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SCRA Recruitment Centre - Printable Version

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Coalition Recruitment Thread - Yuveraj Khan - 08-30-2010

Khan looked up, still smoking his cigarette. Gesturing towards the settee across from him.

"Take a seat," he said, a close Bretonian accent in his voice. "And tell me why you want to join the Coalition?"

He watched her, his eyes locked on hers, cold, unfeeling and unmoved by her fear. The gun was within easy reach, and in the corner of the room the two experienced Coalition NCOs gripped their rifles at the ready.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Malenka - 08-30-2010

A nimble, but rusty old Mafic, pulled in the Trotsky docking bay. A brunette slipped through the doors. As she noded to the Coalition marines, she made her way to the recruiting office.

Alexandra Kohonsky entered the lobby. No one was present, but she noticed the door closed. That meant somebody is inside. She didn't want to take her chance, and get shot like many of them do, so she sat and waited.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Pacific - 08-30-2010

Dimitar Rachkov Dockd his Odin on the Trotsky He passed the Guards and Enterd the Lobby were a brunette was waiting. He saw that All doors were closed so he sited next to her and started to wait. Hoping that his turn will come soon.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - NixOlympica - 08-30-2010

"Thank you ..." she wanted to say sir but this wasn't appropriate. She sat down and looked at Khan.

Katya was nervous and scared a bit but she said to herself she must be strong.

"I want to join the Coalition because I have no trust for current Sirius politic "order". Order in which people suffer even if they work very hard. I lived on Leeds, people there are almost slaves. Law doesn't exists, only money, connexions and political status. Police is corrupted. I've heard that Liberty police is corporation. In Bretonia it's same or maybe even worse. People who try to change something there are fired. If they are lucky. I have no reason to think it's better in other houses. Maybe little bit. It wasn't that bad until the war started. Rich people started selling goods to both sides and give police enough money so they act like they don't see it. BAF is low on numbers and they can't risk starting civil war. Prisons doesn't exist. You get fine, you cannot pay it, you end up on slave market. Working isn't much different. No work on overcrowded planet."

She sighed

"That's why I want to join. Coalition is here for the people. I heard about you from people on the Leeds. You are their saviors. You can change something."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Yuveraj Khan - 08-30-2010

"And when you say Corruption," Khan inquired, taking a long pull on his cigarette. "What exactly do you mean?"

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Osilon - 08-30-2010

Teresa Martel wandered back into the recruitment office, after spending a day in medical and a while sorting her affairs. She rolled her neck, and sat down on a chair in the waiting room.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - NixOlympica - 08-30-2010

"For example the police situation or general political situation. Queen Carina is loosing all power. Politicians bribed from industrial companies and sometimes even from Kusari intrigue against her. I know, she is Queen but I trust she has good will with the people. I can be wrong of course. But something must be corrupted when poor stay poor because of their poverty even if they work from night to night to feed their families."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Yuveraj Khan - 08-30-2010

Khan contemplated her answer, "you believe that Queen Carina has the best interests of the people in mind?"

Coalition Recruitment Thread - NixOlympica - 08-30-2010

She thought about it for a while

"To answer your question. Well, yes I did. She always looked like her desire is to help people. But maybe it was just her goal to get support. I indeed hope she really cares about the masses but if I know it? No I do not. I do not know who I can trust now from Bretonia."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Yuveraj Khan - 08-30-2010

Khan eyed her coldly and shook his head.

"There is no room for doubt in the Coalition. I challenge you to go to Bretonia and discuss the matter with three Bretonian Citizens. Returning here no later than..." he checked his watch. "Three days hence. I want to know what you have learned from these individuals..."

He stood, allowing her to stand, as he guided her by the shoulder and out of the door. "I wish you good luck in your journey to find a reason to be here. And I look forward to our conversation in three days time..."

He pointed at a random person in the waiting room. "You!" he snapped, returning to the office and pouring himself a cup of tea, and stirring in some lemon.

Turning he looked at the recruit. "Sit down. And tell me... what brings you here?"