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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Lamare - 07-26-2011

-Incoming Transmission-

Comm ID: Ensign Henry Moore
Subject: Report

I was two hours ago on patrol in New London, when I reached jump gate to Cambridge I met our forces fighting with corsair capital ships and one order cruiser what was strange, and I believe I saw there one corsair figher.
In not long time, order cruiser and I think one of corsair caps was destroyed together with their fighter.
After this last corsair ship which was corsair capital ship try to escape by using jumpgate to cambridge.
Our forces started chase on other side of gate. Corsair ship engage cruise engines and we couldn't stop it becouse our cruise distruptors for unkown reason didn't work. First, corsair ship took course to omega-3 jump hole but in half of way it turned and went straight on sun, but it changed course again and went to omega-5 jump hole, where we caught finally that ship. Corsair cap ship jumped by hole to omega-5, and our forces jump after it to continue pursuit. After short fight on other side of hole another corsair capital ship came and joined to fight, short after it docked at big rock, second cap ship took heavy damage and did the same strange thing as first one, it docked at big rock. I saw there also shooting rocks, rocks were shooting to us!
Our forces were called off by Cdr.R.Woodrow who was in charge in this action, and we all returned to Cambridge.

-End Of Transmission-

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Renoktu_Ree - 07-27-2011

[Image: Rene.png]


Yesterday i start my patrol again at Dublin.
There was nothing speazial on Midday.
Just a lone Molly who wont to fight and ask me to pass the system without a fight.

Well i got a eye on him and let him gone.It was really peaceful.
I went after i checked the system of Dublin,to New London.
Soon when i arived at planet London my emergency comms makes noice.

This messages was like i wuld dream,the messages says,
Unknow enemy Units arived at Dublin near Battleship Hood and heading to Battleship Essex.
Some of my mates got under attack and was on retreat.

I flew so fast as i can back to Dublin,when i was there
i dont need to wait long and my scanner show me the enemy units who comes scared fast near to my position.
There was some Order units who attack the unknow enemy,
we group together against this heavy strong new enemy.

I saw this one time before but i thought i was dreaming.
The scanner now told me the bad truth,and hell it wasnt a dream.
Five Nomad Keepers was coming to colect some human organism.
But hell,not without a fight!

We defend all together the Essex,we fight very hard,
Michael Harding needs to emergency dock on Essex,we shoot the enemys behind him so he could leave.
Soon i got a friendly message on my comms.
BAF|Ens.R.Hastings come to assist me.

It was like a WAR.everywhere unknown shoots with riffle i never saw before.
The ships of the Aliens,seems,....they are ALIVE!
They moved like Lifeforms,it was scary!

But against the fear.we fight like hell against them,for our people,we cant let them win!
My wingmen and i shoot them hard we coordinate us and crossfire one of them.
Soon the shield was down from this Alien and i breath in,and shoot all what i got.

The Alien ship explode!
The others of them was so shoked that they go for retreat.
We did it we defend our people from them,we WON.
I follow the rest of them with some order pilots.

But soon they leave the system and all what we can hear on comms was and unknow scary noice who goes directly in minds,then silence...
They was gone.
I went back to Essex where my wingmen wait for me.

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We dock on Essex and meet at the Bar where we get a drink after this.

After a shower and new uniform (dont ask me what happend with the first one)
we went together to New London,to escort a Trader to Graves station.

Ensign Henry Moore joined us.After Graves station we escort the trader to Mangelan system,
he got Gold ore in back who was for New York.

We flew without complications,after we pass Mangelan system we went back to Planet London.

BAF|Ens.R.Hastings and i patrol to Leeds and checking the blockarde.
Hardings scanner says,that some Reavers are hiding in our System.
So we search them and Hardnings read them the list of Laws who they braked.

They wont pay a fine or face us.
Soon my scanner show me the position of Sapia and Razzmatazz Reaver.
Hardings and i formed up and flew closer on them.
Razzmatazz gave Sapia the order to shoot, so we open fire.

They was good but my wingemen and i was a great team.
We coordinate us and keep clear our backs togehter.
We conzentrate our fire on Razzmatazz first couse he is the stronger one.

But we decided soon that we shoot first Sapia down couse another Reaver was coming.
We shoot together the shields down from Sapia,i could hit her hull with my guns,and my mine got her the rest.
She exploded.

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Now we got one more enemy,but he was fast.
Soon Silver Reaver joined and we got a problem.
My ship got heave demage so like Hardings.
We fight very hard and long but they was better then us.

