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The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - Printable Version

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RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - nemi89 - 11-05-2013

Your name: Nergal

Where the money is going: At.The.Left.Hand.Ov.God

Kills: One XA Pirate Transport

Circumstances: Got him near Cali gate



Payment owed: 3.000.000

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Freeroamer - 11-06-2013

Your name: Lance Harris

Where the money is going: BHG|Razor

Kills: 1x Rogue Pirate Freighter

Circumstances: He was Camping the Penny Gate and a Got him Near There

Payment owed: 2 mil For the Rouge

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - rhodesia - 11-07-2013

Your name: Daniel Archer

Where the money is going: Daniel.Archer

Kills: FL ID/Police IFF Pirate Train - Zehntor

Circumstances: Found a smuggler with artifacts sitting at the New York gate, he did not respond to my communications, so I blew him up and destroyed his loot.

Scan of ID
Scan of Hold
Destruction of Cargo:

Payment: 3.000.000


Kills: Zoner ID/IFF Percheron - Addicterra

Circumstances: Found a smuggler with artifacts in California coming from Cortez. He dropped his cargo and we destroyed it.

Scan of ID
Scan of Cargo
Cargo in Space

Payment: 3.000.000


Kills: Outcast ID/IFF Falcata - Nightstalker_Bravo1/1 & Nightbringer_Bravo1/2

Circumstances: Two OC bombers pirating lane in California. Engaged them and after moments of fighting, their shields were down and they exploded after detonating a Nova Torpedo on my ship.

Scan of ID 1
Scan of ID 2

Payment: 6.000.000

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Adam.Smith. - 11-08-2013

Your name: Adam.Smith

Where the money is going: Adam.Smith

Kills: 1 Rogue Cruiser.

Circumstances: I got a distress call from Pennsylvania system, some trader vessels were assaulted, so I went to investigate. I found rogue cruiser loitering around the lines,so I called for help and we destroyed him

[Image: screen8.jpg]
[Image: screen10.jpg]

Payment owed: 6.000.000

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Freeroamer - 11-09-2013

Your name: Lance Harris

Where the money is going: BHG|Razor

Kills: 1 Indie Rouge Bomber , 1 Offical Tagged Rouge

Circumstances: 2 Rouge Bombers Camping Trade Lane

ID #1
Kill #1
Kill #2

Payment owed: 3 Mil for the Offical Rouge , 2 mil for the Indie Rouge. 5Mil

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - nemi89 - 11-12-2013

Your name: Nergal

Where the money is going: At.The.Left.Hand.Ov.God

Kills: One Hacker VHF, One Rogue SVHF

Circumstances: They were escorting Rogue destroyer and one Junker liner to Cassini, got them before they could reach jumphole

Scan 1
Kill 1

Scan 2
Kill 2

Payment owed: 2.500.000 + 2.000.000 = 4.500.000 sc

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Freeroamer - 11-14-2013

Your name: John Harris

Where the money is going: BHG|Razor.

Kills: 1x LH~ Light FIghter, 1x Rouges Gunboat

Circumstances: Found the Gunboat pirating in Galileo and found the LH~ in Cali Flying around

LH~ Scan
LH~ Splash
Rouge Scan
Rouge Splash

Payment owed: 4 mil for the Rouges gunboat and 3.5 mil for the LH~
Bill:7.5 mil

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Freeport7 - 11-17-2013

Your name: Miguel Soares

Where the money is going: BHG|22nd-SplashBOOM

Kills: Liberty Rogue Destroyer

Circumstances: I was talking to Captain Pablo when he received notice that there was suspicious activity in Galileo, I teamed up with him and headed to Galileo. We found a Rogue Destroyer and .... we destroyed it! ehehehhehe!
I can only claim this as an "assist-kill". After the target was destroyed I asked if that would be ok.

Payment owed: I couldn't find any information for assisting in kill. So i think i should leave this for your criterion

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - The Republic Of Liberty - 11-17-2013

[Image: 2vmamgh.png]

To all contractors;

Payments have been authorised for:

  • 118,500,000 to At.The.Left.Hand.Ov.God
  • 42,500,000 to Adam.Smith
  • 6,500,000 to AA|Hunter,Able
  • 3,000,000 to BHG|Lily.White
  • 40,00,000 to Steven_Howard
  • 23,000,000 to BHG|Moshu
  • 4,500,000 to BHG|Toledo.Diaz
  • 3,500,000 to BHG|Tom.Milestone
  • 2,000,000 to BHG|Pepe.Canopener
  • 26,000,000 to /US/-Kotomi:Isogai
  • 29,500,000 to Doge.Biscuits
  • 2,000,000 to Sad.Doge
  • 2,000,000 to Cynical.Doge
  • 3,000,000 to Saronsen
  • 9,000,000 to Aurra's.Song
  • 12,000,000 to Untreue.
  • 10,000,000 to BHG|22nd-Badaboom
  • 14,500,000 to BHG|Razor
  • 9,000,000 to Daniel.Archer

Thank you for your services.

Nergal; your claim for the Xeno Alliance Gunboat is denied due to superior Liberty Force presence. Our clerks did notice however that you downed a 101st vessel and forgot to tally in the appropriate bonus. They made that adjustment for you this one time.

