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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - cmfalconer - 03-18-2009

CommID: Commander Alexi Karchov
Message Target: SCRA High Command
Message Origin: Zvozodny Gorodok - Omega 52

Greetings my brothers and sisters at arms. I come with both glorious and tragic news. Today the brave men and women of the Coalition Navy stretched forth on a mission of education into the very heart of Liberty. A great showing of our proud navy contained:
Captain Bjorn Thorvaldson on the CPW Vladimir Lenin - Cruiser
Captain Yuri Striatov on the CPW Belgrade - Gunboat
Lieutenant Timor Kruschev on the CPW Mir - Gunboat
Commander Alexi Karchov - Revolution
Commander Yue Fei - Insurgent
Lieutenant Commander Luis Gellantra - Revolution
Lieutenant Guang Jie - Insurgent
Lieutenant Victor Sotskov - Revolution
Lieutenant Fyodor Ushakov - Insurgent
Sub-Lieutenant Rose Moreau - Partisan

Sadly, Lieutenants Mireille Ceyes and Norman Bethune could not join the fight and stayed to defend our home system, but were with us in spirit.

The long flight to the New York system was lead by Captain Striatov through Bretonian space in radio silence. The Brets must have seen us coming, as they massed a force quicker than thought possible. But through the quick thinking and brave flying of the battlegroup, only momentary contact with the BAF in Leeds was made. The BAF seemed disturbed as radio silence was maintained throughout the flight, and a little surprised at the size of the battlegroup.

As the battlegroup passed through the Independant Worlds with little incident, long-range scans of our target system by the Lenin showed little resistance had mounted; a perfect venue to espouse some education to the masses of underpriviledged.

California proved little headache, and as radio silence was broken with messages of the Red Dawn fell on the eager souls of California. A passing Junker Congress member thought to scoff at the will of the people, but others, who heeded the words of the Coalition, struck down the hate-speech of the scrap collector on their own, heartening the battlegroup as it made it's way to New York.

Jumping into the Badlands, we made our way to West Point, the center of Naval indoctrination for the Liberty puppets. Captains Thorvaldsson and Striatov ordered an all-out attack on the facility. It didn't take long for a response to be mounted, albeit a small one. A lone Naval aviator made his way to West Point, where he sounded the alarm. The fighter wing broke off to attack the interloper as the bombers and capital ships continued to rain down destruction on the military academy, doing significant damage.

During the attack, re-enforcements started pouring in from all corners of Liberty, seeming to come from everywhere, and without notice opening up on our forces, who valiently fought back against what became overwhelming odds. Though no specifics are available as my gun-cam seemed to have malfunctioned, the number of ships thrown at the Coalition battlegroup was staggering. No less than one Battlecruiser, two cruisers, three or four gunboats, five plus bombers, and three or four fighters of various class...perhaps fifteen ships against our ten.

The Coalition fighters fought hard, and had several losses. Only Fei, Jie, Gellantra, and myself had their craft survive the encounter, and all made the long flight home with several escape pods in our holds. But the losses of Liberty were far worse. No less than three gunboats and a half-dozen fighters and bombers were destroyed, the battlecruiser and cruisers were forced to withdraw, and the population of New York rose in protest against the overbearing Navy and its sellsword cronies.

After the flight home, all pilots and crew were checked for injuries by the med techs, and met at Kalishnikov's for a well-deserved respite after the harrowing mission. I apologize for the tardiness of this report, which was due in part to the festivities after the mission.

This was truly a group effort, and as such, I recorded no individual kills, but I'd like to recognize a couple of my comrades for going above and beyond. Lieutenant Commander Gellantra, for his calm directives in battle and skill; and Lieutenant Sotskov, for his exemplary propaganda initiative while under fire. These two, and indeed all who participated in this, show what it truly means to be a part of the Coalition.

Message Send...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aneksi - 03-22-2009

Message to: Adrian in the Ares, SCRA
Comm ID: Abbie Eaton: Kensington Station

Subject: Hi

Hello Adrian,

It was nice meeting you in New Berlin and also running into you in Bering. Mr. Buchanan, my boss in Gateway, said I probably shouldn't be talking to you, but you seem nice anyway.

If you ever want to visit and say hi, my address is:

Abbie Eaton
Kensington Station
New London, Bretonia

You can bring your girlfriend too if she's not the jealous type. I don't like jealous people. They're so boring and weird.

Bye for now.

Abbie Eaton

p.s. Please don't rob or blowup any Gateway ships. They're all really nice and I'd hate to have to blast you when we just met.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Sarawr!? - 03-24-2009

-Incoming Transmission-
-Transmission Origin: New York System-
-Source: Lt Katya Vaschenko-
-Uploading Audio/Video Content-
-Upload Complete-

*Katya Appears on the screen*

"..Comrades! I come to you with news..rather uneventful...but not altogether bad, Today I finished up an Sixty Hour Propaganda Mission in the New York System, it started out with Comrade Commander Fei, but she was forced to withdraw early."

