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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Othman - 05-12-2009

Comm ID: Captain Baranov
Subject Log: Gallia Report; 12/05
Montbard Base, Burgundy

I had to land on the Montbard base and spend the night here shortly after our reconnaissance with Captain Totenkopt was disturbed by an unexpected ion storm. Good news is, CPW Nusret has sustained minimal damage that will be taken care of by the Brigands repairmen on this station. While being separated was mostly unfortunate, I have had the chance to talk to a local operative of the Maquis organization, whose tone I found rather frank, as we had some Gevrey-Chambertin wine in the bar.

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Comrades, I will need to spend some time here to see what is going on and wait for Nusret's repairs to finish before setting sail back to our homeland.

-Baranov out

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 05-12-2009

To: Reconnaissance Operatives Baranov and Totenkopt
Comm. ID: Commissar-Captain Gorodetsky


A warning, gentlemen.

Be very careful in Gallia, comrades. I've made several contacts of my own in this region, via spies and informants on the Reunion station, contacted via several defectors and captured Junkers.

Those of an apparently revolutionary bent should not be trusted. This 'Council' are not terribly different from the Royalist factions, according to many reports. The Maquis seem to to have their own agenda. Our databases and archives list the secret organisation of which they claim links to as most undesirable to our own ends. These 'Freemasons' and similar were known to be a secret society known for extreme nepotism in the lands of our enemies. They are not to be trusted. Seek to discredit such groups if possible, and if not, extermination is acceptable.

Be wary and vigilant of insidious counter-revolutionary propaganda, men. I know you've the ability to discern that which is true and in agreement with our positions.

Good work, Reconnaissance, it's always a pleasure,

Commissar-Captain Gorodetsky

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 05-12-2009

Transmission to: SCRA
Comm ID: Commodore Alexei Stakhanov

Comrades, not an hour ago, Omega 52 was invaded by a large force of the Corsair's Omega Pirate Guild. Half a dozen bombers jumped my flagship, the CPW Carl Marx, near the Omega-5 hole. Captain Bjorn Thorvaldsson immediatly launched to my aid, and shredded several opponents before a loose supernova took off his wings, and he crash-landed his vessel in the Marx's docking bay.

We carried on the fight by ourselves for a time, until Lieutenant Commander Timor Khruschev and several elements of the Defence Wing arrived. Lieutenant Commander Khruschev covered my withdrawl to safety, then single-handedly destroyed all of the invaders save one, who fled back to corsair territory with his tail between his legs, and his vessel in flames.

For this action, I award Lieutenant Commander Khruschev with the Red Star of Valour, with Cog and Hammer. His bravery and skill today have once again proven the dedication and glory of our cause, and we salute him for it!

For the Revolution! Stakhanov Out.

Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 05-13-2009

Transmission to: SCRA
Comm ID: Totenkopt

Comrades! It's a trap! The BAF and BPA suckered me into a trap, using a bounty hunter as bait. The Death's Head is trashed, I've got a hole through my leg, and I'm going down. I'm going to try and crashland on Trafalgar and hope for extraction. Send help comrades, send in the marines. I'll not last like this.

For the Rev- Aaagh!

Transmission Terminated

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 05-13-2009

To: Captain Totenkopt
Comm. ID: Commissar-Captain Gorodetsky


Hold tight in there, comrade. You've probably done some damage to the station, so use that as a cover. If captured, speak in English and German. Your Rheinland heritage will help. Claim to have been on the station working for ALG Waste Disposal as a technician, and were injured when an unknown vessel collided with the station. Your old injuries are from your days as a Bounty Hunter, not as a Reconnaissance or Order operative.

We'll send a team shortly, Agent Totenkopt. If everything goes to hell, you know what to do. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

-Commissar-Captain Gorodetsky

This message will erase in 5...4...3...2...1... <Trace not found>

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 05-15-2009

Transmission to: SCRA
Comm ID: Grand Admiral McIntosh

Comrades, today I am proud to announce the following promotions!

To Commodore, and Second in Command of the Fighter Corps: Comrade Miroslav Baranov, who will also be taking over command of the Typhoon class destroyer CPW Savarona.

To Captain: Comrade Emmanuel Goldstein, who will continue to retain command of the CPW Vladimir Lenin. Your dedication to the Coalition is an inspiration to us all!

To Lieutenant Commander: Comrades Katya Vaschenko and Feyzullah Hikmet. Comrade Hikmet will also be taking over the Storm class gunboat CPW Nusret from Commodore Baranov, as he has moved on to greater things.

To Lieutenant: Comrade Zachary Quirm and Comrade Robert Thacker. This is the most important step of your service to the Revolution! Report to Fighter Command, and issue yourselves Revolution and Insurgent class vessels, you are required on the front lines!

Go forth Comrades, and justify the faith I have in you. Your service to the glorious revolution shall go down in the annals of time, and you shall be remembered long after your ashes have cooled.

For the Revolution! McIntosh out.

Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - jammi - 06-01-2009

Transmission to: SCRA
Comm ID: Sub Lieutenant Julio Quinetillia

Hola mi comrade Revolutionaries!
This is Sub Lieutenant Quinetillia reporting in for duty. Several days ago I was transfered by shuttle from my temporary location on Zhukovsky to a more permanent bunk on Zvesdny Gorodok where I'll be staying for indoctrination and accelerated officer training.

