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SF Message Dump - Printable Version

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SF Message Dump - unfunf - 07-24-2007

Transmit to: All SF Personnel
Comm ID: Lieutennent Antigen

Warning: There is foreign conflict in the cambridge system. [HF] and RA. The SFCR-Antigen is undergoing repairs at the moment (read: dinner) and is unable to provide assistance. I suggest someone get out there and stop conflict in our sector.

Lt. Antigen out.

SF Message Dump - Othman - 07-24-2007

Transmit to: All SF Personnel
Comm ID: SFBS-Nelson

Battleship Nelson is severely damaged and taken to drydock for repairs.
EDIT: Planning to scrap the bs into a fighter or bomber

SF Message Dump - Stratus - 07-26-2007

Transmit to: All SF Personnel
Comm ID: SFB-Beta5

Parahandy engaged in Cambridge after failure to relieve Bretonian and Civilian Pilots.
Parahandy was piloting a Raven Claw and was destoyed with the assistance of Arianrhod Archer of GalEx.

End Transmission.

SF Message Dump - Wyvernhead - 07-26-2007

Transmit to: All SF Personnel
Comm ID: Trainee Wyvernhead, SFGB Revenge

This is Trainee Wyvernhead of Battlegroup Stormpike reporting in.
The resistance of the Mollies have increased to a dreadful level. I have encountered one of their cruisers as well as one fighter, with the comm ids UOG Quantum and Gravity. Soon I realised their supremacy and was forced to retreat to the Essex where most of the battle took place. As I couldn't face the cruiser's firepower I had to try to take down the fighter but it was to quick for my gunboat. I lost and now those bl***y Mollies rampage freely in Dublin!

The fact that the Mollies commands over cruisers is very troublesome and gives us bad publicity in the press of the fact that we haven't deprived them of this power. Where they got them from I don't know, but they seem to have deep pockets. This is a serious problem that I hope the fleet command will look into. How can we defend our beloved country when we face these monstrous beings of destruction and lawlessness?

Trainee Wyvernhead out.

End transmission

((Phew, what a speech... My point is, I probably need some training/hints on how to even have a chance in a lesser vessel against cruisers/well armored ships.))

SF Message Dump - Firebird - 07-26-2007

Transmit to: SF personnel
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird

Wyvernhead, we'll see about arranging some training sessions. You may also be able to arrange some war-game sessions with other SF personnel which should also help.

In the recent events with Katana, I mistakenly stated that Stratus was responsible for the SFCR-Antigen when that ship actually belongs to ohmy. Stratus, I apologize for the mix up. ohmy report to the Admiral's office (:lol:j/k). Joking aside, its important to remember that we are all here to have fun and that making use of glitches or other dishonorable methods during combat is not the point. Play fair and have fun. We've all had good days and bad. Yesterday was a bad day, lets make today a good one.

With that in mind, I'm pleased to announce the arrival of another recruit into the SF. Vitrotan Lestat will be assisting Battlegroup Stormpike in its endeavours to hold against the Kusari advance in the north. Welcome to the SF Vitrotan, as customary feel free to head up to Cambridge Research Station for a free round on the admiralty from Joanne the barmaid.

End Transmission

SF Message Dump - Hyperwave22 - 07-27-2007

Transmit to: All SF Personnel
Comm ID: Commodore Hyperwave

Seeing as we have a plethora of trainees, and a request for tips, I believe that it may help to organize some war games. I believe that it would be even more effective if we involve allies into it so that we can form a more formidable force.

I will see what I can do about organizing a large form of war games. I'll also open transmissions to SA to see if they would like to join in so that all of the SF can learn new strategies and styles. Also, I believe that RM would be an excellent asset, but am hesitant as they seem to be leaning closer and closer to fighting against us with Kusari. Any thoughts on this would be helpful.

Any suggestions open to either me in person, my secretary, or through an open or private comm channel.

Commodore Hyperwave out...

