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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Renoktu_Ree - 08-20-2011

[Image: Rene2.png]

Goodday Ma´am, Sir

This day i start my patrol from planet new london.

I got soon a call from the commander of Battleship Essex.
The Commander told me about a ship who stand near Essex and dont answerd to any calls
on commlink.

He orderd me to fly to Dublin and check this ship,couse the Battleship got technical errors
and cant scan this ship.

So i flew to the location the Commander gave me and soon i got the
strange ship on my scanners,i open my commlink and tryed to get a contact to the pilot.
No answers...

I had check my commsystem and change frequence i thought maybe this will work.
I send again a call to this ship.
All what i get back was a strange sound in my comms.

Well beside my trys to get contact with this ship i scanned this too.
He got freelancer papers,a very heavy fighter,but one thing had make me thinking.
The name of that ship...

This shipname sounds Kusarish,and the fact of no answering to my orders
make me some bad feelings.
I contact the Essex and talk with the Commander about the situation.

He decide that this ship are maybe a kusari spy agent,and we cant risk in this
war times to let seemly enemy units run away with important data files.

He give me the order to start the Dublin protocol.
And i follow the orders and destroyed the ship.

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After this i went back to patroll and the rest of day was peacefull.


BAF|Lt.R.Ree end...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Azan27 - 08-20-2011

[Image: Ch9LZ.png]

This is Ensign Richard Hastings, reporting in.

Today, I have only a small incident to report. I was just engaging in a patrol of the Dublin sytem (bloody mess of a system, that) when I got wind of a forigen engine signature on my long range scanners. With the help of the Essex's scanner array, I was able to triangulate the signal to a point where I was within hailing range of the vessel. From then, I could pick up faint signals of the pilots voice. It took me a small time to realize it, but after a while I indentified the pilot as a blasted Corsair! I engaged my engines to give chase, but the Corsair soon manuvered deep into an asteroid field, and exited Bretonia via a jumphole.

I have the transponder recording here:


Normally, A corsair showing up and singing wouldn't be worthy of a report... However, when I talked to several of the miners on the scene, they reveiled some strange information.

The corsair I had seen was part of a larger group of raiders who had been repelled, all of whom seemed more intent of slaughtering miners then actually stealing the chap's money, as Corsairs are more prone to do, usually. Whats more, attacks of a similar nature have been seen more frequently in Dublin, steadilty growing in sevarity. Whats more, I could swear that the corsair that I bumped into had a TD-80X High Frequency equiptment scanner mounted. I didn't get it close enough for a full equiptment scan, but I know those signal emissions like the back of my hand... They used them all the time on the Cambridge line, in scouting parties preceding a large Corsair raid.

However, the exact implications of this intelligence is not for me to decide. I leave that in the capable hands of the Intelligence analyists.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kopesh - 08-21-2011

--[Incoming Transmittion]--
Sender ID: Ensign William Folge
Priority: Medium
Subject: slaughtered hogosha's


Today was a big day.Today I decided to take the life of 3 hogosha's who came on our territory .
I met one at stokes,engaged him,killed him fast,then other came,killed him,alongside my friends.
Another one came,killed him,same way,with my friends,although I did the most damage and fought him most of the time.

Unfortunately I cannot post the guncam proofs because of some internal error from my ship,but I assure you I did kill them(//uploader doesn't work)

After I killed the third one,I decided to go for the 4th one that came there.Then BAF|Eagle.7 came there and I asked him kindly not to engage,but he did for some time.that scared the hogosha and he docked on stokes.

I didn't mention that me and my mates spent 15 minutes to get a coward hogosha out of the protection range of Nagasaky ,afterwards I got the chance to fight him.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Renoktu_Ree - 08-21-2011

[Image: Rene2.png]
Goodday Ma´am,Sir

Battle at Leeds

I start my partoll at New London and later i joined our ensigns
and Capt.Evyn to check up Leeds.

We got some report of Kusari units in that system,the Commander of Derby send us
the long range scann files from Derby main database.

Soon when we arived at Leeds we catched up a kusari spy,the ensigns had dealth with him.
And we was right with our thoughts that he might be a spy of Kusarians,
after the ensign shoot the spy down,we got a new contact on our scanners.

It was a Chimera,and soon more and more contacts...
Capt.Evyn orderd us to open fire,so the battle starts.
The fight was geting out of balance when the Kusari orderd 2 gounboats
to our position.

But they was really suprised about our fighting spirit,we had handelt the gunboats
with minimal lost of resouces.
We got finally suport from our HMS Gunboats and some BAF Patriots who fights with us against
the many enemy units.

It was almost like a nightmare,like a old historie who i read when i was
a young child in a book from my grantfather.
The book calls Hydra,the hydra was a snake fable animal,with nine heads.
If you cut one head there will grow up two new heads.

This sairs was like a Hydra,we shoot one of them down and more new units arived.
I got one of the sairs out of the main battle and we start a duel.
After few minutes i flew back to my mates,with a Sair safe arrestet in my cargo.

