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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sassafras - 05-23-2009

Comm ID: Sergeant Major Pippart

Report of Engagement with Enemy Fleet on May 23, 2009.

Changing tactics, the Liberty Navy mounted a surprise attack on Rheinland by attempting to enter through the Bremen System. Alerted by the Battleship Westphalia, two Kriegsmarine Strike Wings under the commands of [RM]Maj.Otto.Gauss and [RM]Maj.Johann.Brunhild were assembled to counter the invading force in the New Hampshire system. Noting the size and strength of the Liberty fleet, Chancellor Rheinhardt ordered [RM]Adm.Viktor.Zirzow to take overall command of the combined battle group.

The following ships were assembled for the attack:

Rheinland Military:

[RM]Adm.Viktor.Zirzow - Wrath
[RM]Maj.Otto.Gauss - Wrath
[RM]Maj.Johann.Brunhild - Wrath
[RM]Lt.WilhelmVonEngel - Wrath
[RM]Og.Otto.Weddigen - Wrath
[RM]Of.Wolf.Wexler - Wrath
[RM]Of.Viktor.Blumberg - Wrath
[RM]Of.Pippart - Wrath
[RM]Hg.Lothar.Botzler - Wrath
[RM]Fl.Bobi.Mitev - Wrath

Allied Ships:

RMS-FGS-Rommel - Rheinland Battleship
RFP|Leon_Bogenschutz - Phantom
(MND)-Herman.Voss - Wrath

The Liberty Navy fleet consisted of:

[LN]-LNS-San.Francisco - Liberty Dreadnought
[LN]-David.Hale - Guardian
[LN]-Andy.Doggett - Guardian
[LN]-Ben.Dawson - Guardian
[LN]-Christina.Robinson - Guardian
[LN]-Kentaurus.Toliman - Avenger
[LN]-Ryan.MacTavish - Guardian
[LN]-Galen.Anderson - Guardian
[LN]-Hank.Kapinos - Guardian

//I'm missing a few LN.

The Rheinland Military and allied vessels displayed bravery, courage, and fierce determination in battle. With the large number of ships and ordinance floating in space, incidents of friendly fire casualties were reported on both sides. After a long and weary battle, the Liberty Navy proved victorious with two RM ships retreating from New Hampshire back to Bremen.

Sergeant Major Pippart


Rheinland Military Message Dump - Malexa - 05-29-2009

Kapitaen Johann Brunhild to Vizeadmiral
Major Otto Gauss to Major General
Leutnant Wilhelm Von Engel to Major

All the pilots are formed up at the flightdeck.
Admiral Malte stands between two soldiers holding the badges.
It is a whole ceremony.

"Kapitaen Brunhild!......"A Pilot stands up"Hier Frau Admiral!"
"Major Gauss!......"Another one stands up"Anwesend Frau Admiral!"
"Leutnant Von Engel!....."Von Engel was already standing"Jawohl Frau Admiral, Hier!"

All three Officers step forward.
Admiral Malte attatches the new rank badges and salutes.

"You have served Rheinland and the Military well meine Herren.
Every single pilot should stick to your good example."

After a little pause she turns to Kapitaen Brunhild.

"Herr Brunhild you are Vizeadmiral, serving under my command now. You deserved this promotion more than anybody else."

Malte looks at Major Otto Gauss.

"As the best instructor we have, you made the Kanzler verry proud of his forces. From now on, we will have a new Rank. Major General. You are now a Major General mein Herr. Keep up the good work with the Pilots."

"And finaly Herr Von Engel."
She steps in front of him.
"You did an excellent job mein Herr. Your actions are far beyond your current rank. To reflect this more clearly, you are now at the rank of Major!"

"Wegtreten Piloten!"

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Malexa - 05-31-2009

Congratulation Pilots.

The following Piloten advanced from Flieger to Gefreiter:

Hermann Voss
Ralf Weber
Thomas Schubert
Frederick Steiner
Goodrich Osborne
Jan Fuchs

Also Herr Gefreiter Holger Just handed in a special request for advancing from Gefreiter to Hauptgefreiter.
His request was granted.

