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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Matthews - 07-08-2011

== Discovered Signal ==

== Opening Message ==

[font=AR Julian][color=#33CCFF]Pilot ID: [color=#6666CC]Jonathan Sinclair

Location: Battleship Norfolk, Cambridge
Subject: Report, Leeds

G'day Ladies and Gentlemen
I'll take the main message to y'all right away. Today was a big battle going on in New London and Dublin.
I was called out for an emergency in Dublin where one of our cruisers and a Gunboat were attacked by a group of Mollys and Coaliation. As I got to the planet New Londong they were jumping into the system. That was today at 21.00 hours. They heavily outnumbered me and Ensign Ree with about 8 fighters. We had no choice but the dodge and wait for the Captain and Commander. When they got there the real fight started. We fought them of and destroyed several of their ships including the bombers which did heavy dammage to the HMS-Cambridge.
They all ran away to Dublin via the hole, but we kept chasing 'em. As they realised that they won't get away that easily they called for more reinforcements. They were constantly bringing in more, while our force was getting thin. Ensign Cooper lost 3 guns to a mine and had to retreat, Ensign Ree's ship was heavily hit and some more ships were disabled. But again, for every ship we had to pull out they suffered losses. The Mollys force was downed to one, the Coaliation's to four fighters.
The SCRA was constantly running as soon as our far more skilled pilots targeted them. It shows once again that Queen Carina's Accademy trains our pilots at least good enough to withstand the hard battles taking place in Bretonia.
As they started running it was 23.00 hours but they stood up once again and kept fighting for another hour. During that hour, which seemed pretty long, there was one ship badly hit on both sides. Then at 24.00 hours they did their final retreat to Arronmare base.

Once again the Coaliation's attempt to take over Dublin ... failed.

[font=Kunstler Script]Yours, Ensign Jonathan Sinclair

[color=#000099][font=AR Julian]== Message terminated ==

== Signal lost ==

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Jam - 07-10-2011

--[Incoming Transmittion]--
Sender ID: Captain John Clay
Priority: Medium
Subject: Unknown weapon obtained.
Report Begin

Good day,
I'm slowly getting into shape after my break. To the point now.
Yesterday, I came across a Junker, who gave me an unknown weapon. It is in my Templar's hold at the moment, if you want to call scientists to make a research on it. Unfortunately, I don't know more about the weapon.

That's all.

Captain John Clay signing off.

End of Report

--[Transmittion Terminated]--

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 07-10-2011

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 95ves5.gif]

Good day.
I am reporting about today's capital ship patrol made in Cambridge system. We have assembled a heavy strike squad, at planet New London, to mentain security in Snowdown. We have combined all our forces in Battleship Norfolk and proceeded to the Jump Gate but the trade lane was interrupted by several corsair bombers. Slowly, from the Nebulas our scanners indicated at least 4 gunboat class Imperator ships, more bombers and more Titans that were incoming. Our teamwork, considering the possibilities and our tactics, proved our efforts. We have taken down nearly 8 targets before Sovereign's destruction. I can say we really made them feel the fear no matter they had the numbers. Sovereign had menaged to survive for long enough time enough to help the destruction of all enemy gunboats and several bombers.
Sovereign will be at Southamptom Shipyard for several days until all repair programs are made and ship is fully operational again.

Here I give you an image of our strike squad and information of the enemy casualties:
- Classified 1
- Classified 2

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Swallow - 07-11-2011

*Incoming transmission*
*Source: Dublin, BS Essex*
*Sender: Ensign Roman Alexson*
*Video: unable to load*

This is my first report since I am in Armed Forces.

