would break through this blockade and bring the battle to the heart of Bretonia.

As we proceed to New London via Cambridge jumphole we immediately spotted hostile vessels, no doubt they were BAF-Pilots assisted by what seemed to be the mercenaries known as the White Tigers, who oddly enough flied Corsair ships. A few kilometers ahead stood our enemies, determined to defend their home. Commodore Ares took a deep breath and launched off the signal to attack.

[Image: weponsmc8.png]

The battle had begun... guns firing wildly through the void space, clusters of mines filled the air with clouds of explosive matter, a chaotic scene indeed. As the engagement progressed, several reinforcements from Bretonia had deployed in order to respond to this threat we had spawned and it had also caught the eyes of a bounty hunter.

[Image: war1im4.png]

When I turned my ship around... a huge figure was heading our way, then, then I saw it. A battleship! A sense of fear gripped my mind, but I had faith, I had faith in myself and my comrades. No matter what obstacle they sent towards us, we would overcome it!

[Image: war2hv5.png]

With their heavy artillery being shot down by our bombers, we quickly dealt with the remaining forces. Unfortunetly Commander Bjorn Thorvaldsson's ship was pinned down by missiles from the battleship, though I managed to tractor his pod.

In the midst of battle, a reporter had managed to record the victory and the honorable speech by Commander Eugen Weise.

[Image: war3yx4.png]

As we were returning to Omega-52 from our skirmish in Bretonia a number of Corsairs intercepted us near Cadiz Base in Omega-5.

[Image: corsair1dg8.png]

At the same time Commander Yuri Striatov and Commodore Ares were assisting Lieutenant Raneis against a threat in Omega-3.

[Image: 2u4q3w3.jpg]

More obstacles came in our way as we tried to reach the Omega-52 jumphole. Another two hostile vessels intercepted us, but this time it was the Outcasts.

[Image: outcastrx5.png]

Finally we reached Cape Verde... we needed vital repairs from the last engagements. As the bloodshed wasn't enough, the Corsairs had now responded to our earlier attack against their brethren. A huge fleet of Corsair vessels were massing near Cadiz Base, no doubt they were seeking revenge of their lost ones. In order to not endanger our home system, we decided to take the battle once again to the enemy lines.

What we saw that day in Omega-5, was like no other... The vast numbers of Corsairs that had rallied up was simply mind-blowing. A sense of fear gripped me, they were so many, how on earth would we manage this? But... we were experienced, we had witnessed the face of evil with our very own eyes...

No comrade shall be killed, we promised this to each other... and that promise we kept!

[Image: corsair2nt8.png]

We stood victorious... outnumbered, out gunned, we refused to die. Because we fought for something we believe in and that gave us strength, that gave us the will to live!

By the orders of Admiral McIntosh, these brave Comrades have received medals:

Captain Yuri Striatov - For his great performance in the events that occurred today, [color=#FFCC33] A hero of the revolution!

Commodore Adrian 'Ares' o Jovem, Captain Miroslav Baranov, Commander Alexi Karchov and myself have all received the Scarlet Cluster Medal, for heroism and bravery during combat!

Commander Bjorn Thorvaldsson and Commander Eugen Weise have both received the Wound Stripe for their valiant efforts during combat!

Handed out personally by Commodore Ares, Lieutenant Raneis and Lieutenant Nitchiev Lanakov have both received the People's Cross of Perseverance for surviving through immense fire during combat.

For the final victory!

Kaputski out!

Transmission terminated...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 12-20-2008

Comm. ID: Commodore Ares
Subject: Court Martial

---Transmission Initiated---

It appears that Lieutenants Raneis, Lanakov and Vaschenko have ignored a general order, and lost multiple ships for their trouble.

Lieutenant Raneis pursued smugglers into Omega 3, totally outwith our remit, getting himself ambushed by BAF forces.

Then, Lanakov and Vaschenko decided to mount a 'rescue operation', the sort of thing neither has ever taken part in, both losing their ships for their trouble, nearly dying.

I had to mount my own counter offensive with Lieutenant Guang Jie to scare off the BAF and force them to leave the escape pods.

There are reasons your ships are grounded at present, pilots. This is one of them. Downright incompetence like this is ridiculous, and I won't be held responsible if you get yourself killed out there.

High Command will be reviewing the case immediately.

-Ares out

---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 12-22-2008

Transmission to: SCRA Fighter Command
Comm ID: Commander Totenkopt, Recon Squadron CO

Comrades, I performed a solo mission into the heardland of Liberty today, and completed several standing objectives.

1) Ithaca Research Station, as seen below, is completely trashed, and completely uninhabited. I went EVA from my fighter to take a closer look, and found nothing but trash and vacuum inside the facility.

