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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Nitram - 07-22-2009

Transmit to: Admiral Malte
Comm. ID: Lt. Hans of the RNC-Gasthaus

Admiral, we have decoded was was possible from the "Braggard's_Bar", Fl.Markus will upload the decoded data shortly. We have taken her to Aland to be put back into service, under the name of RNC-Gasthaus.

Uploading data... ||||||||
Data Uploaded...
Opening File...

Quote:------rd's Bar - Ex-Rheinland Military (note to self, get a man in there, Br--k-o-f would be a wise choice) gunboat, re-fubished into a bar over a period of four years. Can also be used as my comma----*data scrambled*

Dim--d-lium - IMG BattleCr----r,-----*data scrambled*

SI1013HPA - Second s-ip from sig---13. Rheinland Batt-es--p. This is the b-g one. When those darn ju-k-rs peice it together. I have not tought up a name yet, so for now it will be called under it's original serial numbe---*data scrambled*
End of File...

As you can see admiral, that man has deep pockets, or works for somone with deep pockets, as this seems to be a list of ships under his command.
That is all I have to report. We still await the appoval from command to resume patrol duty.

Lt.Hans Brockdorf, signing out.

End of Transmission.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Cyberanson - 07-22-2009

### Incoming Transmission ###
ID - Oberfeldwebel August von Speer
Battle Report #14

Guten Tag meine Damen und Herren,

I jumped on my Wraith today to train the Gefreiter Einheld with his bomber. His Snubnose needed some transponder fix, so I decided to take him with me and work on it. On my way to his position in Hamburg, I encountered some Hessian pilot fighting with Hauptgefreiter Schneider. I took a look at Herr Schneiders hull status and decided to engage the Hessian vessel, called RHA. The result was this:

[Image: screen119.png]

Afterwards I took Gefreiter Einheld and the reserve pilot John Devoy with me to the Altenburg, where some tecnician was abled to fix Herr Einhelds transponder. We managed this pretty quick and returned to Braunschweig for some training. When our group wanted to start a fight, a smuggler appeared, called Durango. In Braunschweig. Result:

[Image: screen119.png]

Every smuggler should know the consequences for entering Braunschweig.

Unfortunately a heavy ion storm interrupted all communications a short time after.

Oberfeldwebel von Speer out.

### Transmission terminated ###

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Cyberanson - 07-22-2009

### Incoming Transmission ###
ID - Oberfeldwebel August von Speer
Battle Report #15

Guten Tag meine Damen und Herren,

I bet this might sound strange... but I don't know what happened some hours ago. I was on a normal border patrol in Hamburg and was in command of our current pilots. The whole story started after Hauptgefreiter Chezberger returned from a patrol with two reserve pilots, namely John Devoy and Vrabcek.

Herr Chezberger was complaining of headaches, so I ordered him to visit the nearest medical officer for an inspection. He did not respond. I repeated my order... all I got was a static sound out of the speaker. He was drifting in the Hamburg high orbit. I repeated my order several times with the same result: Chezbergers Snubnose bomber was drifting towards the Hamburg athmosphere.

All attempts to prevent the upcoming catastrophe failed. Panically I rammed his ship in order to take away some speed. In this moment Herr Chezberger awaked and was kind of confused. I ordered to dock at Altona immedeately. This time the Hauptgefreiter followed my orders and moved his ship to docking bay 3.

After he arrived the medic station on Altona, I was contacted by the responsible medical officer, Frau Olga. She told me that Chezberger is in ward and is mumbling weird stuff, like "The light... they are so innocent!" I asked her to sedate Chezberger, because I wanted to investigate the background of this strange story.

Reserve pilot Devoy told me that they met some Colonial Remnant trader just before and that there was some strange tissue on the hull of his ship, an Atlas Class IMG hauling ship. On my question where this ship was then, he answered that the trader was last seen in Omega 3. I knew what this meant... we had a patrol some hours before in Omega 7 and the sensor efficiency is... nearly zero there. I wondered how they managed to detect this 'strange tissue' on the Colonials hull.

