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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - navigationals - 07-21-2011

{Incoming Transmission}
{Mission Debriefing}

Tim Garland here, just minutes ago I participated in an emergency response against 2 kusari capital vessels invading Leeds territory.

The Hatchet type destroyer called "Blood.Orchid" and the battleship "Nehu" was swiftly and efficiently put down by our forces in a matter of minutes. We knew they were stationed at Stokes and waited for them at Leeds. I decided to move further along the lane in case they'd try to scout ahead. My presumptions were right, and we quickly seized the destroyer while trying to escape back to Stokes. Then we called in the attack, and of course the enemy battleship showed up as well. The HMS-Cambridge took care of the Nehu, while we kept the Orchid busy. They were quickly defeated and we report no casualties. Great work gentlemen who have participated in this fight, looking forward to fly with you again!

Our task force: 1 BS, 3 Challengers, 1 Templar
Enemy losses: 1 BS, 1 Destroyer
Our losses: -

Confirmation of kills
Destroyer almost finished
Forward section of Nehu drifting in space

Thank you for your time gentlemen, farewell!

God save the Queen!

{End of transmission}

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Matthews - 07-22-2011

== Discovered Signal ==

== Opening Message ==

[font=AR Julian][color=#33CCFF]Pilot ID: [color=#6666CC]Jonathan Sinclair

Location: Battleship Derby, Leeds
Subject: Report, Leeds

G'day Ladies and Gentlemen
Phew, today Bretonia was quite entertaining. I started the engines of my Templar with new weapons mounted. They did a good job in the simulations, but I wanted to know how they proof themself in the real field.
Not long after I left the Derby, the first call came to me. The admirality gave an IMG carrier the permission to cross Dublin and Edinburgh with an escort. Ensign Ree was also in the air and we went together to escort the vessel. As we reached the vessel in Dublin at the Omega-49 hole everything was O.K. But for security reasons we had ordered a shutle with marines at the Essex which then docked with the carrier and stationed themselfs at the weapons-control, to go for sure. We went strait to the Edinburgh jumphole, but as I sadly already expected, Essex's scanners showed Molly activity again. I had to take the decision to leave the marines alone and respond to the call together with Ree.
I won't go into details about the following battle since it was the same as always. We were beating them, they got reinforcements, we called too and so on. The Mollys were finally pulling back as the Coaliation came too. *sighs* We were outnumbered 4 to 1. I could manage the hold the ship together, but Ensign Ree didn't have luck. One of his fuel-converter exploded and disabled the ship. Luckily short after that Lieutenant Davis, Commander Micheal Clay, Captain John Clay and Captain Lawrence Winter came to reinforce us and we managed to push them back. Basically the recent Dublin routine ... sadly.
Then after a six hours brake without any emergency calls which reached me, I took off again for some routine patrols again. This time no calls came in. I only had to eliminate two pirates, one in New London and one in Manchester, on the gold ore exporting route. The new weapons showed themselfs usefull there, but in the big battle before, they were just too slow. I'm not sure yet, but I'll change back to my old setup most likely. One more test in the field will show the results.
*makes a pause*Alright, back to the report. That only these two pirates showed up within one hour makes me thinking... *scratches his hand* We only have calls about the Mollys and KNF recently, no Corsairs or Rheinland military. ...strange...
*takes a breath* Basically that'd be it for today... *looks at his log* Yep, that's it. Or no ... I forgot to mention that the marines brought the carrier safe through Edinburgh and are now back on the Essex.

[font=Kunstler Script]Yours, Lieutenant Jonathan Sinclair

[color=#000099][font=AR Julian]== Message terminated ==

== Signal lost ==

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 07-22-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: HMS Norfolk]
[CommID: Lieutenant Charles.Davis]

Establishing Video Uplink

[Image: 8249421472571050.jpg]

Greetings sirs and Ma'ams *salutes* Yesterday I received a distress call from the Essex about tons of ships Molly SCRA and a reaver. And that my Friend Jonathan Sinclair was facing them alone. So I took my fighter were it was placed in Cambridge and went to Dublin as fast as possible. Upon reaching the sight I saw all that on Sinclair. I engaged as I got in range but i got jumped by the 3 SCRA fighters.

I found a weak link and started to work on him but the cowardly dog decided to sun dive. But he was intercepted by Captain Winters and his ship destroyed. When our reinforcements arrived we pushed the enemy to the Mollie field.

One SCRA pilot attempted the standard Kusarisan suicide attack but I give him a mine as he aproched me. Then a merc came to support the Mollies but we managed to handle em. Above all else we managed to handle to situation well. The merc that attacked us used Zoner Weaponry.