[Image: n4e9ms.jpg]

2) I travelled north through the system, and made contact with a Unioner by the name of "Vlad', aboard his ship the 'Too Late Now'. Vlad is both an excellent soldier, and a cardamine addict, two traits that unfortunatly conflict. He did manage to give me an excellent report on the current military dispositions within Rheinland, including both the Unioners and Red Hessians. I suspect our original choice is still fitting, as it would appear that the once-fanatic Unioners have turned more and more to piracy. Vlad, although no longer in his prime of fighting skill, still manages to bring in a remarkable amount of money for a single man, leading a small crew. I would reccomend that we tap this asset for information, although he will likely turn down a request for funding.

Report Complete. Totenkopt out.

Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Xing - 12-23-2008

Global Coalition channel transmission.
[Standing by.]
[Signal strength: 5]
[Uploading. Transmitting live.]

[Image: 001rh6.png]
Greetings, officers, soldiers, citizens. Greetings comrades of the Coalition.

The loading screen disappears as a relatively young looking female Coalition officer appears. She was dressed in a relatively simple and modest white uniform; the insignia of the engineering was clearly visible on her shoulders.

Tonight, after over a year of work, of effort invested by the many talented members of the revolutionary army development sections, we are finally ready to reveal the result of our projects.

Tonight, it is with pride and sorrow, that I present the work of a fallen hero of the revolution.
Let us remember the name of Xing Ke Si, lieutenant commander and previous chief of engineering who has departed from the world of the living.

She paused a few seconds, barely noticeable for anyone not paying attention.

The screen faded again.
[Image: 002ac1.png]

This is the Partisan class light fighter, interceptor type.
Partisan is the base of nearly all coalition vehicles. Its simple and solid chassis is extremely easy to produce, and could be assembled with very little technical knowledge.
The cockpit section has place for one single pilot, with unfortunately little space for storage. However, this is compensated by a wide comfortable view of the battlefield through the wide view port, completed with simple, easy to use electronic equipment.
An ejection system with automated sealing escape pod is also installed within the ship. Its success rate is somewhere around the 65% according to the latest results.
Partisan uses a standard twin engine impulse propulsion system, which has been proven as one of the most efficient and compact system available in our arsenal.
Partisan chassis also makes use of vertical wings, which, although making the fighter an easy target on its side, assures a great stability and manoeuvrability in space or atmospheric flight.

[Image: 003ol8.png]
This is the Insurgent mark 2. Based on an advanced chassis of the Partisan, sleeker and longer, this fighter craft will become in the near future the backbone of our forces.
This next generation combat craft is classed as a very heavy fighter, and is a multi-role fighter. We have used the newest model of compact impulsion-reaction engine as a propulsion system, and the dual motors have up to now exceeded all expectations.
Retractable sensory pods installed on either side of the main frame makes this an extremely efficient war machine and can alternatively serve as a recon starfighter. A more generous cargo hold than the Partisan allows Insurgent to sport a more powerful powerplant and regenerative machines among other improvement.
Much like the Partisan, foldable wings makes storage of this assault craft very easily storable while their size and configuration keeps an unmatched agility.
Insurgent can be set to be flown alone or with a co-pilot.

[Image: 004lx9.png]
This ship is the Revolution class bomber craft. Built over the previous Insurgent frame, this combat vehicle is built over the chassis of the Partisan, and has been heavily armoured. Two nuclear fusion engines power its twin main reactors, while secondary impulsion engines propels the craft for precision manoeuvre, so heavy the Revolution is when fully loaded.
Originally built to have foldable wing for easier storage, the necessity to add a central wing in order to maintain stability makes the Revolution a bulky and large craft. Despite this, it remains of very simple construction and its maintenance costs are relatively small compared to other known models of bombers used across the Sirius sector.
Basic configuration requires a minimum of two pilots to fly this powerful vehicle.

[Image: 005en2.png]
By far one of the most destructive weapons in our arsenal, the Typhoon class attack destroyer is the peak of our technological advancement. Using an image deformation cloaking device that allows the ship to confuse any attempt at visual or scanner identification, the Typhoon can hold up to 14 nuclear or antimatter warheads, which can be launched at any time from the launch tubes on either side of the vessel. Three engine pods assure an excellent handling and stability while its design allows the vessel for atmospheric entry despite its size.
Not much else information can be released on this secretive warship of the revolution, as most of its data are classified.

[Image: 006fb5.png]
Codename Storm, this is the projected Coalition gunship. The latest of our developments, this ship will soon see mass production. Heavy armour plating makes this vessel resistant to bombardment while its frame, comparatively to the Typhoon, makes it a much smaller target. While not packing that much in firepower, it is more than sufficient in its role as a support combat craft or a recon assault ship.