I opened my long range scanners and found the Colonial trader in Omega 3. His ID was =CR=Roxas[ISE]. I opened a communication stream to him and informed him about his possible involvement with this story and ordered him to Altona for further questions. Herr Devoy was sent to escort him through Rheinland. In my opinion we did not need more cases of lunatic persons running around. I advised him to be extremely cautious.

Suddenly I was cotacted by Frau Olga, that Chezberger was breaking out of the quarantine. At this point of time my mood dropped into the negative sector. I warned the security chief of Altona, Herr Hantz, that I wanted Chezberger back in one piece and without any flaws. Some things made sense at this point of time... I assumed a possible Nomad infestation of Chezberger and ordered to close down the trade lanes to Hamburg and seal all bays of Altona station. If this was the case, the danger had to be limited to a minimum.

After a short time Hantz called me that they found Chezberger and Olga... you won't believe it... hugging at the medic station. Naturally I was confused and not only a bit... both of them were mumbling weird stuff about innocents, lights, them... gah. I ordered to retain them in a total quarantine. Shall the MND scientists find out what happened to them.

A short time after, the Roxas arrived at Hamburg orbit. We initiated a complete system and hull scan, but nothing of this mysterious tissue had been found. Suddenly reserve pilot Devoy started to behave in a very... irregular way. He was drifting away from the station and he did not respond to my calls. I sent Vrabcek, the other reserve pilot to look after him, as I was responsible for the situation on Altona.

An explosion happened at one of the docking bays, when I was looking at the scan results of the Colonial Atlas ship. I was so surprised that I lost my pen, which is nearly deadly in the small cockpit of my Wraith. I saw a ship with Chezbergers identification code undocking from Altona. Security chief Hantz yelled at the communication channel: "He escaped!!" I was wondering how Chezberger managed to escaped the well trained security teams.

Chezberger was screaming like mad about THE ONE, THEM and other weird stuff and flew right under the Atlas to the air lock. I ordered him to retreat, but he didn't even react on my orders. His Snubnose docked at the Atlas and I saw a person jumping on board through a side scuttle. Naturally I warned the captain of the Roxas, that a lunatic Rheinland pilot was on his ship.

As a response I heard some guy called Jonas speaking and shots fired in the background. Not to mention the diplomatic results of such a incident... a Rheinland pilot going mad and slaughtering Colonial workers on a Colonial freighter. I know that our pilots are abled to do that. We are all well trained specialists. I decided to destroy Chezbergers Snubnose to prevent an escape of him. Afterwards I docked at the Roxas and jumped on board, too.

First of all... the ship was a wreck. Debris, bullet holes and broken machinery parts all around. Even some pipes were defect... steam was breaking out several lecks. I had a look at the deck navigation plan and ran in the direction of the bridge, with my weapon ready.

When I finally reached the bridge, I nearly did not trust my eyes... fire, blood, wounded people, noise.... how did Chezberger managed to do that amount of damage? I asked the captain where to look for our missing pilot, best and we decided that I will have a look at the engine room. So I ran down the decks to this room. Three entire decks... a long way in this huge Atlas class.

I finally arrived the engine room and saw only smoke everywhere. Chezbergers silhouette was somewhere in between the smoke coulds, yelling weird words of 'the one giving orders' and 'he will return' and such. I never saw him that way. I told him to stop whatever he was doing and come out. We need to talk about it... The answer was a bad aimed shot in my direction. I jumped behind some obstacle to prevent being hit occasionally.

Then... I don't know how to say. Chezberger walked out of the smoke some steps and suddenly his contours became soft, then squishy and out of the sudden he exploded in some syrup-like mush. (Note to self: Luckily this happened on the Roxas, so that I don't need to clean this up with a toothbrush.) I was shocked. He just exploded. I asked for some HazMat team down there to have a look at the material.