As I mentioned before, it was rather uneventful I was able to spread word of how we seek to lift the boots of the Capitalists from the backs of the Workers, with relatively little Police or Military interference.

They made audio contact but never attempted to apprehend or silence my I continued to spread our word, over a course of the past few days.

An Ageira pilot even eventually contacted me on a private channel, voicing his support, along with a Freelancer pilot who voiced similar support for our cause, Comrade Lieutenant Lanakov met up with me today far above Manhattan and we prepared for Extract, currently I am en route back to Mykolaiv..and looking forward to spending a few nights on Volgograd...I daresay this mission be considered a success, given the amount of time I was able to remain in Libertonian space without detection and confrontation...they seem to be growing to accept our presence there...For the Red Dawn! For The Coalition! Vaschenko, Out!"

-Transmission End-

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 03-24-2009

Transmission to: SCRA
Comm ID: Grand Admiral McIntosh

Comrades! In recognition of the glorious and daring work done by our fighter corps over the latest months, I have decided to create a special position for the Commander of the Fighter Corps, Commodore Adrian 'Ares' o Jovem. Henceforth, o Jovem shall be known as Comandante o Jovem, Hero of the Revolution! Should he fall in glorious battle, his rank shall carry on to his successor, but never before has a man of such courage and valour graced the halls of Heroes!

For the Revolution! For a Red Dawn! McIntosh out.

[color=#FFFFFF]Transmission Ended//

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - FooFighter - 03-28-2009

:: Incoming transmission ::
:: Comm-ID: Lieutenant Commander Mireille Ceyes ::
:: Subject: Apologies ::

I am sorry. I could not stop him.

His name was Randall Lamar. I met him during a...patrol in the Magellan system, where he was looking for...something. If I just knew what it was what he was looking for! I should have shot him without any second thoughts. Now, I am paying for my shortsightedness, here, lying in the hospital of Freeport 4, with my ship lost and me still recovering from what I've seen.

After a long dispute with him, it turned out that he was following some strange kind of religion, "the call of the Shrine" or something. I tried to convince him that religion is just a concept brought into this world by the capitalist pigdogs to keep him in line, but I was wrong - he was serving nobody less than the Slomon K'Hara, the squishies, the enemies of men!

I managed to pin him down near the tradelanes, and tried to convince him of the errors of his ways - he seemed to genuinely believe in peace, so I thought I might lead him away from his treacherous path - but I failed. Maybe he was infected, maybe the squishies have been messing with his mind, I don't know. I eventually powered up my weapon systems and began shooting, but while he did not return fire, he managed to escape. I instantly switched to cruise speed and began pursuing him.

Lamar led me to a strange nearby system, through some jumphole formerly unknown to me in one of the ice clouds. I think he had not seen this jumphole before either, as after the jump, he expressed great astonishment, screaming something about "shades of blue and green" and that he finally found what he has been searching for. I pursued to him to a strange purple cloud, full of strange was then, when I first heard "the voice". That voice...I think I understand what Lamar meant when he talked about "the call of the Shrine". It a song, bright, tempting...I barely managed to resist it. They've been playing with my mind, both Lamar and that...voice. He accused me of being much more of a believer than he was...what a fool, even if I might have betrayed my former Libertonian masters, I'd never betray the human race as a whole!

Soon, everything went brighter and brighter...the voice became louder and clearer. Eventually, when I was barely able to bear it's brainwashing anymore, we found a strange, alien gate - and Lamar even invited me to follow him through it! Again, I tried destroying him, but it was too late, and in a flash of blinding light, he entered the gate. No longer able to control my ship, with all these voices around, I crashed into an asteroid and had to eject. I still don't know how I made it back to the Freeport; I am just glad that I survived and did not of them.

[Image: gate.png]

This gate must be destroyed. We cannot allow more to follow this path of the traitor. It seems that I've lost it's exact coordinates (due to strong interferences, I was barely able to send through the picture I took of it), but I believe that if we can find the wreck of my ship, the navigation files might still be intact and could reveal it's location.

Also, please get me out of the Freeport as soon as possible. Even though the infection scans where negative, the people still eye me very suspiciously...and I fear they might just throw me out of the airlock on the first sign of any, uh, "abnormal" behavior.

Ceyes out.

