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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Thunderer - 08-07-2011

I, HMS-Debeli_Boda, were the reason for an accident which happened yesterday in Leeds. There was a battle between 2 KNF destroyers on one side and 2 BAF bombers and my battleship on the other side. I destroyed one destroyer and I decided to take down the other one with my 3 BAF missile turrets. Then - the accident happened. I advised the 2 of my friends to run away from my missiles, but one of the bombers accidentally collided with them. The other one was automatically killed because it was close to the missiles. KNF destroyer, who was already far, suffered minimal damage and manage to escape. I'm very sorry to two of my friends and to the mighty nation of Bretonia. I also promise that I'll have a strict conversation with my responsible gunner.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - stardust47 - 08-10-2011


Comm ID: Ensign Barett

I have my report for today. I started off in Leeds. Immediatley after leaving the planet, three Kusari fighters came into view. They were dispatched quickly, with help from the Derby.
After continuing my patrol to the Newcastle system, I returned to the planet to find three Hogosha ships. Following them into the smog cloud towards Edinburgh, they stopped near the trade lane. I managed to keep them talking until Captain Evyn and Ensign Barnes came to assist. Unfortunatley, my ship was destroyed and I was forced to eject. My escpace pod was recovered shortly afterwards.
Guncam 1
Guncam 2

This is Ensign Barett, signing off.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Jayenbee - 08-11-2011


Comm ID: Ensign Jack Barnes

I apologise for the lateness on this report, but I have only just got off duty.
A ship, named Ore-Hauler attempted to take Niobium Ore from the Stokes Asteroid field and haul it all the way to New Berlin.
Because he tried to supply our enemies, I have fined him 4 Million Credits and destroyed his cargo.
I request orders onto where to deliver these credits. I assume I am not to keep them.

I had also had a problem with the Reavers. Two of them showed up at Leeds. They engaged me and another pilot.
But eventually because of my inexperience I was not a match for the two of them and my ship was destroyed.
A nearby ship managed to pick me and he took me down to the planet.

I would have had a link for my Guncam but I'm afraid it is playing up at the moment. I will see what I can do meanwhile.

This is Ensign Jack Barnes, good night and safe flying Gentlemen.



Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kopesh - 08-11-2011


[font=Book Antiqua]This is ensign William Folge reporting in for duty!

After patrooling all of the Bretonia and found nothing,I thought I'd check again Dublin before going to bed after a hard working day.There I found a IMG miner being attacked by a molly in BAF zone.So I engaged that molly while he was attacking the miner.After I managed to heavily damage him,he fought me for a short time,then turned away and engaged cruise engines.I followed him to Arranmore base,where I encountered a molly miner and another molly in a sabre.The sabre engaged me so I engaged back.Then the molly miner,along with 2 other molly gunboats and 4-6(couldn't count them all)werewolfs engaged me.Although I was heavily outnumbered,I managed to gain the upper hand for some time.That sabre was virtually unable to hurt me,only the other ships were a threat to me.After 15 minutes of fighting,I was quite close to destroying that molly,but out of the blue a battle razor shredded my ship to bits.And that was it.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Lamare - 08-11-2011

-Incoming Transmission-

Comm ID: Ensign Henry Moore
Subject: Report

Greetings, again few things to report about.

Yesterday just after undock my templar from planet New London, I found in New London system, on long range scaner just accepted into BAF ranks pilot named Jack Barnes, I asked him if he need help or something.
He told something about nomad showing him visions, so I went to his position as fast I can, to check that.
When I reached his position, near jump gate to Dublin, I saw there nomad attacking pilot if I remember named Louis Barnes, Jack's nephew. Sadly, nomad menaged to destroy Louis' ship, but I took his escape pod safely to my ship.
Jack's ships didn't move at all, probably becouse nomad's mind attack. Jack still behaved oddly, telling something about visions and strange things he see. I saw that only way to make him free of that was destroing that nomad, but before I menaged do anything, nomad just dissapear, gone. Jack started feel good again, he was okay. I dont have any pictures of that, becouse my camera didn't work for some reason.

