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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Zeltak - 06-21-2009

Entering code sequence... Permission Granted...
Please verify identification: Commander Zarevo Kaputski
Transmission initiated... Loading... Loading...

Today, my comrades, we assembled.
Today, my comrades, we attacked.
And today, my comrades, we were victorious!

Comrade Commodore Stanislaw Rokossowsky signaled, a mighty roar spread across the New Berlin system, and with an unstoppable courage we charged for attack!

For the Coalition, we screamed!
For the People, we screamed!
For the Final Victory, WE SCREAMED!

[Image: Chatlog1.jpg]

Shots came from everywhere, left, right, up, down, we had to keep our concentration. One mistake and the Rheinland Battleship guns would tore our fighters apart.

[Image: RNCShot.jpg]

But our forces prevailed. For each blast that hit the Battleship's thick armor penetrated a little further, and finally one last Supernova destroyed it completely.

[Image: RNCDeath.jpg]

[Image: RNCDeath2.jpg]

Victory my comrades, oh the glorious victory was at hand! But Comrade Commodore Stanislaw Rokossowsky was ambitious, he wanted to strike deeper into the corrupted heart. He wanted Liberty.

And the Comrades replied: Liberty you shall have, Comrade Commodore!

[Image: LibertyDestr.jpg]

Transmission terminated...

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 06-27-2009

To: [color=#FFFFFF]SCRA
Comm. ID: Comandante Adrian o Jovem
Priority: Low
Subject: Reassignments and Promotions

---Communications Opened---

Hola, my brothers and sisters,

Today is both a sad day, as one of our greatest officers, Commodore Miroslav Baranov, is leaving us, but also a proud one, for he is moving on to bigger and better things. Unfortunately, this means that he will be retiring from active duty, in order to work with the government as Undersecretary of Security. Although we are undoubtedly all sad to see him go, on behalf of the fleet, I wish him the very best of luck.

His replacement is well-known to us all, having served in Omega 52's defence fleet for many years, being well respected for his grasp of strategy and tactics. Commodore Oleg Brezhnev has requested a transfer to our forward fleet, in order to better serve the people of Sirius on the front lines.

In other news, some pilots are to be promoted. Sub-Lieutenant Padvel Medvedov is now a full Lieutenant, having proven his worth. Lieutenant Norman Bethune is now a Lieutenant Commander, for his diligent efforts behind the scenes. Lieutenant Commander Guang Jie is now a Commander, for being particularly active in furthering the goals of the Revolution.

Well done, gentlemen.

For the people,

o Jovem out!

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 07-07-2009

To: [color=#FFFFFF]SCRA High Command
Comm. ID: Comandante Adrian 'Ares' o Jovem
Priority: Medium
Subject: Increase patrols

---Communications Opened---

Hola, comrades,

I have just taken part in a successful strike operation against the Wild in the Omegas, as a part of a Rheinland Revolutionary Alliance strike force, consisting of myself, and representatives from the Hessians, Unioners, LWB and Bundschuh.

We launched a two pronged strike, myself as a part of the combat wing, whilst the other half slipped in to retrieve a Nomad Power Cell. We moved in to provide fire support and cover the retreat. Due to an meteor shower, I was cut off from the others, and had to extract myself solo.

As I did so, the Wild offered me anything I wanted, offering the ability to help humanity and all sorts. Of course, I let them think I desired goals utterly contrary to that of the Coalition, so they proceeded to promise the repugnant. After I had my fun tormenting the aliens (Who'd have thought it?), they tried to backtrack.

Let that be a warning to everyone. Inform the men and women of the SCRA, and Sirius as a whole, that they will promise anything to get what they want. They will promise contradictory things one after the other. It is in their nature. They deceive.

Anyway, I got out, then managed to defend an Order pilot that was almost taken in by the bastard's lies. I sent the freak packing. Note that they make use of lightweight weapons similar to mini-razors as opposed to cruise disruptors.

Now, we need to step up patrols ten-fold. Ronneburg and Freital, the Hessian bases, must be defended from alien assault, and Omega 52 needs to become the most impregnable fortress devised by man.

We can do it,

o Jovem out!