When I walked back to my Wraith, my communicator beeped. Chezberger. Now I was really confused. I saw him exploding just moments ago and now he was in space with his Snubnose awaiting orders? Am I becoming a lunatic myself? I asked him to report everything what happened and he only told me that he felt asleep and that the last thing he remembered was the meeting and inspection of the Roxas in Omega 7.

Now I don't know what happened exactly, this will show up a deep investigation of the MND, but I am lucky that we did not lose such a good pilot as Chezberger is. I will order some scientifical tests on him, so that we maybe will find out what happened with him.

Oberfeldwebel von Speer out.

### Transmission terminated ###

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Kadaeux - 07-23-2009

To: Rheinland Military Command.
From: Gefreiter Auros Einheld.

Subject: Combat Patrol

To begin.

1st Event. The Vessel TANIO attempted to breach the blockade, after some discussion, mostly proclamations not to understand the language, I ordered the vessel to turn back or die. At this time only did the vessel obey my commands and return.

However not much later, with Hauptgefreiter Chezberg having taken command we encountered the vessel again attempting to smuggle Artifacts, this time no amount of convincing could deter the pilot and Hauptgefreiter Chezberg ordered the vessel destroyed, I fired the first shot bringing down the shields and the Hauptgefreiter completed the job with a second shot. I beleive the pilot may not have encountered Supernova cannons before.

Later on Hauptgefreiter formed us up, intelligence had led to the Aurora's location! On the way we encountered, and destroyed, a Hessian Gunboat, the RHA I beleive it was called. Continuing on after rearmament and repairs we engaged the Aurora alone! She had no escorts and after taking some damage fled back to Texas! However after inflicting further damage and having her near the point of her destruction a vessel arrived unnoticed and stocked her full of Batteries and Bots, at this time a large number of Liberty vessels and fighters arrived and the Hauptgefreiter ordered us to recall, in itself quite an adventure.

After that we proceeded to conduct combat training under his direction. This is where this report ends.

Personal Note: Our attack on the Aurora can only be considered a victory, despite later support we inflicted crippling damage and forced the vessel to retreat back to Liberty space in order to survive. But to sweeten the deal both the Hauptgefreiter and myself survived the encounter!

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Cyberanson - 07-25-2009

### Incoming Transmission ###
ID - Oberfeldwebel August von Speer
Report #18

Guten Tag meine Damen und Herren,

my guncam was somewhat disabled during the last hours, so I cannot provide you with the needed visual proves. Henceforth I will report very detailled in this single report. Before I forget: I found an old shot on my system computer:

[Image: screen116.png]

But now to the happenings today:
Hauptgefreiter Knopp and myself patroled Omega 7 and Omega 3 today, to fulfill the contract with the Bretonian forces as ordered. A RFP pilot, callsign RFP|Horst.Hilmer, asked for assistance against a Hessian criminal, callsign RHA. We aborted our patrol near Rugen station and set course to the Hamburg system. Unfortunately this criminal evaded until we reached the Hamburg system. Herr Hilmer was damaged, but alive. So I ordered a border patrol for the Rheinwehr pilots. Flieger Weissman attended this patrols.

At first we stopped a vessel right in front of the Bering jump gate, call sign Johnnie_Walker. A complete ship scan revealed a Junker transponder and a cargo hold full of human life signs. I asked the pilot of this vessel to tell me about his cargo. You won't believe what he answered:
Quote:slaves for malta, omicron alpha
Naturally I ordered him to follow me and set those humans free. We Rheinlanders fight slavery at all costs. His anser was:
Quote:I don't have time for this.
The next action surprised me even more: He opened the cargo docks and let the poor people been drawed into the space, because of the depression. I couldn't believe my eyes. Thousands of people just below his Pirate Train. And not enough! He opened fire upon them! Helpless people, decompressing and burning in space... I have never seen such a cruelty. My heart filled with hatred against such a barbaric monster of a man. I opened fire and released an inferno of SNAC and IRON HAMMER projectiles on him. How can a man do this to his brothers? He charged his engines and evaded to Bering. He won't EVER enter Rheinland again! If he will dare to do it anyways... he will be destroyed at all costs.

