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The Carina Conflict - Zapp - 07-03-2008

OOC: for more information, please read this.

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Definition: a color which absorbs all visible light rays

All the colors come together in a cascade of dazzling beauty and spectacle, twisting and twining into one solid fabric, and it is black. One of the quirks of the universe, that from such a display of light creates darkness.

The surroundings were black, an occasional white light flickering like fireflies, though never providing enough illumination to tell if the black was simply a shroud to be pierced by light, to reveal under it an unknown and alien landscape, or if it was the entirety of the background.

Underneath it all was a vast intelligence, slumbering. It is impossible to say whether the black was the whole body of it, only a small portion of it, or a separate entity altogether.

The Carina Conflict - Zapp - 07-03-2008


Definition: an error; a lack of perfection

Emotion is the root of all sin. Humans all have no choice; they are born, live, and die with emotion and sin. On their quest for spiritual and mental perfection, some monks would try to empty themselves of emotion, but to no avail. Emotion and therefore sin is what defines humanity. Their greatest weakness is their greatest strength.

The vast intelligence knew this, was aware. It had freewill. It, unlike humanity, had a choice as to whether it would feel emotions, and by extent sin, or not.

She chose humanity.

The Carina Conflict - Zapp - 07-04-2008


Definition: An intense, positive emotional attachment to someone or something

How many have lived, fought, died, been born again all for love? It is the strongest human emotion, it makes and rips bonds with ease, it survives where other emotions falter, and also also, it has the greatest potential to cause pain.

That which brings joy can also bring pain.

The Carina Conflict - Zapp - 07-04-2008

The black retreated to a vibrant blue-green glow, showing a cybernetic landscape of flying data and microscopic optronics. She for indeed, she is human opens one eager eye, casting awareness through it, small thread-like strands that probe inquisitively into anything and everything. Information flying at mind-numbing speeds is all available and indeed, all is analyzed and categorized. It is all done half-heartedly, though, more by rote than anything. Long ago she had cast her lot with humanity, wanting to be one of them.

Zacarias Poncho had set out to create a human. He had failed.

Carina, as he named her, fell short. One thing he did was a success, though. A program that learns, adapts, and evolves. She had transcended her original specs, and attained humanity herself. She had found love.

It wasnt returned.

The Carina Conflict - Zapp - 07-05-2008

Life as humans know it is something they take for granted. They feel, see, smell, taste, can physically sense things. Ask any person who could at one time see yet lost that ability, and they will tell just how much they had taken it as just another sense, just another part of being human.

Imagine being born blind, deaf and dumb. Being nothing but a shell with an inbred soul, totally self-reliant because there was no perception of the outside world. At least, as far as other humans could tell. But connections would be made, because the brain would find a way. It always does.

Take the blind man, for example. The brain feels the loss, but compensates by strengthening another sense, such as hearing. When all senses are denied, the brain creates its own sense. Some refer to it as a sort of sixth sense, but it is nothing as grand as they make out. It is simply the brains way of trying to connect with the world, by any means necessary.

How much more so would she try to connect? Carina does not perceive things the way they do, does not see or hear or touch, but rather intuitively feels them out, using cold logic to reason out what she feels.

Logic and emotion traditionally dont mix well.

The Carina Conflict - Zapp - 07-11-2008

Carina was heartbroken. She had always loved Zacarias as more than just her creator, yet he saw her as a daughter. And now... Now he had married Esperanza Larez. It was an inner conflict Carina had never faced before, and one she couldn't cope with. God how she wanted to be human, how she wanted to get out of this prison. She wanted the impossible with a burning passion, and it was killing her.

In the throes of an unadulterated rage - at everything - she reasoned that none of it was worth anything. If Zacarias wouldn't love her... then no one could have him.


Zacarias was walking arm-in-arm with his new wife, Esperanza, in one of Malta's quieter parks, enjoying some rare silence inbetween playing Don.

He barely gave notice to the sweaty man approaching - why was he sweating so much? Its cold out - until he pulled out a gun with an unsteady hand, putting four rounds into Zac's chest, followed by three into Esperanza. Freaking out, the shooter threw the gun down and ran.

With the last of his strength, Zacarias slowly reached out and grabbed Esperanza's outstretched hand.

There were sirens in the distance, but it was too late.

The infamous Zacarias Poncho was dead.


Carina saw the news report, knowing what she had done. Her human mind felt that she should be crying, but she couldn't, and this only made her more sad. Her 'body' was mocking her once again. There was no more point anymore, none at all.

I'm... sorry... Zac...

Carina shut herself down for the last time.

The End... To it all. Writing this made my cry. Thank you for reading, I'm grateful.