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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Kadaeux - 07-28-2009

To: Rheinland Military Command.
: Hauptgefreiter Auros Einheld

Subject: Combat Patrol

After initial launch I made my way to New Berlin where a number of pilots were engaged with strangely named pirates. Ordered to hold back and only provide support as required I did so.

After which little of note passed and I eventually, with others, returned to Hamburg for an extensive combat patrol. Numerous scans were done most of which resulted in nothing significant.

All except the freighter TANIO and Wolvering, Tanio who was under suspicion again, however this time he was legitimate and allowed to pass.

However the Wolverine's report is as follows.

The vessel was intercepted originally by Herr Chezberger and myself. Upon scanning Officer Hilmer of the Rheinland Federal Police was brought in to bring his judgement to the table. After discussion it was decided the Gaian Wildlife had to be destroyed and the trader was escorted to Altona. At this time the trader attempted to Bribe us, even freely admitting it. (Evidence Provided) Then he obeyed orders and docked.
Later on he undocked and we learned he'd disobeyed his order to have the items destroyed. After attempting to flee we cornered him again, after repeated orders to drop the cargo he made another attempt to bribe us (Flight Recorder Corrupted) After our refusal he attempted to flee and was destroyed by a simultaneous strike by Hauptgefreiter Chezberger and myself.
[Image: Freelancer2009-07-2820-43-34-64.jpg]
[Image: Freelancer2009-07-2820-43-30-76.jpg]
[Image: Freelancer2009-07-2821-13-45-28.jpg][/b]To: Rheinland Military Command.

After further reflection both Hauptgefreiter Chezberger and myself decided that it was a shared kill.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Weedalot - 07-30-2009

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From:Hauptgefreiter Bjorn Chezberger.
To: Military Database.

Video Link on screen.....

*Bjorn rushes to the device and begins recording*

Mein Herren There is not much time....

Location: Planet Hamburg, Hamburg System.

A fleet of the Navy attacked Hamburg system.. They cough us by surprise but me and herr Knopp hold them off until the reinforcement arrived.
Frau Admiral with Feldwebel Hans Klemmer arrived just in time.. We joined our forces and destoyed the hostile targets without any loses.

Uploading Ship logs and visual data........

[Image: 922832e33fae9a1c3d16ba4e1bdcc0edd7e4c434.jpg] [Image: 09ba38e20d6cb02f187ba9e3c2617bfecb68f6c4.jpg] [Image: 7a14fd5e3e2a73f2f98e92133aaa6a3402ed5cb2.jpg] [Image: e126d90fa4dd673c6bdd8917776d1382caeb5f6f.jpg]

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Weedalot - 07-30-2009

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From:Hauptgefreiter Bjorn Chezberger.
To: Military Database.

Video Link on screen.....

Gutten Tag Mein Herren und Frau I am ready to begin with my report.

Location: Planet Hamburg, Hamburg System.

"Destroy on Sight reports Wrote:Name: Neo1991
Ship: Border World Transport
ID: Freelancer
Tag: none
Crime: Disobeying orders to Stop, attempt to elude the Rheinwehr. Attempt to break the blockade.
Actions Taken: destruction - succesfull
Report: The Freelancer was stoped in New Berlin and asked of his destination.. He said it is New York and was told to turn around and find a new destination.. So he did.. Moments later i spotted him heading to Liberty ignoring all the previous warning.
[Image: 34c6580946eea54d61a755f500028c120739dabd.jpg] [Image: b0d7b4f2b5f65551b05c9c1293028707303fe5b1.jpg] [Image: 2cbc2712b444bb210f94555e62d00f724e36a765.jpg]

Location: Planet Hamburg, Hamburg System.

When returning from the Bering gate i received the information from our newest Fliger that a known criminal is right outside the planet holding orbit.
He asked for permission to engage and i gave him the green light.. I also decided to assist him.
Hauptgefreiter Auros wanted all of us to enter this fight but i saw it as a waste of fuel and asked him and herr Hansgeorg to cease fire.

Uploading Ship logs and visual data........

[Image: 5d9aaeaecb7b7b459e15776309f89c8dcce53d71.jpg] [Image: 4be0c67b938a4f6c5a9312a0b11f3fd10fa880aa.jpg]

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On one of the passes i managed to see a open shoot and Hit the Fighter with the Super Nova cannon.

Location: Planet Hamburg, Hamburg System.

Right after the Hostile vessel "Death" was destroyed <<<DRAKON>>> Opened fire without any warning... non that i could notice, No provocation either.

Uploading Ship logs and visual data........