I received my flight and parade uniforms as well as my Sub-Lieutenant's pips from the Quartermaster upon arrival. I also received word earlier today from engineering that the Partisan fighter I've been assigned to is nearing completion with only the transponder and Navcom remaining to be completed.

If things carry on at this rate, I should be in space and fighting for the Revolution within a few days, however until then, I shall continue to learn from my comrade instructors and listen to the veterans that I encounter throughout the station.
Viva los Revolution! Quinetillia out!

Transmission ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Athenian - 06-03-2009

Transmission to: SCRA
Comm ID: Lieutenant Viktor Sotskov

Salutations, esteemed comrades!
A glorious day for the Revolution.

I had completed delivering my lecture on "Hierarchical Capitalism Among Artifical Species: The Nanogeoisie" when I was alerted to the presence of a Corsair capital ship in our homeland.

I duped the offending ship into following me to a safe point where it could exit our home....along the patrol lines of our dilignet security patrols!

My treachery was rewarded with the destruction of this vile intruder.

I recovered several members of the Cretan elite and a "ranking" officer. They are being questioned in Centre 101.

Later, I was en route to our Hessian friends in Omega 5 when I observed a Corsair and a vile gun-for hire intent on killing each other.

Despite several passes, I failed to destroy the gunship, so I resorted to sniping another hunter. I completed my mission by shooting the HAF Corsair in the back as he fled the scene. No doubt he thought me his ally in this combat. The hapless moron!!

I transmitted propaganda to the commander of the gunship.

Repairs to my ship were extensive. But such is the price of the revolution.

Confirmed destructions
Santo - Corsair Cruiser
HAF-C-Fuentes - Corsair Fighter
BHG|Raya "Crash" Remnant - Bounty Hunter Fighter

Death to the Capitalist Imperialist Stooges!! Sotskov out!

Transmission ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Zeltak - 06-10-2009

Entering code sequence... Permission Granted...
Please verify identification: Lt. Zarevo Kaputski
Transmission initiated... Loading... Loading...

My Comrades!

I have finally returned to the front line battles after undergoing several extensive advanced tactic courses issued by my commander.

My return was welcomed with a couple of drinks with Comrade Khruschev, and after 20 minutes of bragging to each other how many enemies we would destroy, Comrade Sotskov arrived to the scene carrying an intel-report on Corsair presence at the Omega-5 system.

After a short discussion on ship-loadout we set course to the designated system for an assault. Comrade Sotskov's intel appeared to be correct and it did not took long before we found a lonely Corsair bomber floating around. Myself and Comrade Khruschev decided to secure our sector whilst Comrade Sotskov was fighting him. Shortly thereafter a Corsair Gunboat arrived and tried desperatly to save his ally, but we quickly neutralized the target and continued our attack on the bomber. Both were taken cared of rather swiftly and Comrade Sotskov had to make an emergecny landing due to a fuel leak. I and Comrade Khruschev decided to head home for vital repairs.

Attached files:

[Image: RetardedCorsair.jpg]

[Image: Corsairdeath.jpg]

For the final victory!

Kaputski out!

Transmission terminated...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 06-18-2009

To: [color=#FFFFFF]SCRA
Comm. ID: Commodore Stanislaw Rokossowsky
Priority: Low
Subject: Recent actions in Rheinland

---Communications Opened---

Over the past few days, we have been rather active in Rheinland, utilising hardware such as the CPW-Jan.Richthofen and the CPW-Death's.Head, a Typhoon-class and a Storm-class respectively, to harass the Gestapo elements which control New Berlin.

On one such foray, after my gunners destroyed a Rheinland Federal Police light fighter from maximum range (the crew manning the missiles have all been given a Mention in Dispatches for their superlative accuracy), Captain Totenkopt's gunboat was attacked by RepEx vessels whilst my flag was tangled up with a Rheinland Military bomber. Both conflicts ended inconclusively due to meteor showers forcing both sides to seek shelter. Of note, however, is the fact that civilians are acting as a military force. Captain Totenkopt has already begun to destabilise their counter-Revolutionary paramilitary organisation.

In the following days, our scout force was strengthened by the presence of Lieutenant Commander Vasiliy Prutko and Lieutenant Norman Bethune, providing a much needed fighter escort against the horde of bombers scrambled by the fascist forces.

They arrived after we destroyed a Fafnir-class heavy bomber, just in time to expertly assist us in a fighting retreat, which we were forced to conduct due to the presence of the [RM]Ravensburg, a battleship under the command of our foes. We were also assisted by one 'Hessen', a Red Hessian cruiser, who provided some distraction from enemy fire.

As we fell back to Vogtland, Lieutenant Commander Prutko was able to take down an enemy bomber, in spite of the enemy being in a much stronger position than ourselves.

In all of our recent engagements in Rheinland, we have made every effort not to lose any of our all-too-precious vessels and pilots. We were entirely successful in achieving these goals, and caused some level of trouble for the government of Rheinland. There is much to be proud of, but still much to do.

-Rokossowsky out

---Communications Terminated--