:: Transmission terminated ::

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Lanakov - 04-08-2009

**ID : Lt. N.Lanakov**
**Zvdezdny Gorodok**

Zdrastveetjie comrades !
Today, as I went for a small recon flight in Omega 5,I came across one Eagle class fighter.
IFF Zoner, AC-Yaroslav.Stesko,undocking from Cadiz.
I know about the open-minded philosophy of Zoners,so I didn't pay attention,until I heard him barking something like "die scra" , as he instantly began to fire on me.
I couldn't let this worthless rat escape without a lesson about patriotism and mother land.
Consequently,I engaged him with my Revolution Bomber.
While the Eagle outmaneuvered me very easily,its guns worth nothing against the great power of our new vessel.I managed to nullify him in one antimatter shot after less than five minutes of fighting : needless to say,our engineers have outdone themselves.I managed to save some data of the fight here.Minor damage sustained.

[Image: screen53i.png]

After this,I decided to pay a visit to some friends at Ronnenburg,since the rest of the system was clear.
But a constant ping on my radar attracted my attention.I decided to check where did it come from.
It was around the Omega 55 Jump hole.I decided to check the outskirts of this system.
There,the intensity of the signal became stronger and stronger,until a very strange gunship hurried towards me and attacked my vessel.
It was bearing the callsign "Wilde.Beschutzer".
According to the weapons ID and the structure of the vessel,it was most likely an undercover spy working for the Alliance.What next are they going to try out ? Telepathy ?
Unfortunately,I was caught off guard,and despite managing to strip the shield off the target and damaging lightly it's hull, my ship was seriously damaged.
I had to retreat,and got fixed at Ronnenburg,before heading back home.

I suggest we keep an eye on those Wilde units.
We cannot tolerate the presence of enemy spies so close to our borders.

Nitchiev Lanakov out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - cmfalconer - 04-13-2009

CommID: Commander Alexi Karchov - Gold 2
Message Target: SCRA Command - Zvozdny Gorodok - Omega 52
Message Origin: Zvozdny Gorodok - Omega 52

Message Subject: After-Action Report

A long one today sirs, as we had a very active patrol. The battle-fleet traveled through the Omegas and Rheinland, and also a second sortie saw a smaller group covertly head to the Omicrons for a Marine action.

The flight-group assembled near Zhukovsky as scheduled on the duty roster. Present were
Cmdr. Alexi Karchov, Lt. Cmdr. Guang Jie, Lt. Cmdr. Timor Khruschev, Lt. Cmdr Mirielle Ceyes, Captain Richtofen, and later Sub-Lt. Zachary Quirm . Comrade Ceyes was station in Bering as forward recon, and while she made her way to the rendezvous point, Lt. Cmdr. Khruschev was given command of the CPW-Vladimir Lenin for his capital ship expertise, and the crews of the Lenin and the CPW-Genghis Khan engaged in a training exercise.
[Image: LeninandKhan041309.jpg]
We moved out on the Captain's order, and headed to Dresden to meet with comrade Ceyes, who was getting some flak from an apparent former Coalitioner in Dresden. The deluded Zoner was blathering on about how the Coalition killed his father and that we would all die...or something like that. Ceyes showed restraint while the battle-group flew through the Omegas and past a Brotherhood flotilla massing. The Corsairs were more interested in their mission, and with orders of silence and secrecy from Captain Richtofen, we made it to Dresden, where after several minutes of deluded rambling by the Zoner, identified in the guncam photo below, the fighter group engaged the target, which fled first to Leipzig, then to Omega 15, where we did not pursue.
[Image: StetskoEngaged041309.jpg]
The fighter group rejoined the Typhoons already in New Berlin after a quick resupply on Vogtland by our Hessian allies, and began broadcasting to the entire system. At first there was little resistance, and also little in the way of literate people in the system.
Note: Have the researchers on Mykolaiv find out what the codewords "lol" and "wut", and any combination thereof, mean.

Soon, however, a Rheinland Bomber and a Daumann Eagle showed up but stood off, apparently waiting for re-enforcements, which were also soon to arrive. Without a word of warning, the Battleship Scharnhorst opened up it's batteries on the flotilla, at which point the two Rheinland fighter craft also engaged. While comrades Ceyes and Jie engaged the fighters, the Destroyers and myself in Natalia engaged the battleship. The fighters did a fantastic job, forcing the bomber to flee while Lt. Cmdr. Jie destroyed the Eagle. At the same time, dodging the withering firepower of the huge battleship, the Coalition Typhoons and my Revolution finally caused the huge battleship to break up from the damage it absorbed.
[Image: ScharnhorstEngagedandDestroyed04130.jpg]
By this time, Rheinland's reinforcements had started to arrive. Two more fighters, another bomber, and yet another Rheinland Battleship (how these aren't on the front lines of Liberty, I'll never know) showed up, and it took it's toll on the Red Army. First to fall was Mirielle, killed by the battleship while initiating communications, then I was forced into a retreat by Rheinland Military's Krupinski, who succeeded in disabling my ship. The CPW Vladimir Lenin was hit with a lucky barrage from the second battleship as well, and was put out of the fight.

