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To: Solar Runners - Printable Version

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To: Solar Runners - Zen_Mechanics - 06-16-2013

[Image: vpq.png]

ID : David Dvir, Alliance

Shalom, I'll make this short we've got some ion activity here and the skies ( skies? ) glow. I have taken over our group of people and I'd like to apologize for the bad relations between us, some things should not have been done or could have been done differently, you are more than welcome to enter 74 and meet us in private, I have many plans regarding the system and we would never tired of new partners.


RE: To: Solar Runners - Remnant - 06-16-2013

--ID: James Harper --
--Location: Dead Space (?) --

A image fades from black, showing a man with spiky blonde hair, looking rather tired.

"I was not expecting anything from you. We were not happy with how you decided to operate, completely ruining the Zoner name. People don't trust us as much now as they used to, and its rather irritating."

He sighs, taking a sip of some water.

"You say you are going to be operating differently, and I can dearly hope that this is true. A meeting may be the best idea, and most beneficial. I don't have nothing against you people as long as you act as you should. No erratic behavior. A meeting can be made at your convenience. We will see what happens from there."

The screen fades to black, showing a NO SIGNAL message.

RE: To: Solar Runners - Zen_Mechanics - 06-16-2013

**Continuing transmission**

Right, well we can meet tomorrow in your convenience, since its our first meeting I will give you the privilege to set the date&time, however I should remind you that Omicron-74 as far as we are concerned is under NFZ regulations, any vessel that has fire-arms on it must not leave the Freeport, If your bodyguards will acomppany you I will need to know the names before-hand to avoid any misunderstandings. I take this very seriously, for both our sake and the security of the system.

RE: To: Solar Runners - Remnant - 06-17-2013

--ID: James Harper --
--Location: Dead Space (?) --

Now, now. Do you take us as a fool? I know how the Zoners operate. Security is necessary yes, but don't you think you are being a little paranoid? Freeport rules are the same everywhere, and seeing your actions almost starting a war with the Order, we may know them more than you. Nobody would dare go against the Zoners, you anger one, you anger all of them. At least for the most part, it has recently been proven wrong about us acting all together.

We will send information on our arrival a few hours before we begin movement to Omicron-74.

Do not make more mistakes then you already have. We will sort everything out when we can. The 'rules' will be followed as up to par. We will send a transmission of a time soon.

--Transmission End--

RE: To: Solar Runners - Zen_Mechanics - 06-17-2013

**Continuing transmission**

I'll be sure to take your note seriously, and coming from an Order background, security is ABOVE all.
I'll be expecting your transmission within the 24h period, until then may you live safely.

RE: To: Solar Runners - Shizune - 06-18-2013

...::: Resending Sending :-: Transmission Linked :::...
....::: Sender :-: Solar Runner Ashley X. Harper :::....

We have requested a time for the meeting to take place over a private channel, please do understand we are expecting to hear from you soon on a time (4-5 hours max).

...::: Link Lost :-: Closing :::...
....::: Relay Link Lost :-: Closing Transmission :::....

RE: To: Solar Runners - Zen_Mechanics - 06-18-2013

**Continuing Transmission**

Right, I'm at my office now at our comm station, You may drop a visit now if its convinient. I'll be expecting you.
David out.

RE: To: Solar Runners - Shizune - 06-18-2013

...::: Sending :-: Transmission Linked :::...
....::: Sender :-: Solar Runner Ashley X. Harper :::....

Roger, our leader will arrive within an hour, if not, soon, please understand we have to prep our launching ships.

...::: Link Lost :-: Closing :::...
....::: Relay Link Lost :-: Closing Transmission :::....

RE: To: Solar Runners - Shizune - 06-19-2013

...::: Sending :-: Transmission Linked :::...
....::: Sender :-: Solar Runner Ashley X. Harper :::....

We waited for your leader in 74 for about twenty minutes and no one has shown up, please message our leader when you "DO" have the time...

...::: Link Lost :-: Closing :::...
....::: Relay Link Lost :-: Closing Transmission :::....