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When i close up to the other BAF units,my scanner noticed new contacts,
There was a Reaver Bomber and a Fighter,jade Reaver got the Bomber,Silver Reaver the fighter.
Some of us got order to engage the Reavers couse they are in some points
more danger then the kusaris.

We fight hard against them but we got good chances and the Reavers begann
to sweat of our good fight coordinations.
But the Jade Reaver got finally a lucky shoot with the bomber antimatter cannon.
My ship was heavy demaged,i need to use my emergancy pod and ejeckted.
Soon one of our units pick me up and get me fast and safe back to derby.

Later i got reports of the end of the fight on the medical station,
we fight hard but we lose this fight,but we get much of them with us.
We was outnumberd and in that fact we had done it well.
Now i got my new ship and starting soon a new patroll.

Thats all.


BAF|Lt.R.Ree end...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Junes - 08-21-2011

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[color=#FFFFFF]Source: Battleship Derby
ID: Ensign Layla Cooper
Affiliation: Bretonia Armed Forces
Subject: Patrol Report

[font=Garamond]Good day admirality,

After a longer time not being on normal duty due to portracted convalescence of certain injuries I suffered during my last intense battle with the Kusarians in Leeds quite a while ago, I today entered into service again. Upon an emergency call located in the Cambridge system, me, Lieutenant Commander Sinclair and Commodore Firmus Piett onboard the Royal Sovereign, headed towards the Cambridge jumpgate in New London. I first arrived there as suddenly a Corsair bomber popped out of the jumpgate. I told him to fully halt his vessel, before I could only charge my weapons to engage him, he entered the gate again. So I chased him through, he obviously realized that it was extremely dangerous for a Corsair using conventional tradelanes and jumpgates so deep in Bretonia's heavily secured and surveyed space. In order to blast this undesired guest's ship I chased him towards the Newcastle Asteorid Field. He then made his suicidal decision, threatened to kill me in case I wouldn't clear out. I denied, he stopped and turned round. I tried to keep it short and painless. The Royal Sovereign took position in the orbit of Planet Cambridge, meanwhile Lieutenant Commander Sinclair and me secured the rest of the system, respectively escorted out all unbidden guests.

In service to the Queen and the Homeland,

[font=Edwardian Script ITC]
L. Cooper

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Jim.Solo - 08-22-2011


Comm. ID: Ensign James (Jim) Barnes

Good Evening Sir!

Here is my mission report for 15th August 819 A.S.
Whilst on patrol through the Leeds system I received a mayday from a Transport the Bowex)Whittle
The ship was under fire from KNF forces and was making a run for the Planet Leeds.
Transport under fire.

The Captain of the Whittle informed me that they are carrying H-Fuel; knowing how important H-Fuel supplies are to the War effort I immediately hit my Burners and headed to intercept the KNF cowards that were attempting to board the Whittle and take her cargo.
As the Derby was nearby she too opened fire on the KNF forces enabling the Whittle to safely moor at Leeds and begin unloading the H-Fuel.

H-Fuel Delivery

Good day to you Sir!


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Jim.Solo - 08-22-2011


Comm. ID: Ensign James (Jim) Barnes

Good Evening Sir!

Here is my mission report for 14th August 819 A.S.

We were moving through the New London system to investigate a report of a Corsair pirate near the Cambridge / New London Jump Gate, when my wingman Ensign Jack Barnes spotted a Reaver taking pot shots at 2 BPA officers.

We moved in closer to investigate.

Gun Camera 1

The Reaver pilot "Pumpernickel" got quite excited about our arrival and turned to engage us! Since the two BPA pilots (Officers Emery McClure and William Hughes) were already tagging; I stayed back to take gun camera pictures for evidence later.

Unfortunately, due to my lack of experience with Reavers, I didn't realise that Pumpernickel had friends and I was soon engaged by another Reaver called Silver, shortly after which I got a message from a Bowex freighter called The Smith which distracted me, in the resulting confusion my ship was destroyed by the Reaver Pumpernickel. Fortunately my cockpit jettison system (CJS) functioned perfectly and I was propelled away from the exploding craft and was protected from harmful radiation until I was picked up by the SARC.

I sincerely apologise for the loss of my ship and submit myself for disciplinary hearing if you see fit.

Yours respectfully,


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Renoktu_Ree - 08-22-2011

[Image: Rene2.png]
Greetings Ma´am, Sir

Another day and a new Patroll

I start my patroll at Leeds and flew over Dublin back to New LOndon.
At Planet London joined a BAF indie to my patroll,and we heading together back to leeds.

Soon we got a target on our scanners,it was a junker.
I scanned him and he got contraband goods on his Pirat train.

Well the thing that he got contraband in fact of hes flying a pirat train
was reason enought to order him to pay a fine.

But he ran away from us...
We follow this pirat train over three systems,finally we catched him
in the fields of cambridge.

He was orderd to drop the contraband cargo,he wont follow my orders and starting shoot on us.
I gave the order to open fire on the train so it goes on.
It takes us a few minutes and some low hits and the pilot ask us to stop shooting.

