DISCONNECTED - Echo 7-7 - 11-03-2011
Name: Kain's.Aegis
Location: Tau-23
Time: A minute ago.
Reason: You tell me. I just got disconnected, not sure if lag related or not.
DISCONNECTED - Dino - 11-03-2011
Name: Alexander". Diaz'
Location: Tau 37
Time: Now.
Reason: PC restarted.
DISCONNECTED - schlurbi - 11-03-2011
Name: Swansea
Location: New Berlin
Time: Now.
Reason: I don't know, massive Lag. Think it was the Server.
DISCONNECTED - sadtranslation - 11-04-2011
Right here, right now;
Liberty, NY, Zone 21;
Russian internets.
Aha, now it happened again, this time in Conn; seems to be something wrong with my router.
DISCONNECTED - Charos - 11-04-2011
Name: [HF]-Blaster
Location: New York
Time: A minute ago.
Reason: Lag lag lag and DC
DISCONNECTED - Pancakes - 11-04-2011
Name: BMM-A.Weisman
Location (ingame): Freeport 1
Time (GMT): Just now
Reason: Crashed upon undocking
DISCONNECTED - Charos - 11-04-2011
Name: [M]-Ravenous.Traitor
Location: Leeds
Time: A minute ago.
Reason: Lag, lots of it ruined our ambush Q_Q
DISCONNECTED - kusarikusari - 11-05-2011
Name: Yoru.|Akuma
Location: Stokes, Leeds
Time: A minute ago.
Reason: Game crashed while undocking
DISCONNECTED - Silver - 11-05-2011
Name: Silver Reaver
Location: Z21, New York
Time: A couple of minutes ago
Reason: Router decided to fart.
DISCONNECTED - Benchee - 11-05-2011
Name: [C]-Anton.Simard
Location: Tau 23, near Java Station
Time: Right now
Reason: Router restarted