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Bounty Contract board between BHG|Core and Reaver Mercenary Company - Printable Version

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Bounty Contract board between BHG|Core and Reaver Mercenary Company - Bounty Hunters Guild Council - 06-17-2013

A signed and agreed bounty contract now exists between the Bounty Hunters Guild Core (hereinafter 'Core') and the Reaver Mercenary Company (hereinafter 'Reavers').

This bounty is valid anywhere except the Omicrons.

The targets of this bounty are any and all Order ships.

The Reavers will be paid as follows:

Order fighters or bombers: 1 million SC
Order small cap ships (gunboat class): 2 million SC
Order large cap ships (anything bigger than gunboat glass): 5 million SC

Bounty claims by Reaver pilots will be posted here, and payments made as possible. At this time, 250 million SC is available for payment of claims, and additional funds are available.

Note that this does not in any way invalidate any bounties upon the Reavers that any regular Bounty Hunter ships may wish to attempt to claim - or vice-versa. This agreement is specifically between the Core and the Reavers.

RE: Bounty Contract board between BHG|Core and Reaver Mercenary Company - Haste - 09-08-2013

[Image: GW6jmpl.png]

It took a while to track down an Order pilot outside of their beloved Omicrons. Once I found one, however, he met his demise pretty quickly.

Name: Order|Nicholas.Rogers.
Value: 1,000,000 Credits.

Guncam Shots: [ Scan, Destruction & Location ]

[Image: icd5tEe.jpg] [Image: MOkAvhs.jpg] [Image: ZJlDKzz.jpg]

Payment to: Cerulean.Reaver

That'll be 1,000,000 Credits. My account: Cerulean.Reaver

[Image: commslinkend.png]

RE: Bounty Contract board between BHG|Core and Reaver Mercenary Company - Andrew Walsh - 09-27-2013

[Image: CommsLink3_zps69194683.png]

So an Order fleet was lurking about Leeds yesterday and I managed to pop one before they all fled, didn't quite get the location snapped for ya, but plenty of witnesses if you need to ask around.

Name: Order-Bastet.Wing-2[D]
Vessel: Bastet
Class: Very Heavy Fighter
Location: Bretonia, Leeds
Payment due: 1,000,000 Credits
Scan | Neutralization

Total amount due: 1,000,000 Credits | Account: Carnelian.Reaver

RE: Bounty Contract board between BHG|Core and Reaver Mercenary Company - Implosion - 10-23-2013

[Image: gabby-proper-size.png]

Outstanding job, gentlemen.
As for the delay, I'm very sorry but we had a small problem with our employees.
It's all sorted now and I'm here to make sure every single kill gets paid for.
I've also wired a lil' something on top.
Consider it a compensation for the delay.

[Image: screen154_zps561e31bb.png]
Anyways, feel free to torch as much order ships as you possibly can.
Daniels, Out.

[Image: gabby-out-v7.png]

RE: Bounty Contract board between BHG|Core and Reaver Mercenary Company - Jansen - 06-23-2014

Official faction gone, board gone.