Holger Just got promoted to Hauptgefreiter.


Admiral Malexa Malte

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Malexa - 06-02-2009

The latest promotions in the Rheinwehr:

Goodrich Osborne to Hauptgefreiter
Quote:Herr Goodrich Osborne met all the requirenments for the rank Hauptgefreiter.
He handed in 3 seperate patrol reports and has a Bergelmir bomber standing by on the flightdeck.

Gefreiter Goodrich Osbourne, from now on you will have the Hauptgefreiter badges on your shoulders.

Congratulations Pilot.

Admiral Malexa Malte

Holger Just to Feldwebel
Quote:Hauptgefreiter Holger Just,
High Command and the Admiralty have recieved your application for an Officer career within the ranks of the Rheinland Military.

Your request also states:

Quote:I believe I'm ready to leave the enlisted ranks behind and begin my officer career as a Feldwebel.

High Command took a closer look at your reports and skills mein Herr.

We can clearly see that you are amingin for a Rocket-Career inside the Military and your worst attribute is overestimation of your own capabilities.
Also we have some entries that you are sometimes hot blooded and tend to advise higher ranks in such a way, that you will most likely end up in the deckcrew of the Westphalia, not inside the ranks of the Flag Officers.

Work on yourself mein Herr. We see a bright and glory future inside our Ranks for you.

Regardless of your stains, we see that your promotion would be an example for jung Soldiers, how they can advance in the Military and fight for freedom and glory of our beloved Vaterland.

Feldwebel Holger Just, report in to the next Flag Officer in the briefingroom.
You will recieve your new badges there.
Also update your neural net informations ASAP.

Congratulations Herr Feldwebel Just.

Admiral Malexa Malte

Klaus Hidden to Feldwebel
Quote:Hauptgefreiter Klaus Hidden,

Your application for an officer career within the ranks of the Rheinland Military has reached our office.

We are proud to announce that you have managed to achieve a spot in the Officer training program.

Admiral Malte spoke highly of your valuable services inside the Military as an enlisted pilot.

Herr Hidden, you are hereby promoted to Feldwebel.

Report in to the next Flag Officer in the briefingroom to obtain your new badges.

Rheinland Military High Command

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Zig - 06-02-2009

Incoming Transmission: Feldwebel Holger Just

Having practiced some fighter combat with Hauptgefreiter Botzler in Braunschweig (a skilled pilot, the Rheinwehr is better for him), I formed up with Flieger Fischer and set off to patrol the Dresden system. Dresden seemed fairly peaceful, up until we arrived at the Battleship Altenburg - shortly afterwards, all hell broke loose.

The Flieger and I encountered a Corsair warship battling a lone Red Hessian Army fighter pilot, Dennis Koppe - the Corsair proved more intelligent than most of his kind and fled as we made our presence known. A further Red Hessian Army pilot, Ernst Neurath, cropped up on close-range scanners; Herr Koppe and Herr Neurath launched a joint attack against us. I dispatched Herr Neurath with a Mini Razor shot, Flieger Fischer detonated a torpedo on Herr Koppe's hull.


I ordered the Flieger to continue our patrol after the above interlude; it never came to that, however, as a massive Hessian Tears cruiser, escorted by RHA pilot Adolph Hessler, emerged from the Giftnebel and opened fire on us without further ado. Herr Hessler, at any rate, was somewhat talkative, but The Flying Dutchman's comms remained completely silent. Herr Fischer and I began dodging cruiser missiles and gunning Herr Hessler's hull down while Leutnant Engels arranged for bomber reinforcements in New Berlin; Federal Police and Military pilots came to our aid, but the Red Hessians' ranks were also being bolstered. The result became a full-blown battle southwest of Dresden's New Berlin jump gate.

The Rheinwehr took command of the fight - an RSS reserve pilot lost his ship (no surprise there), as did Flieger von Speer, who had the misfortune to be sucked into combat in his unarmored Wraith, but the Red Hessians were being steadily hammered. Due to frequent target rotation, towards the end, most of the Red Hessian pilots had hardly any nanobots remaining - unfortunately, they -all- ended up escaping due to the actions of two reserve gunboats, Olympos and . Eh, we vaporized the cruiser.