Adam Smith; your claims for the pirate bomber and 101st transport that crashed into Manhattan's defensive shield are rejected. Your LR- claim is rejected due to missing evidence. We were not able to verify the location of your Corsair claims and have summarily denied them. Finally, your Rogue Destroyer claim is denied due to the presence of superior Liberty Force vessels. Don't make a claim like that again.

AA|Hunter,Able; you've been notified previously to properly supply your name when making claims. Supply the proper information in the proper box or risk having your payments denied.

BHG|Lily.White; that's not your "name". Please supply the correct data in the correct box in the future.

Raccoon; we are giving you the benefit of the doubt on the pirate you claimed, but be sure to include proper location in the future. We were not able to make payment due an invalid account. Submit a valid account for payment or risk forfeiture of your claims.

Steven Howard; please compound your total claims per vessel in the future. For example, if you destroy an LR- tagged Liberty Rogue Gunboat, simply claim the total of 5,000,000 instead of 2,000,000 + 1,000,000 + 2,000,000. This will simplify the work required for our clerks to verify your claimed total.

BHG|Harry.Cooper; we were not able to make payment due an invalid account. Submit a valid account for payment or risk forfeiture of your claims.

BHG|Monica.Bellucci; a lady like yourself should know what your name is. Please supply it in the appropriate section on all future claims. Additionally, we were not able to process your previous claims due to a lack of a confirmed kill time. Supply this in the future or your claims will continue to be dismissed.

Moshu; We were not able to process your claim for Purple Flare due to a lack of evidence of his destruction.

"Mephistoles"; we need your name, not just where you want money. Also, your lack of time of death for your targets means you won't be getting anything this time anyway. Be sure to include all relevant information in the future or risk having your claims denied.

Kotomi Isogai; we appreciate your assistance in stepping in on a situation as dangerous as you found yourself in. That being said, your claim for the planet diving pirate Traitor is denied. Additionally, we found insufficient evidence identifying The.Bass.Renaissance and Pure.Destruction as what you claimed them to be. Be sure to have the proper information easily available for future claims.

Doges; our clerks likened dealing with your claims to having puppies running around their office ignoring the proper "potty spots" and chewing up all of their furniture. Your Corsair and Silver Flare claims are rejected due to a lack of distinguishable astronomic features. We are rejecting Infiniti as being your claim in this case. We are not double paying on the Alvin claim when you use the same identifying materials. The claim for Mace.Windu is denied due to a lack of a discernible kill message, as well as a lack of intelligence regarding supporting forces. Your group on the whole is warned for time stamp and location information requirements. Only the fact that you are a relatively new group with a recent sign up date gives us any evidence that your claims are in fact recent. Claims with insufficient information will be swatted with a rolled up newspaper next time and dismissed.

Zero of the Guild; your lack of a time stamp for the XA- vessel means your claim for that is denied. Additionally, we were not able to make payment due an invalid account. Submit a valid account for payment or risk forfeiture of your claims.

Liam Wilde; your lack of a time stamp and discernible identification for the XA- vessel means your claim for that is denied. The claim for the Flare is rejected for a lack of initial identification and location. Please be sure to submit valid information in the future if you wish your claims to process.

Saronsen; the lack of a time stamp on your LR- tagged targets means we will have to reject your claims for those kills. Be sure to include all required information when submitting your kills.

Untreue; we don't pay bonuses for killing Reavers because they're already Reavers. Any future claims overstating the value of the target will be rejected out of hand.

Jessica Scarlet; our astronomical experts were not able to discern where you made your kill, thus we cannot verify it is a valid claim in Libertonian space. Please be sure to include distinguishable location information when making claims on Liberty only targets.

Daniel Archer; sadly we only pay for the destruction of a smuggler who refuses to yield, not necessarily for them to drop the cargo. Your second claim will have to be denied on this technicality.

Miguel Soares; we will have to reject your claim. Even if we were to give consideration to the captain's permission, your lack of a claim total means we would not be able to properly process the kill. You'll have to sit this one out.

Evidence for payment is below:

* * *

Ferris Dufresne
Central Liberty Internal Treasury

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - rhodesia - 11-18-2013

[Image: ene9.png]

Your name: Daniel Archer

Where the money is going: Daniel.Archer

Kills: Xeno ID/IFF - John_Coffey (Waran) & BonBon_McKhan (Raven's Talon)

Circumstances: Two Xeno's camping the FP in Kepler. Engaged them to collect bounty, they were destroyed.

Scan of ID 1
Scan of ID 2
Death 1
Death 2

Payment: 4.000.000


Kills: LH~GeorgiKoskov

Circumstances: Engaged in Alberta, destroyed the target as he attempted to flee

Scan of ID 1
Death 1

Payment: 3.500.000


Kills: LH ID/IFF Switchblade - Unholyknight

Circumstances: Saw him try to sneak away at the JH to Ontario in Alberta, made short work of this pest.

Scan of ID 1

Payment: 2.500.000


Kills: LH ID/IFF Gunship - Sollux.Captor

Circumstances: Saw him try to pirate a trader in Alberta, made short work of him.

Scan of ID 1

Payment: 4.500.000


Total Payment: 14.500.000
[Image: vr8o.png]