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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Jim.Solo - 08-26-2011


Comm. ID: Ensign James (Jim) Barnes

Good Afternoon Sir!

Here is my mission report for 24th August 819 A.S.

Whilst on patrol through the Leeds system I met the Bowex ship the Honey_Badger; she was just entering the Leeds system after a trade run to New Berlin to deliver Super Alloys and was returning with H-Fuel for the Leeds battle group.

I escorted the Honey_Badger to the Leeds mooring and witnessed the unloading of the H-Fuel:
H-Fuel unloading

I then escorted the Bowex ship to the Newcastle system and I docked with the Ark Royal for maintenance work to be done on my Templar.

Good day to you Sir!


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Jim.Solo - 08-26-2011


Comm. ID: Ensign James (Jim) Barnes

Good Afternoon Sir!

Here is my mission report for 25th August 819 A.S.

I had just launched from the Ark Royal when I heard Comms chatter about a re-supply mission; using my long range scanners I noticed that the HMS Sheffield, HMS Victorious and the HMS Dauntless with fighter escorts were in the Mancester system.

I plotted an intercept course and tried to raise them on my radio, but they were too far away.

Eventually I managed to get through to Lt Ree, but by then the fleet had broken up and was returning to watch stations.

Fortunately for me Lt Ree and Ensign Clarke were staying on duty so we agreed that we would go to Salisbury for some combat training in lieu of any emergency calls.

On route, as we passed through the New London system; we encountered 2 Bretonian Gunboats, however they were not BAF gun boats nor did their paperwork say they could fly gunboats!

The Capn_Pugwash had BMM papers and the Strike-Freedom had no paper work at all!

After much protracting we eventually got them to follow us to New London where they registered as Mercenary'€™s I suggested they go to Sheffield Station to get better acquainted with other Bounty Hunter and Merc'€™ pilots.

From there we continued to Salisbury for training'€™ You would have to speak to Lt. Ree to get an objective account of my performance, all I can say is I'€™ve been flying transports for too long and my reactions are getting slower I think.

Whilst training we received an Emergency Comms Message from a Bowex ship that Hogsha'€™s had been spotted; because of extensive damage to my ship from the training I had to dock at Winchester Station while Lt Ree and Ensign Clarke responded to the call.

Good day to you Sir!


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Jim.Solo - 08-26-2011


Comm. ID: Ensign James (Jim) Barnes

Good Afternoon Sir!

Here is my mission report for 26h August 819 A.S.

Having got my ship repaired at Winchester station I launched into the Salisbury system and set my course for New London.

I had just reached Southampton Station when I got a distress call from a Bowex ship the Honey_Badger; The Captain of the Badger informed me that they are carrying H-Fuel and are being pursued by KNF forces.

Bowex under fire.

When I got through the Jump Gate into Leeds the Derby was already engaging the KNF forces enabling the Badger to safely moor at Leeds and begin unloading the H-Fuel.

H-Fuel delivery

I then docked at the Derby myself to await further orders.

Good day to you Sir!


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Jam - 08-26-2011

--[Incoming Transmittion]--
Sender ID: Captain John Clay
Priority: Medium
Subject: Battle in Leeds
Report Begin
Today was another glorious day for Bretonia. I've picked up some Mollys in Leeds, so I have grabbed some pilots. We were unable to find them, and we came accross a lone ricehead, a KNF, and we immediately engaged in combat. Very soon, more of them came, and I led my knight into a furious fight. Those were Ensign Layla Cooper, Lieutenant Commander Sinclair, later Ensign Isaacs and Lieutenant-Commander Charles Davis.

We managed to take out one Chimaera, but Ensign Cooper bought it aswell. Don't worry, I tractored her pod. We were dealing great damage to them, all knights did very well. We got help from few Mercs aswell.

But suddenly, the Mollys we were looking for suddenly appeared in wast numbers, and engaged us. I called for a full retreat to Leeds, when I found out the Kusarians started shooting them instead of us. Well, we turned our guns against the Mollys, and the big fight turned into even bigger one, divided into two groups: BAF and Mollys, and second one, KNF and Mollys. KNF eventually defeated them sooner than us, and they left to Stokes with huge damage.

Meanwhile, we finished off remaining Mollys, and safely returned back to Derby fleet. Unfortunately, my guncam was not working, so I don't have any snapshots of the fight.

All pilots did a great job today, and I am proud of them.

For Bretonia, and for the Queen!
Clay out.

End of Report

--[Transmittion Terminated]--

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Renoktu_Ree - 08-27-2011

[Image: Rene2.png]

Subject:LD-14 / we will get it back



Lieutenant Renoktu-Ree reporting in, my Templar and Bomber are ready for fight.

Im awating your orders and cant wait to show the rice munchers that we can fight like lions for our
mates to get them back safe in bretonia hands.

I will be there if you need me sir!

For the honor, for Bretonia, for our mates and for the Queen!


Lieutenant Renoktu-Ree end...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pig_Pen - 08-27-2011




[Image: ryanl.jpg]

Personal ID: MN-0385.648ROD
Name: Ryan O'Dukes
Rank: Captain
Fleet: Bretonia Merchant Navy
Ship: HMS-Gleaves
Callsign: Watchtower-1

G'd ev'nin' sirs 'n ma'ams,

Dhis's Capt. Ryan O'Dukes speak'n. Since oi'm outta duty, oi gotta toim fer dhis...