---Communications Terminated--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 07-15-2009

Transmission to: SCRA
Comm ID: Admiral Kirk, SCRA Fleet Commander

Comrades, my flagship, the CPW Popular Front, finished final weapons trials today, and is now fully operational. In light of it's completion, I am re-defining what vessels are assigned to what areas of operations, and breaking them down into flotillas. I shall be taking the fight back to Bretonia and the western Omega systems, whilst Commodore Rokossowsky will continue the good fight in Rheinland. Note that another Typhoon class is in production, but still lacks a Captain. Apply in private. The fighter wing shall, as usual, continue to focus on where they are needed.

Defence Flotilla
Commander: Commodore Alexei Stakhanov
Executive Officer: Captain Emmanuel Goldstein

CPW Karl Marx (Flagship)
-Hull Number: 07-12
-Ship Type: Osiris Class Battleship
-CO: Commodore Alexei Stakhanov

CPW Vladimir Lenin
-Hull Number: 09-01
-Ship Type: Typhoon Class Destroyer
-CO: Captain Emmanuel Goldstein

CPW Kurt Eisner
-Hull Number: 09-03
-Ship Type: Typhoon Class Destroyer (Defensive Variant)
-CO: Commander John van der Geuten

CPW Comintern
-Hull Number: 09-06
-Ship Type: Typhoon Class Destroyer (Defensive Variant)
-CO: Commander Vlad Chernekov

Rheinland/Eastern Omega Flotilla
Commander: Commodore Stanislaw Rokossowsky
Executive Officer: Captain Totenkopt

CPW Havana
-Hull Number: 08-02
-Ship Type: Osiris Class Battleship
-CO: Comandante Adrian 'Ares' o Jovem
Note: The Comandante will normally be found in his fighter, so this vessel will fall under the command of his XO when he is not aboard. Commodore Rokossowsky will retain command of the capital ship flotilla, due to Comandante o Jovem spending most of his time leading the fighter corps.

CPW Jan Richthofen (Flagship)
-Hull Number: 09-02
-Ship Type: Typhoon Class Destroyer (Assault Variant)
-CO: Commodore Stanislaw Rokossowsky

Notes: Captain Totenkopt will serve as XO of this flotilla, due to his long years of experience in Rheinland, despite the fact that he refuses to leave his gunboat. Captain Totenkopt may move to a larger vessel in the case of capital ship engagements.

[color=#FFFF00]Bretonia/Western Omega Flotilla

Commander: Admiral Ty Kirk
Executive Officer: Unspecified

CPW Popular Front (Flagship)
-Hull Number: 09-07
-Ship Type: Typhoon Class Destroyer (Assault Variant)
-CO: Admiral Ty Kirk

CPW Maidstone
-Hull Number: 08-14
-Ship Type: Marine Boarding Vessel (Large)
-CO: Major Marcel Bigeard

Notes: Although the Maidstone is large enough to be a capital ship, it is not a combat-ready vessel, being designed to carry marines into combat, and get them out again. An XO is still required for this fleet, as well as possibly another Typhoon Class.

For the Revolution! Kirk out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Chucc - 07-17-2009

Transmission To: Coalition Command
COMM ID: Rand Y'Bashtad
RE: Requesting permission to return to duty.

Greetings Comrades. Due to recent completion of the new Flotilla of vessels for our active use and the finished product being put into production, I feel it is time I return to my cockpit. My duty was to the Engineering for this endeavor. I was busy with everything from the ships computer arrays to the upgrades to the weapons arrays as well. The rest of the duties I have been doing have been taken over by lesser techs and this leaves lots of free time. I would also offer to volunteer for any missions required for testing my ability to do my job properly. I await a reply with eager ears.

For the Revolution!

Rand out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Albert Profrock - 07-19-2009

Transmission Source: Ralf Heissler, Orion - Alster Union Pirate Train
Destination: SCRA
Subject: First shipment to Omega-52

Guten tag Comrades.

Our first shipment to Omega-52 has arrived with success. In order to support the great cause, we have come a long way to bring 935 units of Consumer Goods to Zhukovsky Station, 50 Spaceship Crew to Zvezdny Gorodok and 372 units of Ship Hull Panels along with 100 units of Food Rations to Mykolaiv Research Station.
[Image: arcs1-1.gif]
[Image: arcs2-1.gif]
[Image: arcs3-1.gif]

While this is the utmost we can spare for now, we are maintaining a hope to increase the amounts in the near future.

