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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aggelos - 02-03-2009

Incoming transmission...
CommId: Aggelos
Location: sector-5E CA system
To: SCRA command and recruiter
Subject: a thanks and then.
thank you for your help, it has been too long and i see the dilemma the SCRA is in getting worse, its no longer a revolution if the numbers have swelled to this point! loyalty's are shifting and the leaderships are not willing to deal in honor. on this comm i will say only that incursions seemed to have ceased, our war is not to kill but deliberate those who's minds can be changed against the houses of Sirius! and lead to a new way of revolutionaries!!! i speak of this because i was the first and will remain the first. earth i've no word on, though i do wish the info was available, i will continue to save funds until i can prove a revolution is the only flame to light this dawn! until my enrollment i will communicate with those SCRA who will listen and tell me what i can do.

for the Revolution.... and the coming of the dawn.
transmission terminated.......

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lt.Cmdr.Olsav - 02-05-2009

Transmission to: Aggelos

Whatever loyalty you may hold, know the Aeon is no longer here, his heresy gone, and that our doctrines have changes, and ideals have shifted in some ways. As you may be an older member of our cause where have you been in these long years, how may we know that you still hold your ideals sacred, and also let it be known that we do not fly such large capital ships as you might once have.

If you prove worthy and true of rejoining our cause Im more than happy to have you over at the Verde bar for a round of our finest ethanol.

I may be a drunk, and i may be in the bar more often than the cockpit, but i do spend my time there debating and reading the finer points of our ideology and history, so should you need to brought to speed on our changes or tested of your knowledge and will gladly administer such learning or testing.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - cmfalconer - 02-08-2009

CommID: Commander Alexi Karchov
Message Target: SCRA Command
Message Origin: Cape Verde - Omega52

Another victorious day for the Red Dawn.

An alert was put out by Comrade Viktor Sotskov that one of those vile Corsair OPG vessels had violated Omega 52. Along with Lt. Lanakov, I answered the call in my Raven Talon, choosing to leave the Bomber at home.

By the time I'd arrived, the baby-eater had fled to Omega 5. My two comrades and I decided to foray into Omega5 and monitor communications. We flew as a group to within 10 klicks of Cadiz. There were five Corsairs, two OPG, with reserves in Omega41.

As we were monitoring, the Corsairs launched an unprovoked attack, to which we responded in kind. Commander Kaputski arrived as well as some of our Red Hessian Army brethren, as well as more Corsairs.

The battle quickly split into two different fields, with the SCRA fighting near Cadiz, and the Hessians fighting near the O41 jumphole. Our brave pilots fought valiently, and through the engagement there were up to seven corsairs against the combine force of seven Coalition and RHA fighters.

I had my guns completely blown off by what can only be described as a bad decision to go head-to-head with a Virage on a full missile loadout. I learned my lesson. With only my mine dropper left, I scored the first kill.

I left the SCRA fight as I could do no good, and went to run interference for the RHA. The Coalition forced two of the Corsairs to flee, and Commander Kaputski, with his usual flair, destroyed two more of the Corsairs.

Coalition forces joined the RHA forces, and together caused the remaining Corsairs to flee to Omega41.

A list of kills is below
[Image: 2009Feb7.png]

Also, a list of all other pilots who participated in the sortie.
[Image: JointStrikeForce.png]

For the Red Dawn!

Commander Alexi Karchov

Message Send

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Zeltak - 02-08-2009

Entering code sequence... Permission Granted...
Please verify identification: Lt cmd. Zarevo Kaputski
Transmission initiated... Loading... Loading...

My comrades!

Today a major battle developed during a skirmish in Omega-5, that would lead to one of the most important events in our history. Because the aftershock of this event, will severely damage the Corsair nation and specifically their economy. The numbers of ships that we the Coalition destroyed along with our Red Hessian comrades proved to be a devastating blow to the Corsair dogs!

It all started during my regular patrol through the Omega-52 system. I received a transmission from our Red Hessian allies - Apparently they were planning an assault against the Corsairs near Cadiz Station. A few minutes passed, the Hessians were preparing for the mission near Ronneburg Base. Meanwhile I decided to scout the surrounding sector for any hostiles. As expected a Corsair dog was flying near the Cadiz Station, and I decided to end his life before he sounded the alarm.