Davis out
Gun camera
Charles Davis
Bretonian Armed Forces

[End Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 07-23-2011

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

[Image: 302wi9v.png]

Attention, Knights of the Armed Forces.
From this day, the system known as Salisbury will be transformed in to arena field, suited for the Queen Carina's Tournament.
Every pilot, from the Armed Forces, armed with courage and brave heart, is warmly welcomed to go and fight in the name of Honour.
The Tournament's primary goal will be to increase the entire faction's combat skills. Those of you with most high results will be awarded by several high ranked members from the Admiralty board, Bretonian Goverment and few of you, from the Queen Herself, which will present in some of the tournament battles in person.
The Tournament is open from now on, two days per week. First dates will be every Wednesday and Sunday. Everyone is free to go and do his best in the name of valor.
Now is the time to fill your name, to become known and to carve it on the wall of National Honor.
Take your "Lances" and make us proud!

[Image: 262bh52.png]

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Renoktu_Ree - 07-24-2011

[Image: Rene.png]

I start my patrol on midday at Dublin

I fly over to the Gold ore feelds and check them on enemy signs.
The system was out of enemy signs.
There was all quit so i went back to Essex and got a tea time.

I was talking with some Miners who was on Essex to fill up there Fuel.
Soon a Reaver arived the system and heading to my position.(What a suprise)

It was the Reaver Sapia,she was trying to provoke me that i start a fight
and leave the save zone around the Essex.
We talk a little,when you can call that ,kindly saying.

Well i told her she shuld better leave the system but she wont and offended me.
So i fly to her and introduced me to the challenge.
It was a long fight,but the Reaver got heavy demage.

My new Training show me the reward,i can handle this Reaver
and soon she running out of repair units.
She was very suprise and scared,that she cant bring me down anymore.

She tryed to run but i was still behind her,now she noticed that this fight is on my side.
The ship was crippled,she was done.She dragged her out of system back to her home.
This victory was mine.

At the time i was fighting with her some Mollys watching us,
well they wont engage in this fight,and when i was done with the Reaver they are disapeart.
They had like that the Reaver get what they deserve.

After this i went back to Essex and send a message to the Commander of the Essex
that the system is clear now.
He was realy happy to hear my voice he thought
he need to report that a soldier gone missing in action.

Not this time!

He orderd me to get a brake after this fight,so i go back to my tea...
It was cold!
Well i will get a new cup.

After my brake i go for patrol again and checking the system on enemy signs.
When i arived at Battleship Hood,my scanner located some enemy signs but not clearly.

I need to get closer on him for a complete ship scan.
The ship was running from me and dock at Hood.
Looks suspicious...

Well i wait a bit maybe he come out again,and sumone cames out
but not the one who i was waiting for.
A Gaian ship fly out of the docks from Hood and faced me.

I was a bit supriced a Gaian so far away from home base.
I asked him what he is searching at Dublin.
He told me that he got no reasons just flying around.

I give him the order to leave Bretonia space and that i escort him to the exit.
But the answer was that he wont go without a fight.
So we goes on to fighting eachother.

It was a Edge and the pilot wasnt a new one.
He got weapon upgrades and knoe how to fly this ship.
The fight was very hard but i could give him much demage too.

This fight was balanced and takes almost forever.
I send precaution a message to Lt.J.Sinclair who was near my position.
He comes and decided to end this fight finaly and help me with this Gaian.

The pilot was now against Sir Jonathan and me.
He was realy good and we need to use all our skills to get him away from us.
Finaly we got him.

Lt.Jonathan had drop one mine when the Gaian was behind him,i had noticed this.
The Gaian flew into the mine and the shield of the Edge goes down,at this moment
i aim the Gaian and shoot my mini razor and the other weapons on him.
He exploded in thousand pieces.

That was a great Teamwork!
Luckily Lt.Sinclair was there without him this fight had no end.
The space of Dublin was now save again,
enemy units who was watching us when we fight,was running away.

Lt.Sinclair duty was done for this day he docked at Essex.

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Soon arived Cdr.Micheal Clay who was on patrol.
I joined him and we flew together the patrol and checking the space around Graves station.
Soon my scanner makes some noice.

He show me a enemy unit on screen,but it was not clearly enought to say he is a enemy.
We get closer on him and Cdr.Micheal Clay scaned the ship.
It was the same ship who was running away from me befour at Hood.
Well it was unknow what the ship was.It had have a IFF from a Police the ship was a armored class.

