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Show Us Your Desktop - Printable Version

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Show Us Your Desktop - Tommeh - 04-28-2010

I changed my background, cleaned desktop and so....

Show Us Your Desktop - Serpentis - 04-28-2010

' Wrote:I changed my background, cleaned desktop and so....


Is that 7?

Or some theme?

Anyhoot, heres my Desktop.

Custom icons and background.


Show Us Your Desktop - Tommeh - 04-28-2010

' Wrote:Niiiice!

Is that 7?

Or some theme?

Anyhoot, heres my Desktop.

Custom icons and background.

Indeed it's windows 7, dock and all icons are custom, got it from rocket dock sites when you click "download more".
Yours is nice to, how come you have all icons crowded in just middle of screen?
@Turkish, nice background :laugh:

Show Us Your Desktop - frozen - 04-28-2010

eww cnc 3 trainer:P

srysly, temme when you play, i want someone to play cnc 3/KW with serp:(

(nice BG btw)

tis mine

Show Us Your Desktop - Serpentis - 04-28-2010

Hehe well, I only played it cause of the Campaign, I suck at MP:P

And it's not.. *coughs* You know.. Erh..

Skype me instead xD

Btw nautical theme, Nice!;)

Show Us Your Desktop - Tathrim - 04-29-2010

Ubuntu 10.04 Final

As of posting, this isn't announced by the Ubuntu website, stupidly. It's good stuff, though.

Show Us Your Desktop - HoopyFrood - 04-29-2010

Currently what I have on:

Show Us Your Desktop - BaconSoda - 05-01-2010

Hiyo! New one!

I'm liking this Guild Wars 2 thing.

Show Us Your Desktop - Kazinsal - 05-01-2010

I cleaned a LOT of stuff off there. My desktop was previously overflowing three lines past the right side. A third of stuff was deleted, a third moved into "Other crap", and a third re-organized.

Show Us Your Desktop - schlurbi - 05-01-2010

I like Turkish's Desktop D:
Here's my new One