We stoped shooting and i try to talk again,the third time...
I told him that he need to pay a fine of the contraband cargo and
for attacking two BAF officiers,and he just droped the cargo and run again...

I told him thats the last chance to follow my orders.
He run again...

My patience find a end,i open fire on him and let him feel the justice of bretonia.
The indie picked the pilot and taked him under arrest.
We flew back to Leeds,my wingmen need to dock his duty was over,
i went back to Dublin for a new patroll.

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At leeds joined me the HMS.Camebridge and we flew together to Dublin for a routine patroll.
We scanned the mining fields for enemy units but nothing to report there.

Soon i got a call via commsystem from theCommander of Essex.
He report me they got a strange ship on the scanner,and he orderd us to check this.

We flew back to Essex and my scanner make some noise and i got visial contact from the ship.
I give order to cut the engines and i asking the pilot for the ID papers and ship data.
The paper he gave me was from Zoners,but he got no papers for the ship,it was a Kusari Transporter.

Well i ask him about the origin from this ship and why he fly a illegal ship type trough bretonia space.
I inform him that we are at war with Corsairs Kusari etc,and i saw the pilot getting nervous.

I told him he got two options, first one,he change the ship and pay a fine of 2 millions
or he drop cargo,payed a fine of 2 millions and i erscort him out of Bretonia space.
In the middle part of my talks to him he run away and docked illegal on Essex.

The Commander if Essex got much problems to get in the hanger room,the crew of that illegal ship had looked the hangar entrys with a tactical squad team.
The HMS Cambridge got orders to fly back to the main base for some repairs so i was allone and starting my patroll around leeds again.

Soon i got company from a BPA mate,and sudenly i got a message from the Essex.
The security officiers from Essex had finally open the doors from the hangar room where the enemy ship
was docked,the pilot of that ship escaped immediately.
Not good for him couse the BPA officier and i was waiting for him outside.

He tryed to escape to Leeds,but the officier and i had a bad feeling and we knoes what he was trying to do.
We catched him at Leeds who he want to brake the blockard with a Bag full of Gold ore to stokes.

This time he seems cooparated to us,i told him the list of laws he brake and the fine for all.

1.Braking the Dublin no Fly zone protocol.
2.Flying a illegal ship in Bretonia space.
3.shipping contraband Cargo through the blockard of Leeds.
4.Running from a BAF Officier while ID check / 3 times.

I decided that he need to pay a fine of 10 million sirius credits for the crimes,
and that he need to drop the cargo of Gold Ore.
He payed the fine but he wont drop the cargo,he tryed again to run away.

This time was enought for me,i orderd the BPA officier to open fire of that Kusari Transporter.
He was almost destroy when he get closer to the planet leeds,he decided to have a fast death and
flew right into the planets atmosphere.

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Back to Patroll.

After this i found a BAF aplicant who had ask me to help him with informations about the ship equipments
and for some training units.
Well we got not much time for training units,couse my scaner show me enemy units 7 clicks away from Derby.

I send the HMS Captain a message via commsystem with the location who i saw undocking from derby.
I take the cadedt with me and we follow the enemy unit.
It was a Avenger Bomber...

When the HMS Gunboat arived to my position,there where more enemys incoming.
We got three Avenger Bomber on us,and they attacked the HMS.

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The cadedt and i tryed to spread the Bombers but the Avengers was very skilled with their bombers.
The HMS Krasnaya got heavy demage,and soon he disapeard from my scaner...

We fight a long fight against the Avenger bomber and we got soport from a madalorian merc.
They shoot the cadedt aplicant down,so its was at the end 3 bomber against me and the mandalorian.

It was a hard fight,they fly the bombers like hell and was pretty hard to hit them.
I got almost one of him down,when 2 bombers had focused me and hit me with antimater cannons.

That was to much for my ship,and i need to ejected in my ermagency pod,
i send a message via ermagency channel and waiting for my rescue team who bring me back to derby.

That was all.


BAF|Lt.R.Ree end...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Renoktu_Ree - 08-22-2011

[Image: Rene2.png]



after my Report i noticed that i fullful the requirements for a next Rank.
Lieutenant Renoktu-Ree requesting promotion to Lieutenant Commander from Lieutenant.

I have the following achieved requirements for this rank:

*Patrol Reports:-10-
*Flying Time:114 hours
*Attitude level: -4-

I feel ready for my new position,and with a new rank i can do more for my mates,bretonia and for the queen.

Thank you sir

Yours Lt.Renoktu-Ree



Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 08-23-2011

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[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 2prfkfo.gif]

Lieutenant Renoktu Ree, you are showing tremendous progress in the armed forces. For 1 month service in the navy you have achieved:
- 114 hours of Flight Time
- 10 patrol reports
- A good level of attitude (4)
Right now we have enough members in each ranking line, that is why [color=#CC6600]I have to place your request on a wait
. In the moment few of the ensigns graduate to Lieutenants, you will be promoted to Lieutenant Commander. Continue to do your job well and train the newly recruited ensigns if you have time to do so.

Thank you for the understanding.

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]