We think it was a Kusari transporter or worse a spy of Noval Force who is scouting Dublin.
Cdr.Micheal Clay asked the pilot on comlink what he is searching here.
No answer was incoming from this strange ship.

Cdr.Micheal Clay decided to shoot this enemy ship down.
We shoot together,and soon the scanner was clear.
One more enemy wont brake the piece of Bretonia.

After we check Dublin we finished the patrol,and flew to New London.
We split us and check the system for enemy units and crime activity.

There was nothing spezial to report so we flew to system Leeds.
We hold up the blockard and checking traders for embargos who where on way to Stokes Mining Faculty.

We dont need long to wait.
Cdr.Micheal Clay noticed a Freelancer who was coming from the other side from the blockard.
He told him to stop and asked him why he was there and the reason.

The shipclass was a VHF Raven Talon.
Cdr.Micheal Clay talk with him and soon we got the reason why the pilot was in enemy space,
he had escort some miners.
Cdr.Micheal Clay told him to stay away from that space for hims own safety.

He seems alright and got scared that we shoot him,maybe we could think he is a spy.
We let him go with a warning.
The time goes on and soon Cdr.Micheal Clay needed to write some paper work.
He docked and i stay back to hold the blockard.

I dont need to wait long time,then i got a trader who cames from the Kusari space.
Cdr.Thomas Eliot comes arived when i talk with the frighter pilot.
The frighter pilot dont follow my orders and run away to the orbital docking station.

A bit later we catch another two.
A traider with a fighter escort,they pay a fine of braking the embargo
and fly away with a warning for the next time.
They wont come back,we will see.

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After this Cdr.Thomas Eliot scanners show a enemy unit,a KNF GB class.
Cdr.Thomas Eliot follow the KNF to near Stokes and fight him.
The commander fight hard,he couldt send a emergancy message,
the enemy destroyed the commsystem from Cdr.Thomas Eliot ship.
He face him alone a Gunboat of Kusari.

But it was to hard against a GB alone with a fighter,so needed Cdr.Thomas Eliot
to leave this fight with a heavy demaged ship.

A emergency ship escort Cdr.Thomas Eliot save to the dock.
I lost the signal of the KNF GB and return back to the Battleship Derby.

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I get a cup of tea and checking beside the commsystems,when my scanner makes some noice again.
The Kusari ship where was at Dublin befour cross my way again.
I follow the ship and orderd him to cut the engines.

He follow my orders this time,i told him to get back to Kusari space
or i will get him there in pieces again.
He wont follow this order and after a little fight,
he was closed to get exploded,he screaming me please to stop.

I stoped to shoot him,couse we are Bretoinianer and not ruge animals who loves to kill peaple.
I orderd him to pay a fine and escort him to the exit.
He flew fast as he can away from bretonia.

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That was all for this day i flew back to Dublin and dock at Essex.

My tea was cold again...

BAF|Ens.R.Ree end...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - stardust47 - 07-25-2011


Comm ID: Ensign J. Barett
Subject: Today's Patrol

I started the patrol in Salisbury from where I flew into New London. There was nothing of interest in the system, although I did down three Corsair pilots, which I took to the Suffolk for interrogation. After completing the patrol of New London, I headed into Dublin. There was little to report there as well, although I did capture a Corsair pilot, who I deposited on the Essex. When I returned to the Essex, there was a mining ship (Hegemon class) who was refusing to leave the 5K zone. I eventually convinced him to take his leave. After that, I returned to Salisbury.

Ensign Barett, signing off.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Matthews - 07-25-2011

== Discovered Signal ==

== Opening Message ==

[font=AR Julian][color=#33CCFF]Pilot ID: [color=#6666CC]Jonathan Sinclair

Location: Battleship Essex, Dublin
Subject: Report,

G'day Ladies and Gentlemen
I write this report only 1 hour after the event today. I was called out of Winchester station to Dublin. Ensign Atwood had got some reports about Molly activity there. As I arrived there he just had eliminated a Molly bomber. Obviously his Hussar light fighter proofs to be excellent against bomber. We made a short check of graves and the gold fields, everything was quiet. Unfortunally short after we returned to the Essex, the Ark Royal sent a call about Coaliation units in Newcastle. We immediatly called for back-up and went towards Leeds. Though as we were at New London the Ark Royal notified us that she had lost the units on scanners and short after that the Essex found them on their scanners. We made a U-turn and went back to Dublin. There a BAF bomber joined us and we went to search them. Eventually we found them near the Hood. They acted agressively and we had no choice but to fight. Sadly our bomber was piloted by a pretty new guy and its engines was blown of. We were facing 3 Gunboats and 1 Molly fighter then with only two fighters, of which one was a light fighter. We had to retreat and the Coalition pulled of too soon after.
15 minutes later we found the Molly fighter and forced it to retreat. Short after we lost him from our fighter-scanners, the Essex reported an explosion in the most likely flightpath of him. His ship must have blown up due to the heavy damage it suffered.