But the flood of embargo breakers did not stop. Again a Colonial Remnant trader enterd right next to us. I fulfilled my duty and asked for cargo and destination. He told me that he came from Kusari and was hauling Superconductors for Freiburg station in Stuttgart. He was not aware of the embargo, he said that he only 'heard of it'.

I asked him to follow me to Altona station, where our police engineers would inspect his cargo for possible manipulation by the Libertonian warmongerers. They try everything!

He followed without any resistance, which was good for him. On docking at docking bay 7 of Altona it was really shortish for his Atlas ship, but he managed to dock without damaging the station or his ship.

Inspektor Martens with his two assistants Lammert and Koch were ordered to inspect the cargo crates. Martens decided to draw samples of the conductors to speed up the process. And naturally he detected 350 crates of manipulated superconductors, which would have caused overheating and resulting explosions. Those bastards try everything to damage our fatherland. Inspektor Martens ordered to remove the manipulated conductors. Afterwards the Colonial ship continued to its destination.

Oberfeldwebel von Speer out.

### Transmission terminated ###

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Weedalot - 07-26-2009

Establishing link.....
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Decryption in progress.....7%.....43%...100% Complete....
File Tag:#12#
Uploading Data....

From:Hauptgefreiter Bjorn Chezberger.
To: Military Database.

Video Link on screen.....

This report is long overdo but its better now than never.

Mission Objective : LNS-Aurora

Location: New Hampshire.
*Jetfire (Liberty gunboat-LSF)-Aurora*
*DarkShadow (Upholder-Liberty bomber)*

The MND provided great intelligence of the Aurora's Destination.. I informed Frau Admiral Malexa of the received data.
Her orders were clear and we prepared the strike force.
She in command of the Ravensburg und our fighters and bombers on board set course to intercept the objective.

Scans of the vessel's cargo hold:

Uploading Ship logs and visual data........

[Image: 263e91b66de64ce4eddf719b3727b9ba5e227c29.jpg]

Ship logs uploaded........

After Jumping through the hole we received the orders to open fire on the Aurora.
Many super novas hit the hull and the decks started vent atmosphere.
The Mortar hit was the final blew that with many secondary explosions brought the Aurora to full destruction.

Uploading Ship logs and visual data........

[Image: 2de8a68a6753639de5b722127032da966aea8b20.jpg] [Image: 229bb07cae1d8ebd52e8d765d20ffaec0c38aa14.jpg]

Ship logs uploaded........

When the aurora was destroyed a LSF Gunboat and a Navy Upholder arrived to assist (a bit late)

Uploading Ship logs and visual data........

[Image: 4186eea995c8d987b75bbd217f76860b85b3dfbe.jpg] [Image: 4f7ae93a3af9cd5234f36aff2b2e9eeba0a4fdb4.jpg]


[Image: 98159948e6ac812539c46fd7fc04e24090c64e13.jpg] [Image: 047b8e9ca507319ddf190f593194f3582b15bc6b.jpg]

Ship logs uploaded........

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Weedalot - 07-26-2009

Establishing link.....
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Decryption in progress.....7%.....43%...100% Complete....
File Tag:#13#
Uploading Data....

From:Hauptgefreiter Bjorn Chezberger.
To: Military Database.

Video Link on screen.....

Guten Tag mein Herren und Frau.

Location: Planet New Berlin > Brandenburg Border Station, New Berlin System.

A Red Hessian Gunboat was located in the new Berlin system on a scheduled patrol.
Ich Hailed the vessel und asked of its captain to surrender it replied with fire from all turrets.

Uploading Ship logs and visual data........

