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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Hollaway - 07-09-2009

-=Incoming Transmission=--

TO: Rheinland Military High Command
FROM: Gefreiter Jonas Alsburg
SUBJECT: One hectic day

Ships Involved:



Involved Parties Affiliations:
Rheinland Military
Republican Shipping

Bretonian Armed Forces
Red Hessians

Logged Incident:
Guten Tag high command, I apologize greatly for this long report you are about to read or not read. Their are also many images attached to it from my guncam. Today started off as a normal day, just watching for embargo runners, When I finally got a call I saw one RHA member sitting at the gate to Hamburg in New Berlin. Suddenly me and one other RM member found ourselves vastly outnumbered, Our only option was to hold out until the new recruit arrived, which even then it was still to overpowering and we had to retreat back into Braunschweig. Once in the Braunschweig system they followed us in with weapons blazing, We even had to call in a Battle ship and the Admiral on this one, they fled once they saw the powerful battleship, and we then formed up a fighting force to meet them in the Hamburg system, Sadly my ship was destroyed after I took one of them down with me. And the outcome of the battle was basically a win for us because they retreated back into the rock fields. After that was completed I moved on out to the New Berlin system waiting to get one of our newly established Rheinland Trains out to trade with the Bretonians, Since they were in need of Engine Components. We were getting ready to leave when Ave came in out of nowhere and began shooting at us right in front of the planet, Luckily me and Fl. Knopp took him out, with Knopp getting the final blow. We soon then after moved on out with this large shipment of Engine Components. We were met with welcoming arms from the BAF and they sent a bomber to help escort us, the trip into Bretonia was wonderful, never have I seen that house. As we were moving on through Omega 3, We soon ran into a Corsair gunboat that was, "hiding" as the BAF put it, in the NFZ around the freeport. We continued on through the Bretonian systems, and when we reached New London we sold our goods and picked up some gate and lane parts to bring back, just in case those Libertonians tear ours up. As we moved back it was all clear until we met a Coalition bomber outside of a Bretonian battleship. We talked momentarily and then he moved on, Once back into Omega 3, the Corsair was still there with another on the way, both in Gunboats and then the Coalition showed up and engaged me within the NFZ, so I had to return fire for fear of losing my life. After a few minutes of heavy battling a Zoner destroyer undocked and told us all to cease fire, Which i promptly did. After that, the Coalition vessel was still firing and then he eventually fled, and we continued on into Rheinland. This is where things get crazy, Once we entered the Stuttgart system everything checked out and I went ahead to see if it was okay for the transport to proceed. Once I got at the other end of the lane I saw an Order assault cruiser! Out of all things to be in Rheinland, this was the last one I would suspect, and It had a bomber escort! I quickly hailed the admiral and tried to keep the transport back but it was too late, While we were waiting, all the RHA and LWB converged on our location and watched this play out, we called in the Ravensburg and a gunboat to help us deal with this, The crew of the cruiser was acting crazy, and they were eventually destroyed by the RHA who opened fire on them after they wouldn't leave. We promptly left the area for fear of having another large battle on our hands. After that was all done I signed off for a much needed nap. I would also like to apologize about all of the guncam shots, but It was the only way to log all of this... absurdness.

Gefreiter Herr Alsburg signing out.

-=Attached File(s)=-

-=End Transmission=-

Rheinland Military Message Dump - DragonLancer - 07-10-2009

ID: Oberfeldwebel Andreas Drache
To: Rheinland Military High Command

Patrol report - 10.07.817

Emergency Alert...
In the middle of the night i was rudely awakened by the emergency sirens.
I jumped into my suit, boarded my bomber and launched to space from planet New Berlin.
Admiral Malte contacted me as soon as i left orbit but there was no emergency at all.
Again that stupid alarm went off for nothing!
Tomorrow I will have a 'Feldwebel style' chat with that Daumann guy who installed and maintained this piece of scrap.
*hits the desk*