- Heissler out

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 07-23-2009

Transmission to: All SCRA
Comm ID: Grand Admiral McIntosh

[color=#FF0000]All units, this is the Grand Admiral. This is a Red Alert, I say again, a Red Alert. All units stand by to receive new orders, all pilots prepare to launch at once. Squadron Commanders, be ready to lead your men to victory. For the Revolution! For a Red Dawn!

McIntosh out.

//Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 07-23-2009

Transmission to: All SCRA
Comm ID: Grand Admiral McIntosh

Comrades, the following pilots will be deploying on missions in the Bretonian area, under the command of Lieutenant Commander Norman Bethune. Lieutenant Commander, this is your greatest responsibility to date, don't cock it up! Under you shall be the following:

Lieutenant Yuri Gagarin
Lieutenant Viktor Sotskov
Lieutenant Zachary Quirm

Sub-Lieutenant Heinrich Geusau
Sub-Lieutenant Rose Moreau
Sub-Lieutenant Julio Quinetillia

Commander Luis Gellantra will participate and observe, but it's your show, Lieutenant Commander Bethune. Don't forget it!

Objectives: Comrades, your goal is simple. Destroy every depot and storage unit you can find in the Bretonian area, including Leeds and Tau 23. You have three days to accomplish this goal, and failure is not an option. We have word that the Bretonian Armed Forces are concentrating for an incursion into our current area of operations in the Omegas, hoping to strike us unawares from the rear! This shall not be allowed comrades, not while pilots like you serve the revolution!

Suspected Enemies: I'll not lie to you comrades, the Bretonian Armed Forces are fierce on their home territory. Expect to encounter Templar VHF's, Challenger Bombers, Paladin Heavy Fighters, Hussar Light Fighters, and capital ships up to Battleship size. These pilots are sharp, do not underestimate them! As well, be prepared to work around units of the KNF, Mollies, Junkers, Possibly Outcasts, and Corsairs. Remember Comrades, the destruction of these capitalist scum is not your objective! Get in, complete the objective, and get out!

Suspected Friendlies: None.

Coalition Support: If you need more than fighters to take down a bunch of depots, comrades, then you don't deserve to be flying with the Coalition!

Time Limits: All Objectives will be completed within 72 hours of the timestamp on these orders, and all guncam footage shall be submitted. No Exceptions!

Any Pilot who brings back GunCam footage of the destruction of at least three (3) complete depot storage facilities shall earn themselves the XVIIIth Campaign Star. Any Pilot who brings back footage of five (5) depots destroyed shall earn the XVIIIth Campaign Star in Gold. Any Pilot who downs a BAF or BPA fighter, in addition to the other goals, shall earn a Purple Leaf to their Campaign Star.

Any Pilot who is found not to have launched on this glorious mission will face severe investigation from the Commissariat! Do not become slack and idle, comrades, the war is just begun!

For the Revolution! McIntosh out.

//Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - JakeSG - 07-23-2009

Comm ID: Zachary Quirm
Destination: SCRA, Grand Admiral's Office
Subject: Operation: WHBSWHTMILFITC (Y)

As requested, Grand Admiral, I went searching for these depots. My searches lead myself and my companions right into the heart of the BPA. They were all destroyed.

Seeking a fifth to complete my mission, I found another set by Southampton Shipyard in New London. I destroyed them whilst my companions Luis Gellantra and Eugen Weise distracted the local law.

Despite this success, I was later defeated during an encounter with the local law whilst returning to base. Nevertheless, I live to serve the revolution another day.

- Zachary Quirm

5/5 Depots destroyed.
Encountered and was defeated by 1x BAF Fighter, 1x Bretonian Gunboat.

Transmission Ceased
Source Lost

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Athenian - 07-24-2009

Comm ID: Viktor Sotskov
Destination: SCRA, Grand Admiral's Office
Subject: Operation: WHBSWHTMILFITC (Y)

Sotskov reporting mission complete. A full report is being prepared.

- Vikto Sotskov

Transmission Ceased
Source Lost