[Image: a756c6659a3038c1d405cdc83cf6a6ff17f7da69.jpg] [Image: d6ab447c19c71122639c7c86e522af5348e56b13.jpg] [Image: b6c65d55b006d43affe5d07cd5e522ada10413f3.jpg]


[Image: d844e0b7b8a7ae5be374c38b737facce6d825f65.jpg] [Image: 07ee6c2946593cc32ce3d22daebfb50af3375da0.jpg]

Ship logs uploaded........

Location: Brandenburg Border Station > Dresden Gate, New Berlin System.

After a successful blockade of our borders in the Hamburg system and a chase after a Hessian and a Bundschuh Frau admiral received intelligence of a Red Hessian cruiser in the Hamburg system.
When we arrived to Hamburg the Cruiser entered New Berlin and managed to hide.
We patrolled the area und Ich spotted a Pirate in action trying to rob a Republican Trader "TwinPeaks".
He was firing at the transport und i had no choice but to engage...

Uploading Ship logs and visual data........

[Image: 4d64627e66d52a43632d891b8ff5db6338c3a06c.jpg]

Ship logs uploaded........

the Admiral arrived short after to assist with the Gunboat so as a Bounty hunter which i cannot recall the name.
But so did the [RHA], It was not an easy fight i can tell you that much but we manged to take all the targets down.

Uploading Ship logs and visual data........

[Image: 7cf70a494bc24c22983d1a59e1e9cc8f41bd099d.jpg] [Image: 50f4718e4bde8c79b3c14a751074a754c0d844f0.jpg]

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Udo Ackermann a Known LWB arrived short after to the same location... After talking to ze Admiral he agreed to Surrender and we escorted him Verlande Prison station

Uploading Ship logs and visual data........

[Image: 1e27aa632c19543d1102b60cdd49e8ecb3ceb389.jpg]

Ship logs uploaded........

When we were almost at the prison the Admiral notified Verlande of our arrival and Ordered to let us in.. But Some officer inside Verlande did not follow zis order and destroyed Udo's vessel.. We did not manage to locate the Pod und the Admiral landed to find the officer's name.

Location: Planet Hamburg, Hamburg System.

After returning to the planet for re-Fuel and resupply i Joined Herr Karl in the blockade.
The Two Hessians appeared on our scanners and opened fire when in range of our vessel.

Uploading Ship logs and visual data........

[Image: b45aa944304c5ffa261441f30d1a794769287310.jpg] [Image: 9b81f1ddaa4f9400820c1fa0901fb1aa682bc8d7.jpg]

Ship logs uploaded........

Th threat was eliminated quickly and we returned to our Blockade control.

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Contaan - 07-28-2009

--Incoming Transmission--
--Message Encrypted--
--Message Decrypted--

To: Rheinland Military
Sender: Hauptgefreiter Tomas Meinhardt

Guten tag meine herren. An interesting day today, as we've come across nomads along with corsairs. Under the command of Herr Von Speer along with the command center on the Schwanstein by Admiral Malte, we intercepted alien contacts that were heading into the Westerwald in Frankfurt. Once our fighters were in range, we engaged the nomads in battle with us scoring many kills while we only had minimal losses.

Once their losses became too many, frau Admiral Malte from the command vessel ordered a defensive perimeter 4k around the battle. With Herr Klemmer and Herr Chezberger, we contained the risk of possible Unioner attack and the risk of the nomads escaping. Soon enough the battle was over and the nomad force defeated.

After the nomad threat, our forces moved to New Berlin and later to Hamburg to repel a Liberty Navy taskforce. Herr von Papen, the Schwanstein and I intercepted two corsairs: one in a gunboat while the other in a Titan. With them opening hostilities, they were quickly dealt with.

Once we had arrived to Hamburg, the Liberty attackforce was already taken care of and with no other threats, landed my ship on planet New Berlin.

Fur Rheinland!

Hg.Meinhardt, signing off.

