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SCRA Recruitment Centre - Printable Version

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Coalition Recruitment Thread - Wolfs Ghost - 06-20-2010

He shut the door behind him and turned back answering rather quickly. "Henry Murphy, ma'am," He trailed off hearing a gunshot ring out from down the hall behind him. "I just came from that room back there and I was told to talk to a Comrade Broch." He took a step forwards and slid his hands behind his back, clasping his left hand with his right. "I believe that would be you, ma'am?"

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Shagohad - 06-20-2010

"Is that so?" She let the files go, leaving them to rest on the desk. In one quick motion, she hefted the .65 from her holster, leveling it at his chest. Her lips flattened, face showing no emotion.

"I have a question for you. Care to answer it? And that is not the question."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Wolfs Ghost - 06-20-2010

He glanced down at the pistol and looked back up at her, he only raised an eyebrow for a second then went back to his blank expression. "If I say no, I get shot. If I say yes, and I get the answer wrong I get shot. I'm liking these odds, ma'am. I'll answer the question."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Shagohad - 06-20-2010

"Good man." The pistol was kept steady. "I'm going to ask you about the meaning of life, the universe and everything. What is question that leads to the answer?"

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Wolfs Ghost - 06-20-2010

His eyes widened a bit. In his head thoughts raced, his jaw dropped slightly. "Forty-Two." He mumbled, then said it again quickly so she could hear it. "Forty-two. Is the answer, the question is How many roads does a man have to walk down?" He raised his eye brow, What type of question was that? He thought to himself, now waiting for either getting killed, or being told what to do now.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Shagohad - 06-20-2010

The corners of her mouth turned down in a frown. She stood up, walking towards him, pressing the gun to his temple. "Ever heard that song, Comrade? It's very good. Now. Your next order. Take this pistol. And pull the trigger. Do not peak at the slide, magazine, or breach. Am I clear?"

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Wolfs Ghost - 06-20-2010

He didn't flinch when she pressed the gun towards his temple, yet he was surprise he wasn't dead yet. Or maybe he was and this was just a hellish dream. Either way he reached for the pistol and looked over at her. He was going to kill himself? That's a change of events. He placed his finger on the trigger, still looking at her. "Well..I have no regrets for any of this. It was a pleasure." He smiled slightly and pulled the trigger. Click.

She was still standing infront of him. He pulled the trigger again, and again there was another click. He retracted the pistol from his own head, then grabbed it by the barrel and handed it to her. "If I'm allowed one smart ass comment, the pistol is empty, ma'am."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Shagohad - 06-20-2010

She smirked as he pulled the trigger. She kept the smirk until he pulled it again, actually frowning. Did he want to die that badly? Or was he making sure? Regardless, she took the weapon, walking back to the desk without replying to his remark.

"I want you to fill these out to the best of your ability. Return them when finished to the secretary." She scooped up the files, handing them to him.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - arvg - 06-20-2010

Alicia began to pack up the recruitment office, putting away her files, and watching as Captain Alvarez and Commander Broch left.

She smiled apologetically at the recruit filing paperwork. "I am sorry hon," she said with a smile. "But I am locking up. Don't mind me..."

she arranged magazines and locked the door. Ensuring that no one else could come in.

"We're just waiting for your paperwork, and Commissar Gonzales to get done, and we're all finished."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Tabris - 06-20-2010

Meanwhile in Ben Warner's office he is still asleep, snoring softly, not even noticing that the recruitment centre was locking up, he just slept on peacefully, ignorantly...When he woke up he would escape from the locked offices somehow, but fornow he just slept, dreamt and relaxed in his chair...