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To - Order| Task force 141 - Printable Version

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To - Order| Task force 141 - Zen_Mechanics - 06-10-2013

ID : David Dvir
Location : Yaren.

Eh salutes, In honoring Toledos victims and paying a tribute for the sacrifices made by so many I notify my arrival to Minor. It will be very appreciated if the local patrols get this information so I won't be portrayed as a grave robber. Further more I'd like to have a permanent docking permission on Akabat, many things have happened during my absence so I want to catch up. Also, without raising anyone's blood pressure I intend to do so on the "Atlanta", my crew deserves a vacation, all 600 of them and from what I've heard the liquor is great down there.
The vessel has the necessary papers and its standing with The Order protocols, I will submit if required to do so.

*switching frequencies*

RE: To - Order| Task force 141 - SMI-Great.Fox - 06-10-2013

[Image: 2a4xs3.jpg]

To Mr Dvir,

I would first like to thank you for the kind words in tribute for our fallen from the Toldeo Battlefield.
It brings a tear to my eyes when someone does so.

Now for the serious part.
Listen well this comes from our boys at the top.

Not going to damn well happen.

After all the bull that your people put us through in the past few weeks, you expect to waltz up around here, say some kind words, and think we'll act like Orbital Spa and Cruise?!

The day anyone within the 141 approves this request, is the day I wear high heels, a pink tutu, and tip-toe across my carrier's command bridge.

The day I see you on Akabat, I promise you this.

I will personally kick you in the hindquarters so hard, that the strike from my jackboot will shut off the single synapse within your brain, and make you feel the pain for a month!

And IF you survive from the torment.

I will kick you with my other foot, and make you a permanent celestial body within Akabat's orbit!

Oh and one more thing.

Have a nice day

-Finishes the transmission with a simple guesture of the middle finger from her right paw-

Task Force 141 Spec Operative Agatha

[Image: End.png]

RE: To - Order| Task force 141 - Rodent - 06-10-2013

[Image: 1zohq84.png]

[Image: qxL25Yd.png]

Bolevara here.

Let me get this straight...

You want to make a tribute. I can relate to that. What I can't relate to is the utter lack of sense you have. Listen carefully, I don't teach people often and they don't always enjoy or survive it.

Omicron Minor remains a warzone. The nomads are one system away, in any
goddamn direction you choose to leave that hellhole. I assume your ship is
armed and equipped, else it would'nt have lasted in the Omicrons...but. I've
seen zoners flail about when confronted with combat situations, and Nomads
push it to another level with mind warfare. You know, the weird dreams
and assorted crap.

Long story short, it is as much a vacation as attempting to castrate yourself is.
I'll assume you want your junk in one piece, and you want to remain safe.
I appreciate the about doing it in Mu? This might sound harsh,
but the dead don't give a shit. those that survive might...come make us happy
in Mu.

Oh and, don't forget to bring me a casket of wine from Canaria. For the digestion, of course.

Oh and, girl who answered before me. You need a shave and probably a nose job. I can give
you a contact with a plastic surgeon if you need it...

Bolevara out.

[Image: 2lutfzp.png]

RE: To - Order| Task force 141 - 141 High Command - 06-10-2013

[Image: l7b058Wpsf.png]
This is Commander Davids speaking.

First of all, Agatha, Bolevara, I suggest you look out for another target.
Admiral Golanski has tasked me with this one hier.
So take your chitchat to somewhere else.

Nun, Herr Dvir, your request baffles me a bit.

Not long ago, the Zoner Alliance did not have any problem with showing the Order
the middlefinger so to speak. Now with the recent conflict, you think things will
just go on like nothing happened? Let me make it straight: Not this time!

Assuming that the Atlanta is ein capital ship, your request to enter Omicron Mu
is hereby denied.

The Zoner Alliance has to earn our trust again. In order to do so, I suggest that
the only ships of the Zoner Alliance allowed in Omicron Mu belong to the transport class.
Preferably loaded with useful supplies for Akabat.

When we see that the Zoner Alliance is trustworthy again, we will reconsider your request.

[Image: nyAKEg7wgK.png]

RE: To - Order| Task force 141 - Zen_Mechanics - 06-10-2013

**Continuing transmission**

Well I respect your judgement but I must also add that this is for me as well as I have lost many good friends that day, some managed to escape some barried alive and.. burnt, this is something very personaly to me so I kindly request another go.
This is not a fleet trip if it was I would double consider the facts before even asking such thing, but I personaly had no such problems with The Order, I was once part of you, surely you realize that a man cannot escape it's past that quick.