The rest of the engagement I had to watch from the CPW-Genghis Khan that tractored my pod, and was cheered by the brilliantly executed retreat of the Khan and Lt. Cmdr. Jie. The meds aboard the destroyer checked me out and as we landed back on Zvozdny, I ran to my Insurgent and launched again for another mission (see next message).

Overall, a medium success in Rheinland. It was learned that the military apparently has battleships to spare, as they seem to give them to every Tomas, Rikard, and Harold that requests one. The Typhoon Destroyers performed incredibly well against a much larger foe, and continually prove themselves in combat. Lt. Cmdr. Jie once again escaped with relatively minor damage from a very hostile situation.
We did have at one point a pilot from the LWB join our flight group, showing our Rheinland allies support our cause. I believe a coordinated effort of the Coalition and the Rheinland Revolutionaries would be in order. Perhaps some meetings could be set up with the leaders of these respective factions in the interest of coordinated objectives.

Commander Alexi Karchov - Gold 2
Message Send...

CommID: Commander Alexi Karchov - Gold 2
Message Target: SCRA Command - Zvozdny Gorodok, Omega 52
Message CC: Capital Fleet Command - Mikolaiv Research Station, Omega 52
Message Origin: Zvozdny Gorodok, Omega 52

Message Subject: After-Action Report

Quickly after the Rheinland mission, Capital Fleet Command passed word down that a highly-prized Capital Armor Upgrade Mark 8 was reported accessible near Freeport 9. This, as we all know, could mean the difference in a fleet engagement between destruction and victory, and a perfect opportunity to liberate this equipment was found by our spies on the Zoner installation.

The Lenin came back from Rheinland less damaged than was previously thought, and after a quick check-out by the techs at Mikolaiv, the two destroyers and my Insurgent rendezvoused at Zhukovsky for a mission to the Omicrons.

CPW-Genghis Khan, CPW-Vladimir Lenin, and myself in an Insurgent made haste to Omicron Theta, where the target ship was spotted. With secrecy being a high priority in this mission, the Lenin engaged its cloak in case it was needed, and as I flew Combat Space Patrol, the Marines aboard the Khan moved to secure the equipment aboard a BHG vessel pictured below.
[Image: MarineMovement041309.jpg]
The mission was a complete success, and as the BHG vessel scuttled back to the Freeport to lick it's wounds, the two Typhoons and myself made a quick trip back to Coalition space. With the destroyers headed for Sevestopol for refuel, I made my way to Zvozdny to check on Mirielle's condition and enjoy some R&R at Kalishikov's.

Commander Alexi Karchov - Gold 2
Message Send...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 04-13-2009

Comm. ID: Comandante Ares


Congratulations are in order, I believe.

Many of you have served with extreme dedication for quite some length of time, and over the next few weeks this shall be acknowledged by your superiors, with promotions, decorations et cetera.

Today, we honour 'Gold Two', Captain Alexi Karchov, the newest addition to Coalition High Command. He shall retain his 'Gold Two' call signature, in recognition of his past. This promotion is well-deserved for his effort in both combat patrols and administrative duties.

Well done.

-Ares out


To: Alexi Karchov
Comm. ID: Ares


Sorry, but we need you in High Command. Can't let talented officers dodge responsibility, I'm afraid.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - cmfalconer - 04-13-2009

CommID: Captain Alexi Karchov - Gold 2
Message Target: Commandante Ares
Message CC: SCRA Pinboard, Kalishnikov's
Message Origin: Bunk 22, Zvozdny, Omega 52

Message Subject: <none> I didn't expect that sir. Thank you for the recognition I suppose. I don't remember how you got me to accept this, but it must have been something to do with the drinks last night...

Does this mean I have to fly a capital ship now? I love my snub-fighters. I think I can get out of...

Come to think of it, I don't remember how I got home...wait, this isn't my bunk!

Message Send...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 04-16-2009

Comm. ID: Captain Jan Richthofen
Subject: Policy


I have it on good authority that standards are slipping in several areas, including piloting, discipline and in the promoting of the Coalition's, and the people's, interests.

Some changes will be coming into effect immediately.
  • There will be a massive increase in combat training at all ranks and levels.
  • Pilots will operate in a much more aggressive, although not reckless, fashion. Our enemies will be hunted down with precision strikes whenever possible.
  • Pilots will show disciplined use of communications. By all means, the traditional taunting will continue, but not to the point where pilots cannot concentrate on flying. This risks not only one's self, but one's wingmen, and therefore, by association, the entire Coalition.
  • There will be an acknowledgement of these orders from all concerned, here or in private.
  • There will be no dissent regarding this. These orders come from the highest level, with the authority of the Grand Admiral himself.
  • There shall be decorations and promotions should pilots achieve or exceed these goals.
Get to it.

-Richthofen out