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SF Message Dump - Rusty - 08-03-2007

To: Admiral Firebird

Comm ID: Virginia Hq


Our relationship, SA-SF (Liberty-Bretonia), has a history going back into antiquity and even scholars have a hardtime determining its inception. Rumors hold, at one time our ancestors were true brothers but differences in philosophies caused a schizim and revolution. However, we desire an eventual alliance along your RM agreement, but closer due to our shared heritage.

Your use, and purchase, of Liberty vessels is re-instituted with no barriers as a sign of good faith and eventual alliance. Also, may we re-institute our arms agreement created under our past leader's direction, elgatodiablo DOD, so many months ago but with no restrictions of type and number?

Overall, our stance in the short term is Friendly and we hope to assist you in any endeavor as the clouds of House War seem to be forming.

My respects,

Fleet Admiral RedBear

Addendum: In reference to AW and HF. AW-In Theta not our concern. HF-Ceasefire, if they remain Magellan and Vesspuci, not our concern. SA's true concern is Liberty plus our friends and allies.

SF Message Dump - Death Shadow - 08-03-2007

Incoming Transmission
From: Guildmaster Micah Shoultz
To: Admiral Firebird

I will check with my members to see where the 6 mil went. Oh and sorry about the confusion, for some reason I thought it was 6 mil per kill. Yes 20 mil is correct.

By the way, could I have a copy of the contract between SF and SSO? Somehow somebody overlooked to give it to me, even though I am the Guildmaster.

End of Transmission

SF Message Dump - Hyperwave22 - 08-03-2007

Transmit to: Cambridge Research Institute
Comm ID: Jemma O'Hara

The freelancer Maxwell.Davis payed the required two million credits for nomad license approval to the order of Cambridge Research Institute. I will deliver this sum to your institution ASAP.

Jemma O'Hara out...

SF Message Dump - Othman - 08-03-2007

Transmission to: SF Personnel
Comm ID: SFF-Ronny

Roster involved: SFF-Ronny, SFGB-Toridas, SFBC-Cichild, SFF-Grenthal

Recent Cambridge report:

RA-Ares was engaged first, yet he managed to escape. After then 2 TBH ships were detected inbound Cambridge. We showed them our hospitality. An Elder TBH was taken out by SFGB-Toridas and their fighter could not survive much long.

[Image: screen1.gif]

SF Message Dump - Kinda - 08-03-2007

Transmission to: SF Personnel
Comm ID: SFF-Grenthal

It was truly a great day for the SF, showing that a few of Bretonia's trainees can take on some heavily armed pirates and terrorists. It was great, good work fellas.

Kinda out.

SF Message Dump - Rabid_American - 08-04-2007

Transmit To: SF Personnel

Comm ID: [SF]-SFBC-Cichlid

Also happening that day I was attacked by two RAB Bombers I was destroyed in the fight but I took them with me. I was also accompanied by -SFF-Grenthal and -SFGB- Toridas.

[Image: screen20hd0.png]


SF Message Dump - Kinda - 08-04-2007

Transmission to: SF Personnel
Comm ID: SFF-Grenthal

Frigtening news my brothers in arms, nomads, in Cambridge! More on that later.

My first patrol started by doing some routine mop up work on random corsairs, but then the pirate Queen_Anne's_Revenge showed up on my scanner, so SFBC-Cichlid an I took off in search of him. When we found him, he was harassing a freighter, which was destroyed before we could intervene. Cichild and I then proceeded to engage, with the assistance of I.N.D. Vagabond. Unfortunately he was too much for us, with Cichild and Grenthal being destroyed, but not before a call for assistance went out to the SA. My pod and ship were tractored into the nearby BS Norfolk. Queen_Anne's_Revenge then went into hiding into the Icefields.

After a rushed overhaul at the Norfolk, I call went out from Vagabond that there was a nomad attacking at the New London jumpgate. By this time, SA Lugnut was assisting in the search for Queen_Anne's_Revenge, so him and I headed out to intercept the threat. We moved out to the New London Jumpgate.

When we got there, we saw a nomad cruiser and Vagabond fighting. Lugnut and I joined the fight, dropping his shields several times before he jumped to New London. We feared for the population center at planet New London, so we pursued with haste. We fought for a bit longer before he took the trade lane towards the planet, despite all of our attempts to disable the trade lane. He dropped out of the trade lane about halfway, much to our relief.

He then jumped to cruse, heading towards the Salisbury jump hole. We fired as much as we could to drop his shields once more. Once through to Salisbury, he reversed course to head back to New London. He nearly lost us on the other side of the JH, but we caught up to him, and Vagabond, Lugnut and I dropped his shields for the final time, with a last hail of fire and torpedoes taking him down, with Vagabond striking the killing blow. Fortunately the nomad wasn't able to get near any population centers and cause any harm.

I would like to point out, if not for the valor of Vagabond and Lugnut, there could have been a catastrophe on the scale of when the nomads unleashed a plague on Cambridge. I hope that the SF will authorize me to give a reward to Vagabond for going above and beyond what is expected of an independent in defense of Bretonia.

Kinda out.

SF Message Dump - Firebird - 08-04-2007

To: Virginia Hq
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird

' Wrote:Also, may we re-institute our arms agreement created under our past leader's direction, elgatodiablo DOD, so many months ago but with no restrictions of type and number?

Agreed, SA will be granted the same capabilities as RM in terms of the transportation of certain contraband materials for proper handling and usage. As well as the previous arms agreement (OOC: refresh my memory what were the details on that, usage of bretonian weapons correct?)

As such I'll move SA to the allied position. Although, to clarify the allied position doesn't mean we expect the SA to take any action with regard to the continued KNF advance into Leeds. Although aiding with the curtailing of certain pirates groups operating in both Liberty and Bretonia would be helpful.

End of Transmission

From: Admiral Firebird
To: Guildmaster Micah Shoultz

The agreement can be found on our faction page.

End of Transmission

Transmission to: SF Personnel
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird

You may compensate the Vagabond and Lugnut as you feel necessary and justified.

One thing, whose ship is SFGB-Toridas?

End of Transmission

SF Message Dump - BestFlyerHere - 08-04-2007

I regret to inform you that the St. Igor was destroyed in a tragic reactor accident (Account Corruption). She shall be recommissioned in a few weeks (As soon as I have the money.)

For the Federation!

Kaine out.

SF Message Dump - Rabid_American - 08-04-2007

' Wrote:To: Virginia Hq
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird

Agreed, SA will be granted the same capabilities as RM in terms of the transportation of certain contraband materials for proper handling and usage. As well as the previous arms agreement (OOC: refresh my memory what were the details on that, usage of bretonian weapons correct?)

As such I'll move SA to the allied position. Although, to clarify the allied position doesn't mean we expect the SA to take any action with regard to the continued KNF advance into Leeds. Although aiding with the curtailing of certain pirates groups operating in both Liberty and Bretonia would be helpful.

End of Transmission
From: Admiral Firebird
To: Guildmaster Micah Shoultz

The agreement can be found on our faction page.

End of Transmission
Transmission to: SF Personnel
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird

You may compensate the Vagabond and Lugnut as you feel necessary and justified.

One thing, whose ship is SFGB-Toridas?

End of Transmission

That ship is Kindas AKA SFF-Grenthal