Shortly after nomad incident, corsair gunboat jump out from Dublin jumpgate, I told Jack to stop it, when I went to jump into my bomber and also taking safely Louis Barnes escape pod to Planet New London, luckily Jack menage to stop that corsair. When I came to Jack's position, I and Jack got support from LtCdr Sinclair, and Lt Ree who stayed on backup position.
I, Ens. Barnes and LtCdr Sinclair, menaged to destroy corsair gunboat without taking any damage.
Guncam link

After that we all went to Salisbury system for training, I wont describe all training, I just say that training ended with full succes, and yes, shortly after training started, Cdr Woodrow joined to us, and nearly on end of training joined to us BAF pilot Michael Harding.

After training, I, Ens. Barnes, and Lt Ree, went on patrol, first we checked Dublin system, was clear,
next we backed to New London system where we check one trader but nothing to report about him, and we went to Cambridge jump gate, where we saw BMM trader named DaveyP who used the gate before we could say a word, we got him on other side of the gate. When asked where he going with his cargo hold full of gold, he told that he going with that to rheinland...
We ordered him to go to Liberty with his cargo, and after short time he comply, and we escorted him to Bretonia borders. And we ended our patrol near Planet Leeds.

I also delivered some strange things which I took from place, where was nomad incident to Planet Cambridge for researchs, I almost forgot to mention about it.
Data from onboard computer

After that all I felt very tired, I landed on Leeds and took rest.
Thats all.


-End Of Transmission-

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Jim.Solo - 08-12-2011


Comm. ID: Ensign James (Jim) Barnes

Good morning Sir!

I would like to make a report on my activities last night.

Having collected my uniform and ship from the Ark Royal I set off for Salisbury at approximately 23:30 hours Zulu time, so that I would be ready for Training the next.

As I past through the Manchester system I received a distress call from a 'Mr.Skint' reporting he was under fire from an 'Alice'sRestaurant' and required assistance.

Although I have not yet graduated from Top Gun class, I remembered that the BAF standing orders are to assist all calls for help from traders in Bretonian space.

Full of anticipation, hands sweating; I engaged my cruise engines and headed for F2, Mr.Skints last reported location.

However when I arrived all I found was empty space, and no further transmissions from Mr.Skint. I then conducted a thorough search of the surrounding systems and eventually found him in Leeds alive and well.
He apologised for his distress call, he had panicked when he saw the size of AlicesRestaurant's ship!
I told him not to worry, better safe than sorry; although it would have been prudent to cancel the Mayday to save me running around space looking for his escape pod!

As for AlicesRestaurant I never saw the ship and it never appeared on my scanners; all I have is my black-box recording of a transmission from Mr.Skint to AlicesRestaurant prior to his Mayday; I can only assume the ship has a cloaking device or an FTL jump drive.

I then went on to New London where 2 Corsairs thought they would pick a fight with me, I soon saw them off and trackered in their escape pods and took them to Head quarters on New London.

Nothing else to report at this time, I will be leaving for Salisbury at 15:00 Zulu.

Good day to you Sir!


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 08-13-2011

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 2ch6ik5.gif]

Good day.
I am reporting about my mission today in Leeds.
I heard some rumors from the BBC that the LD-14 station have been captured by the Naval forces. I've decided to move there and check it in person. Battleship York was disabled in the fight for Ld-14 but it is still there and can repell any enemy threats. That is why I moved on stealth mission to reach that battleship and request full intel about what happened from their captain. Unfortunately the Naval forces found me and engaged me in sector E4.
Nevertheless I was not there to fight them but I couldnt just walk away so I gave them free bretonian dancing lessons and slowly moved to my destination. I felt very confused when Battleship York turned its guns on me and the Naval forces. It seems the captain was so much frightened of the incoming kusarians that he didnt separated me from the enemy squad and opened fire on all units.
I have then moved closely to the station LD-14 and did some guncams of it. It's under heavy security and in time that security may increase even more. My mission was complete so I had to retreat to friendly space. Unfortunately the radiation level of LD-14 asteroid field destroyed my radar and I had to find the jump hole for Edinburgh manually.
Minutes later evading enemy fire and asteroids, I found it and jumped to Edinburgh. Aberdeen Border Station was my final destination from where I took shuttle for Dundee system to prepare the escort mission of Royal Sovereign which will be reported shortly after its done.