*he sips his irish whisky*

[color=#FFFFFF]Well, me g'd sirs,
*he tries to speak clearly* As i have seen today, your recrutation process is gett'n better 'n better...i jus' had an Ensign on me side today, his name was Alex.Clarke, who just did a great job t'day helping me 'n me mates (including our Admiral) gett'n out o' Rheinland safely.

Also he helped me t' drive s'me independant pirates off dhe lane, so the Merchant Navy Convoy ONS-92 was able t' pass without any delay...

Ensign Alex Clarke was riskin' his loife, whoile chasing a hostile "Spatial" class vessel back to Freeport 1, Omega 3, whoile oi was' jus' ginving support foire widh s'me missiles...

*he tries to commence speaking clearly*

So i guess dhis brave man jus' save s'me o' our lifes, including me own one, so oi would ask fer dhe permission t' recruit dhis brave man fo' dhe Bretonia Merchant Navy, if ye'd agree...

For Queen Carina, long may she reign,


Capt. Ryan O'Dukes
Bretonia Merchant Navy





Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Jam - 08-27-2011

--[Incoming Transmittion]--
Sender ID: Captain John Clay
Priority: High
Subject: A little brawl
Report Begin
This report is not going to be pleasant to hear. Yes, I mentioned a brawl in subject. But that is a brawl within our own ranks. Captain Evyn, and Lieutenant-Commander Feya, sirs. They were both aboard the Sherwood Forest after a little skimish with the Kusarians. I was on board of Redoubt at that time. Sisters somehow started to argue, which ended in a fight. I had to take some marines and board the Sherwood to stop it. I can say, Sherwood's bridge was a mess. Both Evyn and Feya were bleeding from the fight. With the fight stopped, I returned to Redoubt with the marines too.

Now the decision is up to you, Admirals.
Clay out.

End of Report

--[Transmittion Terminated]--

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - arvg - 08-27-2011

ID: Sir Jack Fraser, Duke of Norfolk
[Image: SirJack2.png]


Am I reading your report correctly, that there was some kind of confrontation on the bridge of the HMS Sherwood?

I will speak personally to my Flag Captain concerning this disruption... the stresses of loosing LD-14 and the dire situation in which Bretonia has found herself in have placed great strain upon us all.

I recommend Leave for the crew of the Sherwood and Redoubt aboard the Shetland, courtesy of the crown.

As for other matters, I will personally be inspecting the LD-14 situation aboard the Dagobaz later today. I request that the good sisters accompany me, so I can have a word with them.

[Image: Norfolk.png]
Fleet Admiral
Bretonian Armed Forces.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Azan27 - 08-27-2011

[Image: Ch9LZ.png]

This is Ensign Hastings, reporting in.

Today, I received an emergency call from the HMS-Sherwood Forest, who had tracked down Kusari Battleship in the vicinity of planet Leeds. Responding to the Sherwood's request for interdiction support, the 242nd wing was scrambled, and I proceeded to leeds in my challenger to assist. Upon arrival, I joined formation with the Sherwood, along side the HMS-Redoubt. Together, we managed to punch a hole in Battleship's defenses and destroy the vessel, even after the Battleship had initiated emergency docking and repair mesures aboard Stokes station, after which he foolishly return to the field. I should also note that a notable employee of BMM, one Dink Smallwood, assisted in the affairs at grave danger to himself and his craft. A true mark of bravery, if you ask me.

The majority of the escape pods from the vessel were picked up by the Stokes rescue crew, but at least four enemy combatants were captured in space and brought aboard the Sherwood. After their capture however, there was a small... 'Scuffle,' I guess we could call it, aboard the bridge of the Sherwood. Most likley word of this has already reached your ears, so I won't divulge any details.

All in all, The crew of the Sherwood Forest, the Redoubt, and Mr. Smallwood all conducted themselves with honor and dignity during the battle.

Attached intelligence documents are as follows:
The Battleship's destruction

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Dieter Schprokets - 08-27-2011

[Image: James_Layton_Ralston.jpg]

Pilots and Admiralty Staff of the Bretonian Armed Forces

As you know, I have been recuperating from extensive injuries suffered in battle in April of this year. My condition during that time varied from critical to serious, only until within the last month, when advanced regenerative techniques recently developed by the Armed Forces allowed me to begin a speedy recovery.

Several of my internal organs are, in fact, completely new, clones of their previous damaged selves. This technology has saved my life, and shall save many of you, as well.

With regards to the operations of the Armed Forces, Sir Jack Fraser has done well in my absence, with the assistance of an excellant staff. My compliments to all. Bretonia Prevails, ladies and gentlemen, now and forever.

I shall resume my duties at the pace recommended by my surgeon. I am not a young man, after all. Except for the abovementioned new liver, spleen, and small intestine. Those, I believe, shall give me licence, and capacity, to drink more scotch at a sitting than most of you. I look forward to the experiment in the officers' mess on the Norfolk.

Trusting the above is sufficiently clear,

Fleet Admiral James Ralston.