By the time I had flied back to the Hessians in order to report about the small event, more Corsairs were gathering near Cadiz Station. We advanced to the center of the Hammen Hole in order to meet these Corsair dogs in a battle that would become greater than we could possibly imagine. From fighting five Corsairs flying Titans it developed into a battle against over twenty enemies in total! Including three Cruisers, two which I managed to capture in my snapshots and four gunboats. The remaining enemies were flying either a Praetorian or a Titan, also I noticed a few Raven's Talons - It makes me laugh that they aren't even proud of their own vessels that they have to fly other ones.

[Image: sder1vt7.png]

[Image: cruiser2po8.png]

To think of it, they eat each other, have initated a civil war and fly other vessels than their own - What Pride is there left in them? Surely, they must hate themselves even more than we hate them, haha!

Nevertheless, as the battle progressed more reinforcements from the Coalition came in order to assist us. The Red Hessians known as the "RHA" proved to be very skilled in combat, taking down the majority of our enemies. In all honesty, I was a bit surprised that they outshined us in that battle, regardless we fought as one united force and wouldn't let our own egos hinder the performance of our teamwork. We swiftly destroyed the Corsair dogs one by one.

One corsair, surprisingly an Elder! Abandoned his own allies in order to save his own life.
Talk about Corsair loyalty there, haha!

[Image: esc2sds22aperjq9.png]

When the battle was closing to an end, we could litterly see a graveyard of Corsair vessels. Floating around in the dead space - Yes. It was here we made a remarkable stand: Outnumbered, Outgunned but not Outskilled!

My comrades... this is a vital step towards our final victory!

[Image: scradeathyz0.png]


[color=#FFFFFF]Transmission terminated...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aggelos - 02-12-2009

Incoming transmission...
CommId: Aggelos on-board the Domaz
Location: Manchestor
To: Lt.Cmdr.Olsav
Subject: well you owe me that drink then...

And i owe you a story or two, I'm at the Verde bar. I've tried contacting u, you may be busy i am guessing but i need a fight! I'm on-board 'the Domaz,' shes a beauty, an Orca gunboat. my Rep is not aligned correctly but note i do want orders, but as u said, first a drink.
for Revolution.... and the honored lost.

contact me at the Verde bar water hole. and i hope u don't mind me sneaking in my own canteen of whiskey hehe I'm a whiskey type of pilot.
transmission terminated.......

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 02-12-2009

To: All pilots
Comm. ID: Colonel Dimitri Klitschko, Marine Corps.
Transmission: Unauthorised vessel?

-Transmission Initiated-

Now, comrades, I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for this, but at present I'm erring on the side of safety until this matter is cleared up and resolved.

Right now, I've mobilised all the men under my command on Docking Deck Beta 4 of Cape Verde station.

We have what appears to be an 'Orca' class gunboat of Bounty Hunter manufacture sitting here, surrounded by our troops. We are currently awaiting further information before advancing or opening fire.

At present, there have been no aggressive moves made by this intruder, but its mere presence is demanding action soon.

If I don't receive an update on the vessel shortly, I shall take the silence as consent and clearance to open hostilities and remove any threat which it may be offering.

I shall set a timer and patiently await intelligence from others before ordering an assault.

-Klitschko out

-Transmission Terminated-

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aggelos - 02-12-2009

Incoming transmission...
CommId: Aggelos on-board the Domaz
Location: TEXAS
To: Klitschko
Subject: hey rookie!
Klitschko your not too nice r you, not welcoming a Dawn pilot such as me.
I was the first revolutionary! i bet you don't even now how to brew a line of charr whiskey in you ship do ya? can u drift a fighter to 140 and jamm a torpedo into a BS without dieing first??!huh? like i care about a couple of ships 'aiming at a Bounty ship.' all based on what? i was invited you crisscross Wanna be. so stop wining. I'll be on base soon, probably on the john, whiskey goes right through me, hey pencil pusher if u got questions about my alliance, ask my inebriated brain in a day or so. in the mean time guess what, I'M IN TEXAS NOW! so good you cant even catch a drunk... i'll be back to meet a friend, rookies.... Oslav some help on this please? this poor rookie doesn't need to be insulted anymore and i cant keep my trap shut.
transmission terminated.......