P.S: I'd like to point out that the Bretonia Armed forces have only two men/women with the rank Lieutenant-Commander at the moment. I'd like to ask hereby for a promotion to LtCdr. from Lt. I know my promotion to Lt. wasn't too long ago, but with our current number of LtCdrs i believe it is justifiable.
I'd also like to recommend Lt. Charles Davis for a promotion to LtCdr too, if it counts anything.
Thank you.

[font=Kunstler Script]Yours, Lieutenant Jonathan Sinclair

[color=#000099][font=AR Julian]== Message terminated ==

== Signal lost ==

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 07-26-2011

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 2prfkfo.gif]

Jonathan Sinclair, so far you have proved yourself worthy to be Lieutenant. I was reading your 9 reports and I found that you are doing your job as best as possible. You have all the requirments to step the next rank, but since its first stage comanding rank, I would like to advice myself with the High Command before order your promotion.
I will move your request to the admiralty board and they will decide if you are ready or not to become Lieutenant Commander.
- You need 1 month service in the Armed Forces, to fulfill this you need 5 more days.
- Lieutenant Davis have the requirments except 1 more patrol report. The High Command had their reasons for keeping him be Lieutenant for that long that is why his request will be sent too, to the Admirals of the Armed Forces, for further review.

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 07-26-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: Planet New London]
[CommID: Lieutenant Charles.Davis]

Establishing Video Uplink

[Image: Moff-Jerjerrod-5-282x360.jpg]

Greetings sirs and Ma'ams *salutes*. Today I did a small first shift. Didnt do one in a long time, what can I report well I entered the Dublin system and started my Patrol from there. By passing true the Hood I see a IMG Battle cruiser by the name of "*Dump*. Yes I know most strange way to name a cruiser. I went to see whats going on and to explain to the captain whats going on and they he needs to leave. As I Started to talk to Captain "Dump" it became clear that he wont comply with my request and opened fire on my vessel. Good thing a Battleship was close by and aided me in the destruction of the vessel.

After that short little situation I decided to move to move to New London were I picked up large traffic perfect opertunity to shoot some pirates. Well I found a new Pirate Group called [HoT]. Don't be folled by their name they fly Falcons and move in packs. As I arrived to the Manchester lane there was a transport that was under attack. I rushed to help the transport and destroyed the vessel after I went to the shipyard I se his back up two falcons. They attempt to double time me but they didn't succeed. I managed to razor one of em leaveing the other to a chase. The bugger made me go to Magellan even when I drooped the pursuit. So All Armed Forces be advised about this group.

After a short Ion Storm I meet up with the Bowex Shire Johnson in the Dublin system. So I volunteered for an escort of the transport to Liberty. The Trip was pleasant and I saw Liberty its not like Bretonia most definitively. We didn't had any trouble by pirates on our way to and back from Liberty. Thank god that's a first. After the Convoy reached safely to New London I regrouped with a Armed Forces Pilot under the callsighn Phantom.Queen. Were she interrogated a Corsair. But that corsair was interested in a more personal way.

After seeing that he will end up in jail he asked me for a duel. Something like those dies for a once heart. It was kinda strange cause she is a Commanding officer but never the less I accepted his challenge. Wasn't a long fight. I put the Razor up his sleve and his mine did the rest. Now he is resting on Newcastle were he arrived today.

Davis out

PS: Thank you Jonathan for that Recommendation lad. We had our close calls. And Yes I will like to report that I have completed the requirements for my next commission and I am submitting my documents for a promotion from Lieutenant to Lieutenant Commander.

Charles Davis
Bretonian Armed Forces

[End Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - stardust47 - 07-26-2011


Comm ID: Ensign James Barett
Subject: Today's patrol

Flew out on a patrol today, this time of Cambridge and Freeport 1. There was nothing of interest in either system, although I had an interesting encounter near the freeport, by the name of xrenovoz. He was flying one of our destroyers with Independent Miners Guild IFF codes.
Guncam Link
I told him this was both against both Bretonian law and the Sirius Codex but his response was in a language I don't think I've heard before but a quick search of the Neural Net led me to believe it was some long-dead eastern European language, possibly related to Russian, which could have disturbing implications; not only could the Coalition be infiltrating the IMG, they also could be stealing our warships. But I digress and this may just be an isolated incident.
James Barett, signing off.