Well since i was awake i joined the Adriral in her patrol as her wingman.
First we get informed by Straussberg space control of a hostile reading on the scanner but as we spread out to investigate we found nothing.
Back at Straussberg the Admiral had a chat with the space control officer when a Agiera vessel, designation Valkyran_Dream, showed up and dared to demand cargo from a passing trader right in front of the Admiral's ship!
The Admiral was understandably not very amused.
[Image: th_screen125.gif]
Even as Herr Chezberger joined us that Ageira pilot keep up his arrogance and disrespect for the Rheinland Military.
After a long chat with the Admiral that punk agreed to get escorted back to Liberty scumland but he still shouted out arrogant and dismissive comments.

As we finally reached the jumpgate to Bering that maniac opened fire upon the Admiral's ship without warning!
The Admiral ordered his termination and after a short chase in the Bering asteroid field we destroyed this scumbag.
A nearby AU vessel must be very surprised but he did not close in and we returned to New Berlin finishing our patrol.

Hostiles: Valkyran_Dream, Ageira (destroyed)
[Image: th_screen135.gif]

Drache out.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Malexa - 07-11-2009

Rheinland Military Promotions

Congratulation pilots.

Due to your honorful duties for the Kanzler and Rheinland, High Command approoved the following promotion requests:

Flieger [color=#00FF00]Franz Knopp to Gefreiter

Flieger Jens Brandt to Obergefreiter

Flieger Tomas Meinhardt to Hauptgefreiter, skipping some enlisted ranks

Gefreiter Jonas Alsburg to Hauptgefreiter

Gefreiter Johannes Meyer to Hauptgefreiter

Hauptgefreiter Hermann Voss to Feldwebel

Hauptgefreiter August von Speer to Oberfeldwebel, skipping the Rank Feldwebel

Oberfeldwebel Andreas Drache to Hauptfeldwebel

Oberfeldwebel Ralf Hofmann to Hauptfeldwebel

Oberfeldwebel Lenora Schneider to Hauptfeldwebel

Major Auztin Engels to Kapitaen

You have been an example for every soldier in space. You also made brave decisions in battle and fought with a true Rheinland heart when facing our enemies and even death.

Meine Herren, you are Rheinlands finest soldiers we have.
Keep up this good work and you will have a glory future in the Rheinwehr.

Admiral Malexa Malte
Vizeadmiral Johann Brunhild
Vizeadmiral Dieter Schprokets
Major General Otto Gauss

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Weedalot - 07-12-2009

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From:Flieger Bjorn Chezberger.
To: Military Database.

Video Link on screen.....

*Bjorn clears his throat and begins to speak.. In the background you can see a busy barracks*

Flieger Bjorn Chezberger speaking... Guten tag mein herren I am reporting back from my patrol duties in the Hamburg system.
Everything was quiet but I did not let my guard down... you never know what might happened.
When returning from the Bering gate I saw a trader on my scanners, He was heading towards Liberty or so it seemed.

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As you can see mein herren this trader was very cooperative and i believe he will not be a problem in the future.
Once "Cretinator" Landed on Planet Hamburg a Zoner in an Advanced Train was ordered to hold for scans... He was heading to liberty as well with Embargo restricted cargo. After a short conversation similar to the one you see in the logs he complied and sold his cargo at one of planet's Hamburg vendors.

*Bjorn scratches his head*

I believe this is it for todays report.

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Weedalot - 07-12-2009

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From:Flieger Bjorn Chezberger.
To: Military Database.

Video Link on screen.....

*A jittery picture appears on the screen, As it clears out you can make out Bjorn's face on the screen*

Flieger Bjorn Chezberger is here... Guten aben mein herren I have just returned from a mission with our respected Kapit?n Auztin Engels.
When sitting on my bunk and looking at the photo of my town sent by my father Gisbert, Kapit?n Engels issued an order to suit up and wait at bay 649JH. I was ready within the minute, After a short briefing we took off.