Reporting about accident in Dublin system, that happened just right now.
After reaching F5 coordinates as it was ordered by sir John Clay, me and Ensign Pete Stacker detected a molly ship.
That pilot was Blodwyn O'Driscoll in her VHF class Werewolf.
When we arrived she was been engaged with Armed Forces officer in Challenger class bomber vessel named " Harnas ", I called for engaging to support bomber in a fight.
Soon after Ensign Ree arrived to our location.
Unfortunately bomber went down by Mollie, thats why Ensign Ree engaged her..*coughs* but soon after his ship went down too.
Same happened to Ensign Stacker, so left only Mollie and me.
I must admit that she is a good sniper with her Mini Razor, so we should note this.
For about fifteen minutes I was trying to get her with my small and agile Hussar LF, but soon after BHG| tagged ship came and they both moved in Arranmore field direction ( Hunter was chasing her ).

All three pilots I tractored in, are delivered to Essex.
While getting light injuries and a bit wrecked ship I was unable to keep patrolling, so I docked my ship ay Essex and now I am reporting about this all from med deck.

This is all.

*Transmission end*

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Jam - 07-12-2011

--[Incoming Transmittion]--
Sender ID: Captain John Clay
Priority: Medium
Subject: Fleet Battle in Omega-3.
Report Begin

Fleet Admiral James Ralston, Admirals,
Under command of Commodore Sir Firmus Piett, we managed to organize a fleet patrol consisting of HMS Victoria, HMS Dauntless, HMS Leeds, several fighters and a bomber. I personally took command of HMS Victoria. It survived the battle without a single scratch.
First though, we went to scare some Mollies to Dublin, who didn't dare to attack us, as we were well prepared.
After we forced them to retreat, we went to Omega-3, where we met a SCRA squadron. We immediatelly engaged it. Slowly, more and more enemied were joining the battle. We even got outnumbered by two gunboats, but with efficient support from our Battleships, we managed to destroy them. After about an hour of fighting, a Corsair Osiris showed up, but it ran as soon as I turned the Victoria to charge it. Little coward...
In the end, the remaining SCRA forces decided to retreat. We were victorious once again, with minor casualties.

That's all,

Clay out.

End of Report

--[Transmittion Terminated]--

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Denime - 07-13-2011

~~~~~~ Incoming transmission ~~~~~~
~~~~~~ Encryption: High ~~~~~~
~~~~~~ Source Ship ID: Denime ~~~~~~
~~~~~~ Destination: Bretonian Armed Forces DIS~~~~~~

Yesterday Ensign Tudor and I went on a routine patrol around the local Bretonian systems.

We met up outside Planet New London then went through the system, proceeding to the Leeds Jump Gate.

New London 1.
New London 2 - Kensington.
New London 3 - Southampton.

Upon entering Leeds we found nothing of concern.
Durham Border Station

Outside Planet Leeds there were a few Convoy vessels loitering, after a scan of their hold we found nothing incriminating so we therefore allowed them to continue their travels.
Convoy Vessels

We then made our way to the Dublin system - a known hot spot. We moved on towards the Essex.
Dublin 1

On the way there we found a ship named "Filin". A scan of his hold showed everything to be in order.
Dublin 2 - Filin

Tudor then made the suggestion of checking the dust cloud to get to the Edinburgh Jump hole, however we found nothing suspicious.

Edinburgh was quiet, no one around so we decided to head straight for Leeds to make a full round trip of our patrol.

We found a few traders in the Leeds system near the Edinburgh Jump Gate, however their names peaked our interest so we went in to investigate. It turned out they were only haulers with a cargo of gold.
Leeds 1.
Leeds 2.
Leeds 3.
At this time, Tudor and I began receiving system wide messages from one "Tony Montana" who was starting to get aggressive. On our way to planet Leeds we found another trader hauling gold.
Leeds 4.
At this point we were also receiving distress signals from HMS-Cambridge requesting immediate assistance at the co-ordinates "E6" in the Leeds system. Reports of multiple corsair contacts; including one "Tony Montana"...
As we rushed to the aid of HMS-Cambridge we briefly encountered a Zoner transport vessel which was clean.
Leeds 5.