Secondary Transmission Destination (Added on to post): All SF Personnel; Admiral Firebird
Comm ID: SFF-Thames

SS_Minnow has once again been caught smuggling light arms, Admiral. Upon refusing to drop them, a chase ensued, and shields were taken down once due to loss of trade lane power. However, the train landed on Leeds, where officers were alerted, and are chasing down the criminal now. I just finished the forms to add him to the SF impound list.

transmission ends...

SF Message Dump - Ant - 07-27-2007

Transmit to: All SF personnel
Comm ID: Lieutenant Morrison, SFGB FireAnt

SFCR Stratus earlier identified the Corsair Huntress Maras* smuggling artifacts through Cambridge. The vessel refused to comply with orders to halt and drop the illegal cargo.

I was able to get Fireant ahead of the cruiser and used cruise disruptors to halt the vessel. It immediately opened fire on Stratus.
After a short firefight the Huntress was disabled and the alien artifacts recovered.

End transmission

(OOC: It would be nice to see other Corsairs using the artifact trade as RP and escorting smugglers rather than just attacking without any apparent purpose.:))

SF Message Dump - Firebird - 07-27-2007

Transmit to: SF personnel
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird

Updated the faction post, including an impound order for the SS_Minnow for refusal to comply with SF orders with respect to arms smuggling. Also inactive players listed previously have been removed from the ship listing. A reminder that forum participation is expected in order to stay up to date on current events and relations. Anyone that was taken off the list but is in fact active, feel free to post announcing your return from going AWOL.

Another announcement is the absorbtion of Battlegroup Excalibur into the Bretonian Guard. The Guard will maintain the responsibility of providing assistance to traders passing through the Omega's.

Last thing, another new recruit...welcome n0k0m to our ranks who will be assisting in the defense of Bretonia's home systems as a member of the Bretonian Guard. n0k0m be sure to read the faction post for information and if there are any questions feel free to PM me or anyone at the command level. So that's two rounds today as a result of our new recruits, plus a third for it being the admiral's birthday (or was). Cheers everyone.

Added: Thanks Hype for seeing about setting up war games and training.

End Transmission

SF Message Dump - Othman - 07-27-2007

Transmit to: All SF Personnel
Comm ID: SFF-Ronny

Due to severe damage it has recieved, Nelson could not recover back and has been scraped in to a Raven's Talon instead. The only lack is some spesific weapons to fill the slots at the moment.

SF Message Dump - Hyperwave22 - 07-27-2007

Transmit to: All SF Personnel
Comm ID: Commodore Hyperwave

A primary transmission has been sent to SA regarding training and war games. I am still questioning the invitation to RM, and requesting suggestions as they are leaning heavily towards Kusari in the war. The following transmission is the copy of that sent to the SA command. Please alert me to any problems, suggestions, comments, etc. that you may have about it:

Official Diplomatic Transmission Destination: SA Command; SA Personnel
Official Diplomatic Transmission Origin: SF Commodore Hyperwave
Priority Level: 5 ::--:: Security Level: 6

Good day, SA, I offer my greetings, and bring an invitation to all of you:

Recently, the Sirius Federation has enlisted a large number of new recruits. Due to requests from these recruits, the SF is organizing 'war games' in order to help train them. However, it is our belief that other strategies and tactics, along with different styles of Liberty may help to benefit both the new recruits along with the rest of the SF. I hope that we can help you in the same way. Thusly, the SF invites you to join with this highly beneficial training.

If you accept the invitation, we are open to suggestions to make a large set of 'war games' run smoothly. We believe that in combination with random training exercises (i.e. 'on-the-fly' fights), it would be highly beneficial to organize a large set of simulations. Dates and times may be organized later if you accept this invitation.

Any questions, suggestions, comments, etc. may be forwarded to me, or another commanding SF officer either over open communications channels or privately (PM). I hope to organize these 'war games' and make it an excellent attribute to our relations along with skills/experience.


Commodore Hyperwave out...