*Patrol the Border and protect the father land from any hostile activity.
*Scan Trading vessels for Embargo and Contraband.

We began with standard patrols of the Hamburg system, It was clear as far as we knew.. When a transmission came from an unknown source about a Rheinland Gunboat outside the Freeport 2 in the Bering system.
Herr Engels gave the order to check the information I received.

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[Image: 6dvio6.jpg]

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After I confirmed that the information is correct Herr Engels arrived with another Rheinlind Military pilot by the name of Adrian Lichter as backup.
The Gunship captain was welcoming and as you can see in the data transmitted above salvaged this Vessel a while ago.

Once the we verified that the "Braggard's_Bar" is not a rogue gunship another contact appeared on scanners.

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[Image: 2qs4e89.jpg]

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The "Hellhound" Transmitted a code indicating that he is defected from the liberty navy and is working on joining the Rheinland military.

Once already in the Bering Kapit?n Auztin Engels made a decision to purge Texas and inflict as much damage before we would be detected by the main fleet, A decision that proved very smart.

We entered the Texas system and proceed to disrupting lanes and destroying weapon platforms. not long after =LSF= force was sent to patrol the area.. they encountered us and engaged on sight.

The fight was one of that I did not experience yet in my short service as [RM] Flieger. Outnumbered and away from home we had to fight for our lives.. We came for a reason and we had to fight for it.
Adrian Lichter was targeted and was suffering heavy damage, a Gunship on their side was shooting from all turrets at the Brave pilot.. We had to take action and target the Gunship... when his shields were dropped A well aimed Super Nova cannon did the job and the hull was breached, The explosion was massive and debris was all over the place but the fight was far from over.
There were still 4 fighters and a bomber to deal with, it looked like we might not make it out, but non of us gave up We are fighting for our Fatherland with the blessing from the Gott-Kanzler and the belief of his ways we continued to fight.
One by one the =LSF= forces slowly started to fall.

We returned home victorious.

Uploading Ship logs........

[Image: w7jtxl.jpg]

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*Bjorn Taps on the small box*
"was this thing even recording?!"

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Weedalot - 07-12-2009

Establishing link.....
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Decryption in progress.....8%.....69%...100% Complete....
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From:Flieger Bjorn Chezberger.
To: Military Database.

Video Link on screen.....

*Bjorn approaches to the screen, Sweaty and heavily breathing*

Flieger Bjorn Chezberger with latest reports from the patrol
Guten tag mein herren there is much to tell but little time before i must depart for my next assignment.

Location: Bering Gate,Hamburg System.

The Red Hessian Cruiser Was spotted near the Berin gate in the hamburg system, when I asked of the captain to halt the vessel he opened fire.

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[Image: 348bbe6aa3dd2fd38d5993f87fa94750ac31fd65.jpg] [Image: 7ed66ee5646a6b0d8edcda7cc12813871454ce06.jpg]

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Location: Brandenburg Border Station, New Berlin System.

Two Hessian cruisers attacked one of our Battleships the RW-Niedersaschen, The Admiral Ordered us to to head there and assist with the situation.

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[Image: 7479e0d67d1b4aa042daa5d3d1a06789acc68d43.jpg] [Image: 213e01411be7f9136c6afa35af87f9b4bde63651.jpg]

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Short time after at a close location I spotted a Harvester Cruiser, It opened fire almost instantly, i was dodging and firing Nova Cannons until the RW-Niedersaschen and the Admiral arrived. The harvester Cruiser didn't last long.
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[Image: 6d470f54310ca2f8e09a7b23f1506b48a362deb4.jpg]

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Location: Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin System.

To Explain this...
The EXJ-03069 is a Zoner AI, he was at the battleship for quite a while.. I was communicating to it and was learning of its intentions and objectives in Rheinland.
We had a long conversation when the [AIL] convoy appeared.
The AI unit that was very natural until that point scanned the Convoy and found Construction Components. Once identified the goods as "Family" we encountered a problem.