My shields and life systems got a critical point,i need to ejected.
Hastings fight pretty good against them but soon he got to much hits from Silver Reaver.He ejected too.
We wait together for the rescue squad,at least we got a good experiance from this fight,and one of them with us!

The resque squad flew us to Salisbury,where we are waiting for new ships.
And a wisky for Richard and i get a Ciggaret...

BAF|Ens.R.Ree End...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - SMI-Great.Fox - 07-27-2011

PILOT ID: Captain Evyn[/color]
[u]LOCATION: Battleship Derby--Leeds

DETAILS: Standard Report
[Image: 2wmpgyp.jpg]

*Evyn continues to read reports from the area*
Evyn: Ensign Barett..I commend you for finding out this knowledge about a possible rouge/stolen warship, however I must remind you that unless you have the proper associates of a Cpatian flying with you, please try to refrain from venturing any farther then Freeport 1 in Omega 3.

Evyn: Ensign Moore..Your heroism is quite profound in such actions in which you and your co-pilots have taken, but..I will say this only once and in a clear tone...Unless ordered by a superior officer, venturing into Omega 5 is highly prohibited..You're lucky that Commander Woodrow was there..Don't do it again..

Evyn: Last...Ensign..I mean..Lieutenant Davis..Keep an eye out for this IMG Battlecruiser and if such happens again, Command will send a report of such to the IMG...That is all...


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 07-27-2011

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 2prfkfo.gif]

Lieutenant Johnathan Sinclair, you are showing a quck progress. So far you have achieved:
- 1 month service in the Armed Forces
- 63 hours of Flight Time
- 9 patrol reports
- A good level of attitude (4)
That is why you are granted the rank of [color=#00CCCC]Lieutenant Commander
with the permission from the admiralty board.

Lieutenant Charles Davis , you are known member of the armed forces. The board tested your abilities and had to give you more time to properly prepare yourself for the first stage as commanding officer. So far you have achieved:
- You exceeds the requirment of 1 month service in the Armed Forces because you have 6 months, but for board's reasons your promotion had to be delayed until today.
- 65 hours of Flight Time
- 8 patrol reports
- A good level of attitude (4)
That is why you are granted the rank of [color=#00CCCC]Lieutenant Commander
with the permission from the admiralty board too.

I would like to inform you about your future promotions. Both of you need to spent 2 more active months in the Armed Forces from now on, while your "Discipline" cell will be overlook in the meantime. Further promotions will be available only if there are free spots among the Commanders and if you prove yourself ready to step in the second stage as commanding officers.

Congratulations to both of you.

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Renoktu_Ree - 07-27-2011

[Image: Rene.png]



Ensign Renoktu-Ree requesting promotion to Lieutenant from Ensign.
I had fight for the Queen and country and for my mates, so hard as i can.
My experiance grows up with each enemy we strike back away from our space.

I noticed that i have the following achieved requirements for this rank:

*Patrol Reports: -7-
*Flying Time: 74-hours
*Combat Training pass: Passed
*Attitude level: -4-

I feel ready for the rank Lieutenant,and it will be a honour to do my duty under the crowns order
with my new options as Lieutenant.

Thanks Sir.


BAF|Ens.R.Ree End....

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Lamare - 07-28-2011

-Incoming Transmission-

Comm ID: Ensign Henry Moore
Subject: Report

I proved my skills today, I destroyed today in Dublin known pirate named Silver Reaver after long fight,
I think that fight took at least one hour.
Guncam link
I lost just after fight started one of my excaliburs, so I fought with him only with 5 guns,
but I had luck, I picked it from space, and it seemed repairable, so I took it to New london for repairs,
after repairs this gun is working now just fine.

I want ask for something, I wish keep in use my ship named Raven's talon, it can be done?
Can I keep it? I proved what I can do in that ship. Let me keep it please.


-End Of Transmission-

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 07-28-2011

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 95ves5.gif]

Ensign Renoktu-Ree, for nearly a month, you have done more than you were required. So far you have achieved:
- 74 hours of Flight Time
- 7 patrol reports
- A good level of attitude (4)
- Combat training pass
- Bomber training, which was not required for ensigns but is more than welcome for your progress.
That is why you are granted the rank of [color=#FF6600]Lieutenant
without hesitation.