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 02-13-2009

' Wrote:Incoming transmission...
CommId: Aggelos on-board the Domaz
Location: TEXAS
To: Klitschko
Subject: hey rookie!
Klitschko your not too nice r you, not welcoming a Dawn pilot such as me.
I was the first revolutionary! i bet you don't even now how to brew a line of charr whiskey in you ship do ya? can u drift a fighter to 140 and jamm a torpedo into a BS without dieing first??!huh? like i care about a couple of ships 'aiming at a Bounty ship.' all based on what? i was invited you crisscross Wanna be. so stop wining. I'll be on base soon, probably on the john, whiskey goes right through me, hey pencil pusher if u got questions about my alliance, ask my inebriated brain in a day or so. in the mean time guess what, I'M IN TEXAS NOW! so good you cant even catch a drunk... i'll be back to meet a friend, rookies.... Oslav some help on this please? this poor rookie doesn't need to be insulted anymore and i cant keep my trap shut.
transmission terminated.......

To: All pilots
Comm. ID: Colonel Dimitri Klitschko, Marine Corps.

-Transmission Initiated-

Target vessel left the station without incident after realising that our marines had it surrounded.

What I want to know is how it got access to a secure channel. I want that ship, the 'Domaz', piloted by one 'Aggelos', to be destroyed, and its communications units confiscated and delivered to intelligence in order to determine how it was able to listen into our wavelengths. We are using our secondary channel now, so it shouldn't be a major issue, the idiot having unsubtly let us know that he had been spying on us. Attempt to catch the spy alive, too. I want to know what he knows and who he is working for. I'm sure they have their ways of making him talk.

He seems to think our pilots rookiees, and seems to think our marines either pilots or administrators as opposed to a corps of well-oiled killing machines. Show him his error, flyboys. If you, for some reason, need violent men with flechette carbines, we'll be practising with jump-units in the zero-gravity training modules.

-Klitschko out

-Transmission Terminated-

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Athenian - 02-13-2009

To: "Aggelos"
Comm. ID: Lt. Viktor Sotskov, SCRA Lecturer in Re-Education and Political Economy, Ministry of Truth.

-Transmission Initiated-

Crimethinker Aggelos, your oldthink is disturbing. Such a long absence, during which you did little more than drink, engage in bar-stool propagandising and perhaps attempt to seduce your own mother. Now you return, attempting to sow dischord and division.

I declare you to be a stooge of the lickspittle capitalist-imperialist conspiracy that seeks to impede and delay the inevitable revolution. Perhaps we shall reserve an hour or two during Hateweek for remembering your thoughtcrimes. Most likely, however, Coalition agents will find you and plant an ice-pick in your brittle-shelled and hollow skull and hopefully end your senseless, ill-informed and illogical ramblings.

I shall add you to the long list of those who will find themselves up against the wall when the revolution comes. In the meantime, live in fear, bourgeois vermin.


-Transmission Terminated-

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 02-13-2009

Comm. ID: Operative CAMBRIDGE FIVE of the Committee for State Security

-Transmission Initiated-

Now, we may be accused of censoring certain sensitive materials, but we received an interesting and rather funny piece of information from capitalist-backed revisionist historians. I present it to you in full...

Quote:Incoming transmission...
CommId: Aggelos on-board the Domaz
Location: TEXAS
To: Klitschko
Subject: hey rookie!
i am SCRA, stand down ur order to open fire.
i am a retired yes but a friend, i made this faction 2 years ago.
get your orders, run any test, its not just a name.
it was Aggelos, Aeon, and Drathen. the first 3, i am here to rejoin as a revolutionary once more.
act and show, or stand down. prove I'm an enemy or stand down.
transmission terminated.......

The fact of the matter is as follows. 'High Chancellor' Aeon was executed for his lack of revolutionary momentum, due to a cowardly willingness to cede our principles to the Alliance. He was as much a capitalist leech as the filth we fight against, a mere cur licking at their boots. Only the Marxist-McIntoshian doctrine which we currently follow is the correct route to the dictatorship of the proletariat, and through that, liberation from all bonds.

This counter-revolutionary will be hanged for his lack of conviction, or, failing that, will be killed in attempts to capture him. Acting like he can order around our valorous officers as if they were his serfs will earn only hostility.

The unit of troops which disposes of this contra will be awarded the Iron Hearts communal decoration, for dedication to the cause.


-Transmission Terminated-