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System Interconectivity - Printable Version

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System Interconectivity - Achilies - 06-13-2013

Ok guys,just wanted to get this out and see what people thought about it.
At the moment we have a lot of options when it comes to systems in which to go to,im all for that,the more the better is what i always say,however,the growing of the Sirius sector also made the contact between people and ships difficult.This is a multiplayer game and it should be about contact with other people,meeting other people,not just siting around the docking ring because your neighbours closest neighbours are 5 systems away from you.Lets all face it,activity has dropped drasticly from before,and that aint only from bad balance of ships and factions,its because people stopped talking to eachother,stopped fighting eachother and stopped helping eachother when in trouble,simply because they cant get there in time,so whats the point in being online when u cant help anyone,atleast from my point of view,please correct me if im wrong.

My point,a larger number of systems is always good,but why not make a few more wormholes to bridge the distance between enemies and alies.
You will probably say that if u do that then the new systems,the side ones will remain unpopulated completely,so what was the point in making them,this is what i will say,instead of having a jumphole in your home system that leads to a neighboring system to the one you are heading to,have a jumphole in a neighbouring one to your home system that leads to your exact destination.Balance it out and people wont care which route they take,systems wont go to waste and people will be back in contact with eachother.
Please correct me if my logic is flawed and otherwise post your thaughts?

RE: System Interconectivity - Sabru - 06-13-2013

(06-13-2013, 12:20 PM)Achilies Wrote: this is what i will say,instead of having a jumphole in your home system that leads to a neighboring system to the one you are heading to,have a jumphole in a neighbouring one to your home system that leads to your exact destination.
This makes no sense at all.
The system as is works well enough, and changing it wont increase activity.

RE: System Interconectivity - Skorak - 06-13-2013

Dont create more jumpholes... the amounth atm is nearly ridiculous...
I dont even go to pirate the trade lanes sometimes... I just undock and see passing traders.

RE: System Interconectivity - Unas - 06-13-2013

Lucky you.

RE: System Interconectivity - Skorak - 06-13-2013

Just get ZOI in Liberty No don't, its ugly there. Thats why I tend to be in the jumphole crowded Bretonia... Leeds is just... crazy

RE: System Interconectivity - Achilies - 06-16-2013

Leeds maybe,but what about the systems where there are no lanes and you have to fly through open space for half an hour to get to you destination just to have a fight that will take the same length of time

RE: System Interconectivity - Sabru - 06-18-2013

Most of those systems are not settled house systems. theres a reason why they are called 'edge' and 'border' worlds.

besides that, the cost of building and maintaining lanes in those areas would drive ay company bankrupt.

could you imagine trying to build lanes even in coronado?

RE: System Interconectivity - AeternusDoleo - 06-18-2013

Shortening the distance between main systems would rather upset the trade balance, so no, not likely to happen.
The problem that jumphole routes are faster then lane routes will be fixed in 4.87 - Xoria and me put in a lot of effort to ensure the fasterst inter-house routes are by lane only.

RE: System Interconectivity - Remilia Scarlet - 06-18-2013

(06-18-2013, 06:49 AM)AeternusDoleo Wrote: Shortening the distance between main systems would rather upset the trade balance, so no, not likely to happen.
The problem that jumphole routes are faster then lane routes will be fixed in 4.87 - Xoria and me put in a lot of effort to ensure the fasterst inter-house routes are by lane only.

Dat gonna be shitty change for sure. Good job.

RE: System Interconectivity - Eberhardt_Kämpfer - 06-19-2013

(06-18-2013, 06:49 AM)AeternusDoleo Wrote: Shortening the distance between main systems would rather upset the trade balance, so no, not likely to happen.
The problem that jumphole routes are faster then lane routes will be fixed in 4.87 - Xoria and me put in a lot of effort to ensure the fasterst inter-house routes are by lane only.

Well this is bad news for all Unlawfuls. Can't we leave it at a 50:50 or a 55:45 towards lawful trade lanes?

How drastic is that change going to be that you mentioned