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GNN News - Firebird - 05-12-2006

GNN: Phantom Fleet Attacks Bretonian Ships around New London and Cambridge

In an overly blatant attack, three phantom battleships including a Nomad Battleship decloaked within the vacinity of New London and Cambridge. Attacking both civilian and military vessels, no one was spared from the carnage. Several Bretonian Battleships attempted to drive off the vessels, but we're easily destroyed by the Phantom's superior firepower. Portions of New London are still on-fire tonight as a result of the plantary bombardment. In addition, orbital radiation is still high due to the detotation of MOX in high orbit, clean up is underway but progress will be extremely slow.

Forces of the SF are now on high alert and are stating that steps were and are still underway to prevent the situation from occuring in the future but due to government bureauacracy were delayed in their implementation. When asked about the details regarding what steps the SF is taking, the representitive immediately responded that the information was classified.

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GNN News - wedge antilles - 05-20-2006

the news needs to be update

GNN News - marauder - 05-20-2006


lol, you wanted an update ...


Phantom strike force attacks kusari!

The phantom menace has struck again!

This time in the capital system of Kusari space, several battleship patrols were engaged and defeated near the capital planet new tokyo itself, several hundred police as well as civilian and military personnel and pilots are reported missing...

The kusari military is refusing to comment on rumours that the britonians were first thought to be responsible. However, it has been confirmed that the police did receive a report on the location of the staging base used by the phantom empire vessels.

It appears it was the hogasha base, kabukicho depot, once informed the police contacted the navy and a hasty surprise assult was launched. It appears however that the phantoms discovered this treachery by their former allies and attacked the depot.

The full extent of the damage is unknown at this time, but it is believed that the hogasha have had to abandon their former home, further more the two phantom ships were positively identified and seen heading into the hokkiado jumpgate. There has, as of yet, been no word yet from the police forces rushed to the hokkiado side of the jumpgate.

The phantom battleship khan, an osiris class battleship commanded by the manic Bloodfrenzy, broadcast a system wide video before jumping to hokkiado. It showned approximately sixty hogasha pilots who had been captured as the phantom ship was assulting kabukicho depot.

They were all executed, one by one, before bloodfrenzy sent this final verbal message:

"This is the fate that awaits all who resist or betray us!

We cannot and will not be stopped.

Your leaders know this to be true, it is why they did not fight us and left hundreds to die at our hands over planet new tokyo.

You have little time left until we cleanse you all from this sector, use it wisely and make your peace."

The phantom ships also struck at shinjuku station were several missiles from the Khan hit the station itself and destroyed the supports and couplings on one of the four habitat towers.

The navy called off the pursuit of the phantom ships and rushed to evacuate the damage tower before the weakened hull collapsed and killed thousands of families, so far the navy's effects to save them are continuing...

***OOC again***

The bit about the kusari leaders was intentional and aimed at the DVL who had two people on during the course of these events and did NOTHING to even try and stop us or ask us to leave.

At least the SF bother to care about the NPCs they protect.

Any IC comments, reactions, posts welcome