The ship logs are too long to upload but i will summarize.

The Zoner AI was demanding the release of the cargo... With the argument that they are slaves.
I on the other hand were arguing that they are not AI like ir.
[AIL] called the component Metals.
the AI unit claimed that the metal can become AI if let the chance.
In our long talk before the [AIL] showed up the AI unit explained that he acts on "Instincts" similar to feelings.
Now i explained to the AI that those "Metals" have no instincts nor feelings. And with the potential to make something out of them he would have to treat the entire Sirius as family. and harvest for every non bio organism because of the "potential" to become AI.
I explained that it would be against the Rheinland Laws to attack the convoy and steal the cargo.. similar to piracy.. It was hard to convince the AI unit that what he is doing is..... Gah whats the word.
After a very long and philosophical discussion I Explained to the AI that if he would choose to open fire to "free" his "family" the Battleship will open fire and he will be destroyed, and that he will be breaking the Rheinland Law.. Something that It expressed that it was not its intentions.
The AI unit started begging to release its family.
Eventually the [AIL] Convoy felt compassion for poor AI's "feelings" and let him have as much as he can carry.

What a night i can tell you that,

Uploading Ship logs........

[Image: 18c39fb6f26f32152f2960411d9e3f73cebe80f8.jpg] [Image: 82735c885130dadcbd57668c7ecc217d9e40fb3a.jpg] [Image: 8e0292eac45cef51cb977b2a9eb3d10085c10299.jpg]

[Image: eef3670a6f6b01977ad11ecde9cdf5e4faf333a8.jpg] [Image: b572107cf8b9b14500bbdee0dc48a55e56941204.jpg] [Image: b36de174fe41bdfcf16633d69c519b49c304ee28.jpg] [Image: 85b12401a332971e3611279fe40744ed130cca82.jpg]

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*Bjorn Wipes his forehead and his finger gets closer to the screen*

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Malexa - 07-14-2009

[color=#33FF33]1725 hours 07|14|817A.S. Battleship Straussberg. New Berlin System.

Admiral Malte was standing next to Kapitaen Engels during the briefing of todays patrols.
She was waiting until the Kapitaen finished the briefing.

"Gefreiter Franz Knopp, report to Vizeadmiral Dieter Schprokets to recieve your new rank badges.

Congratulations mein Herr.

You made it. From now on your new rank is Hauptgefreiter.

Keep up your good work in the Military and I see a glory future ahead of you."

Admiral Malte saluted Hauptgefreiter Knopp and left.

[color=#33FF33]Approximately one hour later.

Chezberger's name was called through the readyroom.

Admiral Malte was standing in the doorway.

"Flieger Chezberger, come with me."

"Good lord, he screwed up!" one of the pilots in the room said when seeing them leaving.

Admiral Malte ordered Chezberger to close the door behind him.

"My son, remove your Military badges from your shoulde, you are no longer a Flieger anymore."
Bjorn Chezberger was not able to breath anymore. "Wh..wha....what Maam?"

"It is Admiral Herr Chezberger! Do you understand?" Malte was shouting at him.

"Jawohl Frau Admiral" Bjorn answered.

"Good! And for me, it is Hauptgefreiter from now on." Malte began to smile.

Admiral Malte patched the new rank badges to Bjron Chezbergers uniform.
"Seems like you just died a millions deaths my son.
Get yourself a glas of water and report in to your CAG. Patrol is waiting Herr Hauptgefreiter.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Weedalot - 07-15-2009

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From:Hauptgefreiter Bjorn Chezberger.
To: Military Database.

Video Link on screen.....

*A white room, As the camera turns you can see Bjorn laying in a bed, It seems to be the medical facility. A doctor walks in and says "He is not ready yet" In the background you can hear Bjorn's voice "Its ok Doc we must do that" the cameraman approaches to Bjorn's bed and Bjorn begins to speak. *

If you wonder how i got here, than so do I.. I cannot recall much of what happened in the past two days but i will try to remember as much as i can.
Using ship logs and what I manage to recall so the picture could become clear.

