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The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - Printable Version

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RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - The Republic Of Liberty - 02-08-2014

[Image: 2vmamgh.png]

To all contractors;

Payments have been authorised for:

  • 8,000,000 to BHG|Razor
  • 3,000,000 to BHG|Moshu

Thank you for your services.

Lance Harris; you failed to provide the appropriate proof of identification for your DeathCollector claim, so we are denying payment. You have 48 hours to resubmit the kill with appropriate information or we will dismiss the claim entirely. Additionally, even had you submitted proper proof of identification, our clerks have determined that your summation of 15,000,000 Sirius credits overstated the collective value of the targets by 1,000,000 Sirius Credits. This is the second time you have made claims above value. You are hereby warned to not overstate your target values, or their summed worth, again or we will take appropriate action to remove your rights to claim on this board.

Moshu; our clerks have determined that you understated the value of your target by 1,000,000 Sirius Credits. The organization operating under the affiliation XA- are the primary instigators of the Xeno movement, and thus have a modifier applied when claimed. As our clerks are not always so generous in their findings we ask that you claim appropriately or risk losing any bonus that you may have otherwise earned.

Evidence for payment is below:

Ferris Dufresne
Central Liberty Internal Treasury

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Freeroamer - 02-10-2014

Sorry about that here is a updated Claim

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Mephistoles - 02-11-2014

Your name: John Marshall

Where the money is going: Mephistoles

Kills: Rabler, Rogue Hellhound; [ORI]-Doci, Outcast Tridente; Ryan.Owens, Rogue Werewolf; John.Smith, Rogue Barghest

Circumstances: My wingman and I came across an Outcast Battleship, Monty, on the outskirts of the Jersey debris field and started a fight. People came and went and over time I terminated Rabler and Doci as others on both sides went down to each other.

Owens, Smith and a third Rogue were giving the LPI trouble between Manhattan and Ft. Bush. The Rogues wasted no time in striking first. They were more than happy to follow up on this as long as they held the numerical advantage, but after subjecting Owens to the vacuum and making it clear Smith was to quickly join him, the two remaining Rogues turned tail. Smith didn't escape, but the third managed to make off as I only have one targeting reticule.

[*] Rabler Identification
[*] Rabler Destruction

The image of Rabler's destruction shows myself, my wingman and a single LSF pilot. As per claimant requirements, it is necessary to prove that there were more Hunters present than Liberty forces to qualify for this collection, as the kill was not credited to any one pilot. There were others within scanner range during identification, but only the three of us engaged the Hellhound.

[*] TJ.Laser identification.

[*] [ORI]-Doci Identification
[*] [ORI]-Doci Destruction

[*] Ryan.Owens Identification
[*] Ryan.Owens Destruction

[*] John.Smith Identification
[*] John.Smith Destruction

Payment owed: Rabler: 2,000,000 + 2,000,000
[ORI]-Doci: 3,000,000 + 2,000,000
Ryan.Owens: 2,000,000
John.Smith: 2,000,000

Total: 13,000,000

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Lowis - 02-14-2014

Your name: Shawn Brunham.

Where the money is going: BHG|Shawn

Kills: Ryan.Owens, Flying a "Virage" with civy guns and was affiliated with Rogues.

Circumstances: Normal patrol of a bounty hunter, then I saw on my radars a red contact appeared.. two actually, It was Ryan and one of his friends I guess... took me time to find him... but before giving up I just found him, on the way back to Los Angeles. Rest? is self explanatory.

Payment owed: Just 2,000,000 Million Credits. Thats all.

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Impyness - 02-15-2014

Your name: Thomas Ryley

Where the money is going:

Kills:Kleun, freelancer BWT caught smuggling.

Circumstances: Caught this freelancer smuggler heading towards the texas JH with a load of cardi. Requested he cut engines and drop cargo, he tried to run. Didnt work out for him.

<Cargo ID>
<Destruction Cargo destruction>
Payment owed: 3 million credits for smuggler.

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Katt Horizon - 02-16-2014

Your name: Eonus Horizon

Where the money is going: Eonus-Star

Kills: Retnuhdren, Freelancer, Smuggeling Slaves.

Circumstances: when leaving to the california system for a mission i spotted the smuggler taking the same lane, naturally i followed him to the other side of the gate and requested him to cut his engines which lead way to a chase, i was forced to then put him down on the Los Angeles to Cortez Gate Trade lane, the slaves were safely retrieved and delivered to the Battleship Yukon, where liberty force's took over from there and dealt with it properly.

i took the liberty of cleaning up my own mess of debris and wreckage from the smuggle transport as it resided near the trade lane.

Payment owed: i believe i am entitled to the sum of 3,000,000 Credits for stopping one smuggler with cargo as defined by section 1, part 1 of the Liberty's law.

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Vrabcek - 02-22-2014

Your name: Untreue

Where the money is going: Untreue.

Kills:2 Liberty rogues and 1 MND wraith

Circumstances: Caught the rogues pirating at Colorade jumpgate in New York and the Rheinlander flying from Rochester, but he didn't manage to slip through me

LR booom
LR booom
Marinenachrichtendienst ID
Marinenachrichtendienst booom

Payment owed: 2x 2 000 000+ 3 000 000= 7 000 000 SC

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - The Republic Of Liberty - 02-23-2014

[Image: 2vmamgh.png]

To all contractors;

Payments have been authorised for:

  • 6,000,000 to BHG|Razor
  • 13,000,000 to Mephistoles
  • 2,000,000 to BHG|Shawn
  • 3,000,000 to Interdictor
  • 3,000,000 to Eonus-Star
  • 7,000,000 to Untreue.

Thank you for your services.

Lance Harris; thank you for updating your claim. You'll find it has been paid in full.

Evidence for payment is below:

Ferris Dufresne
Central Liberty Internal Treasury

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Freeroamer - 02-28-2014

ID: Lance Harris
Target: Liberty Gov.
Subject: Bounty Claims

  • Name: PLR:Twisted.Lime
    Vessel: Bactrain
    Class: Freighter
    Location: New York Gate, Colorado
    Payment due: 3 Million Credits
    Proof: Scan | Destroyed

  • Name: Black&White
    Vessel: Saber
    Class: Vary Heavy Fighter
    Location: Northfork - Texas Gate, New York
    Payment due: 2 Million Credits
    Proof: Scan | Destroyed

Total amount due: 5 million Credits | Account: BHG|Razor

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Scumbag - 03-04-2014

Your name: Moshu

Where the money is going: BHG|Moshu

Kills: Meren_De_Witt outcast rapier vhf

Circumstances: Found him pirating a lane in New York

Payment owed: 3.000.000