The female officer nodded slowly

Most of these warships have already gone through final testing, and have entered the first stages of production. They should see the day as standard military craft of the Coalition military in a few months meanwhile, we ask the revolutionary warriors to remain patient as they have done so, so far.

Thank you for your attention, comrades
Lieutenant commander Yue Fei, over.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Chucc - 12-28-2008

Entering code sequence... Permission Granted...
Please verify identification: ***CLASSIFIED***
Transmission initiated... Loading... Loading...

To: SCRA Recon Division
Comm. ID: Recruit Rand Y'Bashtad
Subject: Deep Reconnaisance, Rheinland Sectors.
Priority List: Battleships, Bases, Stations.....
Hamburg - Battleship Westfalen
New Berlin - Battleship Strausberg
Dresden - Battleship Altenburg
Frankfurt - Battleship Koblenz
Stuttgart - Battleship Karlsruhe
Braunshweig - Battleship Moselle
Halle - Elbe Station
Omega 5
Omega 7
Omega 11
Omega 15 - Battleship Schwerin
Omega 41
Omega 47
Omega 54
Omega 55
Omega 56
Sigma 13

[i]Direct Feed of black box recordings - Black Box Recordings

I was sent forth to recon the Rheinland forces. I was told to take my time and be stealthy. I have returned, after much combat with local military and Bounty Hunter forces along my way. I came across many places I had no knowledge of. I wandered many times with little food and water, between finding friendly bases, or ones that had never heard of us, so had no hostilities. My repairs were expensive, sometime the bribes it took to get the info to keep on my search also made for a large expense account. In all more than a Dozen systems and many more bases and recon photos of every battleship in the rheinland fleet. Detailed and from multiple angles, for later strategem talks.

While in Munich I came across a capitalistic Idol performer, Alexis Texas on the PanGal|Far.Horizons Explorer Craft. Heading to do one of their capitalist dog shows to keep the meek meek. I attempted to destroy this idol and the crew transporting her. Unfortuneately there was a battleship nearby I was unaware of and as I dove for th attack I was opened p on by all the gun on this battleship. I managed to rip the shield off of the Explorer, many tiems. I did incredible damage to its hull before it finally managed to get repair crews underway. They hit cruise and lacking a Disruptor I followed as fast as I could. Knowing they would have to slow sooner or later. I harried them alnog the lanes and finally they managed to give me the slip.

In the entire mission I was forced to destroy only 7 fighter class veseels. My goal to keep to myself was majorly managed to be kept. The performer, Alexis Texas was a simple frosting on an otherwise well made cake.

Comrade Rand out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 12-29-2008

Transmission to: SCRA Fighter Corps
Comm ID: Commissar-Captain Al-Rashid
Thought of the Day: Sloth breeds Ignorance

Comrades, I am proud to annouce the following promotions: To Captain, Comrade Bjorn Thorvaldsson, who shall also be taking command of Gold Wing. The position of Gold Wing's Executive Officer is still open, any who wish to apply, do so here.

Promoted to Lieutenant, Rand Y'Bashtad. Comrade Y'Bashtad, be advised that you're currently in good standing for membership in the new recon squadon. Promoted to command that Squadron, Captain Totenkopt. Recon shall not be standing up for at least a few weeks, possibly longer, but they are seeking pilots, feel free to apply.

I shall be leaving Gold Wing to Captain Thorvaldsson, and taking over the the Political Officer of the Fighter Corps, a position I shall be sure to exercise.

For the Revolution! Al-Rashid out.

Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 12-31-2008

CC: Red Hessians
Comm. ID: Commodore Adrian 'Ares' o Jovem
Subject: Counter-Revolutionary Invasion Thwarted
Thought of the Day: Revolution Begins At Home

---Transmission Initiated---

My kith and kin in the Corsairs, led by what would appear to be the Brotherhood's flagship, the Artemis, presumably commanded by Elder Juan Montoya, attempted to mount an invasion of our home, Omega 52 today.

Thanks to our revolutionary listening posts, we picked up on the movements of one of the biggest Corsair fleets mustered since their failed invasion of Rheinland. At least a dozen enemy vessels, including Titans, multiple gunboats and several bombers were led by the Artemis.

After I conducted some quick reconnaissance into Omega 5, spying the fleet with my own eyes right next to the jumphole, I returned to base and contacted sympathetic Rheinlanders on Ronneburg to converge on the enemy with a pinceer movement.