We entered battle almost instantly and it was plain to see that HMS-Cambridge was in a very bad way, with over 10 pirate ships chasing her down Tudor and I engaged. I called for backup in the SKYP-3 comms channel but my requests were in vein. Unfortunately, in the thick of it Tudor's ship went down first in a valiant attempt to save both Cambridge and I. My persistent firing helped little against such a mass of force, merely five minutes after Tudor went down, so did HMS-Cambridge. Ten minutes after that, I was forced to eject. Mollys joining the battle against the corsairs and a few Convoy vessels which had joined the fray enabled us to barely escape with our lives.
Leeds 6.

While I am still a massive patriot and will continue the fight for Bretonia, I would not like to see something like this happen again. I found it an insult to be completely ignored while in a dire need of assistance. Next time, Tudor and I may not be so lucky - or HMS-Cambridge for that matter.

~~~~~~ Transmission terminated ~~~~~~

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Jam - 07-13-2011

--[Incoming Transmittion]--
Sender ID: Captain John Clay
Priority: High
Subject: Dublin incident.
Report Begin

Fleet Admiral James Ralston, Admirals,
I took HMS Dauntless for a little trip to Dublin, where I met a BPA officer Amanda.Morresy, along with Commander Robert Woodrow and some of our Ensigns. I soon found out that the BPA officer was openly insulting us, and she even opened fire on Commander Woodrow several times. I managed to pull them apart, though, and bring the conflict to an end.

This isn't a time for fighting each other within Bretonian Lawful ranks. What happened to them? Why they don't listen to us in battles? It seems they don't realize they lose battles with such behaviour. I saw such incidents multiple times, that's why I am talking about this. When an enemy gunboat engages us, it would be logical to take it out, wouldn't it? It seems fellow officer didn't understand this.

That is everything to report.

Clay out.

End of Report

--[Transmittion Terminated]--

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Rasa - 07-13-2011

....Incoming Transmission....
....Sender ID: BAF|Ens.I.Cox....
....Subject: AAR....

I started my sortie by getting called into the Edinburgh system, where a fight was going on. I engaged the called target, but ceased to when it became clear the target wasn't hostile. Afterwards, we had to deal with a very belligerent BPA, Amanda Morresy.


Afterwards, I linked up with Commander Woodrow, and escorted a Bowex convoy shipping Mox to Battleship McDuff. Along the way, a KNF ship tried to intercept us, but I managed to avoid a contact.


I then linked up with Ensign Stacker, and we patrolled through the New London and Cambridge systems. We encountered and escorted .FaDe., an outcast pilot in a gunboat, out of Bretonian space.



We also intercepted a trade convoy, escorted by a Rheinland military ship and escorted them out of Bretonia.


End of AAR.

....Transmission ended....

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Elven - 07-14-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: Battleship Harlow]
[CommID: Commander Tomas Eliot]

Today captain Reid, lieutenaunt Harding, ensign Hastings and me held a training sessions at Salisbury, which included:
1) Individual fights
2) Group evasion
Lieutenaunt Harding has proven to be skilled teacher, thus I recommend him for promotion to lieutenaunt-commander.

Ensign Hastings improved his technique, however he still might need some practice.
[End Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Matthews - 07-15-2011

== Discovered Signal ==

== Opening Message ==

[font=AR Julian][color=#33CCFF]Pilot ID: [color=#6666CC]Jonathan Sinclair

Location: Battleship Norfolk, Cambridge
Subject: Report, Leeds

G'day Ladies and Gentlemen of the Admirality
Today I come to you after a 3 days break granted by Commodore O'Dukes, to request the rank of Lieutenant.
I can say that I already got many combat experiences due to the skrimishes with Rheinland.
I checked my card and I fulfill the requirements if you haven't changed something.
Reports: 4
Flying Time: 27 hours
Combat training: Passed
Attitude: 4

[font=Kunstler Script]Yours, Ensign Jonathan Sinclair

[color=#000099][font=AR Julian]== Message terminated ==

== Signal lost ==