Location: Planet New Berlin's Orbit, New Berlin System.

The Phantom was flying in planet's orbit when spotted by our newest recruit. He informed me of the what his scanners picked up and we opened a comm. channel with the Terrorist.

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[Image: ohi7fl.jpg]

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As you can see Herr Auztin Engels picked on this comm. signal and came to assist.
Me and Herr Engels Engaged The Phantom.
The Phantom did not last long.

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[Image: 2qm0x8i.jpg]

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Location: Stuttgart Gate, New Berlin System.

On a patrol through Berlin system I noticed a Liberty Gun Boat With a Liberty Police Transmitter near the Dortmund station.
I didn't stand a chance in my Fighter class vessel being alone on my patrol, This is why I took the lane to the Battleship Strausberg where my Bomber craft was parked and jumped on it as fast as i could.
Once i took off i Hailed the captain to reveal his location.

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[Image: 263kiz5.jpg]

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I was firm and confident like my commanding officers Taught me
As you can see the captain complied and obeyed orders, And returned to Bering with me on his wing as an escort.

Once at the gate we said our goodbyes, When a Zoner Whale appeared:

Location: Bering Gate- Freeport 2, Hamburg-Bering Systems.

The Zoner was carrying Cardamine in his cargo hold, Disobeying the "Halt" order and .....

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[Image: 296fbkl.jpg]

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The Zoner Broke multiple Rheinland laws:
-Disobeying Orders
-Ordering the murder of a Rheinland Military Pilot
-Embargo Laws
-Attempt to Bribe a Rheinland Military Pilot.

He Offered five millions to that same Mercenary i just escorted out of Rheinland, Unlucky for that zoner The Mercenery did not want anything to do with him.
The Zoner managed to Escape to Texas Gate where i stopped my pursuit.

I leave this to the High command to see if something could/Should be done in diplomatic way with the Council Of Zoners regarding this Criminal.

I was returning to our Capital Heart of Rheinland when i recived a disturbing Comm. Freq From [DSS]-Clytemnestra, His vessel was destroyed by a large group of Landwirtrechtbewegung.

Location: Battleship Strausberg-Stuttgart Lane,New Berlin System.

I Overheard them in the System Communication Frequency And Ordered them to leave at once, They were outnumbering me one to four, I did not stand a chance if i would fight them so i took the position in Battleship's Strausberg Orbit.
I Tried to Scare them away, but nothing worked... I did not intend to fight them without backup, But once they caught the Synth Foods Trader i had no choice but to act, I figured that his usual cargo run contains Luxury Foods that come from Baden Baden i devised that the "LWB" Group are somewhere towards the Stuttgart Gate.
"I Could not let a Liberty Oriented company to think that Rheinland cannot Take care of its Internal Criminal Group"

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[Image: syp1jk.jpg]
[Image: outzwp.jpg]
[Image: im03t0.jpg]
[Image: eagj7p.jpg]

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Once there The LWB Force engaged me, They left one to guard the Trader so he wont escape.. I had to get him destructed, Once successful I Hailed the "Synth.Foods|Riverside" On the privet channel to Start his cruise engine and flee.. He managed to get away.. Me however..
Herr Wolf Wexler Came right after. Both of us against four of the LWB fighters, It was hard so we decided to draw them towards the Battleship... And so we did, I was without Nanobots and no Batteries And my vessel was on fire, Last thing i remember was the cruiser patrol, "I made it" I thought to myself when my engine failed and left my vessel defenseless.

*Bjorn Tries to rise from his bad, The doctor runs yelling "What the hell do you think you are doing" Bjorn Replies "I Have a Home to defend !!"*

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Weedalot - 07-16-2009

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Decryption in progress.....9%.....72%...100% Complete....
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From:Hauptgefreiter Bjorn Chezberger.
To: Military Database.

Video Link on screen.....