Ensign Henry Moore, Raven's Talon is considered as Civilian/IMG ship and is not among the permissions to be used by official Armed Forces pilots. I am happy to see that you are doing fine with this ship, but in our ranks there is no place for it. Nevertheless I will take this as question to the board but I wont promise you anything for now.
I will recommend you to keep it as mercenary with different identification than BAF|. Then you need to settle your Templar and respond as soon as possible to Salisbury for further training.
Thank you for the understanding.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Azan27 - 08-02-2011

[Image: Ch9LZ.png]

This is Ensign Richard Hastings, reporting in.

Today, I began a solo patrol of the outskirts of Bretonian space. I began in Magellen, which was quite peaceful. Afterwards, I proceded through New London, which, too, was peaceful. From there, I took the jumpgate into Dublin, which was empty save for a few Independant miners earning some cash. At that point, I thought it might be good to check the jumpholes in the system, as they are often used by smugglers wishing to bypass the Essex's cargo scanners. I took the jumphole into Edinburgh, and began to patrol the system until it became apparent that there was no one there. Next, I took the jumpgate into Leeds. That's where things got a bit more interesting...

Upon arriving in the vicinity of the Battleship Derby, I noticed a very strange ship stationed near the docking ring of planet Leeds. Upon a more detailed scan, the ship was revealed to be a Gunboat class vessel, so I stopped the pilot for questioning immediately. We had a pleasant conversation; he was very complacent with my orders. After some talk, he mentioned that he was from 'Gallia,' A place that I still know so little about. I explained to him that I needed to escort him out of Breotnian space. He said that he was just in the process of leaving when I stopped him, so I saw him out of our sovereignty without a hitch.

After that, three outcasts appeared on the edge of my scanner. I questioned them as to why they were flying around in such a compact group, and they were rather rude, even going so far as to threatening to attack me! However, before I got a chance to deal with them, a Kusari vessel entered into sight. I decided to abandon the outcasts for a chance to strike at the Kusari forces. The Outcasts, however, had ideas of their own. They opened up fire on the both of us. I decided to pull back from the battle, as the only way I would have been able to confront the Outcast forces would be to ally myself with the Kusarian, which would have been completely unacceptable. The outcasts continued to assault the Kusari vessel, but it's pilot made good use of the ship's superior maneuverability and small targeting profile, and was able to evade all three of the outcast pilots. Eventually, the maltese vessels decided that they had spent too much time out in the open, and ran away from the single Kusari pilot. Overall, the outcasts seemed to be relying on their numbers more than their skills to fight effectively, and although they talked big, they did not have the battle savvy to back their words up with action.

At this point a large Bretonian Dunkirk began to cruise into sensor range. I hailed it, and it revealed itself to be the HMS-Excalibur. With the Outcasts now gone, the Kusari vessel stood out as the only hostile target in the area, and the Excalibur proceeded to attempt to fire upon the ship with its long range guns. However, the Excalibur had yet to mount the proper anti-fighter equipment for an encounter like this, and was unable to land a single hit on the highly maneuverable Kusari fighter. At this point, it became clear that this fighter needed to be countered with another fighter, so I moved in to engage the fighter. We became locked in a deadly game of attack and counter-attack, and soon our formations became so closely interlocked that the Excalibur was unable to open fire without almost hitting my Templar along with the enemy vessel. Soon, both the Kusarian and myself were dodging franticly, both of us trying our best to evade the fire of the Dunkirk's guns, while simultaneously not allowing for either one of us to land shots on the other's hull. The fight became a deadly haze of confusion with shots coming from each and every direction, and the Excalibur doing its best not to let it's gunners shoot me by accident. The enemy pilot utilized his ships superior turning speed to the upmost effect, locking both our ships in spiral combat, in which the Kusari vessel proved to have the advantage. It took all my concentration, utilizing the best maneuverability tactics I know of, just to get the vessel into view. I then proceeded to initiate a series of maneuvers that broke the deadly spiral formation we had been fighting in for several minutes. I was able to draw him out and start bringing him into a joust-type engagement, where my Templar's heavy armor and the Adv. Splitter's fast projectile speed began to pay off, scoring several hits and forcing the Kusari vessel to start drawing on his nanobot reserves. However, this technique had a unforeseen effect; as I made a run at the enemy, I continued onwards, past where I had passed the fighter, so as to gain some distance between me and him to allow for my templar to turn around. Right as I passed the fighter, my ship was struck by several of the Excalibur's own shots! The ship's gunners had apparently been aiming for the fighter's last known position, and when him and I switched places after the joust, I was landed with the volley intended for him. This took my shields down completely, and throughout the next few engagements my shield was kept deactivated or at an extremely low power level. Soon, the Kusari ship changed his tactics, hitting me with several Nuclear mines, effectively draining me of nanobots. The fighting continued for several minutes more, and the enemy vessel was able to keep wearing away at both my hull and my remaining ammo with a continued stream of mines and torpedos. Eventually, I ran completely out of countermeasures, and the enemy took the opportunity to launch a volley of torpedos my way. I was forced to evade the volley, exposing my vessel to enemy gun fire. My ship's reactor core was punctured, and the Templar's emergency ejection mechanism saved me, just as my vessel exploded behind me. At this time, the Excalibur was right upon my escape pod, and the Kusari vessel decided not to press his luck and moved back to the Kusari holdings in northern Leeds. The CO of the excalibur was most gracious, and after bringing me into his ship and looking having me looked over in the Med bay, he dispached a shuttle do fly me back to Salisbury.

