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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Recruitment - Printable Version

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RE: Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Megpoid - 08-16-2015

[Image: wWYsRfa.png]
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Battleship Strausberg - Mid command office
- New Berlin System -

SUBMITTER: Hauptmann Dominik Albrecht, Rheinland Military

RECIPIENT: Applicant(s)
SUBJECT: Application

Roland Von Marck.

Herr Roland, I received feedback of your questionarie and I am glad to inform you that your application have been
Aproved. Repost your biography Here, You are assigned a Wraith class very heavy fighter and report to the Battleship Strausberg for your first deployment.

From now on, we are expecting excelency and dedication from you.

[Image: 50x37rheinland.png]
Hauptmann Dominik Albrecht.

Rheinland Military

RE: Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Antonio - 08-19-2015

Discovery Forum Name: Antonio
Name: Marco Schulz
Rank: -
S.K.Y.P.E designation: antoniokarlo

Age: 24
Height: 6'2
Weight: 170 lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue

Planet/Station of Origin: Planet Stuttgart

Background Information:

I was born on Planet Stuttgart in a quiet family. My parents were farmers and had large plantations. Being an only child, they wanted me to be successful and live my dream. Since they had a lot of land, they were making good amounts of money, and they were able to finance my study for becoming a space pilot. After coming of age, I applied for Rheinland Millitary secondary fleet and started flying my first ship.

It was a Bergelmir given to me by the Rheinland Millitary . I started patrolling nearby areas and escorting convoys. I was very successful, I learned how to fight and killed many pirates, mostly Hessians. I was alright with the job, but about a year later, I realised I wanted something more. I wanted to make a step forward in my life, so I saw the opportunity to join the primary fleet and make my stand by fighting for Rheinland in much tense areas, where a full potential of my skills will be used.

Basic Personality Traits: Determination, flair, commitment, piloting skill.

Ship Class: To be assigned. Preferably Bergelmir.


For how long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ? 6 years.

What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ? I wanted to try out a multiplayer mod after playing vanilla, that was years ago though. I recently came back because nostalgia.

What other characters do you have on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server? Carmen Sanchez, David Rose, a lot of faction characters.

What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM? I want to join a Rheinland faction as I never was in any before. I'd also like to spend more time in Rheinland overall. I saw a growth in activity recently so Rheinland Millitary seems like the best choice.

RE: Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Megpoid - 08-19-2015

[Image: wWYsRfa.png]
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Battleship Strausberg - Mid command office
- New Berlin System -

SUBMITTER: Hauptmann Dominik Albrecht, Rheinland Military

RECIPIENT: Applicant(s)
SUBJECT: Application

Marco Schulz

Herr Schulz, the admiralty has reviewed your background toroughly and decided that you will be a great asset to the primary fleet. Hereby, you are
accepted in the primary fleet. Repost your biography Here, you are also assigned a "Wraith" very heavy fighter from the reserves at Battleship Strausberg. Report to the Strausberg effective inmediately, I'll be waiting for you once you arrive, for the update of your papers and your first deployment.

From now on, we are expecting excelency and dedication from you.

[Image: 50x37rheinland.png]
Hauptmann Dominik Albrecht.

Rheinland Military

RE: Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Kreuzritter - 11-10-2015

Discovery Forum Name: Kreuzritter
Name: Wilhelm Bartel
Rank: -
S.K.Y.P.E designation(//username): garvik891

Age: 25
Height: 6'1
Weight: 170 lbs
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: green

Planet/Station of Origin: New Berlin

Background Information:
Born to middle-class parents Hannelore Bartel (former Schneider) and Fritz Bartel, Wilhelm led a relatively sheltered childhood without much contact to other people his age due to being home schooled. His father always intended for him to take over the family business - a small subcontracting firm of Republican Shipping that focused on planet surface deliveries to and from the bigger spaceports scattered across New Berlin. Lending a hand in the family business honed his skills as a mechanic as he helped his father's employes with repairs of the four smaller transport vessels in their service and by the age of 20 he had accumulated quite some hours of atmospheric flight experience in said vessels. Having spent the first 20 years of his life entirely planetside, a trip to Hamburg shortly after his 21st birthday marked a turning point in his love for aviation - he was no longer content with atmospheric flight and wanted to take to the stars. Just a month after the Hamburg trip he used the entirety of his monthly wage working as a transport pilot for his father to buy a lengthy flight session in a Tigershark that was adverstised as an "1 hour combat flight experience as genuine as it gets" in high orbit around planet New Berlin. Even though this flight session was far from even remotely simulating a real combat environment - all he did was mostly fly around in circles, doing the occasional loop, roll or other aerobatic maneuver - it did manage to firmly implant the romanticised picture of life as a fighter pilot in his head. When four years later his father had to sell the company due to the financial pressure of losing a few key contracts Wilhelm had to look for work elsewhere, and with the glorified memories of his one hour spin in the Tigershark still in mind he found himself in a Rheinwehr recruitment office the very next day.

Basic Personality Traits: timid, somewhat shy, focused

Ship Class: -


For how long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?
Long enough to see lots of Krieg

What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?
Krieg nostalgia

What other characters do you have on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server?
None - they all died during Krieg

What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM?