[Image: 500309b49728baa4ca31c2e85e0ec23bf97bad81.jpg] [Image: 7a9d3cd37053a35f597495c2744e74313dafed10.jpg]

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Kadaeux - 08-01-2009

To: Rheinland Military Command.
: Gefreiter Auros Einheld.

Subject: Combat Patrol

The initial patrol today was with Obergefreiter Otto Weddigen. After meeting up in New Berlin we proceeded on an extrended Roaming patrol of the system. Whereupon we discovered one of the Harvesters doing whatever it is that its kind do. After attempting to engage it we never entered into Cruise Disruptor range and pulled out once we got too deep into an Asteroid field.

Shortly before leaving New Berlin for Hamburg we got a report of a Hessian Gunboat, the Obergefreiter docked and recovered his Bomber whereupon we proceeded to hunt down the offending Gunboat.

We discovered the Hessian known as Ave approaching New Berlin, he disabled the lane and forced us into engaging him though it was already out intent.

During the combat the Obergefreiter mistakenly used a Nova Torpedo when his shields were not raised and his craft was destroyed. Recovering his pod I proceeded to keep the Hessian engaged in my Wraith, its guns of little effect against the Gunboat but its own guns also having difficulty striking me, though my shields were brought down numerous times i only needed to use repair bots once the damage slight enough to only require two of the devices. I consider myself lucky that my call was heard and Leutnant Karl Westerman came to my aid in his own Bomber.

Though he confessed to not being an expert bomber pilot he bravely engaged and we worked together to bring the Gunboat low. Our combined efforts (me baiting its guns, him SNACing it.) Brought the vessel to its knees where our combined firepower finally obliterated the offending craft entirely though its escape pod was never found.

After a heartbeat we didn't hesitate to declare the kill shared.[/b]To: Rheinland Military Command.
From: Gefreiter Auros Einheld.

Subject: Combat Patrol

The initial patrol today was with Obergefreiter Otto Weddigen. After meeting up in New Berlin we proceeded on an extrended Roaming patrol of the system. Whereupon we discovered one of the Harvesters doing whatever it is that its kind do. After attempting to engage it we never entered into Cruise Disruptor range and pulled out once we got too deep into an Asteroid field.

Shortly before leaving New Berlin for Hamburg we got a report of a Hessian Gunboat, the Obergefreiter docked and recovered his Bomber whereupon we proceeded to hunt down the offending Gunboat.

We discovered the Hessian known as Ave approaching New Berlin, he disabled the lane and forced us into engaging him though it was already out intent.

During the combat the Obergefreiter mistakenly used a Nova Torpedo when his shields were not raised and his craft was destroyed. Recovering his pod I proceeded to keep the Hessian engaged in my Wraith, its guns of little effect against the Gunboat but its own guns also having difficulty striking me, though my shields were brought down numerous times i only needed to use repair bots once the damage slight enough to only require two of the devices. I consider myself lucky that my call was heard and Leutnant Karl Westerman came to my aid in his own Bomber.

Though he confessed to not being an expert bomber pilot he bravely engaged and we worked together to bring the Gunboat low. Our combined efforts (me baiting its guns, him SNACing it.) Brought the vessel to its knees where our combined firepower finally obliterated the offending craft entirely though its escape pod was never found.

After a heartbeat we didn't hesitate to declare the kill shared.

After that we returned to Hamburg to find others engaging in chatter with a Mandalorian Mercenary, however there was more than enough firepower present to deal with the craft and I was authorised to land and get some Rack time.

Guncam Imagery.
[Image: Freelancer2009-07-3011-00-17-80-1.jpg]
[Image: Freelancer2009-08-0200-02-41-72.jpg]

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Weedalot - 08-01-2009

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From:Hauptgefreiter Bjorn Chezberger.
To: Military Database.

Video Link on screen.....

Guten Tag Mein Herren Zis report will include the events of the past day.

Location: Sector (F-4), Hamburg System.

Emergency Alert was heard all over the Barracks, Transmission from Herr Speer directing all available Soldats und Officers to report to ze barracks for quick deployment of forces.
There were two Outcasts cruisers in the far orbit of Planet Hamburg.

Uploading Ship logs and visual data........

[Image: 87321de93129ac522a1b3efb6ede3670946a2f6d.jpg] [Image: ef664a27b87cadf31903e5f8f4f5329afcbf0b10.jpg] [Image: d27e5c05e767bb5d9d54445cabcf96b5dfaa5c40.jpg] [Image: 2c2caabeb7b230acc3803f7a0ddd1f1195213306.jpg]

[Image: 11079f71999cfb6f7d6ac57a44a258ac0e1061b8.jpg] [Image: 1a0441a944bcda8c3986e38a066805ad40bb1c3d.jpg] [Image: 540f880f6541e9b05bbfbe83465402f05d35e132.jpg]

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Herr Speer's Vessel was damaged beyond repairs but he managed to release the pod before the hull failed and the craft exploded.
Herr Weissman Engaged his tractor beam und picked Von Speer's pod into his cargo bay.
It took quite the effort und gut team work to destroy ze two targets.