*Picture of Bjorn becomes clearer, You can see he is smiling and cheerful, Nothing to indicate that he was just released from *

Hauptgefreiter Bjorn Chezberger Here. I am glad to report that I am all better and was already in space attending my duties.

Location: Dortmund Station, New Berlin System.

Once i took off from and started patrolling the lanes of new Berlin I encountered A Trader, He had Republican Transmitter and Independent Trader peppers.

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[Image: fu6r78.jpg]

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The Trader complied and i let him head to his destination.

Location: Alaster Shipyard, Hamburg System.

When taking off from Planet Hamburg after a quick refuel stop, i received a Transmission on my privet comm from Herr Voss captain of the RNC-Traunstein regarding a Red Hessian Gunboat and Bomber in orbit of Alaster shipyard... When i arrived the hostile vessel were still unresponsive and i ordered to open fire.
Herr Otto arrived to see the destruction of the Bomber vessel, I did not want to use excessive force so once the Gunboat was destroyed by Herr Voss i ordered "Stand down".

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[Image: 24wsh03.jpg]

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Location: Planet New Berlin's Orbit, New Berlin System.

Oddly as it may, The threat was not completely eliminated, Or somehow they have access to multiple vessel in unbelievable short time.
custos.necis|Vidat was spotted at New Berlin's Orbit Demanding Hessians pilots that were in my cargo hold.
After i saw there is not reasoning with him, Once more i had to engage the Hessian, I already was flying my Wraith class vessel (The Bomber require too much fuel and should be used only when needed) I was sure it would be even easier. How ever i did not expect the Gunboat to show up as well... I did not notice its arrival (It kept Comm. Silence at all times.. No hail, Not even a sound was made by the vessel) once in range it engaged me as well... It was not easy but i managed to avoid damage and destroy the bomber in a short time.
I proceeded taking out that Gunboat as well... His hull was already venting when Herr Brandt showed up.
I wanted to teach the "custos" a lesson and show them that both of them cannot take a single fighter, I tired to Hail Herr Brandt but the transmission didn't came through. and once in range he Fired the Super Nova Cannon which made a very appealing explosion.

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[Image: 2rq1xyq.jpg]

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Location: New Berlin And Hamburg Systems.


After the "custos" Vessels were eliminated a new threat arrived to our beloved home. Alien race named "Keepers" was heard over system comm, It was not understandable but the database indicated that the Freq. of those vessels were indeed "Nomad" We began searching for the Alien crafts all over the system (New Berlin) I Ordered to stay together as a second "Nomad" vessel was heard over system comm.
Once Herr Meinhardt Joined us we broke into two groups and continued the search, Meanwhile Herr Voss commanding officer of the Traunstein were reporting very high activity of [RHA] in Hamburg where he was Holding the borders.
As the "Nomads" were higher priority we kept on searching.
Once the "Keepers" moved to Hamburg we followed to Hamburg to deal with both threats now, The hessians and the Keepers.. The [RHA] did show once on scanners but immediately fled to the debris fields and i did not want anyone to follow deep.
"We avoided that one"

Uploading Jens Schmidt's Ship logs........

[Image: 15oadm.jpg]

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*Bjorn Looking exhausted turns around leaving the video recorder running*

"Vardamn I feel like I'm forgetting something"
"I should have asked for another sick day"

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Weedalot - 07-18-2009

Establishing link.....
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Decryption in progress.....11%.....41%...100% Complete....
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From:Hauptgefreiter Bjorn Chezberger.
To: Military Database.

Video Link on screen.....

*Bjorn's picture appears on the screen, He is sitting in his craft wearing the flight helmet on his head*

Hauptgefreiter Bjorn Chezberger reporting in. I am returning form a mission in Liberty
Location: New Hampshire,Quebec Systems.

When i took off Planet Hamburg i was ordered by the Admiral to wait for the strike team to rendezvous there and strike a valued target of the Navy forces.

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[Image: newhamshirebmrr.jpg]

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The target managed to escape.

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