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Indys and their authority - MB52 - 07-03-2008

First of all this is about my Liberty navy gunboat, which does various "nomad" experiments in Alaska/Zone 21. Now all factions (LSF, LN) don't give me trouble, and in fact add to an enjoyable RP experience, but the Indies are ruining it.

You know which ones I'm talking about, the cruisers, battle cruisers.. that camp the alaska gate.

Every time they see me in or around zone 21 they immediately tell me to leave, usually I can convince them through chat that I belong there... (this is a reason I posted a Zone 21 authorization system using codes, but seems they don't read the Liberty forces forums)

Recently the RP of the ship has called for adding 2 new nomad turrets, to represent the research going on regarding nomad weapons.

Again, the indies snap, and order me to "sell?" the turrets. This time however they don't listen to any reason, and demand I sell them (why would the navy sell their top secret hardware anyways?) or else they'd take it upon themselves to ban me from Alaska.

Now I tried RPing the situation, demanding to know who I'm talking to, but was ignored when I asked for the Captain of the ship's name. (Obviously they don't have one, only a ridiculous ship name)

I even went as far as to say I'd take up the matter with the Director of the research program, to which the indy claimed, he had the highest command authority possible, short of high command and if he orders me to do something, I must or be destroyed.

Now I've looked for this ship on the forums, and there isn't a shred of RP anywhere, not even in game.

So should I listen to this Indy bully who seems to only want a pvp reason? I don't see how they should be able to ruin a RP story thats been worked on for quite some time now.... when they have no RP themselves...

*end Rant*

Comments? Personally I think Capships should all require a RP story behind it, I mean, it doesn't take that long....

Indys and their authority - Jinx - 07-03-2008

"Personally I think Capships should all require a RP story behind it, I mean, it doesn't take that long...."

yea - and fighters, too.

anyway - the thing with alaska is .... even the factions are not clear who is granted to use the gate yet. - its not every LSF it seems ( as it is often argued that Juni as a commander within the LSF barely knew about it ) nor is every Navy allowed ( you ll hardly see any rookie there )

so - the official factions gotto decide who is allowed - in doubt... you can still take the route everyone else gotto take - i think its shortest to fly through tohoku. - if however your story suggests that you can enter, - and if ... as is claimed only a handful of highest ranking scientiests and militaries have access to use the gate - then it shouldn t be hard to make a list - which is mantatory for every "guard" of zone 21 to know.

guarding the zone is OK - but one should also know those that officially are allowed to pass.

Indys and their authority - Laowai - 07-03-2008

Yeah.... here is a problem with indies who dont at least want to familiarize themselves with factioned players and their RP....

You did the right thing to RP it, and i would suggest even if he wont back down, you keep Role playing it, i know its frustrating, but handle it that way and you are always in the right....

You could tell him you have authorization from your superior and name him, inform the indie to take it up with them... i have done that with my indie traders in some pirate areas.. often they ere on the side of caution and let you be...

Indys and their authority - Linkus - 07-03-2008

Think of it like a school playground. The bigger or stronger (Or braver sometimes) guy will always win. Gangs (Factions) can take care of themselves and boss everyone else about. They do it too much though and they find they have rival gangs made from those they pushed about.

Anyway, get a LSF/LPI/LN to tell the independant that you are authorised etc. If you can't then you'll just have to reason with them. If you can't reason with them, kill them.

Indys and their authority - kingvaillant - 07-03-2008

PM me the name please

Indys and their authority - Fletcher - 07-03-2008

It isn't hard to create an RP at all! I mean I can do it and I'm not the smartest guy on here. (I think we all know that).

Because I've put an effort into my new Slater Bounty Hunter, I am trying to break the trend that independent Bounty Hunters cannot RP. I use RP with him all the time now!

Come on, it only took me 15-20 minutes to come up with his back story.

Indys and their authority - MB52 - 07-03-2008

' Wrote:"Personally I think Capships should all require a RP story behind it, I mean, it doesn't take that long...."

yea - and fighters, too.
anyway - the thing with alaska is .... even the factions are not clear who is granted to use the gate yet. - its not every LSF it seems ( as it is often argued that Juni as a commander within the LSF barely knew about it ) nor is every Navy allowed ( you ll hardly see any rookie there )

so - the official factions gotto decide who is allowed - in doubt... you can still take the route everyone else gotto take - i think its shortest to fly through tohoku. - if however your story suggests that you can enter, - and if ... as is claimed only a handful of highest ranking scientiests and militaries have access to use the gate - then it shouldn t be hard to make a list - which is mantatory for every "guard" of zone 21 to know.

guarding the zone is OK - but one should also know those that officially are allowed to pass.

Well, the thing is I'm not simply passing through, Alaska is my ships' home system, based out of Juneau, being a secret navy project that is.

The idea of having a top secret project lurking in Alaska seems like it can bring alot of RP potential to an otherwise dead system. (Used only as a highway atm)

The nomad turrets just help with that illusion, along with say a nomad powercore in the hold.

If anyone is interested in reading the story so far, theres a link in my signature, though it is rather small, I'll need to make up a nice banner for it.

Indys and their authority - Guyton - 07-03-2008

Its very simple for any independent player to create roleplay for any ship class, from fighter to dreadnought. What makes it easier is researching the information within the rumors of the bars, information on the map, description of stations, clan information of the body controlling the faction. From there get some people to read it, i recommend the players within the player faction that knows what their doing. Then post it in the forums for everyone to see. It would be wise to keep it in this world, and make sure your roleplay does make sense or is able to make sense to even a few people.

Edited: As for independents and "Authority", unless the independent signs along or is acknowledged by the player faction, what authority is there for that indie to tell another indie what to do?

Indys and their authority - chovynz - 07-03-2008

Guyton - The same authority that allows any person to
play any ship and computer faction they want.

mb52 - Good on you for RPing. Maybe you could give those
people who guard the gate, the names of Copeland? Say he's
got the list or something (i was going to suggest you tell the "guards"
who is allowed and list those to them, but RPwise you wouldn't know
either. You could do it pm //ooc of course.)

Maybe try to think of him as a new guard who hasn't received the list
yet so is doing his job as best he can without knowledge? It happens
in real life too. I wouldn't be surprised if even Copeland gets challenged
by this particular guard.

Keep on soldiering on soldier. One day they'll get to know you,
and might let you in without a hassle.

Dont let it ruin your great RP story, just allow it to be delayed maybe?:)
Good luck with this situation.

other people - Please read his post before breaking out into a
faction versus indy argument. This doesn't have much to do with factions.