Location: Planet Hamburg, Hamburg System.

On a standard Blockade in ze Hamburg system Ich und Herr Maximilian Voss Kapitan of ze Traunstein spotted A vessel designated [MAC], Ich Hailed und asked to cut ze engines but i got fired upon in response.

Uploading Ship logs and visual data........

[Image: 300094d42234482c604ea2a8591bf752d529ddcf.jpg] [Image: e508e4307866eb81be0bc34da88ceb0d5ff9408b.jpg]

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Location: Planet Hamburg, Hamburg System.

On a patrol of ze lanes in the Hanburg system A Vessel signal was picked by mein Scanners.
It did not respond to hails und did not stopped for scans as ordered.
When we got into scanner range we noticed large amount of life signals all cramped up in his hold, He did not comply and managed to thrust all ze way to the Frankfurt Hole.. where We Disrupted his cruise engines again and brought his hull to a near breach... I gave him another chance to surrender and follow me To hamburg.. But as we were speaking he started ejecting the people on board and firing his weapons at zem.. We did not have much time so i started disabling his weapon systems one by one turrets were shut off but the radiation near the hole was quite strong.. When i managed to disable his last turret the hull didnt hull and decompressed. We sent a signal to the nearest base to sent ALG transports to save as many as we could.. later we found out that the survivors are infect enslaved und were on ze way to their "new Master".

Uploading Ship logs and visual data........

[Image: e36550af9e82d155c517ec27316f0feac8afcbd4.jpg] [Image: c515f5d613f978b27453ed45f78365f740be1b6f.jpg] [Image: 22f16a7173774e9d2f4e0a293889c8fb46ccdd92.jpg] [Image: 96bf5f52a113b50316bc466aace0734af8f55862.jpg]

Ship logs uploaded........

Bjorn Out.

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Contaan - 08-04-2009

--Incoming Transmission--
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To: Rheinland Military
Sender: Hauptgefreiter Tomas Meinhardt

Guten tag meine herren. A rather quick patrol several days ago with Flieger Gunter Weissman along with Hauptgefrieter Chezberger. We rendevoused at Bonn station and headed out patrol of Dresden, New Berlin, Frankfurt and Munich systems which all report clear.

Some guncam footages of our formation and the Munich system.
As an add-on, an attack from the Order today as a bomber and fighter along with a reported carrier and cruiser attacked our own frau Admiral while she was on the cruiser Schwanstein. Once I arrived from assisting our newer recruits with equipment, a fighter and ze bomber still remained. I opened fire as soon as they were in range, with the bomber going down first. Then, the fighter Cal Johnston and I dueled while all other forces were called off. With a little luck on my side, a faulty torpedo ended the honorable duel from his end.

Fur Rheinland!

Hg.Meinhardt, signing off.

--End Transmission--

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Malexa - 08-05-2009

Rheinland Military Promotions

Congratulation pilots.

[color=#00FF00]Due to your honorful duties for the Kanzler and Rheinland, High Command approoved the following promotion requests:

Hauptgefreiter Bjorn Chezbergerto Oberfeldwebel skipping the rank Feldwebel:
Hauptgefreiter Chezberger, it is an honor to welcome you in the Officer ranks.
You have been everything the Rheinland Military stands for.
Keep up your good work and the Military will see a glory future for you mein Herr.

Hauptgefreiter Klaus Fischer to Oberfeldwebel, skipping the Rank Feldwebel :
Hauptgefreiter Fischer, your outstanding performance in the field managed you to skip the rank Feldwebel.

Oberfeldwebel August von Speer to Hauptfeldwebel :
Since Oberfeldwebel von Speer joined, he represented our beloved Vaterland in the most honored ways.
It is our pleasure, even more our duty, to honor your actions with the rank Hauptfeldwebel.

The folowing requests have been filed away, until the next promotions will be done.

Hauptfeldwebel Ralf Hofmann:
Hauptfeldwebel Hoffmann, your efforts in the Rheinland Military are without stains, you honor all pilots in the Miliray, are a good comrade and soldier.

The rank Leutnant is the first Flag Officer rank, that means it is a high responsibility to obtain a flag officer rank.
You have to be able to make decisions in a few seconds, which will decide about life or death.
High Command knows you are a loyal, brave and a verry skilled pilot, though we think you are not ready for this much responsibility for now.