RE: Rheinland Military Recruitment! - ilovesin - 11-15-2015

Discovery Forum Name: ilovesin
Name: - Heinrich Ritter
S.K.Y.P.E designation(//username): intothesin

Age: - 19
Height: - 1,85m
Weight: - 100 KG
Hair Color: - Brown
Eye Color: - Green

Planet/Station of Origin: Don't know lived on New Berlin for as long as I can remember

Background Information: The earliest memories I have is living with my mother on New Berlin. It was only ever my mother and I. I never knew who my father was until this year. I kept asking her when I was younger but she would never tell me or speak of him. Only last year she told me that he was an LSF-operative who lived and worked in Rheinland prior to the declaration of war. She told me he raped and assaulted her and then left her to die only days before returning to Liberty. She was rescued by a Military Officer who pulled some strings to get a place and a job for her and kept her secret all these years to prevent her form getting persecuted. When I learned of that I swore I would everything in my power to make sure that every last one of these Liberty swines who works towards the destruction of Rheinland and what it stands for pays the ultimate price for his atrocities.

Basic Personality Traits:
Determined, Resourceful, Intelligent, Eager to learn

Ship Class:
Anything that can fly

For how long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?
I first started in 2010 and played for about 6 month then stopped for 4-5 years and recently started again.
What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?
I honestly cant remember
What other characters do you have on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server?
No others in Factions. Only non faction ones: Mostly legals only a few non legals. Two non faction Rheinland military ships a Cruiser and a Gunboat. The "Heiligensee" and the "Tugend"
What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM?
I wanted to join a faction and searched for one where I could improve my RP and more than that my PvP "skills". And I didn't want to join the [LN]

RE: Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Benoit - 11-20-2015

[Image: RgC8pBi.png]
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Battleship Strausberg - Mid command office
- New Berlin System -

SUBMITTER: Hauptmann Hartmann Lamprecht, Rheinland Military

RECIPIENT: Applicant(s)
SUBJECT: Application

Flieger Wilhelm Bartel und Flieger Heinrich Ritter

Mein Herren, the admiralty has reviewed your backgrounds toroughly and has decided that you will be a great asset to the primary fleet. Hereby, Flieger Bartel, you are
accepted in the primary fleet. Flieger Ritter, your application is pending until we receive the questionnaire back. Repost your biography Here and watch this video communication, Herr Bartel, you are also assigned a "Wraith" und a "Bergelmir" from the reserves at Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin system. Report to the Strausberg effective immediately, your Leutnant will be waiting for you once you arrive, for the update of your papers and your first deployment. Do not fail your uniform!

From now on, we are expecting excelency and dedication from you.

[Image: 50x37rheinland.png]
Hauptmann Hartmann Lamprecht.

Rheinland Military

RE: Rheinland Military Recruitment! - ilovesin - 11-20-2015

- missing transmission -

RE: Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Wesker - 12-31-2015

Discovery Forum Name:Wesker
Name:[REDACTED] On MND order #9832475843
Rank: -
S.K.Y.P.E designation(//username):albert.wesker96

Hair Color:Blonde
Eye Color:Hazel

Planet/Station of Origin: Planet New Berlin

Background Information: Born into an average family, my father serving in the Military and my mother serving as a police officer; I saw myself destined to follow in their footsteps. Despite what I -saw- myself as I had a harder time pushing myself to do it. I learned how fly in my late teen years not an ace of course, but enough to handle myself against whatever average criminal that would try to act against me. As my mid 20's approached I had to decide between joining the Military or finding some other career, my father was determined to see me become a Military pilot but I was still too skeptical. It wasn't until my father passed away of a fatal disease when I turned 26 that I would finally have a better reason to make this application than anything else. That reason being to honor what my father the best I can.

Basic Personality Traits: I get along with people fine, except with our enemies. I'm not very talkative, but I will follow orders.

Ship Class: Anything

Other: N/A

For how long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ? about a year and a half

What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ? I saw a video of disco and decided to join

What other characters do you have on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server? Too many

What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM? Fun!

RE: Rheinland Military Recruitment! - Flashâ„¢ - 01-01-2016

Receiving Message


Sender ID: Admiral Anton Hoffman
Location: Battleship Strausberg
Recipient(s): Katharina Laurenz


Guten tag Frau Laurenz,

You are herebyaccepted into the Rheinwehr, head over to Battleship Strausberg to pick up your necessary gear.

Congratulations pilot.

[Image: 50x37rheinland.png]
Admiral Anton Hoffman
Rheinland Military


Message Terminated

RE: Rheinland Military Recruitment - Venkman - 01-06-2016

Discovery Forum Name: Venkman
Name: Sam Hauser
Rank: -
S.K.Y.P.E designation(//username): ognjen.cigoja2

Age: 35
Height: 189 cm
Weight: 76kg
Hair Color: /
Eye Color: Brown

Planet/Station of Origin:

Planet Holstein

Background Information:

Thirty-five years ago I was born on Planet Holstein in a rather wealthy family. My parents earned everything by themselves and them alone which I am proud of. I had typical Rheinlandish childhood and as every male boy I wanted to be a pilot of a spaceship. When I finished my school I moved to military academy with a goal to become a solider. My training is over and I believe that my next logical step should be this - Rheinland Military application. I wish to serve my homeland and protect it with my life.

Basic Personality Traits:

Strength, very good eyesight, precision.

Ship Class:

Bomber - preferable


For how long have you been playing on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?

Since 2011

What made you come play on Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 ?


What other characters do you have on the Discovery Freelancer RP 24/7 server?

Apollo.Venkman and others

What OOC reason do you have for joining the RM?

Bring some activity to Rheinland