Total Patrol Time: 2 hours

Attached Intelligence Documents:
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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 08-02-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: Planet New London]
[CommID: Lieutenant Commander Charles.Davis]

Establishing Video Uplink

[Image: 8249421472571050.jpg]

Greetings sirs and Ma'ams *salutes*. Today was yet another enjoy full day at the Dublin system. I received a report about a Kusarian Gunboat having its "fun" in the Dublin system I took one of the ensigns with me and we started a sweep of the system we got numerous reports about encounters from all over the system. But the last one was the H-4 sector of the system. Yes that lovely mine field. But we arrived to late it already destroyed a BMM miner by the time we arrived there. We saw that the Kusarin was supported by a Gaian that's in a Roc bomber.

We engaged as we engaged more of our guys showed up including Sinclair. You got to love the guy always showing up to cover my arse. Now to move on once our forces engaged the Kusary Gunboat decided to go and Kamikze in to the sun. But not before blowing two of our guys up. He paid with his life about those boys. Their pods were retrieved and their new ships await them.
After I undocked from Essex we were called by a transport that it saw a Gaian signature in Edinburgh. Myself and that same ensign proceed to check it out. We managed to intercept it. It wasn't one of the smartest captain I ever saw. We took it down with no problems.

Now to another subject a Individual named Carrie Dababi. Now she currently Flyes a Liberty navy Guardian with Navy IFF and ID. Now She is a Civilian Figure she is not a Military officer. I checked her information and I even asked some Liberty Navy Primary Fleet Officers. her story checks out she can fly that ship. But due keep in mind along side with he ris a guy named Zack Fair. Now this guy doesn't have proper behavior. Just another guys who's parents dont care about giving him some moral and discipline. Now back on topic please don't bug the lass lads. Leave it for myself to handle.

Davis out

Charles Davis
Lieutenant Commander
Bretonian Armed Forces

[End Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Lamare - 08-04-2011

-Incoming Transmission-

Comm ID: Ensign Henry Moore
Subject: Report

Greetings, I have few things to report.
Well, first one, I had bomber training 4 days ago, with Ens. Tim Garland and HMS Nottingham, it was pretty
succesful, I and other Ens. menaged to give HMS Nottingham significant damage, "You two gave me a run for my money" as said captain of HMS Nottingham.
Next thing, yesterday, I and Lt.R.Ree menaged to stop wanted criminal named WindowLicker, He was told about his fines, and he gave us word that he will pay all fines, after this he was escorted by me, to Planet New London where he docked. Not long after this we got emergency call from Dublin, a lone pirate in gunboat was atacking BMM's miners, I and Lt. Ree jumped into our bombers and we went there. We found that pirate in H4 sector, he started shooting to us without warning, Not long after fight started we got support from BMM miners.
Pirate was destroyed very fast without doing any damage to us.
Guncam link
After this I checked signatures of that pirate recorded by my onboard computer, His ship was found as kusari made ship named "Ahoudori".
Last thing is a lot worse, Lt. Ree was cought in his bomber in open space where his ship was destroyed by scra figher, I got his call from graves station which crew recovered his escape pod. I ran into chase after that scra unit in my templar and I found it pretty fast, fight started shortly, but I lose that fight... but I menaged to gave heavy damage to that scra bastard, He will repairing his ship for long time. My escape pod was luckily recovered to Graves station by passing BMM convoy.
After this I feel that I need more training in templar, this ship have different handling than my old raven's talon, I think that I must learn how to fly properly in templar.
Thats all.


-End Of Transmission-