Here I give you the Intel I could take about the LD-14 high security:
- Classified 1
- Classified 2
- Classified 3 LD-14 1
- Classified 4 LD-14 2

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Jam - 08-15-2011

--[Incoming Transmittion]--
Sender ID: Captain John Clay
Priority: Medium
Subject: Leeds Supplies
Report Begin

During my patrol today, a civilian vessel contacted me. He's a Bretonian, and he wants to aid in gathering necessary supplies to Leeds. I told him to get H-Fuel and MOX. He brought 4 500 units of both.

MOX delivery
H-Fuel delivery

He promised to bring more in the future.
Bretonia is not lost. For the Queen!

Clay out.

End of Report

--[Transmittion Terminated]--

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kopesh - 08-18-2011

--[Incoming Transmittion]--
Sender ID: Ensign William Folge
Priority: Low
: 3 kills in one day


Today I started my patrool from Douglas station in Omega 3.I met a molly near the trade lane going to FP1,and he didn't seen troublesome,so I left him alone.Then I went to FP1,met a reaver carrying BPA pilots,asked him to drop them,and he said if I would follow him he'd drop them.We arrived in Leeds,he then said he lied,so I opened fire.I asked for help from a BAF lieutenant,he came and shoot him,but did only light damage.Then I fired a razor,it heavily damaged his ship and then he hit one of his own mines,all of which happened in just 1 second.So it counts as a indirect kill.

Then we went to stokes,were we meet another reaver.He said he had a bounty on my head,so he engaged me,and my friend came shortly,I killed this reaver quite fast,but I was very greedy on nanobots and batteries,I don't really depend on them,but this time I used them because 2 kusari battleships were on my head.

Afterwards we proceeded back to planet Leeds.I docked ,repaired my ship,had a quick drink,then went out in space.THere we meet a kusari spy,which was intercepted and destroyed without mercy.I got the last shot.
Kusary spy killed

Then we received information from a HMS telling us that a corsair warship was in Dublin.I went there first,arrived near Hood and there I met a Corsair mercenary who I think had another bounty on my head.
After a long fight,I have to report with regret that he was better than me,partly because of his 2 tizonas.But I knew I could kill him alone.
After a short time Lt.Evyn and a handful of BAF officers came near me.I asked them all kindly not to get in my fight ,because I always like to terminate my opponents by myself.Since there was clear for Lt.Evyn that I wouln't win,she asked me to pull out of battle and ordered another ensign to continue my fight.Since we were 10k away from hood and I was heavily damaged,the corsair eventually destroyed my ship.

I would like to point out that even though Lt Evyn is higher in rank than me,I hesitated abit in pulling out of fight.I always do.I never ran from a battle,no matter what,I engaged many opponents and many times survived by myself,even though I was outnumbered.The order Lt Evyn gave me to pull out was arguably good,but not for me.I would rather die in fight than flee from fight.This is my motto.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - SMI-Great.Fox - 08-20-2011

PILOT ID: Captain Evyn
LOCATION: Battleship Derby--Leeds
DETAILS: Standby Orders
[Image: 2wmpgyp.jpg]

Evyn: I speak this on behalf of my sister, Lieutenant Commander Feya and myself..Due to the effects of morale being worn so thin in these past weeks, we are taking shore leave for an unknown amount of time...I have ordered the HMS-Sherwood.Forest and the HMS-Nottingham to Salisbury in case of emergencies, along with our snubcraft...

Evyn: Should in case of extreme distress of our home, we shall serve when called...

*With a salute, she speaks her lasts words on the recording*

Evyn: Carina...Regina..Imperatrix...