--End Transmission--

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Cyberanson - 07-28-2009

### Incoming Transmission ###
ID - Oberfeldwebel August von Speer
Battle Report #19

Guten Tag meine Damen und Herren,

this report will include two several reports from the battle we fought and won today.

Battle One

Rheinwehr fleet:
  • [RM-RNC]Schwanstein (Admiral Malte in command, no intervention in the fight)
  • Oberfeldwebel von Speer (battle supervisor, tactics)
  • Feldwebel Hans Klemmer
  • Hauptgefreiter Bjorn Chezberger
  • Hauptgefreiter Franz Knopp
  • Hauptgefreiter Thomas Meinhardt
  • Obergefreiter Otto Weddingen
  • RFP pilot Horst Hilmer
  • Reserve fleet corvette Traunstein
  • Reserve pilot Franz von Papen
  • Republican Escort RepEx-Helios

Opposing fleet:
  • Keeper Enki
  • Keeper Ninazu
  • Keeper Sil
  • Arthur Dgahr
  • Nomad vessel Gleamshrike
  • Nomad vessel Fleshharrower
  • Nomad vessel Ka'Rena
  • Nomad vessel Mahad'tayh
  • Nomad vessel Valx

Everything happened really quickly: we received various signals from Hamburg and Frankfurt. Signals without a human origin. So we gathered all our forces to encounter the menace.
We first saw them near the Frankfurt jump hole, where three of them were floating, but they retreated to Frankfurt after they saw our fleet. We followed them there. The Schwanstein was already near the New Berlin jump gate, closing it down for civilian traffic. The danger of a nomad infestation made this neccessary. We chased the lone Nomad vessels through the Schatten minefield. On the other side more of this slimy aliens awaited us.
[Image:] [Image:]
I received a transmission from the Schwansteins XO to command our fleet in this battle, so I just finished one of these vessels:
[Image: screen2jec.png]
I took over command, pulled Meinhardt out of battle, in case one of those specimen tries to flee from our iron grip. Soon we blasted another entity away and got a superior position.
Unfortunately the vessel of Otto Weddingen suffered a critical engine malfunction, so that he had to escape. Soon after we managed to take them out one after another.

One target fled deep into the mine field and disappeared:

The battle now was easy. We split up into three battle groups, counting two pilots each and fight the remaining three vessels. We got them at the end. No Nomad entity survived.

We returned to New Berlin, as we received some other transmissions from there.

Oberfeldwebel von Speer out.

### Transmission terminated ###

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Cyberanson - 07-28-2009

### Incoming Transmission ###
ID - Oberfeldwebel August von Speer
Battle Report #20

Guten Tag meine Damen und Herren,

the war is threatening our glorious nation. Every day the Libertonian war hawks are getting closer to our borders, our people, our homes. This has to stop now and forever! We supported this development today. Two Liberty Navy capital ships attacked the Westphalia an Bremen, alongside with a swarm of faceless Guardian pilots.

We drawed the line. Until here and not a single step more! We gathered several forces, to throw their bloddy trash bins into the dark hole, where there rised from, the other day.

Rheinwehr fleet:
  • Admiral Malte
  • Leutnant Karl Westermann
  • Hauptfeldwebel Hofmann
  • Oberfeldwebel von Speer
  • Hauptgefreiter Chezberger
  • Obergefreiter Schmidt
  • Reserve pilot Hansgeorg Jungklaus

Opposing fleet:
  • LNS Aurora, Liberty Assault Carrier (destroyed)
  • LNS Cato, Liberty Battlecruiser (destroyed)
  • Lt. Starkiller, Liberty Gunboat (destroyed)

Our bomber squadrons were more then a match for these foul commanders. One after another was taken out by our souvereign military technology.

[Image: screen9a.png]
[Image: screen10s.png]
[Image: screen12l.png]

I am looking forward to the day when our glorious forces will prevail the Libertonian aggressor. The ground forces of the Rheinwehr shall celebrate our victory in the capital of Manhattan!

Oberfeldwebel von Speer out.

### Transmission terminated ###