Olympos and charged into combat with only an "engagin" apiece to herald their arrival; both reserve gunboats were packing missiles and began laying down liberal fire despite orders from Leutnant Engels and myself for them to cease fire and vacate the area. The appearance of the two gunboats demoralized the Red Hessians and scattered them back into the Giftnebel, costing us all the takedowns we'd been working hard to achieve. Once our units had pulled back to New Berlin, Olympos contacted me over private comms and began berating me. Its commander informed me (*Holger looks disbelieving*) that he: refuses to take orders from any Rheinwehr pilot, will open fire on any Rheinwehr pilot that attempts to do so in future, and will "assist the hessians next time" (a direct quote). I recorded the entire conversation, Admiral Malte - contact me to receive the transcript. Olympos has committed open treason and we cannot and will not stand for it.

As always, I serve Rheinland. Respectfully, Feldwebel Just.

Transmission Ended

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Malexa - 06-02-2009

Leutnant Auztin Engels advanced to Oberleutnant

Herr Auztin Engels, it is an honor for me to promote you to [color=#00FF00]Oberleutnant

You have been MIA for a long time, returned to the strong Rheinwehr, managed to get out of medical soon and even faster, managed to
deal with all duties a Leutnant has to commit.

Congratulations mein Herr

Admiral Malexa Malte

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Malexa - 06-03-2009


High Command recieved a lot of promotion requests and checked every single case with extreme precision.

The following Pilots are hereby promoted to:

[color=#00FF00]Frederick Steiner
Herman Voss

Your requests were written for the Rank Obergefreiter, but your documents also state that you obtain a fully operating Bregelmir Bomber craft.
To eliminate further paperwork, High Command choosed to promote you to Hauptgefreiter.

August von Speer

Johannes Meyer

Congratulation meine Herren.
F?r Rheinland!

Admiral Malexa Malte

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Malexa - 06-05-2009

Herr Feldwebel Hofmann passed his second Bomber versus Gunboat test.

Additional Data:
[Image: th_screen21-1.jpg][Image: th_screen23-1.jpg]
[Image: screen24.jpg]

Seems like even Military pilots have stage fright. I wondered why he was able to put the Carinthia under heavy preassure, but failed at the first test attempt.
Every time I was talking about a test, his scores went down like a falling rock.

Looking at his whole performance during the training, I can clearly state that Pilot Hofmann knows all the basics to stand against an enemy Gunboat.

Admiral Malexa Malte

Rheinland Military Message Dump - aznremix416 - 06-26-2009

***Welcome to the Rheinland Military Incidents Reports Channel***
::opening mainstream link...standby:
*Incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Major Auztin Engels
To: RM forces


RM squad presence: lone wolf

Ships: 1x Wraith VHF
Pilot in charge: Major Engels

I undocked from Planet Hamburg to see a substantial amount of Activity in New Berlin, so I decided to go take a look at things in the system. And Immedietly as soon as I arrived to New Berlin there was a lone Bundschuh fighter 5k out from the planet. Before I can warn him to leave he just suddenly moved to engage, I fired back and we a long battle.

DHC soon arrived to help me out and I had already put a few Torpedo shot into the hostile vessel, but he had made a lucky shot and supernova'd my ship, I ejected the pod and The Ring took me in. I am now in Med Bay getting checked out but I think I am alright

I take full responsibility for this failure.

Guncam shots:

Major Auztin Engels signing out,

Ending transmission..
***transmission terminated***

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Cyberanson - 07-07-2009

### Incoming Transmission ###
ID - Hauptgefreiter August von Speer
Battle Report #11

Guten Tag meine Damen und Herren,

today we fulfilled our duty very workmanlike. Patrols were done, the embargo was enforced and nothing special happened. After some time, we encountered two Syberia vessels. One trader, who was forced to leave Rheinland and one ship with Liberty Navy identification. The fight was quick and stout.


Afterwards I took another embargo breaker out:

[Image: screen81k.png]

That was all for today.

Hauptgefreiter von Speer out.

### Transmission terminated ###