Our fighter brigades quickly took to the skies, the following pilots taking part, along with myself, in the ensuing battles:
  • Lieutenant Commander Zarevo Kaputski, acting as my XO and tactical officer
  • Lieutenant Commander Abdul Muhadrem
  • Lieutenant Commander Yue Fei
  • Lieutenant Timor Khruschev
  • Lieutenant Guang Jie
  • Sub-Lieutenant Vladislav Zharov
The Red Hessians, providing an anvil on which our hammer could crush the enemy, provided an adept squadron of combatants too.

The enemy pushed into Omega 52 as expected, engaging those of us who had already arrived. I ordered a fighting retreat to Cape Verde, knowing that her turrets would allow us a defendable position in order to buy time for the flanking Hessian forces to arrive. As we did so, we lost a bomber, piloted bravely by Lieutenant Commander Muhadrem.

As the Hessians arrived, we focused fire on the enemy flagship, the Artemis, causing it to pull back to Omega 5, heavily damaged.

We then moved onto the many, missile-armed gunboats which plagued us. We lost Yue Fei's fighter in the chaos, only just managing to retrieve her pod as I luckily finished a gunboat. I began to draw fire, my bomber being decompressed and neutralised by enemy Titans, but I was fortunately saved from being taken captive thanks to the timely assault of Lieutenant Commander Kaputski against Skyelius of the Brotherhood.

From Cape Verde's command deck, also known as Kalashnikov's Bar, I managed to watch the rest of the battle. Kaputski, with the help of the others, cut a swathe through the enemy vessels, tearing the invading fleet apart. Note that without the assistance of the Hessians, this would not have been possible.

As Kaputski continued to rack his kill count up, I ordered any spare bombers to chase down the fleeing Artemis. The Hessians were much more than happy to oblige, catching her out in Omega 5, voiding many of her decks and taking her out of battlefield service for quite some time, I imagine.

With Omega 52 safe, the stragglers being picked off by our courageous revolutionaries and our Hessian comrades, we quickly planned a counter-offensive on Cadiz, after some quick repairs and first-aid.

Here, Sub-Lieutenant Zharov would show great aptitude in fighter combat, as would our other pilots. We, along with the Ronneburg-based Hessians, led by the Red Hessian Army, were able to rout a pair of Bretonian advance skirmishers whilst dealing with what remained of the previously massive Corsair fleet.

Our fighter and bomber squadrons were able to fire multiple torpedo and antimatter volleys at Cadiz itself, causing significant structural damage that could possibly only be surpassed by sustained bombardment or specialised siege weaponry.

A solid victory for the revolution, with conspicuous valour from all involved. Lieutenant Commanders Abdul Muhadrem and Yue Fei are to both receive a Wound Stripe for injuries sustained defending against invading contras. Lieutenant Commander Zarevo Kaputski is to receive an honourable mention for ace piloting and tactical acumen.

All pilots involved, including our Hessian comrades, should they wish to accept it, are to receive the Omega Front Badge decoration, for actions in defending the front in the Omegas from a large force of hostiles.

Well done, pilots, you did the people proud out there.

-Ares out

---Transmission Terminated---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lt.Cmdr.Olsav - 01-02-2009

Comm. ID: Lt.Cmdr. Karol Olsav
Subject: Counter-Revolutionary Invasion Thwarted Report

---Transmission Initiated---

Comrades, I realize that many of you have not seen me on the front lines recently. Some blame it on my panache for always seeing the bottom of a bottle, or the fact I have a tendency to sleep in, or that I seem incapable of getting my Viper MkII comm systems in order.

I would like to say with true happiness all comm system issues have been resolved, having with ingenuity, wit, and tossing all my spare pay at Yue Fei, gotten a wireless comm system installed in my cock pit, so my pre flight checks will no longer take longer than a capitalist in purgatory.

Also, and I shout this out to every Comrade either great or small, whether its Cannibals, Cardi, Capitalists or damn Hippies, I will always support our effort to the fullest, while i might not have been at the forefront of battle recently, Ive been cheerin from my seat in the officers club, which i will attempt to leave more often hahahahaha.

This little break also gave me time to catch up on my readings, The Social Contract by JJ Rousseau, and The Long March by Comrade Mao.

With the firsthand knowledge I have gained about our cause, more and more I see a way to present it to this Sector that will be more palpable for the oppressed Proleterians of Rheinland, Kusari, Liberty, and Bretonia.

I'm interested in starting a propaganda office that will focus on boiling down our tenets, our beliefs, and our laws into short, simple, and appealing messages, both for our own pilots and our enemies and civilians on all sides.

If any other officers are interested in discussing and working on these goals, you know where my seat in the OC is.

Also, are any of the training sergeants about in the next few days, I need to get caught up with any new snub fighter tactics.

--raises glass of cheap ethanol--

Na zdrovyeh!

For the Revolution Comrades, and in honour of McIntosh, GET SOME! haha

***************transmission ended*******************