You have never stopped improving once you have joined pilot, so keep up your efforts and you may be ready for a Flag Officer position soon.
Train your leading abilities, it is not just bossing soldiers around.

You have to hold every single Rheinland rule in your heart and you have to be able to make the right decisions, in the most unforseen situations, which could be encountered by your wing any time.

LeutnantKarl Westerman:
Leutnant Westerman, Admiral Malte served most of her days in the Rheinwehr with you. Joining shortly after Admiral Malte, makes her the perfect unfitting member to decide about your promotion.

However is she one of the Rheinland soldiers, who knows you maybe the most.
You tried hard in the Rheinwehr, beeing a Leutnant is the best evidence.
Beeing a Flag Officer, is a verry high responsibility, which you were able to to maintain quite good for the most times.
A few situations in the past, have not been in the way a Flag Officer has to act.

The Admiralty, High Command and the Kanzler, expect their Flag Officers to be as solid as a rock.
There is now place for bad days, since many Rheinland lives and our whole Vaterland depends on the knowledge, the strength and the wisdom of the Rheinland Flag Officers.

Try to be this solid rock Leutnant Westerman, act without flaws and you will be ready for beeing a Oberleutnant soon.

Piloten , keep up your good work and you will have a glory future in the Rheinwehr.

Admiral Malexa Malte
Vizeadmiral Johann Brunhild
Vizeadmiral Dieter Schprokets
Major General Otto Gauss

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Cyberanson - 08-08-2009

### Incoming Transmission ###
ID - Hauptfeldwebel August von Speer
Battle Report #21

Guten Tag meine Damen und Herren,

a glorious day for our Vaterland! It should be an example to all this disrespectful maggots out there, how to treat the Rheinwehr wrong. My guncam records will show the story to you:

The logical and only result for such disrespectful behaviour:
[Image: screen33r.png]

Afterwards I stopped some BMM trader in Hamburg, who claimed that some High Temperature Alloy is for a BMM base. I can't remember any course which leads to a BMM base from Hamburg. Unfortunately a black matter wave disrupted this event.

All guncam shots will be reported to the smuggler and criminal list.

Hauptfeldwebel von Speer out.

### Transmission terminated ###

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Dra1003 - 08-08-2009

## Incoming Transmission ###
ID - Fl.Joachim Lehmann
Battle Report #1

Guten Tag everyone first patrol report.

Alright im keep it short because alot has happened today. Well first we had to take care of a Corsair dread in hamburg but he was easyly killed.

corsair forces

Then yet another corsair dread corsair fighter and a Osiris of all things came to hamburg as well
Corsair forces

They didn't fair well ether corsair death corsair death.
corsair death

Well it was very exiting at least got to test out my wrath and everything!

I then went with Otto and Andreas on a small patrol to Stuttgart Dresden and new Berlin. I ran into one interesting thing. Hogosha transport

Not sure what our view on the hogosha is so i ignored him.

A few hours later we went to omega 3 to deal some corsairs but ended up fighting the hessians. Hessains

RHA death

I Got at least two of them but i only have the gun cams of one of them .Well all and all perfect first day.

For Rheinland!!

Transmission ends....

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Cyberanson - 08-08-2009

### Incoming Transmission ###
ID - Hauptfeldwebel August von Speer
Battle Report #22

Guten Tag meine Damen und Herren,

a longer report this time. It was a really busy day.

Battle 1
We had two Corsair capital ships invading Rheinland. They managed to sneak around our huge fleet in New Berlin (Dunno why) and entered Hamburg. Two shots from my guncam:
[Image:] [Image:]

We engaged the Corsair Dreadnaught and the Osiris near Alster Shipyard.

[Image:] [Image:] [Image:]

After a short time, we destroyed both vessels with minimal (namely two) losses. Both losses can be counted to the Alpha wing. Eta wing losses were zero, because I was the only one in.

[Image:] [Image:] [Image:] [Image:] [Image:] [Image:]

Rheinland was safe for some minutes... a slave disturbed that heavenly silence. The Slaver Freedom was stopped by a patrol. He resisted our orders and faced the consequences:

[Image: screen61.png]

Now to my special friends: the so called Inquisition. Lunatics, who claim to be a religious sect, persecuting Nomads in Rheinland. They resist our orders, opened fire on Rheinwehr officers, and claim to have a headquarter in Munich. They are enemies of Rheinland. Get them, wherever you meet them!

Hauptfeldwebel von Speer out.

### Transmission terminated ###